German Attack Upon Greece Will Be War Sign, Istanbul Says prohibition of the importation of new Passenger automobiles Imposed in the War Exchange Conservation Confirmed That Russia Intends to do Nothing if Germany Act las December will be lifted and ' Invades Bulgaria H Rumania Girds Herself !lm"ed to a numblr ! im,p0ltsT H' lowed on a quota basis, Hon. J. L. lor IJCience ilsley. minister of finance, announc- ed last niaht. The covernment will ISTANBUL, February 14: (CP) lav iv declared declared that that Turkev Turkey is is prepa nrenared The Turkish press shortly appoint a motor vehicles to fitrht because controller to safeguard war produc J tlon against civilian rlptnnnric fnr "we :. cannot . be disinterested i- i ...i when a e foreign ; army passes into Bulgaria." Inspired articles were interpreted as be- panleR in setting up ;nutacturln; ing Turkey's negative answer to the Axis diplomatic cam- facilities m Canada "when machine uaign to win the Ankara government's promise to remain tools and labor are extremely, DOMINION WITHDRAWS Will ON RELIEF -till 1 .n.n XTnwl fn.nM OTimo r-n -nn" a.4 U ObiU 411 taw Haiti mw , L ovaiLC IJlirillJJbCU cue 111UVC. through Bulgaria to attack Grepce. ! Indications are of a straight answer by Turkey to Germany that, if Greece is attacked by Germany, Turkey will fight. Germany has been seeking to get Turkey's under taking to stand pat. It was confirmed at the Soviet embassy here today that Russia In- t.-. inr.i am n PmvinrM tends to d0 nothing to Interfere .nrt Mnnirinalitics. Ottawa wun uerman iroops moving Announces I through Bulgaria. ' Long lines of German troops Feb. 14: CP) Domin- tlnue to march through the streets ton contributions to direct relief will of Bucharest, the Rumanian capital, be discontinued March 31, Hon. while German planes soared over-. Horman McLarty. minister of Labor, head. The streets or oucnarest announced last night. Heavy Dom- were being patrolled against tne and reconstruction of his already i ,.11..V1C war-torn country. Nevertheless. It CHURCHILL VISITS CANADIANS is known that the Axis is holding' LONDON Prime Minister Win out rich bait to Spain to enter the war including Gibraltar, satUfac tlon of Tangier claims and settlement of the Morroccan border problem. Accord Reached ROME, Feb. 14. Spain and Italy have reached complete accord On wartime roles and European, Medi terranean and African problems, H was announced yesterday and It is believed Vichy, France, will be in formed wwucu oi of the ine decisions. decisions, General uuraui NEW ZEALAND ALARMED AUCKLAND, Feb. 14: (CP) I'me Minister Peter Frascr said today that New Zealand's war cabinet was giving hourly attention to the situation In the Pacific Ocean which lie said showed continued dclioration of iilim.s.. SraV'ty . .A 1' ston Churchill visited the Canadian troops today, accompanied by General Charles DcGaullc of Free France and Prime Minister Sikorsky of Poland. They lunch- cd with General McNaughlon, General Pearkes and General Odium. INVASION OF ITALY ROME Landing ol British par-t,nam armed with ma- ..j- -,nrt Francisco Franco. Spanish dictator, chine guns, hand was motoring homeward alter con-' nynamue -- sulfation with Premier Benito Mus solini. He is understood to have ac qualnted Marshal Henri Phllllppe cations and vital waicr uvv, facilities in lower Italy was ; re- . . . i... Knl an liieh ported louay - , PMniv. ...iiu il. i l .I. I n...virk,n ml which saiu m wnu wie rcsuiw oi me - " ,. rmlid ierence. - were capiurcu ...inn. damage. It was on luusc - Monday night of this week that the "invasion" occurred. Two Italian soldiers lost their lives in the incident. (London said that it knew nothing of this report and suggested that it might have been a Royal Air Force crew bailing out which was responsible of a plane for It.) -t-X-a- f TO ATTACK SINGAPORE Japan Preparing to Strike When Britain Invaded Navy on Patrol SAIGON, French Indo-China, Feb. 14. A Japanese correspondent here declared today that Japanese warships were patrolling the entire French Indo-China coast and also the Thailand shore as far west as Bangkok. These talon war expenditure aQdjjKaallMJ arc-un ervipes. eouDled with unempioy- wr a cumiucic um-uui, uuu ment shrinkage, due to war aetlvl- people were unaer instructions as ties are given as the reason tor ending the ten year Dominion participation In unemployment relief and agricultural distress. - k i Up to now the Dominion Ima borne forty per cent of the cost of dircrt unemployment relief, the provinces forty per cent and tne municipalities, twenty per cent. There will be no greater burden entailed upon the provinces and the municipalities as a result of withdrawal of federal contribution, Mr. McLarty pointed out, since it is estimated that only $7,000,000 will be required for direct relief during the coming year as compared wltn $14,000,000 during the year now SPAIN TO STAY 0UTt Will Remain Neutral Says Madrid After Mussolini-Franco Conference MADRID. Feb. 14. Spanish news papers insisted yesterday that Spain would stay neutral, General Fran-, Cisco Franco being more in problems of food, transport, employment to what to do in case of air attack. Bulletins BRITISH CONVOY ATTACKED FUNCHAL, .Madeira Six ships in a British convoy, steaming northward between Madeira and the Azores, are believed to have been sunk by a German surface raider, perhaps a pocket battleship, according to information received today. TWO TOWNS CAPTURED NAIROBI, Kenya Capture of Afmadu and Bulo Erillo, both in Italian Somaliland, is announced today on behalf of British East African troops. CONFIDENT OF PASSAGE WASHINGTON Administration leaders are confident that the "Aid to Briain" bill will be passed by the Senate within two weeks. The majority will be two to one, it is estimated. confirmed, said the patrol was set' up as a precaution against possible developments. Correspondents claimed that .Japan is expecting Germany to attempt an invasion of Britain, whereupon "Japan will move against Anglo-American interests in the Orient and Netherlands' East Indies, attacking first Singapore." BRITONS MASSING British land, sea and air forces are reported concentrating on the Malay Peninsula, north of SICILY BOMBED R. A. F. Hits At Machine-Gun Nests Nazis Bomb Malta Again CAIRO, Feb. 14: The Royal Air Force again bombed dlve- bombing nests of the enemy at Catania and elsewhere in Sicily. I Further German aerial raids on I Malta are reported. HITLER AND YUGOSLAVS BERLIN Although much awaited throughout the world, no statement has yet been made concerning the meeting of the Yugoslav Prime Minister and foreign minister with Chancellor Adolf Hitler. A Nazi spokesman says there is no deterioration of relations between Germany and Greece. Shot Pair Of Timber Wolves While engaged in hls work as linesman lor Canadian Na- tlbnal Telegraphs on the Port Simpson lelephbne line this Wednesday, Pete Brozat en- countered a pack of black tlm- hpr wnlvps In the vicinity of ! Silver Creek and, with his trusty rifle, succeeded in bringing down two of the animals. He Was In town yes- tcrday and collected the bounty. . RY B.C. Weather, TorlkM: Tomorrow sT ides mm 3:30 22.0 It. High ajn. Prince Rupert and Queen Char- iSfttAOtf i 15:45 pjn. 20.9 ft. 1011c xaiaiiuo uifeub vtuiduie wiuujf, Low 9:44 a.m. 4.0 ft. fair and cool. 22:10 pjn. 3.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol, XXX., No. 38. PRICE: 5 CENTS. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1941 Turkey Is All Ready To Llr I IFM(n Or I IMPORT BAN American Automobiles to be Allowed ooocHJOtKK0otKXKHO0DtjHKHKH in Canada onRestricted Basis . AIR WAR RENEWED LONDON The Royal Air Force renewed its bombing attacks last night and today on German-held invasion ports on the French Channel coast. In today's daylight sweep the thud of heavy explosions could be heard oh the English side of the Channel. There were heavy battles between British and German air squadrons over the English Channel on a scale recalling :the fierce combats of last fall. At least one German Mcsscrschmidt was brought down as the British planes fought wilh the German craft half way across the Channel. Apart from this the British raiders apparently encountered no TRIPOUTANIA ENTERED CAIRO A British Hussar regiment has crossed into the Tripolitania or western section of Libya without any major refinance on the part of the Italians. A native camel corps surrendered. It Included 200 camels and sixty fine horses. BEST AIR RAID YET ATHENS The British and Greek air forces have carried out the heaviest and most successful bombing raids so far in the war in Albania with the principal cities of Tirano and Durazzo a; the chief targets. Airdromes were struck at both places and planes destroyed. Meantime, Greek land forces moved forward and drove the Italians from fortified positions. PACIFIC SITUATION CRITICAL SYDNEY There has been no further deterioration in the Far East situation. There is no tendency, however, to suggest that it is less critical. Vice-Premier Fadden stated today that his warning to the nation yesterday was necessary. The Australian war cabinet reviewed the latest information today. -TODAYJSWSTOCKS (Cuuruay t. X). Johnrtuu Cu.l Vancouver Big Missouri, .04. , Bralorne, 9.7& Cariboo Quartz, 2.60. Dentonlo, .01A. .Falrvlew, .01. Gold Belt, .25. Hedley Mascot, .47 Noble Five. .00V$A. Pacific Nickel, M. Pend Oreille, 1.50.. Pioneer, 2.10. Premier, .85. Privateer, .47. Reeves MacDonald, .18A. Reno, .10. , Relief Arlington. .0234. Salmon Gold, .01. Sheep Creek, .83A. Cariboo Hudson, ,01 A. Oils A. P. Con., .08. Calmont, .19. C. Si E.. 1.20. Home, 1.70. Pacalta, .04 iA. Royal Canadian, .10. , Okalta. .58. Mercry, .04. Prairie Royalties, J)7. Toronto Aldermuac, .12. Beattle, 1.06. Central Pat, 1.68. Con. Smelters, 35.00, East Malartlc, 2.50. Fernland, .03 Vs. Francoeur, .40. Gods Lake, .39. ' Hardrock, .76. Int. Nickel, 32.00. Kerr Addison, 3.50.- Little Long Lac, 1.75. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.75. Madsen Red Lake, .50. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.10. Moneta, .47. Noranda, 50.. Pickle Crow, 2.62. Preston East Dome, 2.73. San Antonio, 2.05. . Sherrltt Gordon, .69. Uchi, .30. Bouscadlllac, .02. Mosher, .05. Oklend, .05. Smelters Gold, .01.'': Dominion Bridge, 23.00. Joe Gardner and Alex Hardy have each been fined $400 on charges of . having been found without authority aboard the wreck of the United I States Army transport Kvlchak in Finlayson Channel. The were tried 1 by Stipendiary Magistrate Hill of Ocean Falls, having been taken to the uaDer town by the rtrovinrlal police boat. NAZY ENTRY LONDON. Feb. 14: (CP) Great Britain announced tonight that shft would regard Rumania "as territory under enemy occupation" beginning Saturday. The ministry of economic warfare said that Rumania, where there are perhaps 600,000 troops, would be regarded as enemy destination for contraband purposes. pontoon boats on which to cross, Only Soviet disapproval, according to report, has held Germany from already sending her soldiers into Bulgaria. Two million Red troops are said to be massed on the Turko-Rumanlan frontiers standing by ready for any eventuality. 11s M HflfllH le-H i 3r Meeting Last Night to Promote Sale i of War Savings Certificatee Lays Its Plans The local organization to promote the sale of War Savings Certificates got off to a good start last night by planning the campaign. It was decided to appoint a committee to look after the employers-employ Another committee will canvass the business section Including the professional men and a third committee will have in hand a canvass of the waterfront The general house to house canvass will be delayed for two weeks so that it may not conflict with the other groups. A meeting of all who are willing to work in that cam paign will be held In the City Halli February 27 when arrangements will be made to cover the city well. Something like forty canvassers will W. M. Watts, who presided andl right TO CANVASS PROMINENT War News 1 whole city ee groups and see that they are wel accordin organizea ana woriung eincieniiy.i. ISLANDER SUCCUMBS A. It. Mallory of Port Clements Passes Away After Brief Illness Albert Roy Mallory, police magistrate, road superintendent and postmaster at Port Clements and one of the most widely known residents of the Queen Charlotte Islands, passed away at his home at 5 o'clock on Wednesday evening, to word received today Inlands. On Tuesday morning he had been taken sudden ly 111. The funeral is taking place today. The late Mr. Mallory Is survived by his widow and a son who will have the deep sympathy of their many friends not only on the Queen Charlotte Islands but also on this part of the mainland. CHURCHILL who is the permanent chairman in ."Greatest Figure In World" Says u r i I l i i 1 . ... . that they were a little late in get-1 ting organized but the Job had to be done and he hoped they would 1 TRIBUTE TO Willkie Urges Republicans To Support Administration be able to do It .well. He was clad I before a Lincoln Day Raaubllcan to see the representatives of so rally here, Wendell Wllfck descnb- " jmaqj; organizations present. The d Prime Minister ChuidiUl of alsovernment planned to raise $120.-Qreat :Britain as "the grefllpnbi" 000,000 from the sale of certificates he figure In the world tod; y." which bore a good rate of interest. United States can becocr e a dlc-What was needed not particularly tator In world peace by insisting was to secure pledges of continual Great Britain by provldtai instru-suDDort for the duration of the war. ments of war, Wallkle . aid. He Prince Rupert was" expected to raise paid tribute to the presen t Wash- $6-000 a month regularly and he felt hiffton administration, describing ' r.r,, German pi.. Planes Merely iw.ri nrH. Order il De- ag a er hlch the liveries Says Bulgaria-Russia & meanlng g.g situation, lie ured Mops invasion The dty had dQne vefy wgU durmg e Republican party to support a I the first year but a continuous sup- positive doctrine which wt aid lead RUMANIA "ENEMY" TERRITORY ply of money was harder to raise i after th war to an econc nic ys- I .i - , , . Umm nffarlnw man Vllw ffl film ' man a spasmoaic campaign. : ""u'j ) -j The committe had discovered that some of the organizations in the i city had already commenced work. I Some of the workers at the dry dock did not seem to understand the plan and It was suggested that speakers should be sent there to i meet the men at the noon hour and , exolaln It to them. Pledge cards , had been Issued and this would be SOFIA, Feb. 14: Planes from repeated. Germany which have arrived Ini There was a general discussion Bulgaria, It is explained, -ereand it was flnaUy decided to carry had never Known or enjiyea ds- fore." Wlllkle was cheered to the echo by a great gathering. had been ordered by Bulgaria tout a house to house canvass as MONTREAL, Feb. 14.-Encour-fm tho wo.rK tv, dv.n soon as the emnlover-emalovee ulan aging reports regarding response to by Bulgarian authorities to ac- had been completed. By that time the appeal to pur chase war savings . . .. r i certificates prtifi(aTPc nTP are corning comlntr from from em em- count jor tne aamittea arrival or tney would know exactly what was uerman transport pianes in ui- garia Large numbers of German forces are reported massed along the Danube, the ice on which is now required. Organizations Represented Representatives of various organ- i ing as follows: Overseas Chinese Bennie Lee and Earl Man. Gyro Club, Len Cripps. Junior Chamber of Comnierce, Stan Saville. ' Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, Geo. while the Russian Black Sea fleet ! Anderson. Rebekah Lodge, Mrs. A. Barbe and Mrs. Thomas Priest. Canadian Legion Women's Auxil iary, Mrs. W. Rothwell and Mrs. Parent. Municipal Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, Mrs. J. A. Teng. Cambral Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of Empire, Mrs. P. T. Bird. Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial RESPOND TO WAR SAVING Canadian National Railways Employees Decide to "Work, Save and Lend ployees in every part 6t Canada. Indeed some offices have already ariiP" wered by returning" pledges to the extent of 100 per cent," said D. C- Grant, vice-president of finance, at the meet- National Railways, in re- ttartincr mMt iirmH nHfh . lzatlons were present Canadian , coroing xne result suuuiauuu t Association, employees on the national system in the present campaign. "Every employee throughout the nine provinces has been personally approached during this month," explained Mr. Grant. "That meant the person--al solicitation of more than 80,000 Individuals. "Naturally, It requires some time first to reach the large number of employees, then to tabulate the pledge cards so the final result will not be known until the end of February. Howevejf, pledge cards already received from, the three regions the marltlnies, central and western have been on such scale as to indicate a generoui answer. The measure of this response is eratlfvlne because It corns from Order, Daughters of the Empire, every class of worker, that i moaest Mrs. D. C. Stuart. wage or salary earner bejr.g as en- Sons of Norway, Ole Bendicksen thuslastically given. iis any other In and Oscar Haveroy. pledging part of that ware to fin- VedPral Pkhnackers Union. Wil- uwyiub - llam Gordon. Canadian Legion, S. A. Cheese-man. B. C. Resident Fishermen's As- jsoclatlon, George Kitagawa. ! Prince Rupert Japanese Association. H. K. Yamanaka. fort. "Generally speaking, 'p!dges so far received have been f irly substantial but no pledge h been overlooked even to that of b.e junior office boy who askc&iha' one dollar a month b&iletfucted from hb wages." -ludedllf. Grant.