Urn. Guns, Automatic Rifles and Rifle Grenade Throwers mon ground of actual battle on which to meet for discussion, aj by a grouD of officers anxious to t learn their trade, and readily answered by an Instructor who knew his stuff Russian Equipment PRINCE ALBERT, July 7:-Prlme i Written (or the Canadian Press , By E. CECIL-SMITH Armament and fire power of a Russian infantry bat-! talion is enough to astound anyone whose ideas of in-' fantry units are still based on 1914-18 models. Even the 1941 Canadian army does not begin to come up to it. f My ideas in this respect are based on two thin. 1W-I sonal knowledge of many of theactual infantry weapons' id u. in Russia, and a great mass - , of uiformatlon which I was able ioj"'rr J t TVlra pry loose from various Red Army' HI I I A I I 1 1 l-lV will Vl nffirprs over a two-vear DCilod. Not all of these men would answer a direct question Involving too many details, but when you are curious, have plenty of time, and a com AND PERU . FIGHTING great deal of Information can be I gained. Bombing Raids Across Border and Often I used to sit around In the I Artillery Shelling on Either Side evening, smoking and yatnlng with! I Russian instructors who were sent' QUITO, Ecuador. July 7: CPi-. to Spain to teach the Republican' Ecuador charged Peru with political soldiers how to use the weapons sold and military aggression today folio their government by the Soviet I Iowin8 the week-end bombing raids' Union Or in the quiet of the af-1 411(1 border fighting growing from a ternoon we would lie on the re- century old frontier dispute. j verse slopes of some hill and dLs-1 Steadily mounting reports from cuss recent actions. tne south told of two days sporadic How would such a town have garrison battles, artillery shelling been attacked by the Red Army? the frontier towns by the Per-Or what were the different func- uvlan troops and Peruvian bomb Uons of the light and heavy motar raids on. Ecuador's military out-b Russia' How many light ma- posts, chine guns were there to a Red - Army company? Many.mchques tr-rrt - tlonscould be raised quite naturally. V ISll lft nK Own Constituency We orten used to compare the fire Minister Mackenzie Kim? spent i power of our battalion in Spain to Sunday in his own constituency, the 1914-18 Canadian unit, pat- met and shook hands with many of ting ourselves on the back that we his constituents and took occasion i could deliver as heavy a blast as to thank them for having returned a First Great War brigade, but when him as their member a number of wp heard of the normal equipment times. of the Red Army In 1937-30 we were Tonight Mr. King will address a astounded. Today It may be tven mass meeting here and leave after higher tn some Instances. Take the lowest fire unit, comparable to a Canadian infantry section, or a squad as It would be called in most other armies. This has the fire power of one of our platoons, and Is commanded by a sergeant with a corporal as second to command, competent to take over the squad. Its main fire power lies In various automatic weapons, of course. First among these is the light machine the meeting for Reglna. PRISONERS WAR GET PARCELS TORONTO, July 7: The Cana- vim n iin j Tii. ..... man iveu viirao - r - ST - tu . l Darcels each week to Australian The two guns are about on a par Pj East True, the Brcn gun barrel can be "lu"-! ' Dr Fred nniltiPV toutley, un na-found the enemy, changed more rapidly, but this we here commissioner, announced tlon to be a delusion for In quick- turned over , the man with the na3 , , ..1,,,ue nf hin-'Ployed- is never there when "f 'ttilStal.mM in the East The Australian p he arrives anyway, Of v, v t. ..- weeks. Dr. Routiey saia. nw tewva dlan Red Cross will then ship the has the simpler one. It each week to flvtf Uiousand parcels ms a magazine holding 47 rounds (50 at a Dlnch) compared Lisbon. th30oni.Srr5!En 5000 SlS? Z the number o toasazine Is disc-shaped, thin like Indication o a Dhonni7ror.li nd clumsv ilk- thP 't.pw1s .mm .war." Dr. Routley said uriim It can ho loarlor. Client frnm forgers and requires no loading w though we. found a three-inch f,gth ' string helped protect your linger 'Continued on Page Two) Thf Australian hcq way to Vancouver. Cross., throueh their secretary general, ... , f n-... hn. c. fVll.9 fltr- ure until the exact numDer oi ithelr prisoners is established. The I 'Australian Aiisirallan Darcels parcels will be shipped In u-piftt.. i'-. , ,- . .... are aloiiV with the ten thousand food about the sarhe 'Perhaps Russian hi "com- the Canadian society sends (boxes gun a mo 'table sto"' and Si?, Z that Is of war Ll Ger" a matter of opinion. many. ni'aufuffiSff Sl MlsslTwrt7adier at Booth 10"8 as the ni.f.nor. ,.,in .... been visiting at Stewart passca " .hmmrh the cltv Saturday on her LiBhAHY I VICTORIA, B.r Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Tomorrovs tides Islands Light to occasional south winds, part cloudy and mild High. 0:20 a.m. 22:6 ft. with scattered showers, except 13:20 p.m. 20.1 ft. cloudy In Rupert district. Low 7:05 ajn. 0.9 It. 19:11 pjn. 5.8 It. Da 'te;?c NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXX., No. 157. PRINCE RUPERT B.C., MONDAY, JULY 771941 '. priceTTftve CENTS - - - ' ' Rival M News H Agencies Differ Widely RUSSIAN UNITS NOTABLY HEAVY IN FIRE POWER OOOOOOaOOO0DO0DOOOODOODDODOCODCKtOOOmaOCKOOOO(OOtK)OOfl War News U T Soviet Battalions Strongly Armed With Modern Machine! IMH"o'KHooa GERMANS LOST MILLION MEN MOSCOW The Vice Commissar of Foreign Affairs, S. A. Lotovsky, declared today that Germany had lost nearly one million men in dead and wounded in a sixteen-day-old attack on Russia. lie estimated the German casualties In the first twelve days of the attack at seven hundred thousand and said the averaje dally loss by the Germans was sixty thousand. Lozovsky said he was unable to jive a ratio of Russian losses but said the battles were trowing; in fierceness and Russia felt no lack of manpower. HIT BY BOMBS CAIRO The Royal Air Force announced that several large ships had been hit by bombs in a raid by British bombers on the Sicilian port of Palermo. . REDS TAKE INITIATIVE MOSCOW The Red Army reported today It was taking the initiative in counter-attacks against German triops weakened by heavy losses and told of one roaring battle of machines In which 300 German tanks were destroyed (location not given). Five thousand German' soldiers died In fierce fighting down llif Dvina River toward Polotsk last night, the Soviet Information Bureau asserted today as the Russian troops repulsed elecen Nazi attacks. BERLIN The German high command announced to-lay that 300,000 Russian prisoners had been taken up to, yesterday, claiming that 52,000 Russian troops surrendered yesterday west of .-Minsk. PAINLESS ARMISTICE ANKARA British proposals for a "painless armistice' in Syria guaranteeing the repatriation of French troops was transmitted through a neutral intermediary despite the determination of General Henri Dentz, the Vichy commander, to fight tn the end. BRITISH SUCCESSES LONDON The Admiralty announced today that the eight-Inch gun Italian cruiser believed to be the Goriza was sunk by a submarine in the Mediterranean June 2D.. It also announced' that British torpedoes sunk three axis supply vessels in the Mediterranean. BOMBERS STRUCK AGAIN LONDON Royal Air Force bombers are sweeping the North Sea today while others struck at German-held northern France and sank four German patrol vessels, the air ministry reported. CLOSE TO BEIRUT JERUSALEM Australian infantrymen crossed the Dam-our River twelve miles south of Beirut and captured the strategic village of El Bourn in their drive against the Lebanon capital. TEN GENERALS SURRENDER CAIRO Ten Italian generals have surrendered to British forces in Ethiopia, the British Middle East headquarters announced today. BOMBERS POUND OCCUPIED FRANCE LONDON British bombers pounded German-occupied France twice today in a continuation of the air offensive which reliable observers said jammed the German communication In a deep arc from Brest to Kiel and softened the German defences along a thousand miles of continental coast. moving action, when the gun may e ,in,ai, ;hThMay and Eileen, Is returning today Alice enroute only be fired a iew few bursts du from iium hiv any the costs o thUn"'a"n" to Canada to l" Ocean Falls where he is em- Wright Wright was was fc ne position sPare barrel inrKr iinAinj ir i .in..r .tit .tpnri j Titn.tr Ping upturn. tip IS HlLIlr II fit U. ... . - ... m.nH T. .l. narceis will be "packed in Montreal e barrel has cooled off by the !f "i.fflU,P5S uvrtWv. . . ... Will UU 411 WASHINGTON, July 7; (CP) Forces of the United States Navy arrived in Iceland today. In accordance with an understanding between Roosevelt and the Iceland Premier, naval forces moved in to supplement and eventually replace the British forces il stationed there to ensure adequate defence of the 1 nnlli.fv.f T?nncnvpll. .I.fnrmnfl rinnnrvnoa in ot.no.ril rr.no- sago of a far-reaching step in the American Foreign Policy. He said that the United States could not permit "occupation by Germany of the strategic outposts in the Atlantic to be used as air or naval bases for eventual attack against the Western Russians Claim German Drive s Thrown Back In Five Sectors By Their Counter . Offensive REDS ASSERT GERMANS USING TANKS OF WOOD.TPflflUC AND CANVAS TO MAKE SHOWING NAZIS 1 AW yjl u SAY CAPITAL OF BUCOVINA TAKEN VAST BATTLE DEVELOPING iMOSCOW, July 7: (CP) The Red Army declared today that the German drive had been thrown back by the Russian counter-offensive in five sectors of the front and asserted that Hitler is using tanks of wood and canvas to pad out armored columns. The discovery of these vehicles was said to have been made by the Red Army Scouts in an unidentified sector. BERLIN, July 7: (CP) The Germans claimed today that they had broken the Stalin line, Russia's main fortifications against invasion from the west, and that the Axis forces captured Cernauti, the capital of Soviet Bucovina. The claim that the Stalin line had been broken was made by the D.N.B. news, a propaganda agency and followed German reports that Hitler's troops were jockeying for positions for what Berlin said possibly would be a vast battle. NEW TIME Declares China HAS BEGUN JJ'11 Win War No Matter now Long Trains And Boats Operate' Under Except Union Old Time ON COAST NORWAY Many People Refused Permission To Visit Families In District I LONDON, July 7: Great num-jbers of troops and huge quantities of war equipment are being con-Icentrated on the west coast of Norway by German military authorities, it is reported by the Norwegian telegram bureau In Stockholm. A decree has been issued forbidding (Norwegians to travel in these coastal regions. Only those who can prove to the satisfaction 'of the military authorities that ; their presence Is Imperative are allowed to visit the districts west 'of Bergen. People from, the town of Aalesund, who reside in Oslo and who have applied for permis sion to visit their families, have bein refused such permission. The German high command has, (according to Tellable reports, set up its headquarters at Bergen. The small town of Ulvik in the ,Hardanger- J jord-has been evacuated by all Norwegian citizens. I An unusual number of German I CHUNKING, July 7. Celebrating Pursuit planes are observed dally the entry of China into the fifth over Oslo and a steady stream of ' . . . eVilt-ie Tnnr ViAai raan oinnff r ft year or the war with Japan General ""c " "r ,i.t. iClanc Kal Rhpk crave an nririrpSK In souuiem coast neaatng tor ui? mat coast,- mnnv many inV of of t-hp-m them mem are ' mere was some cuniusiou uus : - whlch , , he tld . of th est successes they mornlne reeard to what time It morning in in regard to v,nai ume it .. camouflaged transports, a(.hlevpr flnH -;.iH thfv achieved ana said ttiey would was but on the whole the change ftfd much no ma"r 11 luOK airouwr has been carried cutithout Inconvenience. It wUl have to be four years V remtmbeced that, the trains, the Canadian National Steamships and the Canadian Pacific Steamships run on the old time. The Union Steamship Company, being a purely British Columbia concern, operates under British Columbia time. Word has been received from J. A. Motherwell that the Fisheries regulations would be operated on the new time throughout the Salmon Arrivals Since Saturday , The following salmon boats ar-1 Secure Thelma S- (Q. C. I.)r 40,000 coho.j Not sold yet. , Coal Strike Is I Settled In East WASHINGTON, July 7:- Word has been received nere oi tne set-t tlcment of the strike at the south-J : em bituminous coal field thus cl- ! imlnating the differential between those mines and .the northern 1 mines. The settlement. Is on the i basis of $7 a dav for all miners- DIED ON SATURDAY Mr. Nelbuhr. died. Saturday afternoon in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The Bishop of Calgary, who has been In Prince Rupert for the last few days staying with Bishop and Mrs. Rix, is leaving on the train tonight for the east. Rotary Club In Helsinki Helps Scouts There CHICAGO, July 7: Finland is one of the few remaining-Euro A. Thomas who came to his home Miss Audrev Wrlaht. dau?htPr of coho, sold to B. C. Packers. I Katherlne Stanton aged WEEKEND DROWNINGS I Lives of Four Young People Lost1 Result of Not Being Able to Swim VANCOUVER, July 7 Drown ings took three lives tn British Co- pean countries In which the Boy lumbia over the week end while re- Scouts are still carrying on, Hitler, p0rts received today at Rivers Inlet, Mussolini and Stalin having abol-25o miles north of Vancouver, told lshed the movement In all areas 0f a fourth last Wednesday. At coming under their control. A Brilliant Adolph Antoss, 22 years of Rotary International News Letter age of Estertiazy, Sask., was drown- item irom HeisinKi mentions . a iea- wnne swimming. Frank Calla contribution of 20-000 Finnish jig years of aee was drowned in a marks by the Helsinki Rotary Club rived here since the week-end with to the Boy Scouts of that city. fish for the Co-op: , ! i Shaula. 200 springs. Booth; 1500 BABY STANTON DIES here at the week-end to attend W. W. Wright, nassed throueh thfi Odny, 2400 springs, Cold Storage; months, died this morning 'In the age, who was drowned while fishing the wedding of Ills two daughters, city this morning on the Princess,2400 cono- sold ,to B- C- packers the Baptist Church in this city. United States Naval Forces to Atlln. Mr. iena. jucu cwio. u. v. irttn.cio. ; Oiia, sou cono. u. u racaera. formerly minister at. Occupy Iceland to Replace British Forces Now On Island OUW CUI1U, Li. i. ratiwcio. vain attempt to save his brother Nicholas aged 13 at North Vancouver. The fatality at Rivers Inlet was 10 'that of Dick Asplund 22 years of Prince Rupert General Hospital, 'from a small skiff. Morning Armada Swept Across Channel And Pounded Centres From Brest To The Ruhr Valley Dortmund Received Heaviest Assault Front Bombers This Morning and Rotterdam Docks Included British LONDON, July 7: (CP) British bombers raided German-held France today in two heavy attacks continuing without letuip an overnight assault extending from the docks at Brest to the Ruhr Valley. Coast watchers saw a morning armada sweep of, heard distant bomb explosions and estimated many tons of propectiles dropped HALIBUT SALES American Torkenskjold, 40,000, Atlln, 12.5c and 11.2c. Constitution, 40,000, Royal, 12.5c and 11.1c. Narrona, 26,000, Storage, 12.5c and 11.6c. . on nonnern fTance. in tne alter- noon new flights swept across the Channel. Dortmund lri the Ruhr Valley was pounded particularly hard overnight and other points raided in-cludjed Munstcr, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Emden and Rotterdam Docks.