PAGE TWO I EACH ROLL OF I PUREX I CONTAINS I MORE I PAPER I 81' SAME QUALITY FLEECY SOFT EDITORIAL Looking To Easter - - - Once more all Christendom celebrates the Resurrection. There is a period of mourning, chasteuing and cleansing culminating in the tragedy of Good Friday, celebrating the crucifixion. Three days later, which' is tomorrow, Joy breaks over the earth, for there comes the assurance that, while today we may all be sad, the bonds of death have been broken and tomorrow we celebrate the conquest of truth and righteousness over the devil and all his works. How appropriate today is that Resurrection message. Today we are fighting against the forces of evU. An effort is being made to subjugate the whole world and make it subservent to Hitler and all his gang of murderers. As Christians celebrated the death of their Saviour yesterday the people of Europe found the hosts of the evil one prevailing in Yugoslavia. .Happily tomorrow is the feast of the resurrection, the day on which the Saviour, the greatest of all democrats, triumphed over all his foes, a happy augury for a bright future for the forces of democracy in Europe. Let us all look forward to tomorrow with joy in our hearts, knowing that there are fnrres in' this world that can overcome all evil. Possibly we have trustee too mucn in tne strength of our armed forces. Tomorrow let us turn for help to the spirtual forces that set at naught all the cunning and brutality of the demons who threaten to dominate the world. Possihlv the miHivntinn of such an outlook in Prince Rupert may be the turning nnl'nf it ... - TIM... X ?iO " yvim. hi me u. it uy nut try il: Not Satisfactory - The War eituation still seems tn he tory. While Africa has been pretty well cleaned Up with the exception possibly of the northeast region, the fighting in the Balkans does not seem tobe going welL In a divided command it is difficult tn o-et that rf ioh which i4 necessary to success. There must be perfect4 faith m tb.ik-a-Jmic unite t-nlrir... 11 i to provide that inspiration which puts every man on his mettle and brings results. . 'to'OU lose anything, advertise for it It Ti, s mterestlng to know when reading the Daily News that theople of the whole district are doing the same united in Marriage Mis Florence Rose BwonKS Bride Of JF C. JrfeRae A marriage of much local ia- tmw cook xare ax i qcxkjl i i Thursday night at the deanery ery Rey. James 3. Gibson D D. jDeaa of SL Andrew's Anglican Cathedral." officiating, when Miss 'Florence .Rose. ,tidet -daughter ol iR. T. J. Rose and the late Mrs. Rose, became the bride of Francis Colin McR&e, son of Mr and Mrs; F. W. MeR&e of Ottawa. A recep- Kkm followed In the Boston Cafe and tbe happy couple left later la the evening for Victoria where I they will rfeiide. The bride, who vas given in marriage by her father. was charmingly gowned 4n shell pink!r"?' taffeta, the gown being designed' 4. .. heart neckline and low fitted vaisJLne beta ootlthed with minutely plated niching of self m bsht kiwi RrTiTOrTj aaVaaa " T-m' Cr m Uo- CW M kr o matchlng accessories and brfrlniwt rrt f-lmatiraw ! iThe maid of honor. Miss Mary ""5 pfcre 1 Maefie. hd "a tovehr floral nattem- - S. Black played tie wed- kitchen chairs. 1 double bed. 2 coace of roses and carnations. If3 dressers. J log -doll boose. 1 the rift of Miss Muriel Vaw beater. ii2 Tatlow St. 'FOR.KKJfl WAJiTEDr- Pyeflable (SSit FOR RENT One room and board far two exa. Phone Green C26. for tzszi; and 3 children. AnoS-f final Box 52, Daily News; LCT-Kitten, -Blackie " V) BOSTON IS THREEE UP LARGfc farnisried office to rent Takes Third Straight Win Over over Daily Kejf: tAppJj at office. Detroit in Stanley Cnp Final 'tf, . , --. DETROIT. April 13: 'CP' Bos-' WANTED Bnites H three straight' '.ma iu taC oaairy trap wends hokeeperprofessSonal hockey championship - . I. .. . - -j wj Wit GENTS"5YAKTED" MEN who can sen i2gh traality Men's Tailored Made-to-Measure Baits. Special Tow Whoteale prices gTen. Ohe experience and reference in applicatJon, nr-les sent oa pproTL -Apply TaUof-ing rpftrtmetrt $5algary Knitting Company, limited. Calgarr Alberta. LOST all biacfc Answers Phone Ka- 727 tm tMake Dor -Store Toar Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Gartee4 . Toin Lee fe 5oii HOUSE OF FINE rOODS" ieiieanng Detroit Red Wings 4 to 2. WAJfTED-Porter and waiter. Cen 'IMf2' pbrrt to" tralHoteL night AH Boston needs to do is r .win this to take the series. WANTED Services ti yoang xaan.' McRae Bros. Ltd, PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIMS -TO GET A GOVERNMSNT JOB as clerk. Postman, Castoms Clerk, Steno,-ettf. Five Domihkinwlde exams ..held since the war-began. Free 'Booklet UJCJC. 'Schools Ltd, Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. YOU CAN RUN A -HOME KINDER-garten with ottr iielp. Canadian Kindergarten Inxtttate, care K. C. c. Schools. Winnipeg. Man. If yoa want sometning, advertise lor it Hundreds of people get what they want that way. (tf) I TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bleytks, Rabberware, Tires, Tabes, Etc, Vnleanhed Ctb St op p. 0E Barber Shop THE SEAL .QUALITY GOLD SEAL Taney Ped Sockeye PINKSEAL "Finest Pink Salmon faded by fee oaly aboa canafajf compaay witfc aa aS Ut year romsi yayroU la Frisco Eapert SKI PARTY AT JASPER Manitoba Enthusiasts Reach Mountain Resort Today JASPER Aprti 12: To spetid a noliday skiinf In the Oanedian Rockies MaSgne Lake area a pan af W.'.r.ipeg ski enthusiasts arrtr-ed here at now today. Included m the Winnipeg party are the Misses Mary Sprague. CharoKte Breen, Florence Ledham. Doreea DaTis. May Webster. Nancy Mathers. Shirley Bdmond. M. Mor. ise and Mrs. C. A Mann of Brandon Ernie Locke Cordon Stewart. 1 Cliff Harvey. W. O. Gray. Alex M&ccauley. E. M Jones. Air Mathe-,scm Marsh Charters. Frank Ban-veil and Don Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. ! Howie Massac arrived In advance .of the party. The party viB move Into Mal-igne Lake Caaiet. arriving there . . . . m time lor dinner tonight. The a , "A. "r.ehalet wlH be the headquarter, out nitou who w prv lea h day side trips wUl be made mat-riaL The skirt extended in q, CIUiiwn I to the Bald HiUs and Trapper Val- fultaess-betow theihialtae and was 01 arnatJons- . lex edged at its ftoortengUi hem wkh "c &1U-""J similar niching. The.simply sqtnr- 4 , w . Peter Vajda and Ernie Neoderer. famous Swiss strides and ski kn- ed moulders extended into rucbed JlJrT, J7.7 wtt be on the )ob to sleeves with pleating. The sweet- f?2- ?Hrt TIlgive aU kinds of aitance. heart hato hat was of self material Word from Fred Brewster, vhc al tulle edged with forget-mt- fr? TT'L1 rwrta handles the ski parties between noti Tne bride's hrwvmot nc nt " " ' " pjilk camarJon and hyacinths, ffr f M 111 ed -dress of e-sheU ribbxa satta din5 March as tbe couple entered 1 T r fT O wfth powder blae velvet waistline ,he l.L.1 J I A ll J CUSSIFItO - port SALE FOR SALE 1928 General ESectric Radio,' GoodC ' Green'450. - FOR aUX-ChSckens. 158. FOR SALE 2 piece 87 Phone Red . 2 scotches, 1 kkehea table. TT fVe tyM St-wiA v&f rvrv ' ,poed by D. G. Bariand. tbe groom .responding. A. E. Richards proposed the toast to the bridesmaid. I : Ml s Betty Woods sang "O Promise Me- and Cape F H. ABwood also sang. G. E. Phimpson gave lreriiatinni that skiing conditions are ideal. Wesch Croxfbrd Basso-Bert TOSAVOY S inters Easy Mctors Over Ranters In Ladies' Bowline Play-off The bride is particularly wt . .known in Prvr p-wrt h,r!nr 111 play-off last evening be- resided here with her family for many years. She has been identi J&xser and Xfalten T.iVp w tha crepe fresh snow is failing regntorty and tween the Savoy Swingers and Rangers for Annette's trophy in ,fied with tb Capitol Theatre al- Ladies' Bow,ln ue the COaUoa Pht mart since its inception and before Swingers .that was at the Westholme victor: over the Theatre. She and her husband "Se dean-ap. proved decisive Rangers with JT-wai have general feUiiaaaDs. wa 2verase scorer Iallr The Wesca " Slrtaen with 236. going away costume of the cheserfield bride was a blatk taUored sail , 1DC raomauai scoring: 5 black hat and muskrat coat with a. SlToy Swinjers- 1 1S4 233 -J39 1SS VIcLeod 1C6 ToUl I Ranters James Grin5trand Aemien . Wrathan Berg ToUl 1 226 152 79 .145 122 71S 2 138 162 206 191 1G9 Phones IS & 19 P.O. Box S75 Easter Candies and Novelties Now on Display from lc up Aho Easter Box Chocolates MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PH0.VE 657 CHIROPRACTOR Btaaley W. Coitoo, D.CJPbX. WUlaec Bloek, Phone Ml Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 15 Heated Booms Hot Water Steam Baths Diaiag Room in Connection Mrs. a E. Black, Proprietress FRESH SHRIMP Dally After 4 pan. BOAT W.SX. TROTIEfrS DOCK 3 m 21S 232 209 3dC 8U 1U3 2 3 126 123 240 136 171 ?6 Try a Daily News Want-Ad 148 157 149 169 207 S20 1 EASTER Sotordav ?r FOOTWEAfi' Autlicntlc Styles to Suit the most Jl'astidious FeL Your outfit is not complete without an up to the minute elasticized pump in wine, blue, brown or black. Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates A. Mar.Kfinzift Furniture lid A GOOD rLACE TO BUY VELLO WASHABLE WALL FINISH IN COLOR Why Velio is superior Beauty, light refler.. orr.y speed odorless washabliity There " due to sh: y Less candle light is retju..c1 a- expli-.n to you See us for your reure r Thone S JZi 3rd Arm UNION STEAMSHIPS 11 SPECIAL DAY CRUISE To Port Simpson EASTER MONDAY (April 14th i Leave CX.R. Dock 9:00 a.m. Arrive Port $infr Noon Ixavc Port Simpson 2:00 n.m. Arrive Prince Rupt 5:00 p.m. EXCURSION PARE $1.50 HETI RN CHILDREN HALF FARE Arrommoditton CcmfortablT Limited rt'AVW T CL'IVVTP ' a .:J A w f&ot Si diii.itiLilt m I IUIC M U l i ACUff AUUU rfav- EASTER NOVELTIES Now On Display Priced From 5c to $3.00 Make Your Selections Early Ormes ltd. TTfut Pioneer Dnuzp is ts Tbe Kexall Store rhoctJ II 0 Open DaHy fros I lb. tm It Sandays and BoUaan rm 11 U 2 T (- ak Wanted-Raw Furs jgffi Ship to J. E. OEMBXDI, Prince R"! klCy Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPAQ Phone 711. icv r.. irA Ave. - "