i paoe sir Expert Optical Service pTy1 Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT. OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnenvare, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heiibroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT EXCITEMENT AND DRAMA JVhen the Daltons Rile,- Wilb -Randolph Scott and Kay Francis, at Capitol Theatre the feature picture to the screen oi mc irnuoi Theatre here tonight and Friday. , Rardoloh Scott has the part of a frmtler laVrer who befr ends the embattlert Daltcn boys. Kay Francis has her first outdoor role as a telegnoh operator In a Kan- .-is town, the centre ten gang's exploits. The Dalton boys themselves, whose careers from ranchmen to desperadoes are traced In the picture, are delineated by Brian Don- I --- . ( of the Dal- GLASGOW JSBUSY Wartime .Firures Not 'Given But Record Production Promised OTTAWA. March 27: tCP Bri tish shipbuilding firms established "new Droduttfon rpmrrlV rinrln. THE DAILY ACROSS i CANADA RETROSFECT By H. F. FULLEN 1940 but figures on the amount One morning recently when in cannot be published durins war- Toronto I slent in a little late be- Devine has the role of a glrj-chasr if merchant, undergoing con- like a very much hen-pecked hus-inz ranch hand, nporpo Ranrrrt ..l??n- . band following about ten yards be- ireir oesiruction attempting a "-iibl btnk robbery. Much esdt-n5 action precedes this event. Hundred nt ucopir .- a "spot thr Dai!y Nws classified col FLANNELETTE SHEETS Thick, warm and cozy. Soft rose and .blue trim. ftj Double bed size J INDIAN BLANKETS Gay Navajo patterns. Well woven. The all purpose DJ Aft blanket. $2.50 regular tJ97 REVERSIBLE THROWS Lovely .reversible shades. Soft and nappy. GO QC Large size. Limited stock JL . UD BLEACHED SHEETS Special value. 77x87. large size n. Each Xv PILLOW SLIPS Standard 42" size. Bleached. ntx Special, pair QC WASH CLOTHS'-ffc TURKISH TOWELS (FaceCIoths) Good absorbent QAn quality s1? T0WELS- TEA TOWELS-Speclal ftff Attracuve n Per pair pattern 1JC Mail Orders Promptly Filled-Open Saturday NiSht RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart nf Prin- THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone j a iiviic BLUE ULUL ifli 907 .... Ji We ain't mad jit Nobody ... -rfc uvmmjj 1Cil uu, anainea construction Is ap-l now In service 1 iS4U are ,.nd-inc among the shops of the While much' has been don. Jntl.,a11. sect,on'. - 20od remits. Itf. "ZZ ZZT copies of a be , S!!S.2t?,cU??,??..not yet Smf Weather - - - v AJi. oiiujuuiiiii i y ii if p i . Peoples Store Home Furnishing Sale FRIDAY, SATURDAY, .MONDAY OtfLV Save Many Dollars On BEDDING - TOWi LS WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE iJohn Bulger Ltd jewellers Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A nosa AWAY rBOM 75c up 60 Roome Hot tz Ccli Watr Prince Rupert, B.c. Ml P.O. Rat It! Ii by Daphne Du ' I most other war Industrie 7, M,uner: lnal enln a ma & COpy 0 the btvJklet- that requires many months of in- ' u tenseffort to SSe to "? K? mum speed" . lection of true stories by the f am- Engineerine of everv vinrt ir, ourt,er'I'houMsuggetfthafyoH proportions" proportions," but but "vast "vast scope for :Pad' the bookand you will not develooment remains despite the fact that many firms have multiplied their outputs several thnp in 1940 as compared with previous . It reI war- loneo Thei order of departure of the Prince Rupert halibut fleet for the banks, this season according to the starting letters of the names of the e ud to date unless von rin sn Toronto was visited bv a blizzard reminded me of a good oi'dfash- rrp'-lr blizzard fh blowing In from the lake ancj thick it was difficult to walk- so or drive. At noon I went by coach ver to Hamilton and found very Mttle snow there. Hamilton Is'-altogether different from Toronto . v.wv.yw Ul WiC llCCt WJU DC aS IOl- ."IVIIIJ, tofst-March 30-M tb-.R AprU 2 S ten m H haf 0,000 lnhabi-tor'-Aprii traPtrAmfiif n'to ,a,?t-;i of wh,,m -P00- are engaged ' L. In -war wo-k. The place isnbt as .. smart xs Toronto. Reach ten thousarKS Deople with a "watit ad " in the Daily News. kn comparison It looks jusf: a little down at heel. It Is knowruas the home of the Westinehdus company. a concern that has 'for year been Its mainstay. It had the advantage In that its streets were clear of snow whereas Toronto, after a week of ideal weather, was slushing around in half melted snpw. Sen at a time when they looked their worst, it was evidwit hat Toronto and otwa must rank very high among the beautiful cities of Canada. Montreal, In spite of its outstanding location and artistic slopes, is more truly a commercial city where it seempd to me the i Deople save more thought to bus-I Iness than beautiflcation. However, it Wa Dartlculflrlv Infroctl hear the laneuage of oM France' anrt to note the Latin character-1 istics. j In this series of impressions, of which this is the last, I have not tried to describe anything but simply to touch a few oolnt3 tha in-! terested me or to record a few thoughts which the circumstances of the hour brought to mind.. A ' trip east is commonplace with most! peoole but It was the first I had made so I felt I might bs allowed to give the Daily News readers a fewi impressions. f I Advertise In the Dally News'. ! YES! We Repair Water Ppes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Coririieted, Efc Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept j $3J0 HANDY MAN nbME SERVICE Thone BLACK 735 J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. I ! Empire's Races United For War Woman's Work in All British Land Strong (or Cause, Traveller Finds SINGAPORE. March 27: (CP--Admlratlon for the war work being done by British and other women in the Far East was expressed by ff- Prof. Winifred Wnrw Cullls Cullls. a a London London time, G. B. Johnson. Canadian cause J had not had a very good Trade .Commissioner at Glasgow night. . It was the first blue morn- U versity lecturer, after she com-sald in a report to th Trade and lnz since I left home. In the hall rleted a PWWttida tour under the Ices of the British of Commerce Department ;on the way to the elevator I met Ministry That Germany realizes the ereat a lady who was evidently the house- Informat.,on- SJie toured Japan, ;contribuUon Glasgow is making keeper in charge, of our section of pannai Hong Kong. The NeUier- ln building new ships for Britain the hotel. She smiled and said ""'a5 M" T ,.J "c was evidenced by the murderous "Rood morning." A few paces far- spend May In AJustralla before returning to Eneland. bombing inflicted on the Tyneside ; thcr along a messenger boy gave areas - 0nf, ot th,e most heartening and recently. mtAjcheerfuI "good morning sir marve"ous Mature of this Reporting on Scottish trade and Another "eood mornine" eame from war (industry during 1940. Mr. Johnson a page boy. I began to think per- ch I hae nouced lnmy travels.' said "that some hundreds of , haps It was a good morning. The J f ld women of the shins for the mw ar imH.r i levator man frtiw,H Hth onnthp Empire, women of all races, have 'structlon vast1 CO!"e together to do all they can In addition to a "re cheery "Rood morning" and i .. . ..... ... .... . rnwnrns inp n?gp pffnrt " uiunoer oi mercnant snips." the tone of the day wa settled. It - . I He said that at the outbreak really was a haopy morning. .1 was " of war 173 ships were being built mllinc after that and I noUced aPJt. steamer Prinees Louise, or were projected for the Royal 'hroush the window that the sun Capt S. K. Gray, arrived In port Navyj alone, and by the end of was trying to break through the at 3 pclockthls afternoon from 1939 "there was hardlv n horfJi mist. . 7 VU(C( f&lAQtva fUUlM Then came a woman with her nd will sail, at 4:30 pjn.'for Van- throughout ' the country COUIW which cn was was ievy. Broderlck Crawford. Stuart l' . ?? Albert Ann. UP W a snip, either war nose in the air with what-looked couver. MEALS OF THE LORDS i, the rich man of the town. Mary aunnf,1Si, hind. She looked verv ill-humorrd , , , A saga of frontier America in the Gordon has the dramatic role of IO a ?. ! demands ae industry Vit it was too late to affect nie. LONDON. March 27: (CP) old outdoor gang days of the Mid- the mother of the Dalton boys 6X1 Jl output has rapidly ex- I held my smile and thought: "To George Rousseau, caterer to the die West, "When the Daltons Rode," r panded, the Teport said. "Many hades will all cranky people. I'm House of Lords. svs the peers' with Randolph Scott.. Kay Francis The dimax ot the f'm Is the raid ne' ships have been added to the 'oing tr have a eood morning " and favorite lunch Is "sausage and and a distinguished cast, corner us "n m? town wh-n the outlaws go '""Pn the Royal Navy and T did. That is what a cheerv "eood mash." inr cake or nennv h,m i 1 1 m ninr n t j. mu .... in in uuu i iibus . . . vv uu held A NATlfl TTnlipl!ovnlil fnnfnct! ... n these ill-fated brothers wrote in X. l . . - - iub 1 1 1 ri 1 1 of Western outlawry zumwim mum With 15 Stars To BAna n. Greatness To The Screen RANDOLPH SCOH KAY FRANCIS BRIAN DONLEVY GEORGE BANCROFT BRODERICK CRAWFORD ANDY DEVINE (At 7:00 and 9:47) ADDED FEATURE WILLIAM IIOLDKN IN "THOSE WERE THE DATS' (At 8:33, Once Only. WORLD NEWS (At 8:20 Only, TONIGHT and FRIDAY Last Complete Show at 8:20 R- T. J. Rose, who Is leaving the his res'.dcn city to reside in Victoria, has sold West to Mr Hi Western cakms biggest paint sale! ; .t OFF QUARTS mm urn m h mm rW Til H - Look around your home and take uote of u.i things that nped a brightening coat of nrsiii or enamel . then come prepared to buy ALL the Satia-Glo you viU need to nuke i complete job of Spring decorating. You will save about one-third at theie reduced price ... you'll enjoy the comfort of bright, cheery rooms the whole year 'round. Tk ENAMEL Satln-Glo quick-drying Enanvl U an excep tlonally durable finish and for that reason It ItWI for fumllure, wiKnhvork, floors or linoleum. Wide raiiKe of colon from which to chcMwe. MiDifMtirti if British America Paint Co. Victoria, Vanrnqtrr. Caljirj Edmonton. Rtfliu Ltd. RNISH L' Satin Olo Varnish on floors and llnoleon and you will find It resist I he harot wnr. L'nsurpassl for furniture or woodwork hf rausr It Ls not arretted by hot dlshu or bollinc vvalr. Clwir or stain colors. ilar SAIE UtfUl Ml rrie rs:ci " rn rsui .Half Gallons $3 50 $2.H0 Half Gallons .$355 $2.23 Quarts 1.80 1.30 Quarts 1.65 1.15 Pints 1.00 .75 ' Pints .95 .70 Half Pints.-! -.55 .10 Half PinU .55 .40 ;atin fin De Luxe Wall Tint The Quality Kalsomlne Carter to mil. Caler Co dd1t. I hard and o n't rob nff. Choir it lautirui .tinu ani whitp; SATIN-GLO DEALER I'liin rrkl Half Gallons $2.70 Quarts 2 1.45 Pints . 80 Half PinU ..... ,.45 Satln-Glo Satin Unlsh comes In a variety ot beaunfol pastel lints specially selected for wall decoration. It l semi gluts finish of remarkable drirsMlity and It U unharmed by frequent washing with soap and water. SALE rticc $1.70 .93 .35 .30 70 SAIE PRICE nr f bsbbv mm em M. m. MA-J R I I Jl III IH4 ri I A ZJk m I fl I IU C- A AUJL VI T7 Ul v V Prince Rupert, B.C.