PAOI TWO FINE Wednesday, July S, 1041. paratroop plane shot down over crete Canadian Girl' "Hartts" Chic Willi War Visitor Finds i SHOES For Men Style and quality unsurpassed in Kid, Calf, Scotch Grain in Boots, Oxfords and.Brogues.. HartL's Air, Force, Naval' and Military carried in, stock. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE BOPERT - BRITISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert bally News, Limited, Third Avenue H; P. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RAXES Subscription 'Rates In City Per year, $5.00; Hal! Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week. 12c. Out ofi Town. Subscribers by, Mall, $3.00: a. Year , Advertisinf and Circulation: Telephone 98- ADVERTISING RATES . Local Readers,, per line; per Insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 ' Member of Audit" Bureau oi Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN FKESS Tb OtnaflWa Tttm lxclutTerr eottttou to use rof republication or til nwa OHMtcbea cmlitrt to U ot to the. Aasoclatml Press In UUs paper and also Ui local net i published UiCTtln. All clgtAt of raputUeoitlon of special Otnoe.lchra therein u tlto reserved DAILY EDITION Wednesday, July 9, 1941. EDITORIAL Much Too Big Russia is much too big to be easily absorbed by any foe. She closely resembles China only that she has stronger direct resistance power and' is able to pound hard at the invaders both from land' batteries and' from, the air. China had scarcely any air. force when she was invaded by Japan. Just now it seems as if Russia was holding her own pretty well; She is taking, a. big toll of men and a large quantity of material; enough to weaken the invaders to a 'dangerous point. The toll;the Briti$hiare'fcring on the west is so large tKat it must soon have a serious effect in cutting off. the supply of war material: Doubtless that is what the continuous pounding of the same cities day after day and week after week means. The' jpb now is to stop the flow of munitions, airplanes, guns and' food' supplies. Housing For Prince Rupert Evidently the authorities at Ottawa are beginning to take action, to relieve the situation at Prince Rupert. That is the best kind of news to people here. The houses are badly needed! and if the ships are to be built, the men must be housed. Suppose only one hundred new houses are erected, they will gp a long-way towards relieving the local' situation. More than that will be needed but it will be a great thing to see a-beginning in providing the new homes. We are glad to know the idea is to mix the new type of houses with older ones rather than to wholly isolate them. The suggested, areas are already served with water and sewers i arid will-be valuable property, no matter how long the shipbuilding: lasts. We do not think the government , Will ltVd. 01T iki'Ai-trtu ! TV Tl ...... .vf..v mijr IIIUIC UII HUUJMIiy ill r TlUCe iVUpGlT. Itf s interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole' district are doing the same. Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 p.rm P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls Trams leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. P.S.T. Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. P.S.T. Air-Condltloned. Sleeping- and Dining Cars For. full: Information, reservations, etc., call or write . City flcket. Office, 528-Third: Ave. Phone 2C0, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines A German paratroop transport leaves a long trail of black smoke as it crashes over Crete during the Nazi invasion on that Island. Many of these transport planes were shot down, by the R.A.F. and anti-aircraft fire before the Germans succeeded ln capturing the island. HONOR FOR WINSTON I T wt. .. LONDON, July 9: (CP)- Prime 'ITlnie lYliniSier Minister Winston Churchill has been elected a- fellow of the Rbyal I .nnrl omovifnn Rnrifitv and5 Dr. James Brvant Con- I uuuu UaillCU 1UU1 ant, of Harvard! University, and Dr. Karl Landsteiner of New York were elected to foreign member-1 ships. Cussin FOR SALfc prices. Phone Furniture Co. Black 324. Standard Time. Mr. King chuckled f big barn barracks on FOR SALE - Troller, 33 ft, good condition. Box 118 Dally News. ontlnued his stroll. VrT, 0 k' (tf) i When he returned, the conduc- tarl- looked, like a bunch of .. tor, far down the line of cars, lolly, campers. TENDERS INVITED low B. C. James Apartments and Yaman- , ductor. WANTED WANTED 3 or 4 room house; Cash. Blue 447 between 5 and: 7, (160) WANTED Furnished apartment or light housekeeping room for young, married couple- by; Aug. 1. Apply Box 119- To Wayside Pup New York Writer, Sees Women ; Munition- Workers- And) Farm-1 hands Smart And i WelUGruomed (Margaret Kernodle, a New Yor writer, after spending .some nays i Canada, here-' gives her. Impression) i TORONTO, July 9: (CPJ Hundreds of pretty girls are holding; hoes-instead of golf clubs In Cana-j da. this summer. And thousands of permanents and powdered' noses' are Invading Canadian munitions. plants, as women under 30, push their way Into wartime Industries from which they, were barred, little more than a year ago. The Boston-born Minister of Munitions, C. D, Howe, told me in his' Ottawa office that 50 percent of the workers In small arms ammunitions plants of "this country today are women. One big; plant owner told me that the 800 girls employed in his gun factory, will:, be Increased to 1,000 this summer.! ru ,u. i . r I in uuo ut uie largest gun iuo-tories the girls wear slacks and sweaters smart enough for swanky resort vacations. Their curls are In kerchiefs or pretty nets and their nails are bright with polish. Their hands are white and clean In contrast to those of men In the same work. ! The girls get 30 cents an hour with a five-cent-an-hour raise after a month. There are two shifts, !one from seven to three and one (from three till 11. Lunch takes half an hour and the company cafeteria, provides fruit salad plate with desert and beverage for 25 cents, roast or meat pie for 30 cents, potatoes and beverage for 'Helped Aboard MovinS Train Byj Tnelr flrst job is making a part , "J1"3?? At IUky Mountain 0f a gun magazlne. They are .v:r rccunif Hungry good tne men don.t do thjs job ne !any, more. In fact, the girls can handle nearly all of the 3,000 op- NORTH BEND, July 9: (CP) eratlons in making the guns used This story concerns the Hungry. ln Hurricane and Spitfire planes. Mutt or North Bend and the 1ne bosses say they have fewer Prime Minister of Canada. accidents than the men and that The train drawing ' Mr. King's they take better care of equip-sppcial car stopped in North Bend, ment. FOR SALE 20 Mattresses, special In the heart of the Rockies, and Nt stnc the First Great War S7.5fl: 14. snrinff-filled Mattresses. the Prime Minister got out for a nave Canadian women been work- at $16.50; Chests and Drawers few minutes to stroll up and' down-inS n farms and in factories as from $6.95; Chesterfields and !n the station platform: ithey are now, I found by talking Studio. Couches at very As he walked brlsklv alone he with Mrs. Allan Scott. She Is the came upon three dogs sitting in nead of. the Farm Service Force in a row and casting hungry eyes to- Ontario. The fruit growers asked ward the dinlne car. It was ex- fr Sitl workers In wartime food FOR SALE 1934 Chev. Deluxe Se- 'plained to Mr. King that this par- production, she said, dan in good' condition. Call at 'ticular trio of mutts made a dally1 1 saw this tall, grey-haired dlr-Room; 23 Central Hotel for fur- appearance on regular railway tor welcome 40 farmerettes who ther particulars. ischedule. sticking strictlv to Pacific came out almost directly from high already clearing his throat to warn Before they couldt come to this !of the train's departure. Mr. Kim? or oI the other 12 Farm Force iquicKenea nis steps. Andi them he ,,U9lLJ3 l Krj9 mica out. Dianks FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be happened to, notice the- Hungry and Pmired. to. stay, at least received.1 by the undersigned up Mutt of North Bend, ' still mree weeks- nave to. be be-to noon of Tuesday, July 15th, there gazing up at the dining tween 17 and 45 years old. Their for the purchase of one-storey car. He was the smallest? pooch, of work ls for Individual farmers but frame cottage consisting of Uv- the three and his two companions ,helr Program is directed by the ing-room, .bedroom, kltchenj pan- had cornered all. the food and de- labor departments of. the province try and bathroom, situate on Lot parted. 4, uiock. a, section' I, second in Waiter's Role AvenueContenta included. "Here, what's this?" exclaimed The highest or any tender not the Prime Minister, "aren't they necessarily accepted. going to give you anything to TERMS: Strictly: casm .eat?" I Norman A Watt, Esq., Admlriis-f "All aboard!" shouted the con-trator of thfe estate of Severln 'ductor; O'Qulnn, deceased. Court House. 1 Mr. King tapped on the door ' riuKv xvupert. u. or uie dining car and' the chef promptly projected his head. LOST i "Haven't you anything for this fellow?" asked Mr. King, pointing I f V I C MAMA 4s..m.1 11 Tf ... LOST-Overseas Service Button. h!scan5 toward the """ Mutt News.. (160) I "Yes slrl" sald the chef, when he .LOST Chilean broochi between saw. wno was doing the tapping. "All aboard!" repeated the con- aka's. Phone' Blue 217. (It) The train began to Dull out and EOR UEN1 PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB. as clerk. ,the Hungry Mutt still sat 'erazln at the dining car. So did the Prime I I (Minister. Frantically rranucaiiy the chef re- FOR RENT Fiimlshprt hm.ri. fnr two months: PhnnP Ri,m 5Q tappeared at the window, with. a. mui ' meau e out to n.uw as uie train cnt.nirwi i speed. Mr. King tossed the meat to the Hungry Mutt, who promptly I waeced htt tan his 'coaches. way. Only then did the Prime Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno. 'JJ. ? f 1 mtJr the ew. iyer. Dominion-wide- exams , ttr". i -? W-.A Phih held since the-war began. Free' '" na" a aozen rauM BOOKiet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd.. I j " "wre U"K,H rracnea Winnipeg Oldest ln Canada. NoT and eaV Mr ran a hand1 He then returned down the aisles to his private car at the end of the train, while surprised passen-l gers on each side gaped.after him. , Hundreds of peopif try a spot"' In. the Dally. News! classified' our- umn and get good "results, (tf) NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "Ai HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box. 196 THE SEAL 01 QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink. Salmon- racked by the only salmon cinnlnt company with an all the year round payroll' In Prince Rupert I 1111 II MM Uld t 40 oz.-S6.10 262 oz.-S4.10 m air Scotch Whisky Old Parr Scotch Whisky IS hailed, by thousands who like their Scotch robust yet smooth. For. that real Scotch flavour choose Old Parr. It comes to you in the. famous, old-fashioned, untippable flagon. MocDONAlO GREENLEES LIMITED, IEITH, SCOTLAND This advertisement Is not publishea or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia and nation and their housing by the Y. M. C. A. Some live ln tents, Their Jobs at a minimum of 17 cents an hour for a nine or 10-hour day (counting, overtime) will be picking, packing or shipping . here at 70, fruit, weeding, hoeing or gathering vegetables, spraying, pruning or tying up vines. Some of them learn to. milk a cow as extra-curricular activity. Try a Dally News Want-Ad.' FORMER JUDGE DEAD ALBURY HEATH, Eng.- July 9: CP) Lt.-Col. Sir Jacob William Barth, chief ustlce of Kenya Supreme Court from 1920 to 1934, died GAS .MASK CRICKET LONDON. July 9: (CP)-It was (hard going at first, but one cricket team In London plays ln their respirators to get used to them under all conditions. Wheel Toys Sturdy New Designs for Healthful Exercise And Fun AIR MAIL.WAGONS Special' heavy box bolted two-tone solid wheels Frictionless -bearings. No. 122 126 130 134 B6x 10x22 12x26. 12x30 1434, Wheel 62" double disc 7" double disc 91' double dlsa 10" double dtso EXPRESS. DELIVERY Stake truck. 14x32 KIDDO BIKES With pedals Wlth.curved.back rest 30-Inch $JL75 36-lnch Tire ... ... ... ... 1 :: Price $3.50 $5.75 $7.00 $8.00 . $9.50 $3.25 3.75 WHEELBARROWS Real' work-a-day hardwood whelbarrows Large carrying capacity: Rubber tired. S2.75 When, You. Want. a. Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI nLi-k ir Service 24 Hour Service at Rejular Rates IS