nuiuilnu. Inited States Is Prepared To Aid JugoSlavia WASHINGTON. D.C., March The Un'ted states EiCPi ivtmment f nt congratula- ons today to the new Yugo- (lav gjvernment and noted mat President Franklin D. loosevclf was empowered to ls:!st- naions scektngvto pre- hnt their independence. I MEETING NAZI CHIEF itiuok Sets liltler and Von Rlh- Mntrop Today Has Faith in Germany IRLIW. March 27. Foreign nlst' Yosuke Matsuoka of Ja- . fci Arrived In, Berlin last night fpr Melons which . the I Germans j Sid are designed t6 make the pe power pact between Ger-lany Italy and Japan a more ef- ' jcttve Instrument for organizing i k so-called "new order" in Eur-pe and the Far East. I More than a million Berllncrs timed out to give Matsuoka a fous "H welcome. i iwjij niaujuuiiU is io meet uuau- i Rfllor Adolf Hitler and Foreign mister Joachim von Rlbbentrop. Matsuoka expressed his firm con-' "ion that Great Britain and Un- cd States would always oppose Ja w's constructive activities In the ar Ent. The Japanese people, latsuoka declared, believed that ermanv wnulri krpn faith mder She tripartite pact. The Axis would land unbeatable against any Am- "can activities in the Pacific. RAILWAY IN G00DSHAPE wi Ilirrp.iKp In Nrt Onrralinir Revenue For 1941 Reported To House Of Commons Today OTTAWA, March 27: (CPHNct operating revenue cf this Canadian National Railways for the calendar lear of 1940 was $45,007,411, an in crease of $24,152,993 or 116 percent over the 1939 annual report of the system. The annual report of the stem Is scheduled to be tabled to the House of Commons today. King And Queen Visit Canadians , SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND, March 27- rrpiTtiifrip.! htar. T td and a Dine band walled a T military welcome today &sthe T lvln and Queen mid tlhelr . ' ' . V fJ kill, VUlldUidll T ond Division of which kaj- lent demo .i.i. riinri slCl-ll"S 74.03 on the Ne he NEW GOVERNMENT SWORN IN TO PRESERVE I BALKAN NATION'S INTEGRITY FOLLOWING BETRAYAL AT VIENNA THIS WEEK BY DEPOSED PREMIER CVETKOVIC Armed Forces Are Taking Orders From Boy Monarch SENSATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS FOLLOW NIGHT LONG RIOTING AND DEMONSTRATIONS IN FAVOR OF RESISTING DOMINATION BY TOTALITARIAN AGGRESSORS BELGRADE. JIarch 27: (CP) Seventeen-year-old Kinjj Peter II., in a bloodless coup d'etat, took over the active reins of c:ovcrnmcnt in Yugoslavia today and swore in a new cabinet to preserve his country's integrity. Prince Paul, vrWe regency council and cabinet was responsible for signing up Yugoslavia with the Axis at Vienna this week, and Princess Olga have fled - to-Greece-at is-reported. The government nL Premier Cvetkovic has been overthrown and its' members are under arrest. The Belgrade radio appealed to all loyal , citizens of Yugoslavia to support the young . King and his government which includes several f 1 r ardent Serbs and is made up of anti-Axis cle- 1 mcnts friendly to Great Britain and all elements f of the population. General Dusan Simovic has been placed in military control of the country as Premier. King Peter issued a proclamation, "in this exceedingly serious moment in history," declaring: "I desire to take over into my own hands the royal colors. My regent has resigned and my faithful army and navy has placed itself m my hands and is taking my orders. I ask the faithful support of all loyal Serbs and Croats. . The patriarch of the church has given formal blessing to the new ruler. Today's sensational new political developments in Yugoslavia came suddenly after night long rioting throughout the country in protest at to the Axis. the former government's capitulation Many persons were killed and wounded. More than one thousand persons clashed with the police last night in the streets of Sarajevo, birthplace of the Firs Great War and Centre of dissent against YugoSkiyia twi h the Axis. Sharp street upun au uin Vuv in Belgrade last night after a day during anew which there was rioting in the centre of the capi-al in protest at the alliance with the Axis powers. Police and soldiers quelled the first outbreak in Belgrade which occurred shortly after Premier Cvetkovic had returned from Vienna where he signed the pact on Tuesday but order not restored for long. was Several schools were closedafter thous-mU 0f 0idcr boys had destroyed pictures of Ilit-W nntl staged sitdown strikes. Police cordons thrown around some of the larger schools were and it was reported they might be closed until April 20. drcdg of pCrs0ns WCrc reported under. t the iw prou nrovinccs for demonstrations, arrest m .dcmongtrati ,;MCi Cvetkovic and the Axis were led largely old time Serbian revolutionary bf and s den byi U "ll tontenegro was also the scene of vio- ,dVT::irntions. Even as late as last night l I. .1 fnmiAfl n c 4 o 4 nin nn f l, PvctkOViC gOVCrnniLimnuu ..,,nn isauvu a "u.j n. iUr mve rnment was in control of tnf sUuaticm and opposition was not expected to be "fftive- " cnl lVR r General Victor W. Odium of 1 UNU ' 27.-The Brl- l Vancouver is officer com- . NEW Y . .,, J. pe unchanged CHICAGO WHEAT PRICES UBHARY VICTORIA, B.C. Flees To Greece Germany And . political developments today in Belgrade would, not affect ' Yugoslavia's adherence to the Axis. , London. Has Seventh 1 Peaceful NWt Enemy pin? Attacked as well as coastal defence craft. In all the action the British suffered loss neither of surface or air craft. Nor did convoys suffer any damage. SOLDIERS INTERNED N.C.O. and Private of Montreal Regiment Helped Nazi Prisoners to Communicate With Outside MONTREAL, March 27: (CP) Capt. Maurice Lalonde, prosecuting officer for court-martials in Montreal and Quebec military districts, said yesterday that a non-commissioned officer had been intern ed for twelve months and a soldier for four months after conviction of allowing enemy prisoners to communicate outside internment camps. The names of both soldiers, who will receive dishonorable discharges, were not given. NEW YORK COPPER j NEW YORK, March 27. Copper j was .5c lower to .3c higher on the CHICAGO, March 27. Wheat fu-'.New York metal market yesterday . .1 ; t . . . . i. it. .. in. - j. tir 1 i York SIOCK turcs were up. Vac 10 "4C yeiiu.iy wun May ai ii.wac per puuna ai g with May closing at Bc, closing. featHer. Forecast Tomorrow's Tides S orinrc Rupert District and Queon High 1:40 a.m. 21.0 ft. Charlotte Islands Light south 13:55 pm. 20.4 ft. binds, part cloudy and mild with Low 8:01 3.9 ft. log patches. 20:08 pjn. 4.8 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRfTTSH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER i IXXX No. 73. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1941 PRICE: 5 CENTS. UGuSL A VI A SWINGS BACK oung King Peter Assumes YugoSlavia Finds Soul Government Reins; Regent UNDER yIRF!Churchill FIRE! Pledges Prince Paul R. A. F. Bombers Giving It Con-ttant Attention Advances In S East Africa CHEREN ENTERED CAIRO! March 27: CP) British troops have entered Chcren, key city, of Eritrea, it was announced .officially tonight. Bri- Yl1(JfnSIaVia Harar, walled town 25 miles from l UgUUiaTia the a.mrKrtant AddisrAbaba- r Djibuti railway. LONDON, March 27: It . , CAIRO M.rch 27:-TrIpoh. 4U the Is suggested in Berlin that only North Afn:an pert which can Germany may be lorced to marrh intn vinRiavia rp. be used to effect by the enemy in store order Ithere if move- andln? forces l? the Aricatnj campaign, is receiving regular at-j menu of revolution became a nuance toMhe new Nazi aiim from the Alr f! domination. W Reich Is hich ,s keeoin? a close watch. ready for a nV eventuality. It Government buildings and harbor was declared today, and' the facilities there were Domoea yes terday. El Igala, a. post 180 miles l west of Bengasi In Libya i was yielded 'back to enemy forces I yesterday. German mechanized u units were found there. In Eastern Africa acUvity con-( eistd to large extent of air attack of points In Eritrea and Ethiopia. Several new points In Ethiopia havp been captured as rand forces ous directions towards Addis Ab aba. At Cheren In Eritrea art Italian counter-attack has been s?t Straight back, the British gaining further Ship- r-slf,orrS' A number of prisoners were captured including; a general headauarters staff. ! LONDON. March. 27.- London Single-seated fighters made In the United States are in use now h- had its seventh straight night without an alert against Nazi air Au" rce ta North raiders. There was no activity by Africa. Bh soldiers have been or-the German bombers over any part of accord honorable and British isles last night. red treatment to Italian pris-ern Industrial buildings in' two south- humane oners in Africa, not attempting to towns were damaged yesterday late atrocltJes urti as have as a few of the enemy raiders came practised by the Italians. over and dropped bombs. Two of the Nazi planes were brought down, ' r one by anti-aircraft fire and one by Royal Air Force fighters. While unfavorable weather re duced action over land to a minimum, the Royal Air Force was busy l.ffnln novwiftn cVilnnlrtcr onH nai'fll t vessels, in co-operation with the SYRIA HAS TROUBLES Lc N4vy. In addition to an 8,000-ton iuois,in uamascus )amascus and anu Aleppo icjjjiu tanker off the Norwegian coast and a 6.000-ton supply ship off the Netherlands, the Germans suffered loss of E-boats, when the enemy unsuccessfully attacked a convoy to Martial Law Being Declared Britain To Assist Belgrade Gov't Predicts it Will Repudiate Agreement With Axis Defend Its Freedom and Integrity Promises to Wrin "Battle of Atlantic" LONDON, March 27: (CP) Prime Minister Winston Churchill predicted today that the new Yugoslav government would be ready to preserve its honor and integrity by repudiating the country's pact with the Axis. He said it was reasonable to expect repudiation "though NAVAL SHIP GOES DOWN M. C. S. Otter Burns And Sinks On Atlantic Coast Nineteen Crew Men Perish HALIFAX, March 27: The pat- rri cmtI II.lM PiSi ' ftttrr took MjVtfeadSStrJfVl-f.-iire early yesterday nwrniny off this port and sank, nineteen members vt her crew losing their lives while twenty-two survived, it was officially announced today. The dead are two officers and seventeen men. Te-eral cf these were drowned from lifeboats within sight of Iapd and close to rescue vessels. Others died of shock and exposure. Cause of the fire has not been disposed. It Is being investigated. The disaster occurred during a raging storm on a cold and wintry sea. Th rescues were effected by a merchant ship, which picked up slrr-n survivors, and another naval vessel which picked up six. The nersrnnel of HJU.C.S. Ot I don t Know wnat wui nap len ana ter was from Eastern Canada, j view recent British- victories, prais the most of them from Nova S"tk with two as far west as Manitoba. BUTTS ON CHURCHILL VICHY. France, March 27: (CP) Twelve persons were killed Tuei- PORTSMOUTH, England, March day and Wednesday by rioting at 27: (CP) Prime Minister Churchill Damascus and Alenno in Syria. Re- on a recent tour gave a half- ports from Beirut said that the smoked cigar to a Portsmoutn oock French had decreed martial law worker as a souvenir alter chat- in several cities. tins with him. KHKHOBHroaOKKKHJ0tHKroBO War News CLASH EXPECTED SOON ISTANBUL An early clash of Allied and German forces In the Balkans Is expected soon. British forces continue to move to the Greek froitier with Bulgaria where they are not far away from the Nazi r.cross the border. British ships have arrived In the Dardanelles after convoying troops to Greece. NEW INVASION WEAPON LONDON A new invasion weapon an "assault boat," designed along the lines of a war canoe, light and portable and carrying four men has been perfected in England. GERMAN PLANES BOMBED CAIRO German airplanes on the ground were In a British air raid yesterday on Dodocanese Islands. , AERIAL ATLANTIC PATHOL LONDON Big American Lockheed and Catalina patrol bombers are to be used by the British In the effort to sweep the Atlantic Ocean of enemy surface and undersea craft preying on shipping. The new planes arc faster and heavier.. r NAZI BOMBER DOWNED LONDON HLS. Versatile, a destroyer, yesterday brought down a German bomber which was .attacking a convoy. one cannot be sure of anything." Mr. Churchill spoke at a Trades Union Congress luncheon after earlier telling a meeting of Conservatives that Yugoslavia hat "found its soul" In the revolution in Belgrade. Speaking to the Conservatives Mr. Churchill said: "A resolution has taken place in Belgr: de and thi minister who but ye sterday (signed away the honor and free-dom of their country are leported under arrest. This patriot : move ment arises from a violent a id warlike race who had their couHtry betrayed by the weakness f their rulers and the foul intrigue-! of the Axis powers. We may. therefore, cherish hope that a YugoS iv government will, be formed wc rthy to de?nd the", freedom ... and 1 itegrlty of the-country? Such a coi titry, in its brave ertfleavour, will receive from the British Empire and I doubt not in its own way f om the United States all possible iir and succor. The Empire and i s Allies will make common cause 1 1th the Yugoslav nation and we v 111 con tinue to march and strive ogether until victory Is "won." Mr. Churchill then said: "Before many months are passed I shall be able to declare o you tl at the Battle of the Atlantic has 1 een de7 clsively won." He went o . to ie-- ling yiiiieiu-uu it i". TO FLANK GERMANS A reliable source said today, that Great Britain will b ck the new Yugoslav gpvernme- t with its navy army and air : tree to lay open the right flank of the German thrust into the 1 ilkans. This statement followed Prime Minister Churchill's pr diction that the new governmen would repudiate the Axis pact : nd his promise to make common cause with the YugoSlava. The London press, wh ch last night had expressed hope ' iat Yu- goSlavla wouw yet repur aie wj Joining up with the Axis, today hailed the political turn over at Belgrade today as' a pro-British coup. SNOWS OP SCOTLAND KYLE-AYR, Scotland, March 27: (CP) Malcolm Macleod, a second officer In the merchant marine, tramped 40 miles through deep blizzard snow drifts for tils Telephone Directory - Changes or New Listings for next Issue of Telephone Directory to be made In writing to Telephone Department, City Hall not later than April 7th.