for Vancoiwi TuesdayCatala ... . 1:30 p ro Thursday SS. Prince Rupert 11:30 p.m Friday -Ss. Prin. Adelaide - 10 p.m. Venture lOiSO p.m. i Feb. 13 and 24. ES. Princess Norah 5 pjn mm Vancouver Sunday ss Catala p.m Wed SS Pr. Rupert 10 a.m ES Prin. Adelaide 4 p.m. sr Venture pjn. Feb. 9 and 20. Princess Norah a.m for Stewart and Premier Runday ss. Catala 8 pju Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert 3 p.m. from Stewart and Premier Tuesday- -ss. Catala 11:30 am Tfr.:r:day -SB. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn tut &lire Arm, Naas River and fiirt Simpson SS Catala p.m. wm Alie e Arm, Naai River and P'rt Simpson Tuesda? ss Catala ... 11:30 R.m, .cuwhd by ih tra;: passing of j ii-ls Jarlrls, ihlld of Mr. and Wf. J4clc Njon. The sincere sym-j-alyhy cf all boss out to the belated rtowiiu. At the same time a Hie tacts in the case do not permit wilful carelessness to be l;42--ti cyilnsl anyone as the cause of the destruction of the b'U'i life, I take the privilege to make a few statements affecting Minn situations In the future. This I do in the spirit of kindness and :harity towards all and because I Id ve children with whom I have ItacT nuch to do for many years. First, there is a very large num-Jb?r cf children in our city. No 'heme and no community has possesions of more priceless worth than the children. They are creat ed in God's image. The Master .Himself gave to the children the ..natt exalted position anions aU Ktoomchin 'liihO men on eartn- Paction, care OlCalllMilJJ ocillalgd anC loving concern for the children in a home or in a community will dot nmlne the future of that home downfall In the future. In spite of material advancement. Secondy, it is in the power of the grown-up people of today, in our city, if jiroperly recognized, to take such care of the children in all the matters referred to that the future may be assured. How ever, in certain physical respects, iilldren here have less sunshine than the children farther south. Th elWren here have much fewer and mu:h less attractive play-rounds outside than In many other places. As around the homes These heroie Greek peasant women are help flu Weir men in their struggle against the Italians and the severe winter weather of the Albanian mountains. They do their share by clearing roads behind the lines. playgrounds. Not all th; chlldisn times it has seemed a miracle that large number of children always can be there. Consequently, a very children have not been run over, thsre, it would seem that no driv- large number" of children ar a play- What happened the other day. tr should be permitted to drive mg on the streets which ar? nar- may happen again. A good driver faster for two or three blocks past row and more or less heavily traf- does not only know how to handle the school than five miles per Iced. Especially on Saturdays and nis cai but he avast also, always hctir. Nothing would be lost by also Sundays, I have obsirved that be on the lookout lor what a child . anybody on account of such re and that community Such care; Ninth, Eighth and Seventh Av- on the street miahl d. to "tuse strlitlon. Co-operation and sincere and concern involve the physical, mental, moral and spiritual welfare of the chtaren. Neglect or carelessness in any of these mat ters will result most certainly in snues East are almost lined with an accident. Several su?sstlons iconcem for the welfare of the children playing. Larger and for the safety of the children come ;fcildren would go far to preclude smaller children. Some would re- to mind: further tragedies in these respects. mark that they should not bs in Let all the parents at all times Time, there are not so many car the busy streets. But, where should see to it that the -little children accidents in the city. But, even one they be? If children can not play are not playing ln ihs bu?y street, lifs destroyed Is one too many in In the open, they will perhaps b? Let all the larger children be a city where the number of cars compelled to gather in some alley, trained to look after and protect is very small after all. where, experience proves, not only the smaller childreen the eood things are fostered. : Let the teachers In our schools Thirdly, these situations create mak efforts to impress upon thei the imperative necessity of ex- jchildren the proper observance of i treme care and consideration beln (safety precautions on the streets, j given the children, their well-1 Let every driver of a car always I he children crowing up here are I being- and safety at all times and remember that he is handling an at. a disadvantage as compared tojby every grown-up person in the object that at any moment may, chlWren In many other places. The city. This becomes especially true destroy a human being that comes m regard to any and all persons m js way. , driving cars or trucks. I have driv- ', To destroy a human life is a en curs since 1915, averaging 25,000 SCrlous matter. ! miles each year. I have driven lnj No person drlvlng a car AouW country communities and m the nprm n , ininritin. a rule, the yards largest cities in the United States jtiquor. Witnout exception, any per-s small I have observed careful and also'Son are very uslng Uquor u more or less and otherwise not fit for play-1 careless and reckless drivers. In void of the abmty of proper iudg-rn-ounds. There are left only the Prince Rupert we have many very ment of action. school prounas wiat are ury nuu.w ...tli. .unvuimi.-, No Derson wrio has to admit fit for the children as attractive Our February Furniture Sale Ends SATURDAY FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH You have three more days to save in purchasing! Five more days to take advantage of these Creat Rargains ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING' THIRD AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD: SPECIAL SAILING FOR VANCOUVER S.S. CASSIAR leaves at 9 o'clock tonight Friday for Vancouver direct, due Vancouver Sunday afternoon. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT S!6 Pt)UV 00 V FromPort Simpson $39.75 (Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate points.) (Five years of age and under twelve) Half rare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1919 to February 28, 1911 Good to return up to March 31, 1941 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. g-S.CARDENA Every Friday 18:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reserratlons from "Ince Rupert Aeent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 5C8 H Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at omce HiEh Quality Latest Patterns AU British Woollens JUST ARRIVED Come in and choose the cloth your piwi,,. ...n, m'nug 6UII.. Ling the Tailor S,X,h St'" FhonV cSi Nursery Stock FREE 40-page catalogue, 32 colored Illustrations. Full of valuable Information. Complete list of plants for the home. Latest plant novelties. SEND FOR YOUR COPY NOW Valuable Free Premiums With Every Purchase EDDIE'S NURSERIES ,gardls,B.C. tee. I have also observed that we that he drInks intoxicating "quor. have some drivers who are very be more or lesSi hould granted a careless when driving -for through ;,icence to drlve a commer- traffic and where children or . clal or any her oedestrians are in large numbers. , , . ' v, u ' The King Edward school grouc. I t have personally ro seen, especially 0,,,, , . . . . , . , c,tVHr. , km.,w Hri,, ,are located between tvr streets al- on Seventh and Eeighth "Avenues w?ys.Ja!m01st lle?,wlitn cliUdren where there have been large num bers of children playing with al most reckless abandon, without marked slowing down, and without proper regard for the children. At Would it be possible to put up a high and rather strong, woven wire fence along Eighth Avenue to prevent the children running off the school grounds onto the street? Furthermore, on account of the WORK -SAVE J. II. MYRWANG. Try a Dally News Want-Ad. Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 ABSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable Gift and Household Premiums are absolutely tree to you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases of 25 cents or more. It is too good to pass up. Come in and let us explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents' J.H. BULGER Optometrist -LEND for victory BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES REGULARLY This space is donated hy the Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd. Royal Bank Bldg. -nr 1, Canada At War 25 Years Ago February 14. 1916 Allies une iolnt pledge to fight on for (he restoration of Belgium independte Milan, Italy, bombed by Austin airmen. Germans captured trenches from the French east of Sepsis in Alsace. Flying Trappers Corral Beavers New England Fur Men Use Planes to Keith Lucrative Areas : Near Border I ASHLAND, Me., Feb. 14: (CPi With large beaver pelt bringing as much as $40 each this winter, (Jlyde Leach of Ashland, and Fred Anderson of New Sweden, who became Main's first flying trapperj last winter, have found it profitable again to use an airplane forvexpe-ditlons into the beaver country along the Canadian border. While the 28 townships on the) northern border of the state now ; open for beaver trapping are not . inaccessible by other means, the ! difficulty of hiking in with supplies and traps makes ordinary trapping there far less profitable than in other areas. Leach and Anderson, however, are able to fly in an hour to lakes that would take several days to reach by foot and dog sled and also can fly in adequate pro- i . , February 14' Von, DAu.7ftt.w3 - i fi.. Chest, Coughing ColdsJtl If there's lrrlta-tlon in upper bronchial tubes, coughing, mitt, tular soreness or tightness- relieve such misery. Mother, with gulmproved' VapoRubMassage." With this more thorough treatment, the poultlce-and-yapor action of Vicics Vapoltub more effectively MMTKATH irritated air cassages with soothing medicinal vapors ... STIMUUTIS chest and back like a warming poultice or piaster., . starts rooting misery right away! Results delight even old Irlends of Vapoltub. TO OET a "Vapoltub Massage vim an Its benefits - massage VapoRub for 3 minutes on IMPORTANT RIB-AREA OP BACK as well as throat and chest -spread a thick layer on chest, cover with a warmed cloth, be g ORE to use genuine, time-tested VICKS VAPORUB. Letter Box 10 PREVl-iT TRAGEDIES Ectiiir, Dally Nws: ,WiOtit cabt all people la the .iriHiiliy have bean deeDlv GREEK WOMEN RALLY TO AH) THEIR WARRIORS lis J' EJImIII 11. ZD in., mm V 3. -"" THf- SIITIWy. Jf eivriilUT , I ; co. tr. '.. 1, TU. i jv rtlicmtnl if no publittW f dupUyW ! t tlx Liquor Cenfrol taui V Govwnmcnf of Brithk Cotrtttii' O visions and traps without difficulty. Their present camp is oh thirst. John River, about five miteYfrpm Ste. Justine, Que. - ''- Jt ii-a Major G. H. Strong an3 Cftptujit R. A. Pilkington of the'lrWi-Sf hers have -returned to the c'Hjffom Ottawa. ;"i VfCH JT0PIkB" . QUICHVT S This is the Time of Year When t A M QUALITY 1 COAL Makes a Dif ferencc'to Your Comfort j Consult with us as to the best Kinu to use lor your J Stove, Range or Furnace j Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. J PHONE 116 PHONE 117 We ain't mad at Nobody i T i A I nr tin r ' highest Wanted-Raw Furs IRi?0 Ship to J. E. ORMIIEIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Phone 741. 1C7 East 3rd Ave. vy'" S "RUPERT BRAND" BRILL FILLETS Cellophane Waste r arte Wrapped Wrapped N No 25c per lb. I ' Obtain ahlc at STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD: RUPERT BUTCHERS BULKLEY MARKET Also served at the Boston and Commodore1 CaTe; Smoked and Cured Fish available at the .above" stores Packed by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co.. It A British Columbia 't