aqb rors Expert Optical Service pv-tl Chas. Dodimead Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT "DICKEY NOT EX EMIT LONDON, July 9: (CP) Men who thought they might beat the clothes rationing by wearing a "dickey" (separate shirt front and a couple of cuffs, instead of an ."eight-coupon shirt" are frustrated. The -dickey now rates as "undergarmentsfour " coupons MEDAL FOR IRISHMAN DUBLIN, July 9: (CPl Sgt. D. F. Allen, R. A. F. gunner born in Dublin, has been awarded the George Medal for "risking his life In flaming wreckage of a bomber in a vain attempt to save three members of the crew." Advertise in the Daily News. THERE" IS NO OTHER TOBACCO JUST LIKE OLD CHUM OLD CHUM The Tobacco of Quality GERRARD MAGNUM Bath Soap 35 CENTS CAKE 3 for $1.00 Ormes lid. Pioneer Druqpfats Tbt Reull store Phone II ft I) Open Dally from S a.m. till 10 p.m. tiumlayi and Holiday from 11 to 2 p.m. ana 1 t are. Pretty Wedding At C:SlyaAri at. VHUIVUl Ul Last Evening vemjd&ils. kiwi Wednesday, July 9, ABOARD A FIGHTING SHIP OF THE RED NAVY Soviet Russia has always been more or less reticent about the capabilities, strength, etc.. Of the Red navy. Pictures of Red naval units are .rare. This one was made during battle practice in the if. , A Bun is shown at work, v-earing gas-repellant suits and gas masks. Many of the biggest ships of the Russian navy are pre-world war vintage lace gloves. She had a shower bou-iquet of pale pink, rose-pink and I yellow carnations. Little Miss Margaret Sutherland was very sweet with a frilled dress of turquoise blue silk marquisette 'over taffeta, with little doll hat of ninlr rosp hiirie anrt vlrlptsf anrl rttr- r " I ' Miss Jean MacLean Becomes Bride ried a segay 0f matching flowers ui Alfred KiTett. Son Of Mr. prcucuca me onae as iiower giri. And Mrs. Rivett Of Vancouver Sne carried, a colonial bouquet .of . . jpink roses and blue delphinium The bride's mother looked very ,KeY. 7 Whifflets From The Waterfront Seventeen salmon canneries totaling 28 high speed lines, are operating in the Juneau district this season, according to J. Steele Cul-bertson, assistant fishery manaae- ment suP"vlsor- supervisor, who wno has nas Just just re re' A pretty wedding too place last , 7 -nt nlght in the Anzllcan Cathedral. carmin8 ln a bluf turned on the Brant to Juneau Very Rev.: Dean Gibson officiating "yVT1 ' vlsUlng the fishing grounds. . . . ... . . " matchine tones, with silver fox scarf i wnen jean uerina Maclean, naiioh. . 1 ter of Mr. anr Mrs. W. A. MacLean, became the bride of Alfred Mc- Ktnnon-Rivett, son.of Mr. and Mrs. the organ and long blue suede gloves and. have bepn operat,u? ,n the wearing a corsage of pink caina- Icy stralt area nlne 0 pen this week tions. I Mrs. Nora Arnold, aunt of the Airreo-iuveit of Vancouver. " ""; ern ern arc IV.' nvM.tii anu itvc 141 wilt; taai areas. The canneries are as The bridal -procession entered k"' wn ' ;r follows: iprhnn-h church Vuh. as the nnni,ith. played tlv; length gown of triple sheer chif- Icv strait Astoria anrt P.,0f fon in deep azalia shade wore a 7 - ouuiia und Cannlng vyuiininK company, omDanv. Excur- t,xcur- weaaine Marcn oy ionencnn. model hat and lace gloves lo match maklns sion Inlet! Burnette i very pretty picture with loivn Ami, uuuickc Inlet. imri. Salmon oajiuua the alt4r decorated, with orange blossoms and other flowers. with n ilii a 1 corsage .LSI Ul of pink I J 1 1 1 IV (.iLllldLlUllf carnations. . f . . 1 1 f ! V . . Gull Company. Cove, Idaho Inlet; WWmjUU.WHTOUieDeSimailT.v Str!lll RaImftn Pnmn,, I and the Ushers were Hany Munk' Hoonah. The -bride looked very beautiful in a white Venetian lace wedding ll?001 1' Western- Cape Cross Salmon go-n fashioned with sweetheart TsZ t "'7, 10 Company. Pelican City: Chatham neckline; skirt extending in train, fif L lo ft B. Strait Salmon CoVy- R"h tng MlsS Betty Wood bodice with htrrd hinllne of triple r..?e regl$!;er 1 Chatham Strait: Haines Pack-sheer long sleeves with insets of Sa"S f auf?" lln Company. Chllkat Inlet, P. E. lace.' over which she wore a finser J "Wl"S W!fding ?y Harri' ad Company. Hawk Inlet; tip silk, embroidered net veil with ?"! Z v e Un h,eJd at he, Per11 stral Packins Company, Sit-lace me f mS- of halo, finished with small or- ,f funt Salt Sea Fisheries, Tenakee In-ange blossoms. She carried a show- he ,gr?T S , fn let; Sebastian-Stuart, Tyee: Super-ef Ved by MrS- Arnold and Mrs" bouquet of rapture roses Peking Company, Tenakee In- " MacLean. jet The bridesmaid 1 ' T son. was. fSeVi'n'eLrDSkllk PUrers W?re MrS' R n6PUns and Eastern - Douglas Fisheries, net lXuS Mrs. W.Wrathall. Douglas; Fidalgo Island Packing with matching turban embroidered fU uhe lce,S..MrSl J,l Slmpson was P3" plIlar Bay; P. F HarrU in silver and pink lace gloves and , e J the servlteurs who :were and Company. Kake; Juneau Pack-carried a bouquet oSepTk car- MIe Audrey and VIvlan'WrathalL In, Company Taku Inlet, Llbby. nations and scabiosa Evle Rlvett' B" Berner' nce McNeill and Libby Taku. ' As matron' of honor Ihe bride's Davis" WllSn' TllClma and, , chose a lackei ensernbl. .n Z The honeymoon will be spent .n chipped straw knobbs hat and blue e Camn,anfd " travelling by the Queen Charlotte ' Islands. Their resident address m BASEBALL Acropolis Hill Wed. 6:30 DRY DOCK vs. RANGERS Admission 25c J. Boiizek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best .Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two doors from Broadcasting Station Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hoi Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mr; C. t. Black, Proprtetresj Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed rOONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOt'pF. OF FINE FOODS" when they return Is 827 Summit Av enue. The gift from the aroom to the hrlde wa a "old bracelet and the bride aave the groom a cigarette lighter. The bridesmaid and the-matron received bracelets and the flower girl was given a gold locket. The ushers were each given cigarette cases. For going away, the bride chose a smart dress of heaven blue French crepe topped with a Princess line coat of ashes of roses with handmade hat of matching blue and rase trim, with accessories to match and also corsage of pink rosebuds and scabiosa. A very beautiful and useful lot of wedding gifts were received by the young couple. . . i ROYAL GIFTS WILL HELP LONDOV. July 9: (CP) The King and Queen and other members of the royal family have ar ranged extensive gilts " form per We need your co-operation to give you better service. Please put out our milk bottles dally as we need them for tomor row. Dominion Dairy pnoNE II Dili (dvrtiic l it puUitlid or dt'iplytd kr tl Liquor Control Botrd or by t) GortflWMrt of Bmitl CslumkU is THE Sl'I'KK.MK I'OI'KT OK MUTIMI COI.IMUIA IN PKf)IUTE In the Jlattfr of tht "AdmlnMrillon Alt" it ' . A"t owi.a. vws jor a Kea VrTOSS In the .Mattrr of Ihe E.tate of Peter sale expected to net $445,000. I niue. iefeed . I TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI ,"ono'. w- E. Ptoher; made on the 24th IV1IM t?Tiinni-rv nvn I.-NU1A AUTIIORITl DEAD day of June. A. D. 1B41, I wiui op. LONDON. July 9: (CP) Sir Ed- Ported Admlntetrator of the Eatte of author of important works on In- t,ujml to nish Hame. properly ven- rilnn nffnlM. I. rf.,H o, m ? " on or foro the 3rd day of AusiiHt. A. D. 1941, and all partlei in-dW4 to the estat art required to pay the amount of their lndebtedneea to forthwith. DATED this 3rd day of July, A. D J941 HERBERT OLASSEY. Official Administrator, AUln, B. C CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Col ton, D.CJh.a Wallace Block, Phone 640 GARDENS ON WANTAGE ROAD Two Outstanding Examples 01 Places Hewn Out of the Forest and in Fine Condition Those Prince Rupert people who' have never been up Wantage Road at the foot of the mountain' should ' do so. It Is Prince Rupert largest park, taken over from the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway far that purpose ln lieu of taxes. The, park Is divided into two sections. One of these is the part that was denuded of all Its best trees at the time of the depression when many people were out of work and could not af-fort to purchase fuel for themselves. The other section is fenced off from the rest with a gate across the road to prevent people carrying off logs or firewood. The road ras built with rubbish hauled out by the city wagons, rather smelly at the time it was put there but now quite harmless. At various points along this road are home made cottages with gardens. It is of two of these I wish to speak. Pete Colombo has one and A. Mclntvre, the other. Pete's is back a little from the road behind lf,. Qtirl frc Caimriore' IIHIa Virtmf He has ripe strawberries Just now growing on the raised part of trenched ground and there seems i to be a very good crop. The outstanding feature of this garden is the patch of broad beans. They are in flower and stand fully four feet high. They are very fine specimens and, as in any good garden ln these parts, are carefully staked. Pete goes in strongly for potatoes. He has a number of different I varieties and they are not mixed. Besides that there are various vegetables including carrots, peas and lots of other things. The garden is a credit to the men who made it. Kraft Cheese 1-lb. package Cello wrap. Q 7 n Each ' L Asparagus Tips and Ends Malkln's Best. 10 -oi. OOp AoK, tins. 2 for Rolled Oats B. Si K Brand. Regular family pkg 91 s Each MaRic Baking Towder OQp 12-02. tin. Each Swift's Weiners Ftesh to our Frigidairc dally. OCr Per lb. Fresh Peas 3 lbs. Fresh Green Beans 2 lbs. Tomatoes Per lb. Field Cucumbers .2 for 25c 25c 15c 15c I AST TIMES TONIGHT 2 Shows Nightly. 7 01 & 9 ?s Feature at 7:21 and 9 50 RAY MILLAM) VERONICA LAKH UK IAN DONLEVY In "I WANTED WINGS" Also "Walt Disney Cartoon" Robt. Benchley COMING TIIUR. rill. Rosalind Russell, Ilrbn Aherne in "HIRED Win: and LOUIS-CONN FIGHT Next door to Pete Is anotta squatter. A. Mclntyre. with a Jlz' ly larger garden and, a lawn mo flowers. He goes In strong fo ca. sles and also he has a tiny moux'mt. viola which he brought in frcro woods. It is dolne well. I ca 0 fho "Tlnv Vdc" viola anrl np -p i keep some of the seed and entj " away to a reliable seed nou;;e see If it has any value. Mr. Mclntyre has all tue vp f. tables he can use and a few to !i Evidently he enjoys carina for and he certainly Is not lazv He x-cut out a garden that some dav when he has finished with it. be an asset to the park. RARE WINES FOIt RED CROSS LONDON, July 0" PP R3 wines frcm the cellars of Qu Vlctorla, King Edward VII an the Czar of Russia will bo sold tn Red Cross and St John Sorle'Ir- POST'S BARGAIN BUNDLE 1 0 44c I POST'S I CORN FLAKES LU, 1 POST'S BRAN FLAKES 1 CRAPE'NUTS 1 "CRAPE'NUTS" FLAKES Bian VaaaaaaaYKi Grape Jelly Shlrriff's f)lp 12-oz. lars. Each u Tomatoes-Royal CKy QQp 2ys. large. 2 th:s mwmmmmB Bananas 2 lbs. 25c Large Avocadoes njj 2 for OOL Try Them In Salads Carrots Per bu.ich Oranges Family size. 3 doz 5c 92c Mussallem's Economy Store rhonei'T, D1IarS Have More Cents" 1 .11. liOX 575 Clean-Up Paint-Up I : Make : Repairs, I Build We can .upp,y , the materials ; for . ew home 0f fof J to the old one. Call In and talk it oyer Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. PHONF. Ill t