Iff?" ,Ja, July 6, 169J. local urn Us In South interesting: wedr nr. ai" but t3 tui uf Miss Hilda Nina .: daughter of Mr. and H; Huii xn. of Fifth. Avenue, .f oc jme the bride of John :ia Sicca eldest soi oi Mr. Mr: W B Steele or Vancouver. : : nun led at 7:30 Monday 41 -uo rectory of St. Marks : :;e Rrv Minto Swan of-T : June bride was dress-floor length gown of ' . Hon. violets holding length veil, she car-j u; bouquet of sweet-! xtjur sweet peas, white a broom and gladlola. ..-t -.dant. Mrs. James i'.er ;f the groom, wore a fc-,vn of shell pink, her :: '. ' ing of pink carna-:x xc' -?eas. Arnold Steele; i :t r.e T-ooom acted as best rer--,:. : followed tho quiet ::. he home of the-groom's r F;r heir honeymoon on. .:d :- bride chose a smart Ut fti'D British tun acces- from like the crisp freshness of; the new patterns the feel-tort that a well-cut shirt gives the smartness that's i.o the shirts we sell. ;u to see our range made by Arrow and Forsyth In ; and woven broadcloths, Velvos and Lustrenes. $2-00 TO $3.00 Watts & Nickerson Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd. Open till 9 p.m. Saturdays TO FISHERMEN" Daylight Saving I have received a notlflca tlon from the Department of Fisheries as follows: Hereafter, all fishermen must change their clocks an hour ahead from Pacific Standard Time. Weekly fishing closes 6. p.m. on Friday and reopens C pjn. on Sunday. Do not. mistake the time. Northern B. C. Residential Fishermen's Ass'n. Geo Kltagawa, Secy. SUN-RAYS FOR AIRMEN LONDON, July 9: (CPl Lord Nuffield, wealthy" motor magnate; has provided facilities for sun-ray treatment to night air fighters wno have to rest in darkened rooms by day and are deprived of normal sunshine. CHARMS WARTS AWAY CAMELSDALE, Eng., July 9: (CP) "I Just look at the warts and Mr and Mrs. Steeleirub tnem genuy." expiaincu -i.rir honeymoon atillanv Hill. 82, reputed, "wart char- - r Ur. tv. tvin TP-'mer" who lives on nis oia-age C . .lev park Manor in'penslcm and makes no charge for JhU "charming" service. fcWiMiiiaviiiHaa This advertisement Is not pubhsned or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia SUMMER SAVINGS ON ODD PIECES l CIlliTKoiIE Cedar lined with ggg QQ fv drawers - - lUFFOXiKii Waterfall design, COS Oft semi-bleach finish MATCHED CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS 75.00 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement. AD our coal Is carefully screened and prepared. Also, a complete "ne of lumber for every type of building; Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and have a11 of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt &ICo. Ltd. rJNF. C51 PHONE 652 lyOUlL LIKE 4EM LOCAL NEWS NOTES Attention! Rebekah Canteen Tea When you wish to ring Linzey. tomorrow. Mrs. J. E. Boddle 3-6. and Ingram, telephone 585 and'. 586. (159) (It) lye; ARROW SHIRTS SANFORIZED SHRUNK- J. Hall arrived' In the city yes terday from Stewart on the Catala. O. Tough arrived. In the city, from Arrandale yesterday aboard the- Catala. Martin Johnson returned-to the city, aboard, the Catala from Stewart; yesterday. R; R. strachan returned to the city, on the Catala yesterday from a trip to Stewart on routine business. MUSCLES SORE STIFF and ACHING Whin 7f m ittff u cratch ta4 mbkIii; tckfnc frn nccuUmt4 titrcU r rm4 tttk, brUk !, with Btklr WWW. Kvb hi linker f up o4 Uk.at th. r dubl yar mmij fk. Jilt an4 Mc. Last night's football game was) forfeited by the Independents the Rocky, Mountain Rangers. to Last night the firemen were called to 121 Second Avenue for a chimney fire; Mr. and Mrs. Hanson arrived in the city this morning aboard the Prince George from. Vancouver. ' Four- of the Catholic Sisters of St. Joseph are staying at the Church House at Terrace for a two weeks vacation. t Enjoyable Picnic On Saturday Presbyterian Sunday School Spent, Day At Digby Island. Tne Presbyterian Sunday School picnic took place Saturday after noon at Digby Island. The party was In charge of John Davey, the weather was pleasant and the-large Crowd present had a very enjoy able time. They were taken across by CapU Jim Morrison on the Phlppen. Maurice Tens was in charge of the races assisted by the new minister. Mr. McSween. All seemed to enjoy the event-Mrs. Teng's class, girls 1, Dorothy Hibbard; 2, Georgina Mitchell; I Boys 1. Gordon Finlayson; 2, Stanley Parker. , Mrs. Saunders class, gins l. Margaret Strachan; 2, Margaret: Howe. Miss Feasby's class, boys 1 Rob ert Smith: 2, Jimmy Finlayson. Miss Thomassons"s class, girls 1, Mary Strachan; 2, Helen Mrs. Calderwood's class, girls 1, Kathleen Hills; 2. Jean Calderwood. Mr-. O'Neills class, boys 1, Bobby Currle; 2, Jackie Finlaysoni Mrsv Foote's class, girls 1, Peggy Lou nakle; 2. Yvonne Morln. Mr. Smith's, class, boys Ken Brocklesby;. 2, Buddie Morris. Teng; 2, Harry Calderwood. Mr. Davey's class, boys 1. Maurice Teng; 2, Harry Calderwood. Ladles race 1, Eileen Feasby; 2; Nora Dougherty. Men's race 1,. Maurice Teng; 2, Harry Calderwood. OUT FROM PRISON CAMP CAIRO, July 9: (CP) Captured by a German raider m tne aouin Atlantic, William Prendergast, an enelneer. spent three montns on German commerce raider ana three months In an Italian prison camp In Mogadishu, somamana, till he was liberated by tne umtsn forces. YES.' We Repair Water Pipes. Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc Oil Burners Cleaned - 11.59 Chlmneyi Swept' 12.50 ILANDY MAN nOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Hank Bid. Canadian Legion, B. E. monthly meeting' tonight. S. L. H. Singleton; arrived In, the city yesterday, on the Catala from Stew art. Charles Rol Upshall was given 3 months imprisonment In the City Police Court yesterday In default of, payment of $150 fine for sup plying liquor to an Indian. The regular semi-monthly 22 shoot of the Rod tt dun Club will be held tonight at the C. N. R, Indoor range. Starting 7:30 sharp. (It) R. M. R. Band In their final concert assisted by 102nd R. C. A, Sunday night July 13, 9; 15 pm Admission by program 50c. Pro ceeds to be divided between R. M R Band Fund and 102nd. R. C. A overseas fund. jOrmes Drug Theatre. Programs on sale at Store and Capitol HOTEL ARRIVALS K. Royal i Thomas, Zeballos; Mrs. Armle W. F. Joy arrived, In the city on Stepp, city; B, A. Emand, Carlisle the Prince George this morning , Ted Erickson, Queen Charlotte Is- from Vancouver to visit with, rela-i lands; M. Jonnson, premier. tlves. Central Mr. and Mrs. Ri M. McDonald, Private Branham, Corporal Demp- ley, Ralph Gillies, city; Ji Frelstord, Dundas Island; H. Hamre; Tsial- rose; P. Garain, C.N.R;; M. H. Maf- nor, Remo; cisco. Prince Rupert Geo. E. Tough, H. Sing Celton, J. Hall, L. G. Crow, Vancouver; R; N. Smllem, G. Chaston, Inverness; John Hughes, city; R, MacMillan, Capasco; Homer Luttrell, Effingham; Barbara' Sherwood, Terrace; Mrs. E. Anna Hayes, Canpoharie, N. Y.; Mrs. Svea M. Wester, Quincy Mass.; R. H. Dowllng, San Fran Mail Schedule . - For the East-Monday, Wednesday., and Friday 8 pjn From the. East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday , 11 p.m For Vancouver Tuesday , 12:30 noon , Thursday 10:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 pjn Saturday. 10:30 Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word: , Rebekah Canteen Fund Tea Mrs J. E. Boddle July 10th. I Searchlight Auxiliary Tea, July 17, Mrs. W; L. Armstrong's. ! Midsummer, Dance; Oddfel lows' Hall July 18, benefit Odd fellows' War Contingent.4 Tund; De Carlo's Orchestra. . Cambral Tea, "Aug, 9; Canadian Legion Hall Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2. Reach ten ttiousana people with a-"want ad." m the Dally News. Get It at the Variety Store "Where your, dimes are little dollars" 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red; 120 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECQNOMY STORE Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 AT TH E TU RN OF A TAP ! "It's just like that when I'm on the job",, says Reddy Kilowatt. "A pile of dirty dishes? 'Just turn the tap ! A big bundle of laundry? Just turn the tap! Saturday night baths? Don't make me laugh. Have 'em every night or during the day. Just turn the tap! Shaving's easy Gordon And Anderson Is Ball Winner place Gordon and Anderson's had nn trouble in. whitewashing the Women's Service Corps by a score of 29 to 5. The winr.ers managed to cet runs in every Inning, It looks like the Serv'fie Corps- will need plenty of new blood in order tn Ktivnsthen their team. The win ners outhiC the losers 5-1. Batteries for Service Corps, Sandahls. Tur-geon and Barber and for Gordon and Anderson, Rowe and Crox- ford. Umpires were H. Astoria and M. Mlntenko. Bill 4' iuWi W'i'fl r Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving July 8, 19, 29 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ate. Phone 568 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert REVWSAYS: too with hot water always ready. In fact,,keeping,you in hot water's one of the best jobs I do and one of the most popular. What do I use? An Automatic Hot Water Heater you can easily buy. on. budget terms. Come in and talk it over with one of my salesman, pals".. Make it hot for Hitler! Buy War; Savings Certificates. U 1 I I fill I'll JllTll ?1 11I1IIII'IIIWM'M1I In the Ladies' Leartue softball nlaved last night the bottom Steamship Sailings For Vancourei Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thursday S 5. Prince Rupert 11-30 p.im ' Friday Ss. Prin; Adelaide 10 pm. ; Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday S.S". Prince George 11:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday 3 Catala pm Wed. S&. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Frl. S.S; Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. S5. Prln. Adelaide f pm. S.S. Cardena p.m. June 6 S.S. Princess Louise -,a.m. Foe -Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala- 8.p.in. Wednesday SS. Prince Rupert 3 p.m. Friday SS. Prince George - . 3 p.m. From. Stewart and Premier-Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 am. Thursday S.S. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m. Saturday S.S. Pr. George-8;pmi For Alice Arm, Naas River and-Port Simpson SSi Catala pm. JULY CLEARANCE TABLE OILCLOTH; COVERS Size 54x54. 75C SpecIaiihV,...-..,-:.: inT AND MISS RAG RUGS 18x36. . ' . ,5Q( Special, each REXOLEUM MATS 18x36. OP ZaC Each RUBBER KITCHEN MATS 16x24. 50C Elio's Furniture Store Store Hours 8:30' a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert ICE Just Completed! New Ice Storage Method Ensuring only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage. Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. British Columbia i r ft 11 nn