HALIFAX, Sept. 9: V Dutch ,..,. continuing In exile their . against Nazlism.. have found i,me away from home? In this (,iX,,upoUtan p"ort. " i Netherlands Sea-mii Known as the , Home. It is a modest brown t, urt ure situated on a tree-lined .ect across from the Imposing iv Mdriice of Nova Scotia's lleuten-d.vernor. A flag of the Free F,-n Netherlands Is all that distinguishes It from its mlddle-,-ta.j. neighbors, but to lonesome Dui h sailors 11 symoauzcs wit iui.ri r.hey are fighting for. oniv one of its kind in the Dominion, the Home was officially .em-d August 21 by Princess Jiill ai; nival trimmings: It was a re- CPPtlilli in We spun U wic coiau nshment an informal get .ur.r.het of the fighting men and .m il t.i aitious heir to the throne Pri:d of the first roof they ccuio usuy can men uwu i.-c he Nazi war machine rolled over the U'wlands, cheering Dutch of- nser and ratings Jammed the dwpiun-, the day It was opened, iManv -arried away patches of new pair.) dfi souvenirs of the visit. Visitors were enthusiastically e::yrtrc) through the Home by hrmnins guard of honor, many of UtioiD apsed from halting Eng- r.LS) an excited flow of Dutch a; Aev attempted to show their possession to Its best ad Inewe-i vantap Homry and Comfortable Steep vteps lead from the, street Ito the Home and open on a wide halt running the length of the I bulldhr On the left Is a large livics foom, lighted by four bay vmdow- and Joined by an arch TCC1D with a commpdjous dining Beth rooms are gaily papered ano tasteiuuy lurnisnea wiin catortable studio couches, radios n amps One lamp, a table p:lt is the centre of attraction Wide rom a beer bottle, It has a shade decorated with labels of practically every known brand of vhL-key gin and beer. When the Hun Is poor, and. down. He .he humblest man In town, lEui once he climbs and, holds the rod, fie smites hjs fcllQw men and God, Tha' poet knows his German's" jcommented the officer who trans-Dated ii Dutch Kitchen Ai the end of thp hallwav Is a lichen roomy and modcrnly lequippcd. Shiny pans hang from line wails whllp brlhtlv nnlored dishes sit about on tho sideboards. 1 lartf .:tove and table Comnlete thls culinary workshop, capable of iireain? 20 or more hungry sea- I'nen Upstairs the bedrooms have I been Ranged about to accommodate more than their usual auota L Second Crop 1 I 1 Strawberries thn..i.."" w ..U1 i'ng lor th T 011 such berries - possioiy consume. or Lost Blood British Doctors See Possibilities In Egg Preservative LONDON, Sept. 9: Isinglass. well known to housewives as an egg preservative, may have possibilities as a blood substitute, says the British medical Journal, "Lan cet." The Journal comments on re search by two Toronto doctors, N. D. Taylor and E. T. Walters. "Tay lor and Walters," It says "have recorded favorable results when using Isinglass to replace lost blood In dogs and maintain that In. many cases the dogs' lives were savd by It." The Journal says that dried hu man serum to great extent meets the requirements of an Ideal transfusion fluid but it is not produced on a sufficiently large scale for universal use and Its greatest value In. burns and shocks tend to limit Its use to those conditions. The Ideal" It suggests," "would be to store red cells and plasma separately so that cells only could be used for anavmla, plasma for shock and the mixture for acute haemorrhage." Miss Betty LeRoss Becomes Bride United In Marriage Tq Arthur Hagan At Quiet Ceremony On Saturday evening at a quiet ceremony In the manse of First Presbyterian Church, Miss Elizabeth P. LeRoss became the bride of Arthur Hagan, Rev. A. Fergu son, MacSween officiating. Miss Sylvia Kraus was the bridesmaid and Nicol Hamilton groomsman. The young couple will continue to reside In the city. Englishmen Beat Scots International Soccer on Sunday is Closely Contested UngJlshmen defeated Scotsmen by a score of 82 to 78 In a hard-foueht International lawn bowling On the walls are pictures or the . contest played as one of the clos-ethenands' ruling family, with me events of the season. the 'wo princesses occupying places o) honor, Traced In spruce Iboughs are Victory V.'s. A poem. ratten m 1640. Is framed on the Idining room wall. Translated, it treads BoVRiL BOUILLON CUBES Announcements All advertisements In this col umn will be charged for a lull month at 25c a word. Red Cross Tea, Sept. 11, Mrs. Sid Thompson. iw guests and there Is room for Presbyterian a score 0r more men. A steward September 18 Tea, the Manse, I u """ors xne nome wasr cwomhnr is imeam a. u. . uw, -..... vu iicuumoaave uuicn l urpeat. victims and seamen abso,- ond searchlight Auxl Dance. Ar I Mini.. .... i rv miaoie to find lodgings. Any Uourles, September 19, lot the Netherln I'w a cup of tPn n,u,0 Andean Tea, Mrs. nop.. Ibe he explained. 4 day September 19. Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale, 4 1 September 20. united Church Tea, Mrs. M. F, Nlckerson, Atlin Ave., Sept. 25. Queen Mary Refugee Club Tea, Sept. 27. Legion Rooms. 1 n0thcr resu,t f the fine Catholic Bazaar, October land 2 I . - Tince Kunprf 1 still i. - J"J"iK IS lllust.rnt.pH nf It . Hnri FTiaaV, tt. o, IHh.,; . u"'s lsiana 'arm i. - ime second croD straw- i wrries are belnir nUVoH a j. I t. u..t,M., tph Mrs. McLcod's mtimJ ,lors 10 Mr' wear- Sixth Avenue West, ucrooer th the "r..fflad ,:.P,ace Suay had Hill 60 Tea, November 1. Orange Sale, November 5. St. Peter's Fall Sale, Nov. 20. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. German returned tq the city at the end of the week from a visit to Stewart. Tonight's train, due from- the East at 12 o'clock daylight saving time, was 'reported this morning to be on time, The Prince Rupert Gyro Club will be holding Its regular month ly business luncheon tomorrow. The executive was in session yes terday preparatory to the general club meeting. BLACKHEADS go flulcklj by a almpl method tint dissolves them. Get .two ounces of peroxlna powder from your druggist, applr with a hot, wet cloth gently over the blackheads and you will wonder where they bava gone. Due to error, the names of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bulger, Mary Margaret Bulger, Diane Stone and Barbara Flaten were omitted from the list of those at the Gyro Club picnic on Sunday. Victoria. t- Tarda September 9, 194L THE DAILY NEWS CANT BEAT THE DUTCH lor impression Of, Grit And Loy-lly To Living Cause of Freedom and Nationhood See Seaman's Home , Used Isinglass LOCAL NEWS NOTES REGISTRATION OF VOTERS Dybhavn & Hanson's office, 315 3rd Avenue, will be open evenings between 7 and 10 o'clock for registering. (214) Arnold Flaten returned to the Attention Lady Bowlers! Meeting ladles' bowling league Tuesday at 8 p.m. Cant, and Mrs. V. H. A. Knox, who, u have been in the city for the past I Y Mir. and Mrs.' Olof Hanson, after spending a few days in the city, left by last evening's train on their return to Smlthers. pert Chamber of Commerce last night a letter was received from Lloyd Craig, British Columbia Trade and Industries representative at Ottawa, thanking the Chamber for a gift of a case of Queen Charlotte Island crab meat which had been sent him by the Chamber. He explained how this was being distributed In such a way that It would be of benefit to the industry. A false alarm turned In from the box at the corner of Second Avenue and Eighth Street turned the fire department out at 4:05 yesterday afternoon. It was the third false Kenneth George McKay of alarm that the fire department has Prince Rupert and Albert James received since the first of the Ingraham cf Surf Inlet are ap- month, the previous two having pointed election commissioners for been from the Ridley Home corner. Prince Rupert. 1 The police are checking up. Urookfield Eggs Grade 'A large. 4SP Dozen Swift's Bacon Eversweet- Rlndless. m 22C 2-lb. packets Salad Dressing Miracle Whip. Q4 16-oz. jar . Fry's Cocoa i2-lb. tins 19c 1-lb. tins 31c Sweet Clover Butter-Second grade. i25 Italian Prunes No. 1 Okanagon. Q Per lb 16-lb. crate $1-39 Wealthy Applese Nice eating, wrapt. 23C Dozen Sweet Potatoes New Qq season's. Lb, Hubbard Squash Finest Terrace. g( Lb. Jello All flavors. j5C 2 packets French's Mustard 6-oz. Jar Salada Tea Brown HQn Label. 1-lb. pkts ' Dog Biscuits Red ddo Arrow. 5-lb. bags ALL-BRAN DEAL 2 Small All-Bran 1 Measuring Cup 24C All for Bananas Firm and Ogn yellow. 2 lbs. Wealthy Apples Unwrapped, cooking. 6 lbs. 25c Field Tomatoes 25C 4 lbs. Large Cucumbers Each Linzey & Ingram LTD. Groceries Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 2 PHONES 585 5SG Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m. P.S.T. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m. P.S.T. calling at Ocean Falls. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East .Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m.I'.S.T. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc.. call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 200, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines ! I! m t ALOR shall hold the glorious Empire still couple of months or so, are sailing , INVINCIBLE against her city at the end Of the week from by the Catala this afternoon for I enemies; a trip to Islands. the Queen Charlotte The advisability of appointing a cnnitnrv Incnpntni fnr tVlA (ltv urnc. WHAT IN OXFORD? OXFORD, Eng., Sept. 9: W Following the selection of A. E. Skipper as Mayor of Oxford for 1942, there was a scuffle In the Town Hall In which one councillor was alleged to have struck another. Other councillors Intervened and business was resumed. fOUNT hlrr as lost who feels no j0tte Islands. v answering thrill r O deeds of flame by land and 0' N sea and skies. with our Fighting Men! the clarion cry i " . . DECONSECRATE ourselves, our A NOTICE After this date, J Sept. 0, 1 W . . . 1941 I will not be responsible for, VE of edom-on to any ueois comracieu in my name i i ii. uomer. A meeting of the council of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, called for last night, was postponed until this evening. At the meeting of the Prince Ru VICTORY! W.O.B. i City Commissioner D. J. Mathe-1 son seems to have made a quick' recovery from a major operation1 in Vancouver and is expected " home on the Catala next Sunday night. The Prince RuDert Chamber of Commerce last night discussed J briefly the possibility or the new fpdprnl hnustne administration at the rear of the High School be- jm ing too close to the school. It was. decided to investigate. . ' On the suggestion of W. M. Watts It was decided by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at Its meeting last night to ask the grain committee to take up with the authorities the possibility of shipping grain from the local elevator to Vladivostok. i Mrs. C. Dixon and sons, 8tanley (Henry and Gordon, are sailing to-j night on the Camosun for a trip ,to Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Char- ,1 discussed briefly by the Princely 1 mattresses in all sizes at $16.50, 24 chesterfields in the latest styles. Household doors, water boilers, 8 unpalnted chest and drawers at low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE Ducklings, young fries, chickens, hens, turkeys and geese, (o-ht TOR: Annlv Mrs. B. FOR SALE Remington typewriter. Phone Red 528. (211) FOR SALE Zenith washer. Excel lent condition. Phone Black 914. (215) --- FOR SALE J 1 1 i ' V FOR SALE 10 used coal ranges In I I good condition, 20 Springfield! Rotschy, Telkwa, B.C. (211). FOR SALE Car. 193G Graham at new floats. Apply Box 145, Dally News. (215) NOTICE OUR dally delivery will be made commencing Sunday, Sept. 7 between 12 and 6 p.m. instead of 6 to 12 p.m. Be sure and leave bottles out. Dominion Dairy, Phone 10. FOR RENT FOR RENT Large office room furnished In Dally News building. Will become vacant September 15. (tf) WANTED wanted IMMEDIATELY House or apartment by Dry uock ,.,rb-or Phnne Green 607 or write P. O. Box 1365. (213) WANTED Day messenger boy. Ap ply Orme's Drug store. ngsaMsgMiisJsisMiisBssMBstM -ii - - hi r (tf) WANTED Experienced woman or girl for housework. Day or moniu. .Phnnp fi40. (215) CLOSING September 13. appllca tions will be received irom men suitably qualified, for the position of driver fireman. Apply Fire Chief. Prince Rupert Fire Depart ment. . WANTED Experienced sewing machine operator or good mender, Anoly In person, Pioneer Laundry, (216) WANTS Work as saleslady, office work or take charge of apart ment or rooms. Box 146, Dally News. (216) 26Vj or. 4.10 WHITE HOUSE DISTILLERS LTD, GLASGOW Canada At War 25 Years Ago Sept. 9, 1916: Bulgarians captured Sllistria on the Danube. British attacking on the Somme front from Leuze wood to High wood, captured Ginchy and made gains northeast of Pozleres. French repulsed German counter-attacks south of the Somme. HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY. WHI9 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY FALL BEDDING Beauty Rest Mattress 52.50 Itupertia Mattress, S.F. $29.50 Slumber King Mattress $28.50 Regular Spring Filled Mattress $20.00 30 Ivrrttresses to Choose From, All Sizes. We positively do not Trade in Used Mattresses Phone 7"5 327 3rd Avenue Rupert Chamber of Commerce at 4KWww Its dinner meeting last nignt was decided to follow up a re commendation already made. BUILD A HOME Like This ssssssssta Get Prices of Materials From Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay In a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE 116 PHONE 117 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable j PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates HOME NEEDS For The Medicine Chest Tincture of Iodine 2 ozs Glycerine 3 ozs. . Camphorated Oil 2 oz. Oil of Eucalyptus 1 oz Friars Balsam 1 oz Castor Oil 4 ozs Epsoms Salts 1 lb 25c 25c 25c 20c 25c 25c 25c Roracic Acid 2 ozs Borax 4 ozs. Alum 2 ozs. Seidlitz Powders ... 10's Bronchial Syrup For tight and chesty colds BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STORE Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druq&iats The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 83 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. 15c 10c 10c 40c 50c Horehound and Honey An l excellent 'lOC Wv expectorant Tannic Acid Jelly For burns 50 c . 'v T-'. ,R-' V'v- -Jt if