PAGE POUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE J fr WS3$. r There's a WATERMANS To Suit Everyone Pens From . . $1.50 Pencils From . 7oc Sets From .... $2.25 For BOYS and GIRLS MEN and WOMEN Special Sets for The Army The Air Force Doctors and Nurses Business Men and Women An Ideal Gift That Will Last a Life Time from toe sun f CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Haggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND AIKKCIIANT RUPERT LIEN'S & ROYS' STORE Roys' & Youth's Thrift Department Offers Values Supreme Check These Values Roys' Combinations 95c Boys' Sweaters . . 15c to $1.50 3-1 Elastic Top Sox 29c Boys' Shirts 95c Lonj; Pants $1.95-$2.95 Short Pants 75c-$l Boys' Caps . 50c-75c Boys' Raincoats . . From 83.93 Boys Suits . . . .$3.50 to $12.25 Rupert's Complete Boys' Clothes Dept. McRae Bros. Have .the Sensational NEW 1. Guaranteed unconditionally for 100 years. 2. More gold" in the point. 3. Modern balanced styling. 4. Simplest, one-stroke filling. 5. Quick start, leak-proof feed. 6. Writes H mile on single filling. 7. Handmade points (through 80 operations). 8. Yourchoiccof 7 quality points. JrjH Waterman' VjH Pni from Hi J3,00 ff?jif Hundred Jf iM Ytar Ptn '"'''I f m COAL! COAL! The yre&test Victory Vdfure wo t' Was storhf f Ami ru The coa! business isn't a matter of guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy it ,and you will know good coal when you try it. We buy the best the mines produce. It's properly graded before it comes to us and properly scheened and weighed before It comes to you. . Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. rilONE 651 I'HONE 652 It's inti-:---in r t know when reading tin- Da-lv N'e that the people of the whole district are doin the same. 'I 206 SIXTH STREET Next to Jones Flowers i Mail.Ordcrs Promptly Filled. Open Saturday Night RECALLS WHALING Trapping nig: Mammals at the River Mouth Was Great Business By James M:Cook Canadian' Press Staff Writer GREAT WHALE RIVER. Hudson Bay, Sept. 9: 0; Huge cast iron vats filled with sand support the dock at this fur trade post on the .ast shore of Hudson bay. They aie the only memorial to the days when the hunt fcr whales flourish in this sub-Arctic region and rugsed sailing ships set out for England with barrels of whale oil in their holds. The capture of white whales, from 10 to 15 feet long, was simplicity itself in the days when the market was strong. From the post buildings h.agh over thj river the widi,uiie wuueis coum see scnuois oi wnaies maicn.g tneir way uj the stieam. After the big mammals passed the wnales suuug strong nets across the river ana when the whales came down again they weie trapped. Haroid linderganen, veteran ot the Hudson's way Company sv-d.ce, sam thai wnen the whales reached the net they always remained absolutely motionless for a tew moments. Then tney would run short of air and attempt to reach the surface, only to find they were entangled. Sme died by drowning 'but the majority were Killed by spearing or shooting. Harvest Willi ' I The carcasses were dragged out of the channel when the tide went out and the oil was recovered and collected In the vats which now .support the substantial docks along which supplies are carried when the schooner Fort Charles arrives. Eighty years ago as many as 1,000 whales a month were taken. ' Even now white whales are ' no particular novelty and they sometimes provide a bit of pleasant : variety from seal meat for the Eskimos. i To capture the white' whale the 1 ingenious Eskimo developed his! own harpoon which is still used -ffectivelv by an ever-decreasing band of hunters. One trader said regretfully he had heard a band of young Eskimos wondering how their fathers and grandfathers managed to take se-ls and whales with harpoons. They had used pothlni V't rt'i-w pro hftrj the ancient hiintln'" r'. From whales, seals and por THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, September j, 1941 FOOTSLOGGER'S MANY WEAPONS Today's infantryman js so well-armed he is a Bren, Lewis and Tommy gunner, an anti-tank gunner and anti-aircraft machine-gunner, and can handle bombs, pistols and two types of mortars. Above he is demonstrating some of his weapons to visitors at various camps across Canada. At top is an antitank gun; centre is a mortar and a Lewis on an an .1-aircraft mounting, as sometimes used here and overseas; at the bottom an infantry Bren-gun section is proving that the footslogger is actually a light machine-gunner. poises the Eskimo obtains not only lood and ciothing but fuel for his lamps and lubricant for his modern weapons. Si.m kayaks sail bounce over rough seas but in front of the paddler in the cockpit is a high-powered rifle Instead of a harpoon. Excellent shots, the Eskimo quickly grasped the mechanics of the modern rifle, Just as he understood th ' .-) ncple of the internal combustion engine without much diff;ulr.y. Captain J. O. Nielsoh, skipper of the Fort Charles, said Esk'mos learned for thSnrelves that a rifle used for many yen rs tended to lose its ac curacy through the end of the barrel becoming bell-mouthed. Somewhere they obtained a hacksaw and patently sawed it until the "belled" part was removed. 'r fron' s)"ht was moved backward and the accuracy of the weapon restored. Mail Schedule (Daylight Saving Time) For the East Monday Wednesdays and Fridays : 6 p.m. I' rum the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 a.m. For Vancouver Monday 3 p.m. Tuesday ........ 12:30 p.m. Friday .. 9:30 p.m. Saturday ...,. 5 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday p.m. Monday aim, Wednesday 11 a.m.. Friday ; a.m. For Stewart and Tremier Sunday ., 7 p.m. Friday 12 p.m. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday a.m. Saturday ..u 12 noon For Alice Arm, Naas Kiver and Fort Simpson-Sunday 7 p.m. From Alice Arm, Naas Kiver and Tort Simpson-Tuesday 11:30 a.m. For Ocean Falls-Monday 3 p.m. Friday 1 p.m. Saturday 1 Sii 4 p.m. From Ocean Falls-Wednesday 11 a.mi Friday ,; n a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-August 30 ,. 9 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands August 29 &m. For Alaska ' " -.-. V Wednesday ...j;,,,..-.,,,... 2, p.m. Friday ....L,r. , a.m. TO WELCOME BROTHERHOOD Chamber Of Commerce Takes Nole Of Coming Convention Of Native Organizations At the suggestion of Arnold Fiaten the Prince Hupert Chamber of Commerce decided last night to send a letter of welcome to the Native Brotherhood of British Coltimbia which proposed to hold Its annual convention in the city during the week of Octooer 2. 1 The question of making a financial donation toward the cost of the convention was turned over to the Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association as bein? th" organization more directly affected. , However, the Chamber felt gratified at the honor done the iclty and instructed that a letter be written expressing this I A "spot" costs you only half a dollar. Try It in the Dally News I classified column. (tf) CIGARETTE PAPERS DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl, Ladies and Children's Alterations I'honc Ilfk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing i-itovixciAi. ixrriiiiv I VOTKKS LISTS IS YOUR NAME on the Provincial VotriTS' L!U? It Is Vour nwr, jlster. Take no chances. Do not clf-pciid Jon anyone else. You cannot vote union registered on the PROVINCIAL llt Be-in on the Olvtc, Municipal or Federal .ltsta positively does not put you on the Provincial Hat. I THE LIST CLOSES on the I3th day of Swiitember. 1941. aftr uhi.h - " w . unii positively no applications win be re- Qualifications Xor Registration: 1. British sublect bv Birt.h urall7atl;n. 2. Twenty-on years of age. 3, Residence of Six months In Province at British Onhimhla- rv. A.. In Electoral Distr.tet. NORMAN A. WATT, Rogltrar of .Voters. ..r-'-rv Rtiwrt Electoral District 1 August 30th. 1941. ROAD WORK IS NEEDED rnmmlll,, (f rhamlier Of f'om- ' 1 ntt. IT f . . . i : .. f w 1 I Widening Seal Cove Artery The need of improvements tp the road leading to Seal Cove was ; stressed last night at the Trlnce Rupert Chamber of Commerce meeting by John Gurvich and, after considerable discussion it was 'referred to the Housing Commit tee for action. Mr. Gurvich said the condition of the road was poor and danger- ous. He feared that there might be an accident as the traffic was heavy and would be worse when the housing work got under way. He suggested that the clty was badly in need of proper construction machinery. It was necessary to spend about $50,000 on various apparatus in order to do good work. If tenders were called for reconstruction and widening ol the road now he felt sure It would not cost anything like the $70,000 estimated, by the city engineer. The people who were putting in jthe sewers for the new houses could handle it better than any- I A number of members spoke urging the need of the HOTEL ARRIVALS I'rince Rupert I J. Walmslcy and T. Polck. city: S. E. Salter,. Vancouver; A. R. Grant. Royal I James Fields and M D. Nicholson, city; John H. Johnson, IJella Coola; James K. Dain, Vancouver; 'A. J. Earle, E. C. Hayman. T. ; Johnson f CAP1T01 'AMOU. PIAYW, iZS TODAY and WEI)XtsiM, Continuous Dally Frzz i D Complete Shows a ri W ".no r o.uo a:uo 7 C3 ROSALIND S 12 RUSSELL MELVYN DOUGLAS In the Season s Ililaritr Tit-I!it "This Thing Called Love" (At 1:30. 3:33, 5 38 f 13 9 42, Also Walt Disney's "Pluto's riaymate" Screen Snapshots "Great Meddler' Whifflets From The Waterfront Union steamer Camion Capt Jsmcs Watt, on her .-r Uj day voyage here from Vancouver via the Queen Charlmtr I; r.J:, arrived in' port at 13 30 x t J-and will sail at 13 0 i! :k on her return south ovc the route. CARNIVAL WIXXEKS Winners of thr n - ( ings of war savings '..a' the re:ent Civic Cem- rl: ,ii were as follows: $1C1 Hi;-'! H: llton; $50 each, Edwa-o N Met: tyre, Kenneth FouSr r-j Fong and Beatrice Ruddrin SEPTCMBlk From PRINCE KUl'ERT and return 12 26 T-- Coach 'Tourist StancarJ T,ron'o S6J.50 $77.50 $ 91.45 Ottowa 63.50 77.50 91.43 Montreal GUO 78.15 92.60 (l''Cec ..k. 67.95 83.00 97.93 "a'ifax 81.40 99.10 117.33 (GovtrnmtntTu Extn) Cood In teepin csrs on pjyment ef rtjulir berth fart. Stopovers allowed. Children, 5 yean and undtr 12, half fare. Correspondingly low fares from all points in Western Canada, to points In Eastern Canada (Port Arthur. Arm. strong and East). ' JIMIU LOW FIXES riOM UST TO WIST r.i.- TRYEV" V. TRAIN . . Attractlw at modtnlt tost In tnjoir yeur trip In Safety ind Comfort the Dining Csr, alio tut tray (unchn Modern Air-Conditioning on principal served at your test In Oiy Coaches mam lint trams. tni Sleeping Cars. Full information from nwy Agent ,.,,.1 USED FURNITURE 2 Kitchen Tables Each $1.00 4 Reconditioned Sewing Machines Each S15.00 6 Reconditioned Ranges From $27.50 0 Beds Complctc-From ...Z. .. sl2'0o Elio's Furniture Store TIIIKI) AVF.NUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m, to 5:30 p.m. Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage INnc- Kupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia