aDoaooD0oaDODOCMMonaoo0oo)oooaoooaaooHjeKHKioiMc . A 1 . - "f a....!, inrrrs cruisen mp- ii rnvuviin - .t . - .(tvi A1IU iaca w v t rt a. miles .l . tUrr hat lift cnsulnr. flf-itUl nlin.. - j in. m ----. F""va n.ic icuuiiru irxninc .w. vuVt vviuuni( sna roainine-runnlnc .j Rrlllsh-Greek defence line. Th rtnv-i ai. c-a. r 1 1 iiiv " - j . a ui li. m n aralnsl iransDOrti and unV mlnmm I n h rntmv. Two British nlinn n.r mlin. x. i.. v..mCliv forces to the north irrr niit9nnrln. 4- .1... . advance of tne wans across their country and there was un- 1 ntr as 10 wncmcr or nuv wiey naa Deen successiul In nre- ihn Germans from loininr with the Italians i n Albania n..lni Ihe occUDation Of Zacreb. the German ur mntl. to have crossed the sava iuver and taken the towns of 1 an 1 Samhar. Berlin rlalmf-ri Ihaf Am rnmhat" and that th rnval famtlv Ya fUj i...r n 1 nnp nmiu. nuwcTcr. ixie i ufumti wpr rnnriri in effectively driving against the mlians in Albania, one report j - ihii inrv iiau even inaiu tu ; iiuuvi scanuri ni iinr rimrman numucrs nave uccn rrucaitaiv nnn nravnv ai. TURKEY IN STATE OF SIEGE ANKARA A state of siege has been declared in Turkey. . ... .nllnitp althnurh thl Ati nnt tmnlv. It I ta.fl that rue t v" - -- f ill norccarilv h rlrawn inlrt th war. ENGLAND HEAVILY BOMBED' LONDON Bristol was subjected to another heavy and . t 1 a f'l A t ti 4 n; v nnmn aiiarit ri r u i. wnii i.uvrnirv aim ivi rin .m d n I hmt t'M All 3llp nur atllPirs I nurtc- nitbt Ten German raiders were brought down last night, l4 1 Mll ft.. f... Htt4. Lmv rnirtv m dii lur iiic usi iuui uicuia. RACE FOR SUEZ BUHAPEST The race for Sues is now on. observers here Mnrh will denend on now lonr ureece can noid out. 11 Germans can continue their drive through Libya into HITTING INVASION COAST LONDON The Royal Air Force struck again last night Bordeaux was also attacked. Buildings on the Frisian Islands D Oil IUC J . BRITISH GENERAL CAITURED LONDON The War Office announces that Major General rtii i anon ucwiari nas miicii 11110 enemy nanus wiiuc un . . t. - ItUJI. i-,. TIT 10 l"C iiirauic 111 A Mill 1 Ii l I J ARE FIRST . - . . . i r 4 r i nirn in nh Shows awa Ann 17 it.ri & v U I V..w. " - . " I Uiiij oi(,iinj. t I T w . llica oui y t j LU CM ,,j.v.t . Kv. vv. wim one cnnu 6iuwtu a ouiui&o . ..... - nron at live ciujujc-ii w na ann vrvniinn I n inula ... ... , , i ' " " i -. . - . Tr ail nil if". wiiii.ii uiliuuiu ... unaneneiown, iuuiu, Quebec. Montreal, OtUwa, Toronto, . - imiflnn winniDen. adiuhwn. atiVB infnt-mlMnn are shown . . . j. monton ana Vancouver aa'6a '- nrst tamiiv nvine exnenai- . . ..,. l.1u w , . ... . ' ica very iivue iuk4jci, utws .... .... .,-- - , cnuaren lamuics wnnc T salaries were savcu onu ... - jn iive-cnnarcn immuo umj . ........ - .ani rT inrnmp savuu. 1938, on the Initiative of the ,,, nrPttv well nnr mn t ri iitT nn in t' 1 1. . i t -1 i ,A. 111.. I Food a Price l rice i-evcis Levels amontr the French-SDcaxinE surveyed, were the average in on im.. it I ..(ti. 'v.wt r, , uiiKio 4aitbvu ...... interestlng fact was that costs per person In Western varying per person more than nnnlln m n.t.A Edmonton and Vancouver. was discovered that the most acteristle ramrp nf RnBllsh- 1v (in . h I . a Ann .uiik was oeiween ?i,uu 199. For the Frcnch-sneak- groups in Montreal and Quebec! n nf . .'. . . ,ulCJsn racial origin sugnv-' .jy Uie same time the average net " "ounted to $1,433 of which 92 V-tllL WOe vn Mm . i i n . j - AAttr v i nnr ppni uer l l liiui ucub v ... . 1LM 1W tmwmw amines coming wurun ceruun . $500 - ciiica oy uie neaa ui 1A It. - eu average was $1,315 hoLLschold furniture and equip- , ... ... nr nmnertv . K"'"" ..... m.ln malnlv v rnvrnnt rcsDonslblc. n r Less LSS UliUl found to bn hlohest In Mont were six percent reported indebtedness for motor car purchases. Gross savings ranged from $ii . OtUwa, to $90 ior iu of $7.31 for Edmonton w . in m ' r.Mim. Drlri tt, n In Mont' lot Toronto. These were af- for EQgllsh. - J UlilViCllLCa ill UVt .vw 1.1 m, III- nne KIiK in fn , ' rifV'speaMng mmiiiw -. jiitic.H.w, v.., nuaUy Frencn-speasun; $138. Movie entertainment proved the . u most popular of various ya.u amusements. Almost 90 percent of total expenditure for amusements wai spent on motion pictures. Al-j most 84 percent of families or British origin had radios In their homes, the French of Montreal and Quebec a llUtlc less wWi 75 pcr- OIL FOR GERMANY BERLN Russia and Germany have signed a new agreement, it whereby Germany will pbtaln a million tons mineral oil from the Soviet. of Vol. XXX., No, 86. Rupert Loses Pair Of Games Erected On McBride Street OCEAN FALLS, April 12: (Special to Daily News) Booth Memorial High School boys and girls basketball teams both , lost out last nieht in the od- enlng games of the series with ... , .. .. ocean Falls High School The with 91 per cent earned by the head score of the boys' game was of the family. , . ' 35 to 27 and that of the girls 50 to 25. Both paper town t -2Per-Cent Save teams comprise snappy basket- An analysis of trie debt and sav- eers. , High scorers for Prince lngs of the families under survey Rupert were Alex Bill, ten, and brought out that 36.3 per cent of Oliver Santerbane, six. the total number showed increased debt: only 37 families broke even t and 62 per cent of these average! earners save money regularly. mm rviATr The biggest savings group came ft I 1 1 1 . 1 J I ll 1 1 between $1 and $99 annually. But TT w , 17 per cent of the total saved be-J p PUT(Tp11 tween $100 and $200 and about 50 j Mh v , 11 MKlfl families saved $500 or more. in a siuay oi uice uiS i - Ncw Kdilcc For Slt .ao,.s Lulh. 'eran Congregation To Be St. Paul's Lutheran Church has decided to proceed with the erection of a new church on the , . I4 I ilC OdlilV V. U V V WJ , w " " 1 - ' " ' - mi inn n if ritTP rs. 1 urn iviiiiit3M,a. ... . . tu nrz not i a i UKiM hnMh n uriii nrtiim 4 nn . loliowea lor ocdi.. vi me -. , xnc min .uiv the lower social parlors. The building will measure 30 by 73 feet. New York Bank's Deposits Highest $2,908,437. 735. ai Bank of In Canada An intcrq ting booklet has been compiled by the California State Bank of Los Angeles showing tne deposits of one hundred and fifty second with $725,878,969 and Ca nadlan Bank of Commerce is twenty-seventh with $542,256,203 "DAN MacDONALD DIES VANCOUVER Daniel Hugh MacDonald, 73 years of age, former fire chief at Prince Rupert, died today. lie was born at Ari-saig, Nova .Scotia, lie was a member of the Rossland fire 1 department fifteen years before going to Prince Qupert in 1916V He leaves a widow and son Angus. SUSPEND NEUTRALITY ACT WASHINGTON President Roosevelt, has lifted the ban on American shipping through the Red Sear thus enabling supplies being sent directly from United States to Egypt which is technically a neutral country. Now there is talk of the President moving to suspend the neutrality act so as to permit United States carrying munitions into war zones. This wuld be in defiance of a Cerman threat to sink American ship's on 'sight and without warning.. TENSION IN FAR EAST TOKJO With tension Increasing again in the Tar East, the Japanese government lias or dered -evacuation of Its nationals : FIGHT IN LIBYA ON Royal Air Force Doing Heavy Damage to Ground Concentrations of Axis Seventeen German Planes Destroyed CAIRO, April 12: (CP British and Australian firhters destroyed War Tomorrows Tides High- 2:01 ajn. 23.C It. 14:40 p.m. 21.8 ft Low 8:30 am. IjO ft. THE BALKAN SIK v ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CHURCHILL i IS SPEAKER IN BRISTOL Tells of Battle Going on In Greece Sons of Britain Playing Important Part BRISTOL. April 12: (CP) Prime Minister Winston Churchill said to day that "Australia and New Zea land troops may be In contact with i the enemy today in classic land of Greece fighting with sons of Britain and playing an Important part in a universal drama." Mr. Churchill spoke in bomb-scarred Bristol University where United States Ambassador John G. Wlnant and Australian Premier R. G. Menzles received honorary I Prior to the ceremony, the Prime (Minister toured the bombed areas. , Waves of German raiders had battered their way through intense . ground fire last night to subject the I port to a very heavy raid, adopt-ing the "hit-twice" technique of following up earlier bombings with ! fierce final attack. ,'- "PTUNGERUFERT. B.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1941. Hurled Back Germans Today Oil New Greek Defence Line ATHENS, April 12. German Panzer forces were hurled .back from the Phlorina region in an initial clash with the Greeks on their new defence line, a Greek spokesman declared here today. FINAL BULLETINS COPENHAGEN PROTESTS WASHINGTON The German-controlled government of Denmark at Copenhagen has protested at the agreement between the United States and the Danish minister to the United States whereby United States obtains war bases on Greenland. The protest will be ignored. FORD STRIKE SETTLED DETROT The big strike in the River Rouge plant of the Ford Motor .Co. has been settled and the men have returned to work. ALASKA HIGHWAY PLANS OTTAWA Despite the war, plans for the Alaska Highway are beint ?t'li seriously considered, announces Hon. Charles Stewart on his return from Washington. ARMS SCHOOL MOVES VICTORIA The small arms training school has been moved from Iethbridge to Nanalmo, General R. O. Alexander an- from the NetherlaSaS Eait Indies. nmmtes. GREENLAND SITUATION Further Disclosures In Connection J With United States Taking Bases WASHINGTON, D.C., April 12i . In connection with the announcement of the agreement between or damared nearlv one hundred i United States and Denmark where- vehicles in a column ot German- by United States obtains air bane Italian transport on the Tobruk- 'sites In Greenland, ',t is revealed El Gazala road in Libya, the Royal ;that German bombers have re- Air announced. cas- centiy . liown over areeniana ana 4111 1 Force UHC llHUUilVM.; Many va- - - ... - , northwest corner of Fifth Avenue 1 .itiM rllj.. siten Ger- iNazi warships have also been in and McBride Street and the contract for the excavation, consisting entirely of removal of dirt, has been awarded to A. W. Allaire and Neis Carlson who are starting the work. Immediately the excavation has been completed, tenders will be called for the erection of the church building. The structure will consist of two floors, the upper having man firhters were definitely des- that vicinity. Greenland may play troyed on the ground as well as a fighter as it attempted to take off. The total toll of. Axis aircraft was put at twenty-one. British ground forces were reported engaged west of Tobruk with Axis divisions, the expectation being that a decisive battle will be made in that area- War Service Subscriptions Associated Fish Packers Local No. 1 - Booth Flsnencs oi uanaaa liank ui Montreal, noyai nairn. T4. 75 nn And Bank Of Commerce Leaders H jb'"I"""''.II. 6.00 1 Joe Brown 48.00 Rt. Rev. Bishop E. M. Bunoz.. 25.00 R. O. Cunnlngliam...-.. 30.00 F. M. Davles 10.00 Gordon & Anderson 15.00 I Hill 60 Chapter I.O.D.E. (proceeds of dance) " 73.00 a part as a -rmvoy base for goods from United States to Britain. It would greatly reduce the crossing ; distance of the Atlantic. . .CANADIAN ! SHIP LOST No Confirmation By Canadian Tostal Department Of Report OTTAWA, April 13 1 Canadian postal authorities do not confirm or deny a report that a Canadian ;itoamer bringing a large quantity 'of mall from England to Canada was lost between March 14 and $20.00 23. .Shipments To , . Ore Sampler . ld" Ion banks: 1 1 pnu- n 1. ,U1, Ik. ...1..! into .j...w. - QUXUIK U1C W&I, TWCCJl. 11UU1 ure t -ST"?.: uTyjrr -- m Portland Canal district la the -r-. -,:;:,"T: t. Jarvls iiiuiiun, H. jviuicuu McLeod $3,543,33764. Second comes National City Bank of New York with - . prinre Ti.urwrr. nr jsnmnimir T 75-, ore from the United Empire PAY VISIT TO CANADA Prime Minister Of Australia. Coming To This Dominion OTTAWA, April 12: -Sir William Glasgow, Australian high commis sioner to Canada, announces that Premier R. G. Menzles, who has been in England, will arrive in Canada late this month and will also visit Washington. BOY KING tip ' I A hitherto unpublished picture of King Peter II.. young uncrowned ruler of Yugoslavia, who seized control of his government following the coup d'etat by the Pigter is shown In his Sokol unl form. Halibut Sales Summary American 13i,U00 pounds, and 7c to 8.6c and 7c. Canadian 139,700 pounds, and 6c to 8.4c and Gx American 8c 20:45 pjn. 3.9 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS. BRITAIN IN ACTION NOW WITHNAZIS Lull Over Good Friday as Germans Consolidate Croats Yield Zagreb CLIMACTIC STRUGGLE ATHENS, April 12: (CP) Naii Panzer units appeared today to be forcing a climactic struggle in the battle for Greece as the Greek high command announced that German forces were smashing through from Bitolj, Yugoslavia, and had reached the Greek lines in Phlorina, a sector of the west flank, while, on the east flanks the Nazis were said to have penetrated further but without reaching the main defences. London reports said that a British armored car patrol yesterday successfully shot up a German infantry unit unloading Iiiicm in 11,. Rilnlt 1 VU3V3 .11 . 1, V. ui.uij .. ),1WIU Reuters reported from Athens to i London a statement by a semi- official Athens news agency that ' reports of eighty thousand Greek troops being cut off and captured east of the Vardar River were "most exaggerated." The report said that Greek forces in that area were much smaller than that and thousands had been able to withdraw in time. ATHENS, April 12, The British expeditionary force in Greece announces It has established contact since Thursday with the German forces in the vicinity of Fiorina In northern Greece. There are no Immediate Indications as to the outcome at least as far a Allied official reports are concerned although In other quarters it .appeared that the Nazis were still jjdvancing with their heavily mechanized fordesT Both' Greeks aniiYligoSlars Iwfre still fighting valiantly on, however, despite reverses. It was acknowledged today that the German forces had reached Fiorina. There have been heavy snowstorms and ice rains In the mountainous regions where fighting has been going on. Lieut General Sir Maltland-Wil- lChr S son Is in command of the British forces in Greece and they include, besides Imperials, Australians and New Zealanders. A lull developed late Thurscay in the main battle in Greece as the Germans, apparently, endeavoured to consolidate the gains of their first advance before meeting the main Greek army and the British Expeditionary Force in what may be a titanic battle for the control of the Greek peninsula. There are Indications that this great battle may take place in a mountainous Atlas, 33,000, Royal, 8.80c and 7c. country where the highly inechan- Balder, 14.500, Storage, 8.60c and ized forces of the Nazis may not 7c. prove as effectual as they were in J. B., 17,000, Storage, 8.60c and the comparatively flat country it 7c. had so far traversed. Great Britain Augusta, 19.500, Pacific, 8.60c is sald to have 300,000 fully equipped 7c. ped forces with provision for strong Midway, 14,000, Booth, 8.40c and aeriai support in Greece ready to' 7c. support the Greeks in battle. Visitor, 6,000, Booth, 8.30c and 7c. in northeastern Greece courag-Glacier, 11,000, Padfift 8.60c and us Greek forces, although appar- 7c. ently hopelessly entrapped, are still Visit. 7500, Atlin, 8c and 7c. resisting bravely In the face of what Marlon, 11,500, Storage, 8c and wouid appear to be almost certain 7c. death. Canadian I Tn central YucoSlavla the Srbs Sea Ranger. 19,500, Storage, 8.20c are reported to be holding the Nazis and 6c. 'from further advance. Point May, 3,500, Storage, 8c and kalians, In the meantime at 0c. least, are belner hard Dressed In Al- Mav t... 4.000. Storace. 8c and 6c v.i .n -,,a.t v.. j ' ' . UCLlllA 11U111 D&v&mi uutwmvua fcJI Midway, 6,000, Booth, 8c and 6c. both Greeks and Yugoslavs. It was Sempo, 11,000, Pacific, 8.20c and Teporiei that the Important port of 6c. Durazzo had been taken by the P. Etorreen, 14KX), Storage, 8.30c Yugoslavs. and 6c. I Croats, stirred It is believed by Selma H., 12,000, Atlln. 8c and mh actlvltieSi have re. 6c. Ivolted against the Yugoslav gov- Bug. 1200, Storage. 8c and 6c. lernment and Zagreb, capital of Relief, 700, Atlin, 8.10c and 6c. Croatla and gecond most port. Tramp. 17,000, Storage. 8.40c and , . Yugoslavia, has been 6c. is . ... - f . ana w. . 1 u,n veirf a. jxcaaon .... . o.w plant. Ernest Love shipped one tt 11 mo Pacific 8c e""c""s "u"""" Hon. T. D. Pattullo and a half tons of hlXcrade LWUne "' Ufi0' ' 1 der the guise of protecting the linn- (additional) Viking I, 14,000. Storage. 8JJ0c( Hungarian are - w luiin ri- 1 f 11.. Twentieth on the list and lead- Hhris J"0" " "it property. Rochfort, BugneUo Ld clead Vancouver. ii.- 1. 4v, -oonirl'Tea ocaoaen and associates sent six tons Ua and U of concentrates from DunwelL of Montreal with $749,531,467. Roy-.,SuMen Canada Is twenty-' . r. t' Z T J' J" "aanu aiKOCla'M;s owiib cuiauuiii w. uwi. u.uv snippea inrcc tons 01 concen- trates from the Stewart Canal 1 John Plastnik of Ketchikan ar- Gold Mines property and J. tw -Rritkli hanks Midland Bank rived In the city from the north on , Rennle and associates sent Ltd. has the largest deposits $2,- the Prince George Thursday even-, 201 sacks of ore from their 336,254354, this bank being fourth 'ing and proceeded by last night's lease on the Red Cliff. cm the list I train, on a trip to. Detroit. and 6c. San Jose, 20 grlan minority. ,000. offered, 8.20c , Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Cliar-Presldent Neal Carter announced islands Light to moderate at the Rotary Club luncheon Thurs-northeast to west iiids, part day that the Boy Scouts would be ciy d mild with a lew light out soon collecting the more valu- scattered Showers. able scrap metals. He explained that at present there was not suf-' Tonight's train, due from the East ficlent demand for scrap iron to: at 11 o'clock, was reported this make its transportation desirable. morning to be on time. 1