2 SE aca Ne ER THE DAILY NEWS. THE DAILY NEws To Turn Rich THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Continued trom Page 1. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates } Against this assured and perma- on application. nent advantage other cities with} more or less artificial claims SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daly, 50c|, per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All| upon this northern trade cannot iong Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly|¢,-esight and unremitting en- in advance. ergy of our friends to the south HEAD OFFICE | be copied. Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. To geographic conditions nat- BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES juraily splendid we have added) New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City commercial eee z a : . & make us supreme in the north. eee Sound mene Co. Sais /At the sieate time the north is LonpoNn, ENGLAND —The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trurik Building, Trafalgar | comparatively quiet. That fic- ns ltitious mushroom growth of Scpscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of|stampede days has been sup- non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. |planted by a permanency in the —— : oe — lopment of her mining enter- a prises sufficient of itself to con- DAILY Epition. ages Monpay, ‘May a7 Prise the most skeptical as to its —— == | futi ire. The immense dftedges at lwork there on the Boyle-Guggen- THE CANADIAN CLUB IDEA. |heim interests are of such mag- Tt jnitude and capacity as to stand The rapid spread of Canadian Clubs in the west is one of! almost without a parallel in the the most significant signs of the times. The church, the school| world. The time is not far dis- and the Canadian Club each has its own place in the making of|tant when it is confidently ex- good citizens. For busy men of affairs who have not the time Ree a Bora SPre CUD US” OF : | the Yukon will be not four mil- to wade through the mass of books and pamphlets issued each} jj,n< or five millions of dollars year dealing with public questions, addresses by men who are|but twenty millions anually. able to present authoritative views are of great value. The| Interest in the north has de- growing habit of publishing these addresses puts within the|¢!ined with the trade, and cham- reach of members much valuable information in concentrated DEES: OF GOMMACEOS, | DOREGD: OF trade and business men of the form. southern cities have their eyes The Ottawa Canadian Club has just issued a volume con-|turned toward the Panama Canal. taining the addresses given before it during the past season.| While the opening of the canal The scope of the subjects and the eminence of the speakers|™@yY Tevolutionize or paralyze make the book exceptionally interesting. Some of the more PeOne : OORE One On Sak COSS, each of which is a possible out- according to the opinions transportation men effect, at best a exists no such un- trade the addresses Reform,” New Zealand by Dr. W notable events were banquet to Earl Grey before his return come, George W.jof leading “The Rela- the actual Joseph Ward: surmise, there United States pure food eee Pee of the north. **Co-partnership,” Hon. W. J. Canada,” the to England, and by Perkins; Between Public Health,” on “Prison by Hanna; and tions and by Sir ‘The ley, expert; “English World Literature,” by Dr. Richard Moulton; In the natural course of events “Th Ideal Capital City,” by Thomas Mawson; “Ice Conditions on|we will get our share of the the St. Lawrence,” by Prof. Barnes; “The Dramatic Arts,” by] Panama Canal trade, but only a Sir John Hare. share, while with the north the Were the Canadian Clubs to descend into the arena of trade is all ours if we go after : it, and no such opportunity has politics and take sides, were they to cease their attitude of listen- ever been presented to a Cana- ing to the honest views of all earnest men without expressing|dian city to secure that trade as agreement or disagreement, it would be impossible to secure; Prince Rupert has today. the presence and co-operation of men eminent in all depart- T-ue it is we are a young City ments of public affairs, and the clubs would shrivel into partisan and have scarcely been in a posi- tion to handle a large business organizations of no real value to the nation. las yet, but we see the business Ear! Grey put the case for the Canadian Club in fitting|}man of Vancouver reaching out phrase when he said at the Ottawa Club’s banquet: “It carries|after the trade of Fort George the badge ot no party. It wears the livery of no sect. It is as and the Peace River district, and Prince Rupert sits still and allows this trade to be stolen from under her very This business cannot be unless we are the tonic from the slopes of the free as fresh air that comes down to us as an invigorating Laurentian Mountains. Its sole and nose. only object is to promote the well being of the Canadian nation. | secured “The fact that every week during the winter the men and /|alive to our own interests, and it women of your Canadian cities and towns are addressed by the| is OW up to the Board of Trade best speaker that can be obtained, who has a disinterested mes- ane: onteeprising. ten Of” tile city to inaugurate and carry out sage Lo deliver, is a security of which can hardly be over-esti- a publicity scheme that. will mated, guarding you against the curse of any long continuance|show the outside world that of sectional and Provincial narrowness.” | Prince Rupert is on the map, If they are true to the ideal held before them by Earl Grey,| Might not this suggestion do the Canadian Clubs will remain one of the greatest and most for a start? Invite a number of Z 3 the leading business men of the beneficient influences in the moulding of the national char-|)\ th —fpom Dawson. Fairbanks. acter.—Toronto Giobe. White Horse and Skag- Prince Rupert, pay all Cordova, way to expenses, give them apn excursion as far the train them to show them that road is no myth and that its a pletion is only a matter of months. Tell them of show them our possibilities; quainted with them and and give them an good time. Do this the first step in the consumma- tion of your scheme for cial supremacy will have taken. This cannot be effort and money, to be little can be nowadays. petitors to the south depend upon it; will not give up without a struggle, and will mix brains and money in proportions as would take our rall- ‘om and get ac- their all and needs, around comnmer- been without but come done sure; Our generous to beat us out. Now, sir, this is merely a sug gestion, and [ hope it will we taken as such. This is by nv means the only plan, nor per- haps the best, yet may be the means of bringing out other views. Thanking you for your vaiu- able space, and yours for the trade of the north. W. BARRATT CLAYTON, NO U. 8S. CREWS Railways Must Not Delay Declares Railway Commission. Ottawa, May 24. chairman of | Commission, D’Arey Scott, the Railway tnade is very clear Mia the commission will brook no delay in preventing the Can- adian Northern and Midland rail- ways from carrying into effeet the agreement by which Great Northern trains run into Winni- peg with American crews. He said that’ unless word was re. ceived at once from the railways showing cause why they should not be restrained from carrying into effect the agreement either an injunction of mandatory order with a penalty attached will issued by the board, He said that there would be no need of a delay for a hearing and action will be taken immediately, Iyvice E. J. CHAMBERLIN Appointed President of the Grand Trunk Pacific Pe “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - - Phone 8500. be Vancouver, B.C. Trade of the vont B AD TO WORSE prevail if that prudence, |, | | | | cessories carried in stock. be eeereene een Rap-| Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf aa Coming to Crisis, Accord- : . L. A. Barbeau | ing to Report of Foreigners ral oN Coal and Storage Mexico. | That all Mexico is in the throes a mighty revolutionary up- Cartage, i | | | | W.L.BARKER— | F.M. DAVIS iiu'ts | set | | General Machine Shop and Ship’s . 9: ey ; | Car aneertng. Also agents for Fair- | Three different sizes of wood hoists, IN MEXICO. pats. Bere Se laine and Ac. Phone 89 Sagtnes. Gasoline Engines and Ac- Alberts Block Second Ave. | Se | H. Gordon Sfunro W. Nicholson Lailey | MUNRO & LAILEY | Architects, | Stork Building, Second Avenue. heaval which is rapidly coming Reliable Messenger Service ica timtsisiianetaitataasinta to a crisis and is expected to re-} bleiisins oeay . ilt sstablishmen STUART & STEWART rw oe : ~ ae = Ae “| Phone 58 735 3rd Ave. ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS a ole: spade exdggagi see mp | | Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280} ns si ~ N oD “ Se ft Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 | rouge o New ! an ) \y-| | ng Ame ams and Englishmen} ‘ eT | who have reached the city and ALFRED CARSS, C. V ae | ’ ‘ > bia .C., Ontario, Sas- the Leyland Line steamer City of} RUPERT INN fPiisanste Bare Katchewan and Al) Mexico direet fror Vera Crux. | berta Bars. } “There has been far more nu-|] | | CARSS & BENNETT : merous instances of murder and} | AND BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. persecution of Americans in Mex Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. | ico than the papers in the Unit-|J | rere SUPE WL ESTEE ed States have told of,” said J.} | A WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.8 | C. Walker of England, who ie 7) DENTIST. route to his home. “Most of these - Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. | atrocities are committed by ban- in eS Se ers orga Seas ; ; anas' ministered for the painless ex- | diti, but not infrequently bands traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices . | of Mexicans who call themselves Owned and operated by the Heigerson Block. Prince Rupert. fi-12 | revolutionists murder and rob Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on nin nsliaieaeanene anna ne a “| mericans and Englishmen. the American and European plan. Alex.M.Manson p.a., W.E.Williams,B.A.,L.L.D | One of the refugees said an|f} Excellently furnished, —_ with WILLIAMS & MANSON American woman near Vera Cruz steam heat, electric light, and all Barristers, Solicitors, etc. | recently was compelled to wit- modern conveniences, being abso- Box 285 ness the execution of her hus- lutely first-class in every respect. Prince Rupert, B.¢ I band, who was first hanged by The appointments and service J) —~- me ———— | the thumbs, then had all his fin> | are equal to any hotel on the §/ Plo. BOX 2s PRINCE RUPERT | gers severed from his hands and coast. « | was finally put to death by a file} JOHN E. DAVEY of bandits, one of whom be head-| pat ee TEACHER OF SINGING ed him with a machute. | PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A-R.A.M., LON., ENG The tales of massacre said’ Rates: " to va 50 5 it x day. Heal ee tek eee Vt ate principally from mountain fast nesses of Mexico, where the ban-/| JOHN DYBHAVN dits fel a sense of security, and| Real Estate — Loans | | is claimed that within the past}— G, A, Sweet, Manager. ]! and Insurance three months not less than 65) | . ; > P | Americans were put to death in} had 3rd Avenue Phone at Mexico, while hundreds of others} £2 are now languishing in the ee | PHONE 301 P.O. BOX B04 | Mexican penal dungeons. Some PONY EXPRESS 0 e sricans put to death} 0 e o hg i 2 e th - ) 4 mY al d ‘UNION Q. d. C Mt ANY OF B C., Ltd) SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS DELIVERY SERVICE ere acuse 0 vine assiste the revolutionists and er Baggage, Storsge and Forwarding Agents. For | rely I ana ; they had proper | The new stee] Passenger Steamers Bigs or Mctor Car day or night | faa Lage i bai Sh a : i i ms a 99 Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 | Vv, Say le re grees. é“ h | h Special! This week at Sloan| ( e 0 Sin THE IROQUOIS | & Company, Ltd., knitted silk ties} ak and washable _ chamoisuede| POOL gloves, 50c. See cur window. 6c — | mosun English and American Billiards Delicious ice cream at Keeley’s.| Twelve Tables SEcoNnD AVE j Eanve Prince Rupert for Vancouver - - A . as follows: + P ublic UCKION) scisoisin” . Wednesdays at 9 pm. § Hotel Central Sx; ZsArs | « ¢? Euro nd A n plan, ste |“Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 a.m.) 2 fotonssn sit Waveniences’ ‘Wat MINING "MACHINERY ; $1.0) to 42.50 per day. | Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening Trunk Pa- } Peter Black Proprietor Take notice that the Grand cific Railway Company will sell by public| and Monday morning, auction on Monday, the 17th day of June, pduihitads respectively A.D. 1912, at the Grand Trunk Pacific) ,, Railway Company's wharf at the city of None safer on the coast than these two Prince Rupert, in the province of British coe : ee Columbia, certain goods consigned to fine passenger steamers Alfred C. Garde at Prince Rupert, B.C., San ee Sioa Se and described perenne: : j ; And take notice that such sale is made under and by virtue of Section 346 of the IJ. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 Railway Act, being Chapter 37 of the Re- vised Statutes of Canada, 1906, in order} = to collect tolls, charges for storing, adver- Se | Oo #009 — © 0 -#-#-@ tising and selling such godds. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 13th Fast isappearing day of April, A.D. 1912. L. W. PATMORE, Solicitor for the Grand Trunk Railway 0 t ity Company : ppor unl SCHEDULE OF GOODS ABOVE RE- ; FERRED TO yet in on the ground floor at FORT 1 Crate Vertical Engine. 1 Box Fittings for Engine will Fort G inevitably grow 2 Sheaves i t < 2 Crates Sheaves (each ause fr its trateg location that 1 Crate Fit ings for Sheaves 3 : f a GREAT FUTURE as a 1 Anvil t tir centre i Hoisting Engine the centre of the rich { Crate Cooking Stove t in America—the CARI 2 Boxes d Utensils. 1 Box Paint ’ ir of TIMBER, 1,10( i are Bune hewn I ABLE WATERS, EX 2 Crete 5S g 5 I R VERS, are tribu { Duplex Pump vey ia went tenes P 1 do. Engine 4 aed or 1 Forge Because there are 0,000 acres of 1 Grindstone ter iltural lands, open for pre 1 Chain mn 2 Jackscrews Because f all the railroad that are 1 Pump building that have got their charter to 1 Sack Pipe Fitings build through Fort Georges 15 Pieces Pipe Because all the grain of Alberta and , feel Wire Rope Saskatchewan shall be exported through 2 Scrapers the Pansma Canal, which means that all 2 Sew Guards hat grain shall have to come to Fort 2 Sneaves jeorge before reaching either Prince Ru 3 Colls Wire Rope pert or Vancouver " = 1 Amalga Safe 5 deren Watt 'F latée Because Fort George has a_ better > Jackscrews strategic “Tot atl h than Spokane and is the 9 ATREWAY to the Pacific coast of the 2 Crates Gates ti Bineas Rail PEACE KR IVER COUNTRY, which covers & Crates Patent Electro Amalg. Sep ‘ “wes a oy of the best arators in inad 3 Boxes Anodes for Above. years Fort George will pe 1 Roll Wire Cloth. and Winnipeg are 1 Sack Wood Boiler Tube Plugs la is the time to act The ion i Keel Wire Cable with inpt decision is the man who Dollies. wins, and you have everything to win if 10 Kegs Galvanized Nails. you buy right now, because this summer 1 Roll Wire Cloth will see a great activity at Fort George 1 Pkg. Screens and the prices will advance rapidly i Reel Wire ALL INFORMATION FREE FOR TH { Box Returt, Condensers and Molds ASKING Ne ; B| 1 Case Packing and Lamps i Crate Generator 1 Package Wire SOME GOOD BUYS IN PRINCE RUPERT 1 Case Kheostat 1 Case Electrical Instruments Two lots block 11, section 1, $15,500.00 1 Iron Snatch Box DOUBLE CORNER block 9, section 5, 1 Bdl. Track iron $4,500.09 | 1 Iron Plate Lot and two-room house, block 32 ectior 2 Backs Bolts Fe by gee i e, db 2, se a) 7 Bdis. Washers Lot and house, block 23, section 4, 2 Bids. U Bolts $1,575.00; very good terms. 1 Bdl. Links Lot and house block 5, section 6, 1 Box Fittings #41 ) very good terms , Ming Calicum Carbide Lot 7, block 39, section 7, $685.00 0 ; Two lots, block 45, section 7, 1,100.00; 4 Box Boller | Fittings $500.00 cash r § : 2 Cast Iron Grate ‘ lock 9 7 $75 | 1 Smoke Stack ate Bars One lot, block 7, section 7, $750.00 1 saree Wooden Water Pipe ree lots, block 6, section 7, $1,200.00; 1 Box Hardware his is @ snap 1 Box Engine Parts One lot, block 1 $500.00; best buy i Pusnuity Lumber section 7, : , 3 Recent ows Double corner, block 16, section 8, $750. ne ; Two lots, block 15, section 8, 8500. 00; — nothing cheaper on the market One lot, block 30, section 8, 8500.00 L AND LE ASES. Two lots, block 38, section 8, 8750.00. Th. COLLART Sole Agent Natural Resources Security Oo., Ltd. |} Box 806 225 6th Street Phone 381 LINDSAY’ “'STORAGE G, T. P, Transfer Agents Skeena Land District—District of Cwast, Range 5. Take notice that I, Augustus W. Agnew, of Frince Rupert, B. C., clvil engineer, | acting as agent for Porpolse PATDour Lan Company, Limited, of Victoria, B. C. in- tend to apply for permianion to 7“ the | ‘vllowing described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the most northerly point on Porpoise Harbour of Lot 446, Range &, Coast district, thence north to @ point equa-distant between Lot} 446 and Watson Island, thence easterly ind northerly following a Une equa-dis- lant between the high water mark of Lot Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable, dense the high water mark of Watson! orricg—H. p. Resta CO » @ point on low water mark be r. Centre St. Phone 64, tween Lot 446 and Watson Island on Lake Walnright, thence east to high water > perk. thence westerly ine south periy fol owing h water mark to int ¢ mencement. po Oe SONS OF NORWAY *ORPOISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, 1@ ‘ al LIMITED | Meets {st and 3rd Thursdays at 7 ;}P. m., ab 319 3rd ave. All Nor- ; Weglans are welcome, Per Augustus W. Agnew. Agent. Dated April eth. $918, , Pub, April 8, 1042 HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBAULMERS Funera! Directors Srd Ave. near vtn St. Phone No, 86 E, L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 356. HAND LAUNDRY | Hand Best and dresses cleaning of silk pressing. care Capt. Joseph Janders Prince Rupert Lodge 1.0.0.F. Meets in Vi Ree Block Every Tuesday Evening members of the order in city are requested to visit | All the lodge. Senge et A. DOUGLA W. G. BARRIE, Sec. | Coast |Phone 116 FRED. STORK !| ~General Hardware , alt | —*e—+- 4—-@ I Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware SECOND - AVENUE 0+ - 4-4 @ @ 4 4+ 4 © 4 —e—e— ¢'— oe NOW... Thet we have more front on 2nd avenue, we ere able to sleplay our large stock of beautiful oak furni- the | Section One Lot 19, Block 9, ¢&38 cash, balance 6 and i2 n Lot 39, Block 5, $2 ha ; balance and i2 1 ths z Section Five Lots 21 and 22, | k ' takes the two; tt best the city Lots 14, 15, 16, B k 28 Section Six. Lots 51 and 52, Block 1, ¢§ he-third cash, balance ea Lots 3 and 31 Block 28 three houses rented f ’ month Section Seven. Lot 30, Block ii, $8 ha balance 6 and 12 months Section Eight. Lots with #650 cash payr at a the balance $25 a mont 7 George Leek | List Your Property With Me 618 3rd Ave. (Prince Rupert PPPOOPOOL OD Cg a2 A “NY ORT UN SECTION ONE i nh 4 SECTION FIVE Block SECTION SIX SECTION SEVEN SECTION EIGHT I k 2 2 FOR LSASE FOR RENT |} Store in Hart Block | i i Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd PHONE 317 \‘Valhalla’”’ of S. H. & E.F, (SCAN DIN ANIAN | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at’ } p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave WATER NOTICE FOR A LICENCE TO TAKE AN! USE W ER NOTICE is y Queen ve Fi ( ; | Limited, 07 Cart ‘ K Vancouver, B.C., w t cence to take and use four per second of water Creek, which flows i: direction through u a lands and empties int ‘ lounta Jay near Tassoo Harb« will be diverted at Third Fa be used for industrial land described as show! Water Recorder's office, ! and situated on the East Coast | Mountain Bay This notice was posted on the g ;on the 10th day of April : | application will be filed in the office | the Water Recorder at Objections may be filed Water Recorder or witht { | ler of Water Rights, Parliament bY | ings, Victoria, B.C. Queen Charlotte | Limited, Applicant } By Samuel Pub, April 16. COAL Best Fishing Gon AM |New Wellington Ceal. on the Rogers & Black For Kitsumkalum or Lakelse Fruit Lands write or call on the Terrace Land Co. eS es PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0. Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy. Clover and Grain Seeds. Mail Orders Promptly Attended : Agents aed Stock Food: —~ALL KINDS OF PEED ture and some of our upholstery, curtains, drapery, etc. Bee our show windows at the Big Furniture Store. Linoleums, melee and Lamps on the Crockery and kitchen ae 2nd avenue. Entrance front. F. W. HART CORNER OTH ST. AND 2ND AVE. att ee eee een ee