THE DAILY NEWS. W. L. BARKER —— wt bas been with ber ever since PP LOLELOCLOEELOOOR EH oy THE DAILY NEws THAW CONTESTS =~ GIRL BANDIT oe I ediatelxs after Thaw. be- ARCHITECT THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ’ suse of insanity, had been ac- Three different sizes of wood hoists. Published Daily and Weekly by unt al ' ol Phone 89 THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. L PRIMCE : atte ae tatag® _ RUPERT, B.C. Maiteawar February 1! Alberts Block Second Ave. eee 190s, a niract was prepared be- —— a ———— ne TRANSIENT! DISPLAY ADVERTISINIG—S0 cents per inch Contract rates Mrs. Thaw Wants to Return to tween his represenialives and his Famous Robbers Wife Dies i & Gado Mane WK, Nicholson Lailey on appbcaten. Gtage—Baby Boy ts Her Con- wile fy it she was to receive the East — Claimed to Have MUNRO & LAILEY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Damy, sie, ‘St#nt Companion—Her Allow) ©: ssh and $5 2 year.| Killed Many With Her Rifle— per month, or $5.0) per year, imacramre,. WaenLr, $20) per year. All ance Is $5,000. lis other terms affected her con- Called Herself Mrs. Jesse Architects, Other Cimmtrics— Daily, $2.00 per pear; Weekly, $250 per year, strictly ; duet ring the life of the n- James. Stork Building, Second Avenue. im e¢rance. York, May 25.—Evelynjira $s was arred fron Ne t Thaw. disheartened by the\acrepting any stage engraz er Asht N.Y May 28—Aft BEAD OFFICE : > M I STUART & STEWART % = £ nat Br at ah a 3 =< ff weeas Mrs pele SivLANR S AN Deily Siews Baiiding. Third Ave, Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone %. . >» K. Thaw. is « ri alie Enz . s so “Ree ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDTIORS if and az L Ant } - f Me BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES * $15 hei «cer ot 2 . fidenee James : . the | Law-Butler Building Phone No. 2% New You?:—National Newspaper Baress, 219 East Zird St, New York City i becks £ . ety she ha s “Texas { wh Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 SuaTTLe--Paget Sound News Co. . e he s f her) was a ber of s gang aie . ; 2 Thaw's sith Thaw : r > f be s is ; , Loxpon, ExciasD—The Cloagher Syndicate, Grand Trank Building, Trafalger ns a : ras —m - » »,,| ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. Square. ay- s = as Mrs. Fox vs [ ine of British Columbia of B.C. Ontario, Sas- Section Onc Ine = s _ax ri a am rack : sod Manitote Bars katecbewan and A’ Block : x . “i ; ancdiis wes a i berta Bare . ‘ ' Scesceisees will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 9 in cave of | « eta ial te ss ac a roe ne alance ¢ ner-delivery or inattentiun on the part of the news carriers. i ee ee ; a : : CARSS & BENNETT 2 ant 2 t Eve Thaw is t t king fu s gang Bakgisters, Notaries, Etc cog " * e = a 24 = i bal th d h f b sf d, | OfScee— Albert Block, Second Avenve oars or Five DatLy Eprrion. Ba Tuespay, May 23|\** § : since jis 3 ger O Mara B shed « vicinal takes the two eee ==]. $15.00 = ae. ee a WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S 4, 15, 16, Bloca i :Z a $ O'Mara years has assisted bh rifle str t Danrast Section Six a5 s Ps se That " = me i¢ a oon: falc ; rope ‘ ang $2, Block GOVERNMENT AND RAILWAY COMMISSION. ° ee : ; 7 ’ . zat! ine F Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. rd cash sii cial aasleaa ibaa . . = a ry f r ja ‘ umbled to his 4 as Al dental operations skilfully trested. Gas and and x ; =} g has re_/ Th 2 . - Me Pa - . oe toca! anastbetcs siminietered for the painless ex- The Dominion government has reversed a decis he} wey = “3 7 = - M ' ie ean eee - ' 2 ww = bati g f s re. Aft her rs rs x Heigerse: Block. nee Rupert ii-12 the - Railway Commission and created a precedent which is more} is staz . Pina ee een i a ie Died oe oli ve) ye : oe ry ad than ordinary importance and which may have @ ser = effect = “ 2, & $s a as N o Yor self, be a as ie i the Alex M Masson sa. W.E Willismsss.t..d eC aseiacn £ upon the future of this very important body i: : ” os es be- slums, and was n i for he WILLIAMS & MANSON s $0 ce “ ‘ Last December the Railway Commission decided that the . Keogh White ANOTHER TITANIC harity and goodness to the poor Barristers, Solicitors, etc. ee 4 aes j; 1 ath if s rries ———— Mrs. Fox leaves no relatives Box 285 —= € c 1 acific would have to carr; t its agreeme ° 2 aes ; a on seen TO a an — se she has an-|Mew German Liner Will Carry Her funeral will be held from thé Prince Rupert, B.( the matter of a station for Hazelton. It seems that the m- 8 nds 5,000 Passengers. resiiemhs at a wie tidlietiie also oo rge k pany entered into an agreement regarding the locator he Ss J sd she has ee warm friend, wh has taken!) plo. Box2 PRINCE RUPERT List Your Property With m station with a prominent person, w ho was also a jeading Liberai.j** fai she may net be Berlin, May 24.—The new giant chare¢ f the arrangements. aie 3 A : : = 3 - s Gin in te al ie i rT ; 618 3rd Ave For some reason the Grand Trunk Pacific desired to change its} _.,. ; * especi-|Hamburg-American liner Imper- JOHN E. DAVEY plans. Chairman Mabee held that the railway company w hee i nit dite hia 9 eee ee: _ a The modern, high class place) TEACHER OF SINGING en have to honor its agreement and that was mire exennt! Th Parsee ws po pm . ack: = oe and pool. Seale’s,) rerm or wm rorom, mq. aman, lon, enc | wr = , ‘ ete ey ae iar ee fe ee ciais,} Third avenue. t from such obligations than a private individual ries of special " P ee eat Fae et te eer eee The railway company had right of appeal. either the; ” ; res at the KILLED BY GRIEF JOHN DYBHAVN Sapreme Court, where the case would be decided upon its! <=, is expected that sis Real Estate — Loans merits, or to the Governor General in Council. which meant the! pa« . 2 pi Ore ice og Pretty Schoo! Teacher Died of a) ae i a ¢ voyage next winter. Dominion cabinet It appealed the Dominion government | «har« stery rator is the largest Broken Heart for Her | 319 3rd Avenue Phone 384 The government reversed the decision made by Chairman] 15 : and is surpassed in ere 3 nd surpass n dbs Mabee and allowed the Grand Trunk Pacific to dishonor its{?°'? m the Cunarder Aqui- : w. ¥V M | Bone Sl F.0. BOX BM a fie = oe Ske oI . ve a May 25 : agreement. : a nstruction. : U iin salle lk ghee tend % |Tha s W of fifty, Miss Ger Weiser, 21 rs PONY EXPRESS ! - ts of the location of the station the Albertan} per ' Tie i poy r 3 z sch syetrw pon meri ) n¢ location of the station the Al! ; 1s M She is 1, &@ popular g& sco - ATIC MERCHANTS DELIVERY SERVICE as n ) ation st th s a questior r © . ‘ ria a ae ae H , ; ; has no information. But there i a questo f pr * J Augus and wi . f e died , | Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For should be carefully considered. The Railw Commiss 45 Tt . aoe 18S i ea Papo ae Rieter Siar Say oe mee SECTION ONE been very strong because it has been as independent as 2 . : 1,500 me vere . 2 BING | Seventh Ave. and Pulen Phone 308 on 7 » onvs I a ee ae ee ae ~ = . and has been active and agressive. It has obeyed the r S ea as P pe motors, and *~ A A itt ; oe , Paes Sia - se ear ago Miss Weiser’s fians r SECTION FIVE common sense. : Sage Willtam Satith, 3 young 1 THE IROQUOIS » E here wil leven { ks 0 ty z But the Dominion government by reversing the decisio or ion es — aii was kille : ; rsin i : ¢ ass the big liner, and she will be 4 he ee ; " POOL SECTION six the Railway Commission has made the first move to destroy ave f 4 sh fi in le ¢ k before the couple were} usefulness of the commission. It has brought the Railway} t rt va - Evelyn |T ee ee ee ee - pe et English and American Billiards SECTION SEVEN Commission into practical politics. Sat - fr a he| suites among her cabins, eleva-|*)" |" a inakeuapse eee “| Twelve Tables SECOND Ave ‘7 $4 : iyea 5 gs n Newlto r ‘ efan a SNnOCK. From this time forward that body can no longer be con-/y “ ee Se restaurant va —_———— a SECTION EIGHT baie ; z y ; ming baths, tennis courts an | sidéred an independent one as it was ts creation by thej Ha ; : wee = sisi ; it : dit ot heianay lag . p es from. its creat ae Ae Paris, and spent)roller skating rinks. Thé Im-| For Shilling’s Coffee, Extracts) : | urier government to the present time. From this time forward|* s ul In the! perator will accommodate 5,000/and Baking Powder, see Stalker} Hotel Central sr toc sine: LEASE it must be regarded simply as an adjunct of the Dominion cabi-|“* f 1910 the infant, | passengers ® "'& Wells et § - - ; - weet i European and American plan, steam Ss x 2 ts 4 net. No judgment which it may render can be considered bind-| i madern conveniences. Rat=s t ‘ i $L.W to $2.80 per day. FOR RENT ing if political and corporate influence of sufficient weight can} | ‘ t ight ani} Peter Black Proprietor be brought to bear upon the government to secure its reversal. BI ss The country can no longer have confidence in the power of the} z commission to protect it against aggression or secure its rights Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. PHONE 317 against the encroachments of any transportation company.—Cal- gary Albertan. G.1.P. BLAST VS. RICH RUSSIANS — ' ' ' i ' C.N.R.GRADE COMING T0 B.C. | his arrival here from the Yellow-| each head of the family will start Headquarters for Camping and Batching Outfits SATURDAY SPECIAL Full Dinner Sets $10 Up Service Must Speak ASTORE is.almost human. It is full of The temperament or person- what you pay for, always. The any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or thr the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, — 56 Lumsden Bldg., Toronto. Enguiry inoolves no obligation on your parl—so write, if interested. fo Te Teli! NT eae) HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS Faneral Directors 3rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. % E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer the lodge. A. DOUGLAS, N. G. That we have more front on 2nd avenue, we are able to Cleptey our large stock of beautiful oak fu ture and some of our upholstery, | Big stock of all kinds 0! rnoi«) ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. SCANDINANIAN 5 Meets every 2nd and 41 sday at p.m. in the hall at WATER NOTICE if | lt aff ch Hi extraordinary Allegation Slaée| Thousands Will Settle Soon in| temperament. it affects each customer E CHARGES REASONABLE FOR A LICENCI ' me by Locating Engineer Against this Province—it is Expected ith th e . . eS THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. USE WATEE a 0 CTP. ee — De- that About One Hundred Thou wl e€ composite ty Oo its man- fa) OPEN DAY AND NIGHT NOTICE is hereby given t the 4 Ciared Biew the Rival Line sand Will Cross Mountains | ie Queen Charlotte Fist Ce J to Biazes. d staft a Limited, of 207 Cart tor ig oF aah er AE agement an i igi Vancouver, B.t % : . e i ncouve May 25-—N0 less g cence te take and use feet } Vancouver, BC., May 28—Ignor-lihan one hundred thousand Mont = per sean of water war 4 ng an order said to have beer ; = Creek, which flows i: aver! iv “ele oe ae =. ning | aonites. a Quaker sect resident| Ts a = HAND LAUNDR Creek, which flow : ark a them from aierfer ng with the in the Geran provinces of Rus-} © ase stores 3 stores. Stores that honest} try to a dands and empties | ee "4 3 om inter ing al t ; ‘ ° . ant eaning an yressing Say nezr Tassoo Har wate HEE = toeated line of the Canadian |sia, contemplate immigrating (o| I There are “grouchy” storesand _serve their customers sim- LSet gelling. ay eget” eee at Ti ; gsm os or westi British Columbia. Their repre-} = smiling stores. ere are flip- ply can t ay advertising. It & oe pe as = : : ) e Yellowhea ass, ssrs.|sentatives have been in Vancou-| & pan ‘ ignified the ae ee on a a rt x Carlton ‘nd Griffin, Tauemitas, ter ah Vistar: and es a vk} fea t stores and di : stores. is way of human nature iS Capt. Joseph Janders Water Recorder's office, t of TWO S Sete on the Grand Trask Pacificled over various sgricultura! and|.ie And the peculiar thing about when we have spent the best of iE ie ae Mg Se charsed by W. I. Basset, lo-|fruit growing districts. They will] If each is that the goods or the _— our brain power and yoyees = ; oa the 10th day of April, 1912. The . n nginee ° ne former| make a favorable report and ex-!| Fe . : ° : =. nat 4 So tvagte | Fag ope fice ae oe a eect aa aie oes io being out. am initial don.) an prices have little todo with the _—_and financial resources in build- eS application will be filed es 5 - ’ nitiai m- Es . - . o = nh ate ecorcer A ss ie auithereens, The Wiest wasitingent of len thousand people| im store’s temperament. It is the ing up something worth while, a ‘Objections may be filed with the set off, they say, in a deep cut|before next fall. They are thrif-| nality of the store that our enthusiasm bursts forth into fe) — Ler Wakes Biskta Parliam along the Grand Trunk line, just/ty and industrious people and! ff col d fin th: i 3 bli . W. : re] Prince R LO 0.F ings, Victori Bc ; 60 feet below the stakes of the;while deeply religious they are} Oss aD eines the c acter pu icity. € simply cannot = upert Lodge, , . ‘Queen Charlotte Fishing rival road. No less than 100,000|said to have none of the erra-| fa of the goods from the custom- __ restrain the desire to tell others ce No. 63 |Limited, Applicant | Eprceee mnaheriel Sie wyreteeh | He Sdieornereaiee of the Douk- = ers view-point and wins OF re- about it. = Meets in the Heigerson Block Pub. ina ca : my . . is wa ve re-|hobors, who also came from) [i pels approval i Every Tuesday Evening ei ae 1 port made to T. 8. White, chief; Russia. The agents now touring| . . . |All members of the order in the ; engineer, by Mr. Basset today on| British Columbia stated that] & In the long run, service 18 city are requested to visit Cc O A a fel a head Pass. jwith an average capital of four Si ality of a store is oS ly ex as g $ alone are 2 jthousand dollars. They expect = ‘es E - ; ; re ie Ch aS i 1G ze : : est on the alee 6, block 5, section 5; price| to transfer tas aisha etaaeane = pressed in its face. The face of ental. Service implies quality, om W. G, BARRIE, 800. 1 |New Wellington Cool B t (ner ep blll geal mee ata | 3 hector aarreniae Dnalpsaed) | a ne its