THE DAILY NEWS a oe — _ — sk < = a HAA Man i prerroe pabolbAtbrrn _LAND PURCHASE NOTICES : {|i iat gg gms om] Georgetown SPECIALS | n the WW, orld of Spor t ie a 2 mg Sawmill Co. Ltd. : : g -WIFTEST UREST AFEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERS «PRINCE RUPERT” AND ‘‘PRINCE GEORGE”’ For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 0 a.m. “PRINCE JOHN” service to Port Simpson, Naas, Stewart, Granby Bay and Queen ervi Charlotte Islands ¢ to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the south bank of Skeena River, above Kayex and about thre miles distant, thence south 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence I be . north 20 chains, thence following the riv- um r er bank in an easterly direction to point 4 ., ne *, t of comme neement, containing 60 acres and ; ; Al YA! NKFE COLLEGES more or less. HENRY 1L0UI8 manenY, ul “ Lots. Block, Section, Price. | Dated 15th April, 4948. re ee Mo dings 21-22 35 1 $15,000 kly wee Lacrocee Instructors ‘Include Several Pub, May 8th, 19 “PRINCE ALBERT” | Former Canadian Stars . ‘ 29 16 1 $3,150 5, River Canneries, and all w / sepan | Skeena Lanu District—District of Coast ar sailings for Skeena a Sy points between | Range : 1 2 » 4 5,0 negula Prince Rupert and Vancouver Quite a number of prominent Can- TAKE NOTICE tt . Sehtow Midi A large stock of dry finish- 30 house $5,000 ne Jeave Prince Rupert and Vanarsdo) (100 miles), Mondayg, Wednes- sai : eam S aa McRae, of. Prince Rupert, broker, intends ing lumber on hand. Boat 4-5 28 1 $5,250 Tra days and Saturdays 1 p. m. adian athle are picking up a little] {q appiy tor permission to purchase the lumber a specialty. Delivery : chanre a t ese coache } he| following described lands: hi notice. cimanianiaistanhssite Tt. Ieee ey 4 : 0 yaches ir the Commaneing at 8 post planted 5 chains made at short noti nited States. aacrosse is taking] east of the south east corner of Lot ‘ vetween Chicago and all points East, connecting with all roads from the ell and the Inter-Collegiate won by | 1723,.thence east 20 chains, thence south Our prices are as low as any. 2 lots, Block 22, 6th Ave., Sec. 7, Betw ‘st, Let us prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this summer and nl egiate Won DY! 49 chains, thence west 20 chains more or $750 each. Easy terms US al Academy at | pur hase the following ‘deactibed lands: | eae = 2 ~| Lots 41-42, Block 9, Sec. 5, double sab " » * 5; > iE ‘ aahihon a wmarh enel tat Commencing at @ post planted at the 8. frontage, $5,000. Terms easy. THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No, 3 Anpan t v pe rors nt ‘Ve commer te Bib FP an 767, thence south ge, , y with He a "7 segmte tt@ 140 chains, thence ary 20 ‘chains, eee or e 2 . wa, wi John fopkins; Lawson]north 40 chains, thence west chains, jers’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass ; ~ Rhgator yh ; > 0 DO : nce : I Be ee rs’ dapplies Plate Glass Mirrors Whitehead, . Toron vith Swath 12. mae or baci. 3 : 80 feet frontage Borden and r mbers HARDWARE Ninel, Races i JORDAN more; O'Neill, Cornwall, with Car MICHAEL J. MCNEIL, | 101 100, Blk. 20, Sec, 2, $1,050; easy) avion: fine view; $5,500. 1S one 9 a | . Pern Toror witt . . ent. ° ils Tinware “t hee ba poe i Byrn Toronto, with bated April. seth sh picasa Agent Lot 38, Bik. 2 27, Sec. 5, $750; $150 cash, Age ; iteware weal X ing orne! > ag 7 ‘ ai. 6-12-18. Varnishes Graniteware ith of Kells Cort wie, en eee Lot 17, Blk. 27, Sec. 5,$1,000; 1-2 cash, Macor skena Land District—District of Coast bal. 6 and 12. ‘ + We have some farm and tim- The ‘‘Stay Satisfactory a Range 5 Lot 20, Bik. 23, Sc. 6, with $750 house, ; NARCH MALLEABLE Stay Satisfactory i aaighak tal TAKE NOTICE that M. J. MeNell, of| $1,500; 1-2 cash, Dal. easy. ber lands very cheap. Range.” ronec Prince Rupert, «.C., occupation contrac-| Lot 36, bik. 22, Sec. 6, $950; $550 cash, Pii i 5 ODD WAGER tor, intends to apply for permission to] bal. 6-12. ‘ purchase the following described lands: Lots 75- 46, Bik. 3, Sec. 7, $1,200; 1-3 Commencing at @ post planted at the 8. cash, bal. 6 and {2. ~ _ ™ _ E£. corner of premption 767, ee ee Lot 21, Bik. 16, Sec. 7, $750; $316 cash, e ae oe rd T r 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, ence bal, arrange Weedmouth Crosses Street on north 40 chains, thence west 20 cChains,| ots 52-53, Blk. 38, Sec. 8, $750; $350 ainter & oan His Hands to point of CaN, containing 80 cash, bal. ieee é 8, $750; $380 iad > G > acres more or less. Lots 50-51, Bik. 38, Sec. 8, $750; SAMUEL HARRISON V. F. G. GAMBLE ibis asians cade Gd a Moibi cas MICHAEL J, McNEIL, cash, bal. arranged. PRONE 967 SND AVE. NOTARY PUBLIC) os _ & a i John Kirkaldy, Agent. FOR RENT walking on his hands across a Sat Pane Mays at Chee Office in Law-Butler Bldg. eg oi ‘e euneine 20 rear pee eee Ree. $20 Skeena Lan istrict—District of Coast} 3-room house with toilet, close in, A Range 5. 2-room cabin, furnished. SMITH & MALLET T Take notice that I, William Fraser, of THIRD AVE Spokane, Washington, occupation peeaae I AW-BUTLER co. . intend to apply for permission to purchase j j i the following described lands; Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Francisco street was witnessed r e cently. arrison 0 The peer was Lord Tweedmou e jand the feat was to decide a singu!ar th boundary of Lot 2285, thence west 20 Terrace townsite lots, polo ponies as prize. On that occa f i ; ' = chains more or less to the east boundary Ten acre tracts adjoining Terrace on - sion Mr. Dupee bet the peer that h of Lot 5127; thence north 20 chains more . easy terms. | would not make his appearance on BOB O'BRIEN or less to the point of commencement, and wager with Mr. William Dupee, a Commencing at @ post planted about| Phone 60 619 Third Ave. Sheet Meta! Work Real Estate and Stock Brokers wealthy owner of a large estate nea four miles west and three miles snd 8 Office: 3rd Ave. Workshop PPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED Ban Diego, California, who makes a thence south 40 chains, thence ‘west. 46 | ™ St Legs ee ee Leg yee caeepere eae iene eae ten eee ween Pawel hains, thence north 40 chains, thence speciality or raising horses and an es east 40 chains to point of commencement; e e witha 4 e im hundred and sixty acres, "G08 - - pecially fir breed of olo ponies utaining one Real Estat Off Prince Rupert and Stewart St eae coe ee te Oe Ne ie gue. e phi asa friends incl gz Mr. Dupee ere d Fred Dawson, Agent. cussing polo por “gp Oat i = Dated March 5, 1912. Lot on Second Avenue, Section 1, $2,500. s _—— hot ing Pp ponies at the former Pub. March 23, 1912. Lot on Beach Place, + 81,900. mic notei, and, havi en a pony whi skee s F ; Modern house and lot on Fraser reet, ait om 2 ne si fe ee ep orale rarnnerersrmarmtrmermurmedt he greatly |i Du M3 iat acials keena Land Pane trees or, erent area 32, $5,500. Magazines ;: Periodicals :: Newspapers j ae i Lord Tweedmouth made an offer for Take notice that I, George Graham, of| Lot on Second Avenue, Section 2, $1,500. i‘ { x— +o srr ie tes 5 eee er ae Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation brakeman,| TWO lots on Sixth Avenue, Section 5,/CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS 1} i / it. The breeder refused to sell it, bu intend to apply for permission to purchase! $2,250 each. Easy terms. t { { he enid, “I will make you a wag ihe following described lands; Two jots on Summit Avenue, $530 each.| 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club }) | i If : : ° ’ ommencing at @ post planted about} House and lot on Seventh Avenue for { { f you wil alk on your har 1 four miles west and three and a half miles $1,800. Easy terms. | | { {| this hotel balcony to the middle « south from End Hill, Banks Island, thence Double, commer on Seventh Avenue, Section ' the street t pony is yours. north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, s; { | / i With scarcely at FS dt heaite iuence south 40 chains, thence east fe i ae Block 19, Section 6, $2,700. Easy bt ; y rc ake ; ere chains to point of commenrement; contain- I a ion rd eedmouth dropped on t ing one hundred and sixty acres, more or Lot. & “Block 8, Section 6, $1,265. $715 { { SSS = > 5 | his hands and raised his heels over less. paen. s | { ¥ i . { { his head, and walked the distar yf GEORGE GRAHAM. Two lots on Eighth Avenue, Section 6, 4 General Merchandise - - Largest Stock ee Ae | ea a ee Oe se Fred Dawson, Agent. $950 each. Easy terms. ui | | / ; dicated on his hands without once Dated March 5, 1912 Lot 14, Block 7, Section 7, $635 a { = Se == = touching his feet to the ground Pub. March 23, 1012. Lots 2 and 3, Block 40, Section "1, $1,800 : 9 | ne ae ae es 7 | / fend ee . : pair. Easy terms. Cor. Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars ie it was thirty steps, and he accom Skeena Land District—District of Coast FOR REN?. | i plished it amidst the cheers of a lare< SRS NG MICN eee oe L. Wright Puraiahed house in Section 1, $50 per| RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT ; r, rOv ae ooker n the r N NULICE 1a , ora L, 1 month. . 7 { | Lowest / rices in Northern B. C; crowd of onlookers in the hotel and of Prince Rupert, married woman, intend] Furnished house on Borden Street, $60 | names { { in the street to apply for permission to purchase the per month, { {| Exactly a year previous Lord following described lands: : Four-room house with bath, Section 6, > } Tae ee reer ere er ee eae me rere re ars ese rs ee BE i ; Tweedmout! won a similar wager yf ror S137, hence wast 20" chains; thence ue an ERRACE. ' i , | with Mr. Dupee, in which he took two south 20 chains more or Jess to the nor- We are sole agents in Prince Rupert for 4 Wt rire ree meres rede esd meer ms ret rmermermns sess rsa de | e pe { containing 40 acres more or less. the stage at Los Angeles in a play/the Canadian runner, who probably DORA L. WRIGHT, 0 | | ptetin “The Deserts,” in a scene de 411 go to Stockhol the Can- Alfred E. Wright, Agent. Canadian General Electric Company, Limited | } | picting slumming in the lower quar-/| seated tes “as ee peer pee soe aan “1919, yp wr McCaffery & Gibbons | ters of a city. Lord Tweedmouth car 4 4 if] Motors, Mining and Contracting Machiner Ht , is part, , Skeena La strict— aL Third A 7. 3 Electrical Apparatus of every description HM otc ee vi /RACING IN THE ARGENTINE | a7ets, cette Cutt “contest sot, coset | Seouranee ged ote il a" % | Vancouver, occupation married woman, — — 11] intends to apply aor porasee pur- ouc chase the f owing escribpe ands; Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 || | WHEN SPORT IS POPY LAR. Ten Leading Stallions Have Big Sums Mee ee ee Semen ach ae getee neritry|BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors to Their Credit north and 40 Chains east from the north- Act and IN THE MATTER of ap ap lica-| The New Knox Hotel is runon ihe European ‘ east corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey, —_— Coas stric ange V “e tion for the issue of duplicate Cert — pen. service. All the Latest ; A ee Into the Value Placed up| The statistics relative to the win. | Coast District, Range V, thence thence “so | 2f Title in the name of EDWIN G. RU perenene a BEDS toe UE on n ungar s : . Aiaithe we bana ae s . 0) —nam It In Hungary nines of the progeny of the chief sircs| chains west, thence 60 chains south to|£LL for the following lands ely, the é ms ae ee " , post of commencement, and containing | S0Uthwest quarter (S.W. a OF aaa FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER1 } i Two occurrences of which the|in Argentina have just come to hand./ 430 acres, more or less, FECDNY-SD0OO AS)», |, DOMnenD Lares i } } LOTTIE M’TAVISH (12), Range Five (8), gee oe Secti 4 ---_ Budapest correspondent of an E Of course, the figures cover the whole > cae Panta . northeast quarter ( . ction I) #, ©. BOK 67 uahonartisuad lish Se amkae journal te ls sive an in-| of last yer there is no “clos¢ Dated April 16, 1a18, poet een Rence Five (x4 Cre ce tas notte! 2 AGENTS FOR Estimates given on all kinds of electrical {{\| sight into the high value with whic 18 Aires. Neverthe: | Pub. ADEM 20, 4018. scict of Coast, eet Quarter (RE 34) of Becten Boren Dominion - at ort is regarded in ungary Firstl; eg t t irent that the totals ap . Z 3 ~ *|} (7), the northwest quarter ii yd monn a work. Electrical Fixtures & Glassware i eve Husea, (Chairman of the: Hunger! nearing j a af mon Ge 2 a ven Rarige 5. 3s Section Eight {8g the poems. eeeew ; 3 \ ine, ote or eats eG . 7 Ys ? -. i, eat aS ake notice that 1, Hilda King, ¢ on- | (S.W. ) oO Section ghtee ; } reliability, Bullt )})}| ian Olympic Associauon, has been! ljerders, Pictremaritzburg and Jardy treal, . of papanod. spinster, intend to apply | Township Eleven (11), and the northwest} The Most Modern Barber Shop 9 | in sizes from 3 honored by the King with a de ra-| are encr or the former is mor for permission to purchase the following | quarter (N.W. %) of Section aren of Prince Rupert q ¥ tion of no little merit {n recognition| th; nd the latter is upwards | described lands: (13), Township Twelve (12), all o \ hp. to 45 h.p. . San Sin ; oh cen a ene rie oat oe Ries i va aer ae ae Fie ° * Pu ay 4 1 a ee <4 SSSR | per cent ito 16 per cent., aon ss the y Rend Oris) ORG BROS B ee ee a ae cok dnhaee ICE CREAM . additional 3 per cent. should be ear-| yalero by Gay Hermit. 88 73,715 |° , Range 6. ' i | marked for sporting purposes. Th *Dead lake notice that Jobn MeVicar, of SECT Prime Minister was attended by " g winning stable last wow, occupation railway signaiman, KEELEY’S PHARMACY ee ese Peep ree pee, 334) ber of members of Paris 4 a intends to apply for permission to pur- —THE— ' 4 perks: e534: 3 se eeareaeese: ee | large number of members 0 aria eal Hares D. Alvear, whose | chase the following described lands: * ite oe one e333: 3E33E3: SESE HSIES SES: tothe eee e7E53E3 SEDSERERERE ZS o2| ment, who are interested in sport, an anim: ired 278,072 dollars Commencing at a post planted 12 chains 6th St. and 3rd Ave. o i the Ministers of Agriculture Com es n 42 races horth and about we chains east of 4 W th Im Lumber Co.’ 4 . } ‘ ; ; \& 4 - ’ /uthoast corner of Lot 2655, thence north —_—_——_ ° | merce and the War Office were als — 20 chains, thence west 30 chains more es 0 e ' Q : JASE yresent oe > 1K or less to east by Lot 2655, thence sout ws is ao Very Resident of gee | Pre STAR IN VARSITY GAMES| 20 chains to north by Lot’ 4134, thence LIMITED IMPERIAL MACHINE Wi tg n, east 30 chains more or less to place of i “4 | - conunencement, Containing 60 acres more eee ’ 7 B gals h ie ; , ea Dual Oxford Cambridne Meet Results| or less JOHN MWICAR ie ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS i z | In Th Oy art cAR Lumber and Mouldin iq ritis Columbia | ' te D, J. McVicar, Agent. r an 0 gs H. R, Love, Prop., Prince Rupert ; Dated Lakelse River, April 30th, 1912. } 4 ; | | Oxford and Cambridge Universities} Pub. May 15, 1912. Up-to-Date Equipment. Work ar y NAY use oup Pp ee pea a pe | | te dal ai atic . ic j ingi t a Use Our Mail Order Service | ted fi ¢ annual athletic sports, with} «65, pang pDistrict- District of Coast, Prices Right. Engine Work | | five ex each. No records wer Range 5. All Kinds of Building Supplies and General Repairing. ; : & | i 3 ereat advantage to themsel- Henry Birks & Sons } ms Ww. O Ze ste of. ei ay odrats Dation thes Benet King, of Montreal, Shop, Hays Cove. , ves t ford student, won the welg D8 | permissto: rohase ’ . = 1 . : Our illustrated catalogue ~Limited— i event, hurling the missile forty. feet | POnMAMtm fo. Durchase the following de ihe Agents for Imperial were are! Which will > ge . | ten inche Zeigler also won the han Commencing at a post plauted at the| First Avenue one lue 269 P. x i ) ‘ll be sent to you upon — Jewellers and Silversmiths en inch vigter Bis ie ant | southwest corner of Lot 3068, thence north Phone Biue ” , hy request represent hor hl ; | mer throw with a total distance of] *:"'Unains more or less to south by Lot —————————— 4 rae sents thoroughly Geo, E.Trorey _ | 189 feet, four inches. D, L. Lange of] 3067, thence west 7 chains more of less —= a ee 1 Ur high grade’ stocks The Managing Director Oklahoma, like Zeigler, a Rhodes st to east by Lot S188, thence south | 35 i ae , ‘ . ains, thence eas chains more or less i Natch section of dent, ran in the 100-yard event, bu’ | (opiate of commencement, containing 40 B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE our catalogue Vancouver + B.C. the beet he could do was third. Dun-|aerdss aeerren ee . tt . : bee e coulc su ‘ ; acres more or less, a Oo a Particularly interesting to an MacMillan, England's reliance ‘n W. A BTHEL KINO. ; Ph $3 those wh the coming Olympic Games ai Stock » Piewin, Agent. | Second Avenue one © desire a wate : ; ed _Lakelse Valley, Apr , 1912. ; Neha 3 desire a watch that is holm, did the 100 in ten seconds fia'.| Pub May te, ters]? APrH #9en FAMOUS SAFETY “S38 and guaranted Our despite the fact that the track wrs , ric strie ; Lots 8-9-10, Block 10, Se, 8, $450 each; Field Glass news ‘ : vet with a heavy rain prevailing are ee a > ee Of Goast, | "875 cash, $58 3 ‘months, Dal, 6-49 PRINCESS eel SPEED . iy SS news is just now the time. In the weight throw, wo take notice that Madge Kobi, of Mon months. a C ; » Tri . . Dp Thies ‘eal, oce 8 or, snds to ap- ‘ interesting. Write us at by Zeig'er, B. P. Hubble of Chicazo | iiytor permission to purshase the follow. | Lows 36-36, Block 38, Sec, 8, $350 each; LINE é' SERVICE Onee, got third honors ink described lands: $200 cash, balance 6-12 months, r alia Commencing at @ post plantea at the : / e ; ; so. theast corner of Lot 994, thence west Lot 30, Block 49, Sec. 8, $350; §150 BBE es: 032 nentes: ssid SHEN STOPPING DIRTY WORK ‘0 chains snore op 188 to cast boundary cash, bal, 6-12-45 months, Ss. S. PRINCESS ROYAL CRE38¢33 3¢35 The ontreal baske ll teams cc sol 4477, thence south 15.7 chains to - ESSESERSSESSESIER SEDER ESET: ashes TOM O'CONNELL. hey - PALES. bas ap Te ° 7 “© Thorth by Lot 4120, thence east 40 chains, a9 19. Block 88. Bee. 9, $400; $200 cash, for ia —___. . ti off cided to stamp ou dainty work ' | thenee north 15,7 chains to point of com- 4a VANCOUVER, VICTORIA 3 . a | Shamrock were A reat @ strong | games, and two pleyers, Peter Canc meneement, containing 60 acies more or AND SEATTLE « ' a ee orter of the ional Lacrosse | . Fey he Si ai ia 4s 1 aes 083, so ° Tuion. He can see nothing but = rae zhed Sgt tag gat gg Ab a ‘ w. AROS KOM. Every Sunday, 6 P. M. i / F ind It Through a News Want Ad failure for the Big Four, expelled. Dated Lakelse Valley, ABIil fine toig,| Subscribe for the Daily News. J. @. M'NAB, General Agent i} . . Pub, May 15, 194 4 if