PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS "CHRISTIES" LOGGER & WORK BOOTS there. Guaranteed the finest built shoes for work or logging. Hand made of the best leathers and lasted to fit the foot n ht. Priced from $8.00 Sole Agents AMILY SHOE STORE LTJ The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE r.DPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Wonderful Achievement Tuesday, September 9, 1941. Appropriate to War Reconsecration Week is fitting to observe that two years ago, Canada's soldiers, sailors and airmen, including reserves, all together totalled a mere 08,000 officers and men whereas today, the fighting forces', including reserves, number 490,000 of all ranks. Two years ago, the Canadian Army comprised 4.500 in the Permanent Force and 55,000 in the Non-Permanent Active Militia. Today, there are 230,000 volunteers in the Canadian Army (Reserve). Single men aged 21 to 24 are now being drafted for the Canadian Active Army on Home Defence. Tvo years ago, the Royal Canadian Navy had but 3,(i00 officers and ratings and thirteen vessels. Today, the Navy has grown to more than 23,000 and 250 vessels destroyers, armed merchant cruisers, corvettes, minesweepers, patrol and anti-submarine craft. Two years ago, the Royal Canadian Air Force mustered about 5,000 of all classifications: today they number 07,000. ' Two years ago, Canada was spending less than 000,000 a day on arms. Today, the nation is spending, neany j4,uuu,uuu. inis year Canadians will put into voluntary war effort about 40 cents of every dollar earned. Two years ago, war material production was next to nothing. Today, factories from coast to coast are mobilized night and day to turn out grim weapons of war, and about one-half of all Canadians engaged in manufacture are employed on war orders. , While these two years have been mainly for catching up with the armed dictators preparing, equipping, mobilizing and training, Canada also has been in the thick of the fight. In the British Isles today are more than 100,000 Canadian soldiers sailors and airmen. Over 1,200 Canadians have figured on casualty lists; 730 of them killed in action, 195 missing, the remainder dead from natural causes. Really In War - - - These figures make us realize better than anything else that we are really in the war and that the coming year is the most serious period in the history of the country. We have been doing a great deal but we can do more yet'if we set our minds to it -therefore Reconsecration Week. In Prince Rupert we have to realize that our shipbuilding is part of our war service. Other nlarps nm. viding guns, ammunition, small arms, food, but Prince Rupert is doing its part by providing ships and fish foods. This is just as much war work as the building of planes. Hoping we shall win the war does not help much. The reai test is how much has each one done and will do towards the uesireu ena. Modern Speed . A rather interesting illustration in modern transportation occurred last week, J. A. Wilson director of airports, left Ottawa on Thursday morning at eleven o'clock He arrived pt Vancouver,, inspected the airnort and proceeded to Prince George arriving there and inspecting the airport Friday night From there thev motored to Smith-ers. inspected the new airport which is i rtruction. motored to Fort St. James and back to Prince ; George, proceeded to Watson's Lake in the Yukon and, than Hnma 1 it , , , . . ..u.c ,t cuiicwy anu, according to sciieclule, is due at Newfoundland Saturday to inspect the big new airport BOWLING OPENINGL .Mixed League Jo Swinff Into Action Ton.orrow Night With Twelve Teams Entered An enthusiastic meeting of the Mixed Bowling League was held last night when entries for twelve teams, in league play during the coming season were received and officers, opening of the season being set for this Wednesday evening. The officers are as follows: President, C. Kellett. Secretary. Norman Kinslor. Treasurer, L. M. Asemlssen. The teams and are as follows: Sav-mor, Grocery, Paul Stegavlg; Toilers, Tommy Fraser; Rinky (Dinks, Steve Arlington ; Stone's I Clothiers. Bill Stone; Pete-a- Repeat, Carl Peterson; Pushovers, j George Franklin. People's Store. Lou Felsenthal. Alley Cats, Max jAsemissen; Woanjas, Sid Wood-Iside; Standard Oil, Fred White: Bankers, Max Drage; Alley Kittens. The following schedule is announced: I September 10 Sav-Mpr Grocery vs. Tollers; Rinky Dinks vs. Stone's Clothiers: Pete-a-Repeat vs. Pushovers: People's Store vs. Alley Cats; Woanjas vs. Standard Oil: Bankers vs. Alley Kittens. September 17 Standard Oil vs. Bankers; Woanjas vs. Alley Cats; Sav-Mor vs. Alley Kittens; Stone's Clothiers vs. Pete-a-Repeat; People's Store, vs. Pushovers; Toil ers vs. Rinky Dinks. September 24 Rinky Dinks vs. Pete-a-Repeat; Alley Kittens vs. Toilers: Alley Cats vs. Standard Oil; Woanjas vs. People's Store: Sav-Mor vs. Bankers; Pushovers vs, Stone's Clothiers. SPORT CHAT ; As a result of Watts & iNlcker-json 11 to 6 victory over Co-loperatlves in the Intermediate Baseball Leanue tjn Sunday, the with the. final league fixture this Wednesday evening. There will be a competition of the best four games out of six for the city championship. The Intermediate League teams are:' Watts & Nlckerson Postuk, Pavlikls, Bill, Fitch, A.rney. Long, their captains'Montesano Paulis and Gurvlch. co-operanves ZDura, Macaon-old. Astori, Kingston, Simundsen, Hetherington, Davies. Pilfold and Mentenko. THEATRE UP AGAIN Shipbuilding Company Would Like To See Another Amusement House for Employees At the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce meeting last night a letter was read from H. T. Mitchell of the Wartime Merchant Shipping Ltd. as follows: "At the request of G. A. McMil lan, 1 wrote recently to C. Blake Jackson, deputy priorities officer, construction control division, De partment of Munitions and Supply, supporting the general proposal for permitting construction of a new movie picture theatre in Prince Ru pert. I explained to Mr. Jackson that such an addition to the rec- reational facilities of Prince Rupert would be highly desirable from the point of view of our program since Qi 1 P I J there was a danger of the dockyard OteamSnip OcUlinSfS management being unable to retain (Daylight Saving Times) For Vancouver Monday S.S. Prince Rupert -. 4 p.m. Tuesday S.S. Catala .... 1:30 p.m. Wednesday S5. Princess Alice pjn. Friday S.S. Prince ao .1.1:: 711 Presume thls ,s the theory that ZZJZ: ;-Z: I" wouId e a discrimination to al Saturday S.S. oo Prince George 5 p.m. S.S. Princess Louise p.m. From Vancouver Sunday S,S. Catala p.m. Monday S.S. Princess Alice .. a.m. Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert . 11 a.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide am S.S. Prince George 11 a.m. S.S. Cardena . p.m. For Stewart and Premier . Sunday S,S. Catala 8 pm, Friday S.S. Prince George 1 p.m. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. Saturday S'. 8. Prince George 12 noon For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday S.S. Catala 8 p.m. From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. For Ocean Falls Monday S.S. Prince Rupert 4 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince George - 5 p.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert n a.m. Friday SS. Princess Adelaide . a.m, S S. Prince George ll a:m. S.S Cardena pm. For Queen Charlotte Islands August 30r- S,S. Campsun 10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands August 29 S S. Campsun a.m. For Alaska Monday S.S. Princess Alice a.m. Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert 3 p.m. From Alaska-Monday S.S. Prince Rupert io a.m.i Wednesday 8 J3. Princess Alice p.m. Saturday Princess Louise .. p.m. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 employees because of their dlssatis faction with living conditions in Prince Rupert. "Today I have received a reply from Mr. Jackson which Indicates that he wculd be willing to author ize construction of one theatre there but three applications have come in and. as a rnnspmipnpp hp hae had to turn each of them down. I low any one of the applications. He also states that on August 16 one of the applicants, Julius Bal shine, wired him stating he had de cided to erect immediately a small ! theatre to accommodate the present j needs. As the value of this theatre would not exceed $10;000 a license from Mr. Jackson's' department would not be necessary. "I should be Interested In having your comments on this subject and any further information you may have. It would seem to me that a S1C.C00 theatre, unless It Involves remodelling some existing premises, would have a small capacity and might have difficulty In complying with the fire laws of British Columbia. "I should also be Interested In any comment you may care to make on the housing project that is now under way In Prince Rupert." John Dybhavn suggested that, as the Chamber had already given its views, the matter should be considered closed. The letter was accordingly filed. EH3SEL CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton D.C., Ph.C. Wallace Block. Phone G48 Bowling Leagues Meeting of men's five-pin league at Wax's. Howling Alleys, Wednesday,- Sept.. 10, 8, p.m. Enter your name or team before that time. Legion Executive Meeting Is Held Reports on Convention and Display of Refugee Work Coming Up The executive of the Prince Ru- ... . i o m fnr : nprt hmnrh of the Canadian Legion first place and it is expected the! of the British Empire Service was play-offs will start next Sunday j In session last evening in prepara tion, for the regular mommy meev ing of Wednesday when reports will ' be given on the provincial convention held recently in New Westminster. An. additional attraction will be the display of the work done by the Women's Auxiliary of the Prince Rupert Legion for the people of Britain. The president, H, A. Breen, reported on the meetings he had attended on behalf of the branch recently. This had included one held at the Moose Hall in connection with the provincial board of health. There was also the one held at the request of the city commissioner in connection with the Week of Re- consecration to be observed from September 10 to 17 throughout Canada. Routine reports were presented by the various committees and these will be considered at the monthly meeting. man, C. L. Barker, R. C. Bamford, J. Preece, J. M. Walker and Nell Cameron In addition to H. A. Breen who presided. YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN IIOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM IIOME" Rales 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o, Box 1JC Lutheran Tea 'And Sale Held Successful Affair Saturday noon at Metropole Ilall Church Women After- by Very successful was a tea and sale of home cooking held by the women of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in the MetroDole Hall on Saturday. The tables were decorated with sweet peas and fall flowers and the scene was very attractive. The guests were received by Mrs. Chris Jensen. Mrs, Jonn iwurvoia, Mrs. M, Holkestad and Mrs. T. Sel-vig were in charge of the tea with Mrs. T. Solleln and Mrs. J. EUer,t,sen acting as servlteurs. . Mrs. O. Kildal and Mrs. M. Jen-, sen were In charge of the home cooking table. ' Mrs. P. Bergset conducted the raffles which resulted as roiiows: Cushion, won by boat Viking, No. 561, second prize, Mrs. Antonsen, No. 105: third. Mrs. Kildal. No. 234. In the candv Jar guessing con test, Rev. J. H. Myrwang won tne first prize, a basket of fruit, and Mrs. A. J. Lancaster, the second l prize, an aoron. The correct num- Those in attendance were Hughjber wa? 165, Mr. Myrwang guessing cmifVi w Thrnnn s a rhppse- 162 ana Mrs. Lancaster, log. '98. Classified ads. get results. Phone V T JL f ? 7 j ISA I 'You sure rolled that one EASILY! "I'll say, it s- OK The New CROSSCUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO You, too, can roll a better cigarette more quickly ami more economically! The new cron cut an added feature of tlii.t specially pleading tobacco makes it easy to pick instantly tbe exact amount for a cigarette . . . ami it just smiftglvt into, tbe paper! Prove it for yourself. II THE SEAL 0' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert The Daily New? is a member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only papei north of Vancouver and West of Edmonton holding membership these 1 in organizations. Tuesday. s v J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES ami CENTS Bent Materials, Wort", 2nd Ave. tw0 do.i; fr, oroocasung SU,n ; -"nEi SAVO) HOTEL Car! Zarclli, prop, rnone 37 p,o, box FRASER STREET ' Prince Kupert J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Pest 0fii Steamers Leave Prir.ce Eq For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAI, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Than, pa CARDENA EVERY FRID1J, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Mondaj u Queen Charlotte Island Leaving Aug. 19 and 3t, September 9 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Resemtiou from FRANK J. SKIWFIt Prh Itunert ernt Third A Phone 568 1 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annei 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Bath Dining Room In Connectioi Mri4 C. E. Hlack, ProprletrM Prepare for Fall and Winter Men's Suits rerw: ..l i Ladle Alterations, Repai; Cm: ing and Presoir. Q. . ' Service featuring Freed.... Oabbcs, Samuc H: r L: Ladles and Gc:. f - Topcoats to r.- urt DELUXE TAILOR flnnficltd Pnmm 1 triors off Phone 307 Rat iH Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters sausiacuon uuaru- PHONE 817 I nm I.pp & Sod ........... .. i-rwinS uuuse ur r ifi " School Supple In ffood duality u prices. The VARIETY STOKE 330 3rd Ave. W. rhone Ked II . ..nfilM H ' ft. J K J M. New Issue Premium Bih , In. Call In and let us exP this plan to you. Dlshef verware, flatware rL useful Items FREE with cash coupotis. .MUSSALLKMS ECONOMY STOP "Where Dollars Have W Cents'' .a Phones 18 & l'J "