German Drive A Was Stopped were listed as Polotskl In the north- j crn Up of White Russia, Lepel, forty miles south and Novograd Volynskl In western Ukraine. BERLIN, July 9: (CP) Nazi spokesmen claimed today that . strong strong Ruaslan uuasian tank tanic lormatti formations Fft11f IlJlVS A CO counter attacking In Bessarabia f 1 UUI uajo xigvr the southern tirl wing m rr rf of 1 the ha front f mn f w on iirora VICHY. July 9: (CP) Mill- fantry were pictured by a Nazi i .in.ic in virhv ronorted T UM ... - - j - - i wsterdav that the German spokesman as making forced marches to the front to fill In the i drive against the Stalin line gaps left by the rapid thrusts of the I had been virtually stopped for armored divisions and the speed (our full days. These circles troops bent on waging a war of t indicated that the German movement. The German High losses were enormous. They. Command made no claims. listed as one reason for stop- . ping was the necessity of re- grouping thccjrnaaUiUtt H.IIlhtlt SalGS " llUHUUl iJCUia the need Other reasons ere to reorganize the supply lines and the guerilla resistance In (he read of the German col- umns. t American Dally, 25,000, Storage. 12.3c and 11c. I Mlddleton, 21,000, Booth, and 10.6c. 12.5c Churchill Welcomed Advent Of Americans In Iceland And Offered Co-Operation An Effort of Hitler to Gain Footinir Will Meet With Effective Resistance Declared Prime Minister LONDON, July 9: (CP) Churchill suggested in the Hoise of Commons today to the United States and Britain that the navies may profitably assist each other m guarding dangerous waters off Iceland. Churchill made the statement in welcoming the United States' occupation of Iceland and his report brought loud cheers. He told the House that Britain proposed to re- tain some of her forces now In n, ry re Iceland and declared the arrival .DlggCSt KUJl Ul "of powerful United States forces) OO Jill greatly reduce the danger to Cj,mnn In $taiTlD Iceland" and that It seems very . UdlHlUU 111 UUUnp likely that the British and Amcrl- . yr , Q can forces "will co-operate effee- liygf J fit DeWl tively tn resistance to any attempt i ay Hitler to gain footing." Church players present jyiCTORlA.B Statin Last night only eight people turned out to attend the meeting of the Civic Centre committee at the City Hall to make plans for the summer carnival and they decided that if more Interest was not taken in It. the whole affair would be dropped. Another meeting is called for Friday at the City Hall at 8 p.m. the final attempt to form committees and go ahead with the scheme. Speaking of the abortive attempt. Norton Youngs, chairman, said that if the boys did not want the civ; centre, nobody was going to try to force it on them. They had been asking for it for years and now they had an opportunity to get it nobody was interested enough to turn out to a meeting. Last night th"e of ,he destroyed, Masses of German in-1 was one ball So far as he was concerned, Mr. Youngs said, this Friday meeting would be the last attempt. If they did not get thirty or more present at the meeting Friday night, his efforts would cease. It was up to the boys. Nearly all the members of the Junior Chamber had promised to attend, and all that., were.. Uiere was eight. Mr. Youngs said he thought it would be a great thing for the city to have a twenty-five or thirty thousand dollar building here devoted primarily to athletics but evidently the young men wanted someone to give them the building without any effort on their own part- He did not propose to be a party to any such plan. Friday night there would be a i meeting, a final effort to get i going. He had been very disappointed last night. He thought it I was was just lust a a nuestion question of of leaving leaving the the ihnt would (J not fill fill ii,. the wii bill. ii. He would be there on Friday and if the boys wanted a civic centre it was up to them to turn out and show their interest in it. Captain Marsden Entertained By Terrace Legion . After a long patient wait of some 20 months Bar ret Fjprt last night had the official opening of their recreation and drill hall which has just been built. Th hall, with a floor space 60 by 90 .feet is located just outside the fort jconf lnes. A special train left town at 8 p.m. taking some 160. guests- wives and -friends of the men quartered In the forts and a; few official guests- p . The men of the fcfcbad worked-hard to make their hall attractive and with the orchestra from tht R. M. R.'s a most delightful dance was held. During the Intermission prizes were presented by the area commander to the winners of the sports events held on July 1 at Barrett. , the refreshments served were a .great credit 'to the unit and their cooking staff. The special train left at mid-nleht after -what was a very en joyable oyable evening evening for lor the ine guests guesis as as HOME RUN Ted Williams Hero of Boston Red I Sox Yesterday Afternoon pjeather Forecast Tomorrow's Tides Hifh l--54 a.m. 22.4 ft. Prince Rupert District and Queen 14:49 p.m. 20.6 ft. Charlotte Islands. Light north Low - 8:34 a.m. 0.4 ft. west wind 'ouay ana miia. 20:45 p.m. 5.3 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXX., f, ttti .' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1941. PTftSCfiy FIVE CENTS Armistice Is Asked In Syria Today Red Army Routed TwolMEETING ia-.-Jj d:... WAS FLOP IVloionzea ixeyimerus But Germans Striking Both Sides Still Claim Victories in Various Parts of Lengthy Battle Front Forced Marches by Nazis to Fill in Gaps MOSCOW, July 9: (CP) The Red Army reported to-day that it had routed theGerman troops and wiped out two motorized regiments in northern White Russia and stalled the Nazi drives at most points on the huge front. It acknowledged however that the German armored spearheads were striking at new points in an attempt to find the Onlv Eleht Turned Out Last Niiht For Organization Of Carnival; ' nnai tnort un rriuay J Nazi Push jVichy French Ask For Armistice is Halted . Which !s Being Arranged l omght In Russia . r r. I .. I c W-II LONDON, July 9: (CP i -The NEW HALL BARRETT OPENED Enjoyable Dance Given At Fort To Celebrate Opening1 Of Recreation i Centre : oo ngnting in oyria w in atop Nazi eastward push In Russia ' appears to be halted due either . to exhaustion of the Nazi forces COMPLETE VICTORY IN LEVANT AFTER MONTH aeience, auinoriiauve urmsn t forces declared today. END OF MEDITERRANEAN SEA IS ANNOUNCED VICHY, France, July 9. An armistice between the Vichy and the Allied Freen French and British forces in Syria has been asked for, it was announced here tonight. LONDON, July 9. Earlier today Prime I Minister Churchill announced that General Hen ry Dcntz, the Vichy High Commander for Syria had asked "for discussion of terms leading to an armistice" and expressed a hope that such negotiations may reach a speedy conclusion. Churchill told the Commons that Britain would be glad to sec the end of the montlrold campaign but added that until truce could be reported the fighting must go on. CAIRO, July 9, (CP) The Australian troops driving toward Beirut have overrun the main Vichy positions and now are operating north of Damour which is nine ipiles south of Beirut, the Middle East Command announced today. Later it was announced that fighting had ceased. CANADA'S OFFICERS LEARN THEIR GASES AT TRAINING CAMP March With Knowledge in This War Feature By JAMES McCOOK Canadian Press Staff Writer RROr.TCVTT.TF, Out . .Tnlv 9? (CP) Tpars anrl , v-, ------ Job tor someone else to do? but well as the men living, in the fort, sneezes are part of the experience of prospective army , officers in trainmcr at the Brockville officers instruction CM A CUm establishment. T11Q P A H rPvntpnfinn Arrnincr H.ncl hnilrlimr ic nno PLAN TO END WAR ECUADOR WASHINGTON. July 9: (CP) United States, Argentina and" Brazil have asked Peru and Ecuador to Act-) VillcVi o rr mono lanrl nn Knt.H (sides of the line known as the 'Status Quo Line. This territory is disputed by both nations. BOMBERS IN FRANCE i Germany Also Gets Regular Bap tism Of Fire From British Planes LONDON, July 9: (CP) The R. A. F. fanned out over the English I Channel In three directions today in another nightly assault on oc cupied France after night bombers kept up-a nonstop , air attack on Germany, extending as far east as Leuna near Leipzig. Scores of Britain's largest bombers dropper explosives on the Rhlneland and I Industrial facilities overnight and I one force flew deeper into eastern Reich to bomb synthetic oil plants at Leuna from which carloads of the product go to fuel the Nazi 'war machine In Russia. The main . . . Vl, mnrninff usy from lu.!'? "I Some Odorless and Some Not But Sniffs and Sneezes industrial objectives were the Ul cHainuuu t i. urill. ir mi.!. WT 17 I cities .IHac nf of V: Pamm. Muenster and Blel- elfeld, the Air Ministry said. Artists Donate Pictures For Spitfire Fund of the establishments in which the man qualifying under JASPER Aita. July 9- in an the stringent active army require- ' haS meaSUre of' effort to 'assist' In raising funds a ments assembles some of the knowl- cJoenS0ldier 0t,for the Jasper-Banff Spitfire Fund, edge he requires. , ' ' had'.slx famous artists have donated Partof the equipment is a smal J.jg original paintings which are now W m?E , 1, wSZ 2lS tS; effects, kid camp official Mem- on display In the rotunda of Jasper soldier Is required r to sniff the con con- ; ;park Lode, and are attracting DETROIT, July 9: (CP) TedWil- tents and thus learn to identify B h "ma-'much attention. The artists who Hams of the Boston Red Sox smash- poison gases by their odor. Mustard ' army Servlce corps 0rd-!have given their paintings to as- ed a terrific home run nearly to the gas Is simple. It smells just llk,e nance Drvost DOstal dentai and'slst this- fund are Roland Glsslng, top of the right field stands with mustard. The odor of others Is! t; here. , Qrandmalson. Peter Whyte Carl lu-n mat nn hasps n t.hp ulnlh In- mnrp elusive, and ll lie SnUIS tOO IDimmic Tlolmnrp Rmurn nnrt Rol- Sundav nln2 to climax a 4-run rally and hard at one variety he Is doomed to j Special Training iand Jackson. JU1V t i q On " TERRACE, ive the American League AH Stars a fit of sneezing. i . L All the artists are well known HT.n. Li LP iaiiauiuii uckwii . . . . , r-ii i i i in iu me tiic ursi. mou iuiu lour wtxi nttivi ai v uk: . ' . i i r.n r v rifirv vtr Liir iMdiiuiiai i tain Marsden is the officer 111 Pointed out that the United! ALBERNI, Jmy xv r"" . rf . orraro fhf, Prot.,ama. Btates policy Is not only to ScndQuold guardian of gtoyo m ol to Britain "but also to Fisher es at Stamp Faltt, JeP" Jjoin war supplies , nnntrv the forces. At 3:30 make sure we get them." 11 nn . i war materials For Russia Is Already Going LONDON. July 9: has completed arrangements for supplying large quantities of war materials to Russia and some miliary equipment is In transit, .the Ministry of Economic Warfare announced today. 1 PASSIVE PUNCH LONDON, July 9: (CP) A former Punch and Judy showman appearing at a Conscientious Objectors' Tribunal said he believed In passive resistance, The court registered ""n as an objector but suggested ho "write Punch's script for his next show. one day last week 900 salmon were counted on their way upstream. Mr. McQuold states that tne lowest day's run recorded this season has been 375, with many days on which 600 to 700 were counted. Thousands of lampreys are also climbing the falls on their way to the spawning beds. I Salmon Arrivals Azurite 1500 pounds of spring sold to Booth. 20,000 pounds coho sold to Sunnyslde Cannery. wiiu - . . Chaplain to the Terrace missing. tne region, uapuuu iwaioucu - orocMnfT fnllf Hraum from his exnerlcnces In the Far East, in P-J Lorf Miliar some anecdotes about the IVdlll junvu w Chinese were both interesting ana amusing. ine wuiucuo oui.c wwiw fui fc Yesterday ine league scores were: n i n M lii ftnrnnnn ino Villi If W m 1111 Tir. .1.4- u tha hpav psK ever re- me same v WHO J v- tit o - Commissioners conferred upon the coraea. imaAnm nt Hio vn. I I ,a ulnn Some apprehension was felt , tnai L.U5C L.1VC5 MUCH fnlcpn nf t.hl. nresent the more raspld run-on.aue iu uic logging of the headwaters of the Stamp River, might result In such low water before the arrival oi ui fish as to seriously hinder tneir as n.i oc ed the officer with a gold key, in- CL TftfriPflnPfl scribed with the name of the vll- Onip 1 OlJCUOtU lage. At this celebration the Key was WASIUNGTON. July 9: (CP) s un Germans aded in uniform and both they and Ip ( fplp lt the local home guard weic Inspect- " ed by the Captain. At the conclusion or tne ceremony CAIRO, July a: (ui-j ine u.n.r . in thP Oddfellows Hall little Alan has sent bombers over Greece and Dubeau played the National An- Crete which are now In German them In which the wnoie company hands and started nres in a series joined, of raids, it was announced Toaay. in tralnmg, as it is us a when haye strate the neces s"yof gas paring speclalized trainlng m var- masks at all times when the pres-1 bmnches q serylce they are ence of gas is susp ected liny Mais her for a fmal Ingredients of the the containing two weeks of itrnn.tlon Instruction common common ffnc are oDened In a room, and, on removing his mask, the soldier Is exDosed to Its effects. Invariably modern soldier's equipment. Should jan odorless gas be dropped from the I air. Its Dresence will be revealed by 'sVdtsta the cape, which warns the, man that gas masks and other protective equipment must be used im mediately. The soldier Is Instructed to mark the spots on the cape so that If ho Is exposed to a similar gas at some future date there will be no confusion with earlier spots. Long slickers are Included In the anti-gas equipment, and with them drawn over a uniform In a gas . . . Where Masks Needed 'training centre all those seeking e .wwm. m u, -n ffu.rc- naiifiraHnns aone a great ucai oi m Tear gas has an important place " Z"ft: :,nr "7, "! Canadian Rockies. They speclaUze he leaves the room In tears and with the lesson driven home. r-ucix. rrmt.n nine ointment ior to all arms. Buildings at the training centre are of the plainest wooden type, with few comforts. They are de signed for use rather than beauty. i. nwpvert the water level the chairman of the Commission-' that a vessei bearing ten Red Cross ustfrd .ff,1 ia"en a" ""f" 'easy chairs in two rooms, but Col. w . j ,, nrfrtrpco nf U-P POme was i nj,... ,, fr.r. poSEQ pan, Ul Uic uujf rv,, ,!, mAmJ,( ,i Wtf tm vt ni I . f Miiii'iiiu ir. i i i.. -v. x u Kwnnn ntara uivvi vt-- i - - - TV V;:" Branch :r" of v. ... pprt.aln chemicals, chemicals, are are part part of of the the said that these furnishings were donated and curtains and other small Items were purchased by the officers themselves. NEEDED KNOWLEDGE ALDERSHOT, July 9.' (CP) When Pte. John Edmunds of the Royal Army Medical Corps appeared he fore a court-martial here on a In scenic subjects with the exception of Roland Jackson, who features wild life and Grandmalson whose ambition is to perpetuate the life of the rapidly vanishing North American Indian, he Is looked upon as an outstanding authority on the Interpretation of Indian lore and character. Thirty Million Pounds Halibut In 3 Months SEATTLE, July 9: (CP) The 'American and Canadian fishing fleets landed 30,265,475 pounds of halibut In three months ending June 30 the International Fisheries Commission reported yesterday. The American catch was 20,867,626 pounds. charge of desertion, he said he could The Prince George which arrived not read or write or understand ,ln the city this morning had on technical lectures, ue was vraus- Doara &as passengers oouna ior ferred to a pioneer corps. the north.