PAGE TWO , "HARTT" LEADS THE WAY Authentic Naval, Air Force and Mili-tary Dress Shoes,, unequalled in quality and priced; right. We invite your Family shoe store ltD. The Home o Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates DAILY EDITION EDITORIAL Member of Audit. Bureau oi Circulations Sleep Oyer It - - - There-k a tvne nf S5cgpR Thursday. March 27. 1941. Making Adjustments As a result of the war and the general dislocation of business most people are finding it) desirable to adjust plans. The provincial government is finding it desirable to do this. Because, of the tremendous increases in the federal1- income tax the province is cutting down on the tax it has levied for the past few years. Various adiustments 3re to be made all in, the interests of the taxpayers. This wviij mime puisMuic imuugu wie very cunsiueraiMe upturn in business, and increases in provincial revenue. The- demands made on everyone though the I. income taxes have made it necessary in many cases to I change the mode of living of those most severely affected. This- is- part of the- price we pay for the war. Donations to. wai? services, purchases of war investments and in-i ui mo- cum,' ut living- aiso maKe cutting aown ox household expenses necessary. Under the new set-up some people will find better off and others much poorer than before. Richi people will find themselves most adversely affected, a policy which- is" well in line with modern trends. The Alaska Highway - - - Says the Victoria Times recently: "With a hope that Canada will do something a former Victorian has sent us an editorial from the Tacoma News-Tribune, which is heartily in favor of the speedy construction of the Alaska Highway to connect the State-of Washington with United States territory in the' north. The Tacoma newspaper says ia part; ,r 'Alaska has, always .been handicapped by the distance and lack of convenient transportation from the has been back of the agitation for a highway to Alaska, running through British Columbia, which would not only open, up, that country but would afford access to thousands of tourists who wanted to go to the northland in their own cars; "Even though' plans for the highway are still in the realm of diSCUSSion. the Dominion h-is nnnnnnwrf ic Aa cfeion. to help-air transportation. It is announced that the iuiuuuuni win estaonsn a cnam oi nying news at a cost of $9,000,000 up along the coast from Puget Sound through British Columbia and the edge of the Yukon. In connection with airfields already established in Alaska, they ml provide- convenient facilities for military-and civilian use. It- comes as a byproduct of military preparedness, and Good Neighbor Canada apparently is going to do it for us and for herself. h. . uith this ch of n fieIdi? ai" transportation viJl m be immeasurably aided. Now we must proceed with the plans for the Alaskan Highway, sa necessary, ndt only for the northern territory, but of immense va'lue to the btate of Washington and the United States.1 "We -can assure nnr rnnrpmrinmrv fhof Pf.'c-v. r- himbians; eagerly await the news of action. Their own i remier ratiuiio na$ preacneatne gosper ot this highway! ... mm uuv ui cttcun , aim io vv write lie and oifier iiieinoers oi me Canadian secuon of. the international commission-are preparing to leave for New York for further Important discussions." ST. GEORGE Vartotn Bodies C4-Otrate Salule to BriUin" on April S3 TfflE" biltt HIW8 BRITAIN PREPARES A WARM WELCOME". FOR NAZlS m-w-...... " attack-incidentally "the best defence tr.i re shown m progress on army gaining grounds Somewhere-ln-England. Over the unduiating expanse f ,0Lrv SlerV S tafantry move up to join in a fight with the phantom enemy On approaching w:rhm rTneTaSge nf Drse,and 8 forwa"l to single Hie Meanwlule. m a commarfdmg iiiUon "S guns prepare to lay down a curtain of fire to cover the Infantry advance Th is the Tr time SSW nveammunmon. lZTZ Cross Society. EnglUhpeaWng if, wfll look to it for fearless and Union. Rotary Club. KaUonal Coun- onseinsh leadershin ... lull T : . v" w ciucauuu, uapenai vrier. painoue organisations In Brl-II A Y PI A W C Daughra 01 toe Empire and vari- Ufa and the UniUsd States will loin Ur l LUXLU W.ehttreli denomlnaUons. Lieu- with the Canadian committee to tenant-Governor, Albert Matthews further ferpianof "a great crusad" r 1X0 e Frfc "Mowt the English-speaking , , ror r in the planning. world BrltalrT for support for Sec- The people of Canada will be ond 8,eP n the program will be ob- asked to-omit one course from ev- srvsnce of an Empire Youth Sun- r raasl Of r;jutnv tv .u d&V Afav 11 or Ufan u. TORONTO. March 27: (CP A reaUTy to Canada's IdenUty with tared y a broadcast from Britain Canada-wide salute to Britain fias Britain- In thl$,war. Schools wift 10 th yooth of the Empire and the been choten it th ihm nt asked tn n'nar a .lohratir. i.. United States. tlonal observsnrf nf ;t r.wMM'r whih studmu tnVik -The Toronto eommltWc ti lay. April 23r by a committee form- raovihg picture theatres will be ask- eal-. sed that the salute on and organliatlons at meetings In 'thtirch service and military par- Bri,ain aJae but "to all those who LToronto; The plans call for St George's' anrt oiten repents of having, made them. Other oeonle'0? o&imnee in schools, church- ' Jades- also are planned. a mt asiciu make it a rule to sleep over-every new problem before l5 botels- rtstaQrants private u u hoped that special church COmintT to a definite decision. OftPiv f h hi v tes and by fraternal and service services also will be held In the Un-! have beert tOffl Something it looks Ollite HiffPiW frnm CrKaT?Uni TDeTari, branch-, d. States. and In a statement is-; .hd and servlee Ihe Island for- NOW LEGALLY DE.U. What it dtrf at fiW TKo nflrcnnTKf of "a. n V " OI w ,orc M seed recenUy the Toronto commit-' BCLTAST. March 27- CP llLri yTi. h? P60"11". 6 teller exert?a general public $t be asked- to tee said the orsanlzation U Intend- Court otdW rnadeheS ie;l mf,Uen,C? Snd ?ere JM ei! time to weigh the pros rat. ;ed.-to draw tSetherZ two great S-S 0TST OJld cons. Many of our best business people take a little 1 P" t organlrallcn branch's of the Aaglo-Saxoa people nleve wio emigrated to QadTTn timo IVfAI0 Anminx l .. ! L i. J ' ? t. .. ffieetlnES in Toronirt wpt th rVn- anil t. nint. il.. (- iam . . . u Ulc Saier WaV. v..H.-i.wi j ou- ra x-ngio-speaxjeg 5 re j- ia : y Mi aety oi &r ucrfe Canadian Red aess f T UsaK we- tx I Why not give your fe, a break? Stop using blades that pull end st J tl oi.. Y:iru. ..... . jiicjc diuc uiiiciics men1 are OgffcCg uivo yicuici iuiiuuii, ease onu ,mil Till Uttrit hrMct atr mHly I til ll clm EASTER Mad of steel hard enougl to cut glass, long-lajlin, Uiuebillette Blades havethc sharpest, edges ever honei UNCONOITIONAUY OUAHAKniQ ON A MONEY-UCK IK GYRO BACK Stock Prices n. ! mm OF CENTRE Are ateadler W Approves of Central Orranlta)lnn and Nedjes SJ000 to Project Ths Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at a ir?ial businea luncheon yrsr-daj . discussed the civic centre pro lect and approver! of the idea of a permanent central organization being formed to proceed further with plans, to bring the undertaking to r ; Mor. Rc,:r"ri cn behalf of thf present civic centre committee o' which he I chairman. Dr. R. O Largo stated that it -as felt thai hs need for a civic centre In Prince Rupert was greater today than It had ever been before and that nov r "ared to be as good a time a evr would present Itself to ralso the necessary funds. Th cluo rleded Itself to suoport the undertaking with S4000 of furjdi Already raUed and earmarked for if i' purnose. The Oyrc Club also decided to. vote $50 t& th current Canadian W ) Services. Fund drive. A letter was received from T. J Williams, secretary of tlio IcaaV savings drive committee, exprein appreciation to the pyro Clpb Tor the acUve support given the canvas President W. P. Stone wa n (he at today's luncheon and thire a full' attendance of memborA NEW VORK MtfV r prices were rc xrd if, 'J' orithNewY k A terday. The v.. 6 . closing was i " 28.02. at . , down 11 rr. 4Ut,J" w 'if l L9M Co - luri wis cam i ai ii ii i i u i LWJILiLillW Now On Display 'M Priced From 5c to $3.00 Make Your, Selections Early OrmcsLtd Vt Pioneer Drtuzpist Tbh KeaalT Store. rbooe Open DaQy rr m t also, tin 1 Handaya' and BolntUja from 1Z U I J-- B ,1 fjn. J