PAGE TWO SHOES Do you share with many the habit of cataloging people by the appearance of their footwear? We can think of no better way to spruce up far early fall than to buy a pair of Hartt's Shoes. JWkipire ft Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by. Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue II. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion SUBSCRIPTION RATS MEMBEK Or TUB :AK4MAN 1'KESa im uuwuim tress is exclusively enuweu to use ioi repuDiicauoii ox s.u news despatch endttwl to It or to tbe Associated Pi ess ln this paper bad tlao tbe! local news published therein. All rights ot republication of apecl&l denoatohea .therein are also reserved ( DAILY EDITION An Unusual Appeal Monday, August H, 1931, At the week-end we received a different appeal from the ordinary. It came from Lord Southvood, chairman of the hospital for sick children, Great Ormond Street, London ,England. It. seems that the hospital, the greatest in the world for sick children, had recently been rebuilt and then one night it -was bombed. The babies were all saved but the building was destroyed and will have to be built again. Accompanying the appeal is a matchbox containing a small portion of the rubble made by the exploding .bomb, also three pictures of the building and a few of the children. Anyone wishing to see the letter, , the picture or the remnant of the bombed building may do so at the Daily News office. We cannot tions but the address can be obtained from us if anvnnu' wishes to send. It seems to be a yery worthy cause yeti juajf uui, uuiue unuer xne scope oi uie queen s r und lor which we collect money. Are We Measuring Up? - - There will be a special carnival, number of the Daily News Wednesday, the main purpose of which is to provide publicity for the Carnival next week. Anyone wishing advertising space in that number should apply not later t'i-,-.a' t.uinojTw. . , .; wi.-Mnp- tanf1''-ti' r?dv4.ipe- '' W kivjcniscinciits inserted on Wednesday should have the new copy in the office by noon or early tomorrow afternoon. Carnival Number - - - Prince Rupert people are asked to cut down evenfur-l tVlPr nn fVioiv nnnonviiif !nn nt n n . v'i3"?"H,'iuu v' yaBuiine tu tiiai, more may be sent overseas to help in the war effort. The controller's office reports that the response has been considerable but not yet enough. The gasoline is needed for the war so please do not use it unnecessarily. We must measure up to our responsibilities in this work of conservation. HOW IT STARTED A preparation of red ochre and mutton tallow is used as a beauty cream by Navajo women. PIPING HOT Many residents of Iceland heat their homes with hot water piped jrom geysers The Dailv News is a mpmhpr nf tVio r!nnarKnv-nn:i.. .Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press nd of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only, paper north .of Vancpuver and West pf Edmonton holding membership uoui ntrno i, ..." n' loiiffli Step Into Style With & offline was 9-b aner a battle mat was nara aU pi il)f wr.y. The fielding Elections fpr the President of the United States are every leap year. Gifts and JJpvelties At The Variety Store 330 3rd Ave, W. rhonpjjed 120 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ?arelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c npp 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. iFbone 281 P.O. Box 196 .648 .642 ditlons ; I DRY DOCK BALL GAME IS WINNER! WAS CLOSE Some of Best Baseball Seen This Season Played Yesterday On Sunday the fans saw some of V-i o. Krcf Kn roKi 11 foot- Kova coon iVlc t fprpe Picked Off Three Kns to Win Softball Game on Saturday The softbajl game, - t- a ' scheduled fori tlirutgw unou -.jr v ovvii wtt , iseason. The Dry Docks again came i 1:30 pm. on .Saturday between . thu x ih. cUn iCnnadlan Scottish and thp A the Army, .UUb UU Wy UUb 11U llllCT V ti! ; ; pf their teeth. The Commodores jService Corps, was postponed due played a mighty game. Their new the Army Service Corps' team be- line-up is a grand team. The score "K ueiayea owing 10 weamer con.- Howeyer, the Air Fqrce and Sig ----- nals played j their -vv.. scheduled game i- - uune was supeiu. i The second game between the ' and what a game it turned out to Scottish and the Searchlights, was be- it.. i.i, y-i t. o t Thp Signals .stnrtprf nff hv tnlrlnir .tlsh pitcher, excelled himself strifc- a two run lead In , the first inning, i x . o i 1 1 i il. j which was ( nnrpn cKH tv.fivn In ,fhc uig uui io oauers in uie seven m- - " w.... . 'nlngs. In the batting Mitchell, of,nfth- whlle the Air Force had Wiethe Searchlights, took the honors ' lonely tallv- Signals ran in two I hitting a three-bagger in the fourth mQre ln- sixth, and then the - and a home run in the sixth. , b0Vs froin Beal Gove really got go- The lineups: j"1"- actual count it was eignt Dry Dock-G. Hetherington if, J. hey put to. giving them a two Hetherinirtn ah .. RirkPrtnn lh 1 runlead as the game went Into the last frarne- Howe 2b.. Bevnon ss.. Mclntvre c. j . From then -on it was anvhndv's .uurane ri., aimunason ci., warner; !p game. m, The Signals , . scored twice in I Commodores-Carey If., Lewis 3b.,'e,seventh Ue- fQrcin an extra 'Stiles lb., Coombe 2b, Wendall ss., m!e- n one run nnrvp nnnrtniirf Kprr Poriuio the eighth and the ninth started '.off again all even. p. 'scottish-Serianni AISii?als ran ln two m0M but tbe ss. Bailey c, Rratns rf RilPskV lh RPaHotn 9h Mr ForCe VaS Ut to get the game 5Lavis3b.,McLeodlf.,Cookrf,Cann anfored th'ee tot!ake a Bame jQ2ip j which was really worth winning. , searchlights-Hayter ss., Alford -J "3 Subscription Rates in City Per year. $5.00; Ilalf Year, $2.50; One Month,1 chell 2b -'R Colllson 3b Jeelum if Leslie Y.M.OA. secretary kept score 60c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mall. $3.00 a Year,W()1I rf Xrritt' f I WeilS ri., B. BterrKt Advertlcinr anil rirrulatinn 1 rlrnhon MU p. Member of AadUUureau 01 UiculatuTns rOIU,mPireS W.fe Thorndvke and uhmiwii wiujc vun resile oi me YA1.C.A. kept score. Baseball Scores SATUKDAY American League New Yprk 8, Philadelphia 3. Chicago 7, Cleveland 5. Washington 8, Boston 6. St. Louis 0, Detroit 3. National League Pittsburg 5. St. Louis 4. Boston 8, Brooklyn 7. Cincinnati 7, Chicago 2. Philadelphia 0. New York 1. SUNDAY American League Washington 6-8, Boston 7-2. New York 11-4, Philadelphia 2-1. Chicago 5-2, Clevland 2-1. St. Louis 7, Detroit 3. National League Boston 4-0, Brooklyn 14-4. Pittsburg 2-2, St. Louis 3-4. Cincinnati 3, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 4-4, New York 5-3. Baseball Standings National Leaeue Brooklyn 68 37 St. Louis 68 38 Cincinnati .58 46 Pittsburg 57 47 New York 49 52 Chicago 46 53 Boston .: .43 $1 Philadelphia 27 77 American League New York .74 35 Cleveland ..a 48 Boston 56 51 Chicago 55 53 Detroit 50 57 Philadelphia 49 58 Washington , 43 ei St. Louis ...42 63 SPORT GHAT On Tuesday evening the Prince Rupert Football AssoclaUon ,wlll start play for the fourth and last trophy of the season the Ollhuly Cup. yith ,three teains In jthe com-petltlpn, Xt will be a six game home and.hpme,series, total points to decide. The three teams will be All Stars, Canadian Scottish and Composite Services. The AH Star team Is a combination of the former Drv Dock and Independent teams." Jimmy .Braddock lost a 10-round decision to Babe Hunt, Ponca City boxer, il yejirs ago today at Boston. Braddock became (heavyweight champion ln 1935 and (lost the tiUe to Joe Louis June 22, 137. Sunburn Patrol Beats Freckles Girls Guard Beach Bathers From Too .Much Sunburn And ; . ' Brown Spots .558 CLEARWATER. Fla ' .548 ffi Pretty MyjU IBunriy) Lpwery .485 figures that iiye .Clearwater Beach ,442 sunburn patrol has prevented at .413 least a million freckles and a$ .259 many blisters among bathers who uuat Know vnen they!ve had .673 enough sun. 47 vrgamzea iour venrs nirn mnr-ri .523 OT as 3, stunt, the parpi was .509 80 successful in preventing seyefe .467 .auiiuum among qatnersa majpr .457 summer beach hazard that it has .413 Deen made one of the main feat .400,ures of tnls resort's safety organ ization. 1 Bunny and her shapely assist jants, in uniform white bathing juii.3 wim wenuiying Insignia on uie ironi, keep an eagle eye on bathers from Inland points who an 100 orten try to acquire a. deep ou.uau 11 one aose. "You'd be .surprised," Bunny says, "how few beach bathers from out of town know how much sun they can stand. And even when I warn fern, if hard to get 'em to wicr up. ' Each patrol girl has a safety kit with sunburn lotion as well as first aid equipment for treating tuts and scratches. Al are expert swimmers aqd iact as lifeguards. Miss Lowery was the beach's jtlrst girl lifeguard back In. 937. " The patro) also gives swimming1 Jessons and, as might be expected flf a school with sq comely a faculty, has whopping enrollments, purlng the first four years, enrollments tntalloH 5 nnn nr,ri VI mn Jeon the' number has' passed 1,500. I CLEVELAND, August 11: tt Lois De Fee Is living proof that It's easy for a tall girl to get a hus-. band. By her own count, Lois has been married seven times, currently Is engaged. "All they have to say Is 'I love you and can't live without you,' and I'm married again." the 23-year old strippeuse confided in a somewhat southern drawl. "It seems as If I always feel sorry for them. 'The only ones who say they are ln love with me are the little blttle guys the big ones go for dolls about 5 feet tall." Born In Missouri and reared in Texas, Lois first became a bride 10 years ago. Six of the marriages were serious, she says, and the seventh was for a press agent's check. That was the time she mar ried a midget with annulment pro. ceedings prearranged. For publicity purposes, the per fectly proportioned strap-shedder Is six feet, four inches. Actually, the high Keels aubtr'act 'two 'inches from that figure, -but her loftv height assures her of being "tops" ln the burlesque business. Lois was a show girl in several New York nicht snots, and a bouncer" In a couple more before she decided to shed her clothes in public for a living. That was a year and a half ago, and she's doing beautifully. DONATION BIG ONE Natives Raise $350 at Dances Red Cross Society for J - As a result of dances held at, Sunnyside and Claxton canneries pn .July 12th under the direction of 1 A. Wesley and other officials of I thp Native Brotherhood and Sister-' hpod, the local branch of the Can-1 adlan Red Cross Society received a 1 donation of $350; The officials of. the B. C. Packers Ltd at both noint po-operated fully. The officers of the Prince Rupert Branch of the 1 oaimcuan itea uross society are grateful for the generous assistance that has been accorded the society. JAPS CAME IN 189G Provincial savines banks erated only ln Ontario and Alberta. ali'i'liiaiiiigtiiaiflLgil BUILD A HOME Like This NOTICE TV To overcome complicated bookkeeping, commencing August 1 all goods bought at the Dominion Dairy Store are sold for cash and cannot be charged with the milk route. PHONE 10 9 You'd be surprised at the way we're cutting delivery truck gas consumption with our customers' help. They carry small parcels. They avoid special deliveries; cover everything they want with ONE order. This means lighter loads and fewer trips and helps us keep our Pledge to go 5050 with our Fighting Forces. KEMEMIlElft The slou er you tim e, the more yon sate I Tall Girls Get Married Six-Foot Strinneause, Now "23, Has Been "Led To The Altar" Seven Times K1 Get Prices of Materials From j Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of t BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay in a stock nf rnni nrm, fn- w.fniv PHONE 11C . J 1J0VE , Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stocks coal or to suit every requirtment Ml our coal Is carefully screened and prepared. Also a compleU line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from S ? T1 Charl?tte Islands. they are not kiln dried and ha all of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 PHONE When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ni 11- 4 Service 21 Hour Service at Regular Rates Three Weeks Opening Offer, FREE! FREE! SKIRT FOR LAD It? TROUSERS FOR GENTS With Eacli Frccdmari & Gabbp Suit From July 21th to Auf. 15 DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Caf It's interesting to know wherfreading the Daily M that the people of the whole district are doing the saB