MEN'S Work Boots We carry a fall range of High Arch, , Greb, Valentine and Pioneer work- i'lH'?fii ing boots in various weights and designs. Leather and Panco Soles. Priced up from , ".' "-. $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H.F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations MEMBER OF THK CANADIAN PKKSs . Cjntdn Piwi is exclyslrelr entMeO to use ror republication of an newi ssr; s".0 th ft ,n thi All TlgJte republication of necl) desoatches therein tz alao reserved her own situation that shows the Friday, February 14, 194t. Prince Rupert And The War If Japan decides to come into the war, as she is threat- , Russia may well have good reasons for minding her own business. In that case the Communist brethren would do better not to pretend to, virtues which they do not intend to exercise. ' i ' But Russia has nnsM thrnnorhrmt tViio ct protector of the weak and the oppressed the paradise of f Trip Pvnlnitp1 rnlJnrr nlnnr.-. t, i i l' y, -"i uiu cuuuui ui true peace an(K freedom. And Russia has not failed at any critical junc-l ture since the war began to further Hitler's imperial am-, Immediate War Aim Another attempt has been made in the British House of Commons to obtain a definition of British "war aims " says the Ottawa Citizen. Arthur Greenwood speaking r lor the trovernment. rpnentprl M ru,inuiw . marks of last fall by saying that .winning the war was the1 immediate aim. There seems to be an assumption that the world is full 01 neonle and nnfinns whn va VikMin,.. ..n 1 i.n.i , tain or hesitating before rebelling against Hitler because of bewildered ignorance concerning British "war aims" It is of interest to note that the persons who keen prodding the British government for a declaration of war aims are mainly pinks and armchair battlers for a new constitution who have Income fans for federal union. t Britain's sole war aim last year and her sole war aim this year is to avoid defeat.. That, is a big enough proposition to gp on with, and. any plan of aims which would commend itself to these .War-aims agitators would not assist in achieving that objective, In f would just start them off squabbling again,, for no two groups of "planned economy" zealots can ever agree. r j. SMITHERS AT PR. GEORGE dave Good Account of Itself Hockey and Curling emng to do, Prince Rupert will have imvcw to &eijuusiy seriously consider consuierj smithers. oMimts, Feb. reD. m. n. am FOR WANTED in WANTED TO RENT Immediately. Tour or 5 room apartment or flat, furnished If possible. Apply E. P. Sldaway, c,o Biological Station. (38) FOUND FOUND-r-Bunch of keys and egg beater. Owner can have( same by calling at Dally News and paying for this ad. FOUND Pair black kid gloves. Owner can have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this ad. nnr- "tt . ' r, ' - - " Inn- 1 and it was quite fortunate for them that they did so. Otherwise they would have been swamped in the second game which vas played on Sunday afternoon. In the first period of this came the puck was flying at the Prince George net from every angle arid at the rate of about two a minute but the coal tender manaeed to k-pin Smithers anmners them tnem all au -bur out even even though though half half of of :ion. It is a Situation like we have just nowiCurlers and hockey Players invaded the players pi both the teams were B Wisdom Of institutillC the air raid' nrotec-'rlnce Ge,orEe la:st week-end and pll-d up Qn'tupjrtf him In the net a which hich is is beinir beinp; carried carried out. out. Itmavwf It mavvet hnnm Lonml dld 'ry ry well.fthemselves weiithenweives In m the the ntfihber ntfinber or orllmand tTmeVa. there was rib tion scheme necessary. It is eanniiitl thai. Pt-in ni : "" f ??eHM.ons ? were neia mere score in thU period. n f , . .. "-r -" u t uji wawiti w uiiiu ihe referee aid what hp fn the Pacific. It IS nOSSlb ethat women anrl PhilHron maw and there was consider wnter uLV:J-!rj. have to be "cijj uiu iiume team ay puiimg a evacuated. acuated, i i if the .1 Situation ., . . , becomes Serious. on the .. Ice , in , tne crulmS rlnk . wh!ch couple of Smithers players off the not inf m0nf!nninn-fln'a mentioning this for fn a the e r. i.a .greatly .greatly handlcauned handicapped the the players .riavrrs ice i at t .v,.. the &me iL time and, a ..... ... We are purpose of fright- emng. anyone but just so that in case of necessity we may be prepared. Stalin And Hitler Comrades just two f who were unable to any fancy work m!nutcs before the end of the game with the rocks. The ice in the big wlth the. scorei tied at two all. two new hockey rink was not hard by of the Smithers men were cliased a.., ,b, uui it was mucn Deuer to the nenalty box. The Prince for hockey than the curlers had for Ge0rge team put on a power play .their games and had all men down at the ThP Rnvfpf AW,l o: u ....... . , K 'H puck won Smithers end trying desperately to .',, V Ti 'X, uul Jias JUi given niSluie game Dy a score or a to 4 get the winning goal to beat the little brother hlavs the cheerful news that they have teen be1forc a laree crowd ' enthusiasts whhlle when Md Mcintyrc broke SOld down the river nnpp namiri Mra tho Vannnmmi. KT,.. who crowded into the rink. .w.l.l tit .1 . . i .'..'. . .. .. . 7I Pr h(( flunrw conl mil ob "O n o i' .. .... . . Herald muscow tioes not intend to intervene f the Naz s tnV' Z, T r 7tZ oiner ena W1U1 n0 one Detwen him ",c A a ir i ti i . .. r. '."'inJior a goal tender and nrocured the u i i, - x.j Iind it exnedient to make Hiilo-nrm nnothor. ,inntn,of services of goalie Trinder of Wells the goalie and scored the winning goal just before the whistle ended the name. ', In the third game on Monday evening, there was a new referee and i there was only one minor penalty jail theievening, this being handed to Harley Lewis of Smithers. This last game resulted in a tie at two all. The Smithers boys returned home btalin in fact is a much more helpful partner in the;CAR For 831(5 at Phone -.wins and a draw .to their, cfedit. World rnnsnJi'nt-v th ! . Green 890 between between 5. Pnce George people are. well Brother Ti " VC "e Stalin l :Vr v V,CV" luussoiini. V and n evening tf satisfied that Smithers Is the home may have asked a hich price but so far he ius divyays ueuvereu tne goods to Hitler whether it be in Poland, Finland, Rumania or Bulgaria. f Of course there is every possibility that the Bulgarians are willing partners and that Stalin's reassurance is just a pat on the back for being good boys and obeying tirders. V As Mr. Churchill reminded us. yesterday, the Bul-gars are about to repeat a sad mistake. of hockey in the" north and envy the FOR SALE-1936 De Luxe Ford se-liow" l"? 01 " dan. First class condition. Phone bX f m thers who are nearly ,unIorS' Red 838. m' (41),a11 Curling Bansplel " 1 ' " 1 I Tn I Via nn.1l U I.I 11. FOR SALE-LargeChickerlng piano three rinks represenUng Smlthrrs, . ..villi, Phone Red 702. (39) these being skipper by Art Simpson, Jim Downey and BUI Duff. There were also rinks from Wells and Williams Lake besides thirteen Prince George rinks In the competition for Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teachrr A.A.A. Certificate PHONE RED 814 CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.C.Ph.C. Willow Block, Phone 141 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable ZS PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates TME GOOlS COSTS MONHY. WILL YOU HELP ? ' v:mi ja i - . . 1 3ff the three trophies known us the Kelly Cup, Robertson Cup and Mc-Cullagh Shield. Last year the Simpson rink v.on the Kelly Cup while the Downey rink brousht home the Robertson JCup and they carried these back j with them for this bonsplcl. 1 In the ensulnc dav In thU bon splcl the Simpson rink, compojfd of J. McEwen, L. Keniple, Jas. BovlII and A. Simpson, won eleven games out of the. twelve games played ,ln 'Ihfc three competition's and they brought home the Robertson Cup and the McCulIagh Shield uhlch eliminated them from the big Kelly Cup competitions. The Duff rink. rnmi vw'rl nf f. If IfpmiAV limnu v.. M. ... ........ V. J . .. I I 1 . J Graham, P. Berg and William Duff, got into the semi-finals of the Kelly Cup but was beaten by the Pidgeon rink from Wells which won thv cup In the finals. Smithers Bonspiel The Smithers Curling Club will be holding Its own bonspiel commencing on Sunday and it U ex-peoted that Prince George will send at least two rinks to take part while the old reliable Billy Little or Woodcock is also expected to be an entrant as usual. In the Hanson Cup contest, which ha? been held up for several weeks on account of mild weather, the final were played Wednesday night on perfect Ice between the Johns. rink and the Carey rink and the trophy was carried off by Ward Carey after a close contest. Play Is now going on in the Ladies' Club for the fine new Home Oil pup and competition Is veyy keen for the honor of being the first ylnnerg of this cup. . Hockey Standings Tne league standings to date; Boston 19 g 7 124 32 47 Toronto 21 3 10 97 67 45 Dtrolt 13 10 12 77 71 30 Rangers 13 g 16 98 99 34 Chicago 13 5 17 85 96 31 Canadiens 12 6 19 96 110 30 Americans 8 10 18 71 m 26 THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with to all ,bt year round payroll In Prince Rupert SPORT CHAT Ounnar Hockert, Finnish runner who set world's records In the 3,000-metre and 5,000-metre events at the Olympics In Berlin In 1936, was reported killed while fighting onlhe Karelian Isthmus a year agones-terday. lie was the second Finnish star to die in the Russlan-Flnhtsh w, Tlie first was Blw t Wiwn-iiri, a speed skater. More than 14.000 Toronto Maple I-eaf supporters cheered ds Ace Bailey and Eddie Shore clajped hands seven years aeo tohlght In Maple Leaf Gardens at Toionla. Crsshed to the ice by the B6s(on derenceman December 11, 1D33, Bailey's hockey-playing career was cut short and a benefit game waa arranged with the Bailey-Shore reunion being the attraction. Leafs defeated an all-star team 7-3. National Hockey League scoring statistics Issued seven years ago showed Charlie Conacher leading with 40 points. The Toronto Mapla Leaf bomber held a six-point iead .over Joe Prbwau and was nine points ahead of Harvey Jackson, other members.of Uie famous "kid" line of 1934. Both Conachelr and JackKon'are with Newj' York AmeH-Fan. tills winter. COW BOYS , HOLD LEAD (Jrirtto Not Far Rth'fhd In Brldee League Standing Prlnc? Rupert Bridge .League re-mils last nljfht were as folkws: . Quatslnos 5050, Ramblers 8720. Prince RupeTt Dairy 7210, Musketeers 7590. Sons of Norway C040, C. N. II. A. 2700. Cowboys 380. Grotto 11470.' roe league standings: Cowboys Orotto Ramblers C. N. II. A. .Murketeers ... P. R. Dairy Qua.tslnos Sons Norway 35700 34740 31930 31340 27400 258C0 ..2R7W 2527.0 31510 27200 28910 26000 29910 30130 31420 31540 35700 34740 31930 31340 27400 253 CO 25760 25275 BRUINS IN LEAD NOW Victory Over New York Ranger Puts Boston-at Top of National Hockey League NEW YORK, Feb. 14: (CP)-Bos-ton Bruins continued their 16ns winning streak last night with a five to three victory .over the New York Rangers and, as a. result, ousted the idle Toronto Maple Leafs WA . . mi UUARETTEP Willi NOMFW,. ..""J from first pi;u Hockey, League m luomi. . wronr! Kflicrlnli d . the Montreal Can..di . 4 Iri 5 victory over the at Chicago. As a rtsuli tt adlen are now bui mM ftJ lilnd the fifth place ny. ...Chicago and Dciim at Detroit tonight Hockey Scores National Lran( Boston 5, Ran,'et 3 Canadiens 6, Chir Pacific Coast Spokane 4, Portland 3, This 1 ailvertisemciit 1- nuipj nt, displayed hy the Ijuum t '7 IJianl or by (he time t.f.noiia Ilrifish C-iiIuji ; 1 ii.i- Hot Water Bottle SPECIAL , Guarante cl Bottles $ 1.00 Omies ltd. Ptontcr Druzgists Tht Rexal! Stor Vbont, n & si 0 Dally fram i tIJI JO p.m. aaoftiri a Hf,iav from 12 i0 2 p.n.