XI Nh. 1 A Vlr HKAII.N SCARCITY ARELETG0 ninf 0i Jlolor ruci m ouum- iuiuunuiuis ui 4iaii internment Dominion Means Sacrifice Posts Are Suspended Pending . Inquiry Into Escapes . on f!P-nasn-' .,!,. n Wcf Zealand has Ottawa. Anrii 2n: tc.Pt iinn ed a point where it requires j. u iiaiston, minister or national sacrlfVe" on the part of prl- defence, said today that two camp motorists and "thoughtful commandants had been tempor-pment' by owners of com- arily relieved of duties at a north- il vehicles and cosiness car,, western untano internment camp tie Minister Peter Fraser of pending official Inquiry Into a Zealand has said further ra- break of twenty - eight German imv hpMvmp neces- nr'i nnpr List wpplr Thpv nrp Mat in the Interests of the de- or C. B. Lindsay and Major E. V. 1 of the country. Torrance. The minister said the j i inJiciMntu nolnr. in Co.- npMnn was not. nrptnrt rln thp nf- reeardlng its position as fleers and the fullest Inquiry into nlln. tt wimmprplal VP. t Vin Mtgtun will hn marfp The on. I to the soutnern Dominion quiry conducted Dy uenerai j. r. total Imports from all F. Embury, will commence Monday a- --XI' !- 4111 Ui, UllUVI vw. , . t m-m m m mm m-m M lack of new vars on the A rTAVJLi J I JLiJlY f of octroi In torce for over unriib .. - awe-More Prisoners Taken CAIRO. April 28: (CP I A con- "Wion of Axis troops near To- Ult Was hrnlron V.,, In(nns( frln, J irp irnm ho rpanriiarn n.utii is nrnv nor enph a t.norn tV,- ' " T ' r axis iorces sceKum vance into Egypt the Drltlsh Jand said today. IE"" advices said that the 4xL, S.arrlson at Tobruk took 130 il? ncrs without suffering 1 "We casualty in beating off a inacK on Thursday. TODAY'S WEATHER Rupert-Clear, northerly publics Would Seize No Less Than 169 Foreign Vessels WASHINGTON, April 2C: (CP) Representatives of twenty-one American republics recommended today that their nations take over more than ICO foreign vessels idle in their ports and use them to "promote the peate and security of the continent.'' The Recommendation was by the inter-American financial and economic advisory committee. REFUGEES Ik ARE AIDING Alice Receives Thanks From Needy Groups in England r'-'wi v iulcI) milii ivh' r r rnn mi ui.mi ivuuni"-v --- -The A n J . . . . 1 . i .IL- TP. Annh 4'i overlapping and duplication omtesse thanks the Canadian wo "Msport facilities, particularly men for ive cases l. l ... , . mi it tn. - "vuivjiw. currier bcivivj. ct ThAmas n aku . uiwwi ana iizls oeen dul mio Kirtnon nf the uanaaiau tumiiuM- - w ice. oalU . , i ft i -!-. ttnnn iii. the material snipped na .In transport. 1 The letter from the Vlcomtessc .says: "The refugees here have near- nnAirmi w TlV ly HI tried to get wo u..u ;v KKI IK H il I IK I who could not Join tne i BubjIt wa,, fnrros have heen taken on at mun itions, engineering, shipbuilding and Air Ministry factories. They have been allowed to take their families with them and are settled at various points all over the country. -ThP fishermen are working for there arc and the common cause nouloune ana -iini, n Dieppe families living in Cornwall and Devonshire. . All these people write us for honso linen for they behind them. The left everything Bulletins K.CA.F. MEN KILLED PEMBIIUKE, Ontario Two men of the Royal Canadian Air Force-were killed in the crash of a training plane near here BIG EGG OKDEIt OTTAWA Tne British Food Ministry has ordered 5,000,000 dozen eggs from Canada, the largest single order ever placed in the Dominion. SEVENTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD VANCOUVER The late F. W. Dowling, former Government Telegraphs official, who died yesterday, was 78 years of age. Funeral will take place here under Masonic auspices. ROAD WORK IN NO 111 II VICTORIA A $1,500,003 road program for the province provides for attention being given to the northern transprovintial highway. I WARNS ROOSEVELT BERLIN The German press speaks of President Roosevelt's ' talk of German invasion of-' Greenland as an hallucination. It warns the President that he ! may "get his feet in hot water" by his proposed naval activities. INSURANCE WITHDRAWN . . NEW YORK British and American companies have withdrawn ' all insurance rates on Japanese ships. Such insurance may now be obtained only by special TROUBLE IN SHANGHAI SHANGHAI The Japanese sec-lion of Shanghai was cordoned off today following bombings allegedly by Chinese terrorists. KEEP AXIS GUESSING WASHINGTON In order to keep the Axis powers "guessing," strict silence in, regard to the movements and activities of United Slates naval vessels on the Atlantic has now been ordered. KIEL HARD HIT AGAIN t 1 v Sfrtaft Tomorrow's fides rt and Oueen Char- .. 21.0 ft. IUgh 1:34 a.m. iW. Ia. i.isht to moderate 14:08 pm. 19.4 It. Sfi ":vrd m"d' Low 8:09 am. 3.3 ft. clouay w"b"- 20:06 pm. 6.4 ft. 4.7- m'.'iSimr NOICTIIERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., SATURDAY. APRIL 26, 1911. ' 11.11! PUSHING ON NEWCASTLE '.ORGANIZE TO ATHENS IS RAIDED, AIRF0RCE Oerman Troops Pass HistorR: Northeast English Town Suffers Thousands Of Men Get First Les- Thebes British Still Withdrawing (he army llyed up to; Its tradition as "brave soldiers." Weather Forecast Heaviest Attack of War From Luftwaffe ATHENS, April 26: (CP) Qer- LONDON, April 26: (CP) The man troops, driving towards Ath- thickly populated northeast English en , have pushed past historic town of Newcastle suffered the iThebcs, 35 miles from the capital, most serious raid of the war last and are driving across the. plains night with casualties feared heavy, nf Marathon authoritative Greek Tt was not a nartlcularlv lone raid. Summary sons At Depots in loronio, Brandon And Quebec City By LEO MacGlLLIVRAY Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO, April 26: (CP) An integral part of the vast British Commonwealth Air Training Plan ni.art said tnrfav 'a Cairn pom- hpi nvr hv mirinleht. hut It was are the Manning Depots, at Toron- munlque merely reported further very intensive. Many heavy bombs t0 Brandon and Quebec City, witnarawai or uruisn iorces. ana incendiaries were aroppea. There are conflicting reports as There were light raids .during the ar a"u "lct f , to the position of the British Ex- night elsewhere In north and east Ihelr first contact with .u the Royal pcdltlonary Force in: Orecl:e. One England, the coasts of Scotland and Canadian Air Force. .. statement said yesterday that the north Ireland. There was a single , IIerf Tront; 111 avrhu,ge b,u"d the Canadian National Ex-wlth mot of the British,, had escaped raider over North Ireland which jg hlbition Once devoted to livestock tanks and equipment but an- was driven off. London had no thr saw tviav that nrituh Tm. .Urm. iot ntht show,., thousands of young men American 55,500 pounds, 8.9c Depot here, both In admln tratlve PRICE: 5 CENT3. ore Canadians Taking Up Arms IDLE SHIPS 'i.J 1 4 . i nAr f In ttftttr tMir. 1 1 1 . 1 1 A . . If pn up unci LJb in libn iv - itr iirctriiLLiTm ui iiiiiciiiiii lie Inland tincc September. 1939. Dcc:mbcr lf 1939, to Jan- iL mo (ShrInniii2 lh control ex- . j i ... tejrc driving and the eposes was quite uiricicnt 'an r.ar;cs was to ciiminau: r- the private owner and of znaiui mThiipfmpnL nv tnc rri ni I'lmininrpl'il vn i r ii llllfl Four Gallon a Month r nnviin f ma niftiu ihv rim ivi WK ltt tfk Inn Itnpi-AtU til Pr ... . t wt. l rr . Kuuuiis ni in to ii norscw w wiwwifLU. nut i t t . . . t. ..fiinAAp 1t Tnrrlanrl VTTIIVIO V W... JJJ ill V. vehicles are allowed sufficient tcss dc la Panousc to the Princess rtyow uic iitcuatu awiu- Fxencn UCiUbtto 11 ums1' . hum w v CC55 iVliti. la .....-o ui 'in in 1 ps snruin rr inn nil ri i if . . r v i'rv.i nrii iajlil w w i'" w uuuioi; t) provided with supplies suf fi- itlie Governor General. Their Ex- ,l inr rhA havIh i . . i nn m nrn i wn -wan itvuo. 'rpiicncin- ratmu j f it. 1. 1 m A, v vaiivu ia CllOUlt: wiab rOlTiC licit. iu an Jiinaoaijr f ""VU) i 1 IlC V lCUIIlH-3"- - ----- P ITnH a h nM nhU trt ... ... 1 J OTin 1 lllllllltl A Alice " ; . n r m i i. ii i i ai i . i a t i (tan i rr i i ii" WILL STAY INJ0RCES Men Now Taking Compulsory Training to Remain for Home Duty Overseas Volunteers Sought OTTAWA, April 2G: (CP) Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence, today announced that men undergoing four months' compulsory training period for the reserve army will be retained in the, forces for duty on coastal where the future pilots, observers, defence and internal security. perlal forces wereStUl holding (Nazi quarters In Berlin said that uuuus . u.c uslmenis ior reiniorcing unus. Arriving from various re-1 Col. Ralston said that at least positions, German sources, on the overnight attacks were concen- other hand, clalmcdithat the Brl- trated on Newcastle and that fruit "s stations acff tn,e cun' the men who form the first tish had been tapped. Heavy heavy, damage was done to the big try they receive their air force two classes now training under bombln? bv the Nazis of no.wlblc .e.mdprlanrl flvinar boat factory UM.u iuiV-muiuu " embarkation points continues with there). dive bombers attacking British transports in Greek harbors. King George II and h cabinet held their first meeting on the Island of Crete. A statement over the Athens radio said Greece had done Halibut Sales as important as anything else, tney learn their first lessons in air force discipline. The average stay for a man at a Manning Depot is 30 days. The personnel of No. 1 Manning Col. Ralson also forcast a recruiting drive to obtain about twenty-two thousand volunteers for overseas service. The .minister said that overseas volunteers were needed to overcome shortage in quotas of en- ishing in July and August would be needed to relieve men now on duty in Canada but he declined to forecast how many would be required from future classes or whether any assigned to duty on completing training would be re- ic rft a8 an hnnw't nation nri a"d 7c to 9.4c and 7c. staff and trainees, is as varied and! turned to civil life before the end J f -- . o rl t r 1 nfifl n.imHc 0 on1 nrti-mAriAlif m nt aima w411 flil In I il. uaiicuiiaii jyuuiiM-Ji v (tit uoiitvyvn ua.it tw is lit; mill AtllU UI fj mC WAT, 7.1c and 9.1c and 7.1c. any or His Majesty's services. Wing1 The minister said that, within American Commander G. N. Irwin Is officer1' the next two months, transfers of Western, 30,000, Storage, 8.9c and commanding. Second In command: troops will take place as coast de-:. Is Sqdn. Ldr. Gerry Nash, one of fence battalions change v'atc Reliance I, 16,000. Booth, 9.3c Ihe Canadian aces of the Royal with battalions in the interior of General Synopsis A disturbance and 7c. . Flying Corps in the First Great the country. He said this would Is approaching Vancouver Island Cascade, 9,500, Pacific, 9.4c and War, He served with the famous give needed, change to many who from the southwest. The weather 7c. ha,ibe5DIair.and mlltUui the coast.! - -Canadian " West Coast of Vancouver Island i Mae West, 14.500, Storage Light to moderate southeast winds, and 7c. fair and mild and becoming cloudy , R. K., 3.300, Atlin, 9.1c and 7.2c. tonight. M. I., 3,200, Storage, 9c and 7.1c. Canada's War Chiefs Air Commodore George Owen Johnson M.C. ' Deputy Chief of Air Staff llvcred to the Dominion Archives. reiugees. wno nave - Frances were mostly wives ano thcy escape agan and get to out of the to make it safc for where he remained until the pre- chlldren of men who nap .-TTruar or Lisbon. Others come A11ied reconnaissance planes. His! sent conflict started. Air uommo- . u.iiv nrp there or soldiers wnosc I vented them from continuing to serve "Ev'ery week brings quite .number of men. mostly lads of 18 and miles per hour; barom- 20, who have escaped Fiance. temperature, 4G; sea I their lives from occupied foot on Some cross the Pyrenees CoUishaw and had a healthy bag had been on. twenty-four dutyon . -'to'tfj credit before" lie "Was" ca'pi 'the coast for many months and 9.1c tured and months. imprisoned for Fit, Lt. Sterling C. Campbell is third In command, a sort of per-' sonncl manager at the depot. He' broke a contract with a Holly-' wood studio where he was a tech-nlchal director on aviation films to join the R. C. A. F. at the war's i start. j Mass Messing ' A lour of the depot can take all day. There are vast dormitories, mess halls and kitchens. With a i.taff of less than 100 the business of feeding thousands of healthy, hungry young men at each meal ,gocs like clockwork. I Thp tne meais, meals, bv Dy the me wav. way, ' are are the uic; . , ,, p 44 a a who ,i. is I,.' . Quiet and forceful is the yount; man of , n. wonder production of good WI111UU1 1 mans lllOI Ui UL. U1U1 1 X-JA, teWU . 1 the war and With the founding of the Royal cm, . . . ..ntr tht Hpr 18 would give Interior units well up i on training a chance to apply their training. Where practical the troops will be moved part way by road to furnish rest of transport, billeting and bivouacking arrangements. ft Pussy Deserts Ship Founders Crew Fire Bedding As Distress Signal When Wrecked On Eire Coast Canada's Deputy Chief of Air Staff. Air Commodore soup served from a huge vat I rosslare, Eire, April 26: (CP) George Owen Johnson, M.C. is also Air Member for Or- and found it good. The average when a steam trawler's lucky ' Ionization and Training and as such plays a leading role menu Includes soup, meat, pota- black cat Jumped ashore, the crew in tho tne vist vast Commonwealth oronO""6 Air Traininc Plan, lt " " has toes, another vegetable, gravy, des-hooked at each other glumly, dell s tea bread butter cheese and dded lt was a bad omen cat UCCn niS responsiumiv iu man aim uiuaiuic nit- onuw.o nnnIps Anfl the ,bovs 4.an co back .haH lwn on thp shin four vears. wncrc incrs are turnca oui capao c i tor as many helpings as they like, of delivering the goods in the Battle phy" German planes which he de-. kitchen is something of a of Britain. Johnson talks of I warned the other members of the crew we should have bad luck," said one seaman. A few hours later the vessel of clotolng theVval Air Force Is Continuing Its the Air Force calmly and clearly, Canadian Air Force in 1920 John- .ln.between.. snaclcs thcre ls a Y.' struck a rock east of Carnsore hioks money offensive Against Nazi Terri- making his job both understand- j son re-opened Camp Borden as tuck pcln Wexford Qre, crew of W ReKTotherl t0 vlijerlin Bombed Last able and interesting to the lay- Station Superintendent. He ha. look after ll were rescued by Rosslare harbor i ii i i i. a lt mtllVi 4Va Alt J?nmr Night . . evcr man, renccung eariy uraum.s ,,.h pntprtalnment of the men cen- lifeboat .six hours later after they and experience as a teacher hvsince, never douoting ior a mo- ft , had turated their bedding with ,thc schools of Dldsbury, Olds and.ment that t wouia e neeaea neyc'r & duU momcnti A typical1 coal-oll and set it ablaze as a dls- The Mm0nton( In Alberta. again as t b mnngn .h'WCek's includes cribbage tress signal. toNDON April 26: (CP)- program , RoaS f aunched a heavy' Johnaon was born in Weedstock.lmany poste '?nJ ItouinanfenU. boxing and wrestling, "Tnere was a sudden grinding .7 I L Forc Kiel last nisrht and Ontario, and after going through the R. C. A. F. in the North West, movies, 'crash." one or the trawlermen said <f. ," at numerous the public schools there headed .went over to England to Staf Co - almost ev'ery night '.afterwards, "and those who were s rJ r VnP,nmff Berlin, west to Alberta Normal School in lege at Anaover servea '-and 0er features. asieep below were flung from their ... .... fainrorv tn nnisn nis Lra.nun.li. xie'uuik uu tv-wjr ui I . .1 ... i n iuy . k.mU. Mr a . 1 , ! tons nf UUO Ulll V iJttU a iiou " w.v .- j . . and "" raid on Kiel ceptlon of technical training In in the atmosphere of peace heavy explosives and incendiaries but also ln the I retrenchment, experienced tti the l were aroppeu. nraniiat.lon ,f cadet tralnlns.scr- tntinX to- continutag Its heavy I Air Force is instructors In Al- attacks on enemy shipping and.j points aiuiis ut uiiooiuii vuuuv and em- from Brittany ln fishing boats or .services won for nun xne Military -aore jonnson wtv . T. mhraltar fromNorth'cross and the Croix de Guerre., England to go oyer with the R A. liy u jiaiiu w w During the last six months of the Africa. These soldiers have no ex- i tiitataj tra clothing of any Kino meir gra- t ln chhlre, England. In utnrfp to Canada Is beyond expres- june of 1919 he returned to Can F. sUff details of the Air Training i.. ada with a collection of "war tro- shall be done. Oillli mlnlstratlon and the tUamc. cVinm nonrlv pvprv nlffht ployment of the Air Force in every 'vlslUn artlsts nve bcen most part of Canada, assisting the Civil J1 ; t , , wl SSi pereTSlonpecial performances for the ..... ... ! I 1 V.. rnroele fnr HICH. . 1 , ,. . ,n w,,,t For tor World worm war war one, one. jonusou oumisuu iiwuuuiB, appuig, uaauuis uuomift u.k eluding Norway, nouanu, 1 odd Jobs that i nere , u l un, "' " up with the Royal Naval disease pests were ",:dj Air Force lost three ' 1 planes In yesterday's activity. ,3- - "' "TM7 Johnson went to Im- groups who do sewing and'sucri l ior "I vice ln France In September with rioi Tvifpno nollPrp In Emrland. the ooys. -men mere are u ry, waa w C3 W ' " ... hPV nrp nartlcularlv twentv hours flying experience, and on his return to Canada was auu, u...v..o . - - - A-. . . lar tailors of the depot some of ill 1 1 . . . . Im V f ftmn f f. y. .-ad .hr'eo r 1l ! ?J- "ITS StSS U bned Wne ,inoi'ai'w"" m spanlsl.concentrat ? on camps r b-harged charged with keeping tne iiunswitn headquarters neao.quan.eis at Vcouver, vtuiwuiw, J0ek- ... own . IO H V vj-w-w office, manned by men of the de pot. Probably the most unpopular place during the Void months is the bull pen. The men arise at o.ou Plan. He has tackled his gigantic Jam. and their first chore is "P.T." new task unflustered and steady, confident that a good Job can and And the P. T, drills take place in the the bull bull pc not heated rushed on deck to find developing a heavy list. traineco. When we lowered the boat the roper were carried away and the boat bapslzed. We managed to right it and bale out the water." QUEEN'S AIR RAID FUND The Queen's Air Raid Fund ls coming along very well and a few more contributions will bring lt to the even hundred dollars for Prince Rupert to send. Absolutely no canvassing ls being done, all the gifts being purely voluntary. So far the standing Is: 'Previously acknowledged ,.......$70.00 penand the bull pen Is Mrs. M. Robertson, Massett.,. 5.00 I Sieve JHUg lUiu viiuuicir.