Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Whifflets From The Waterfront Southbound from Skairwav .Vancouver, CPU. steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. William Palmer, arrived In port at 4:30 Saturday afternoon from the north, sailing at 8 pin. In continuation of her voyage. This week 'the Princess Charlotte will be making another of her special Alaska cruises on which she will call here only on the way south from Alaska. On Saturday afternoon the Princess Charlotte had on board 236 passengers of whom six disembarked at this port. C.N.R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, returned to port at 10 o'clock this morning from Skagway and other Alaska points. The vessel had on board a total of 225 passengers, six of whom disembarked at this port. Union steamer Catala, Capt. 1 CHAS. DOD1MEAD Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing. Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, uaggage ana rtovciues MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT o'clock this morning from the isouth with a considerable number I of passengers and freight cargo. Inz many reoDle ffom the Middle HE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SiMEIriNti UUAU'AMY UF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Hrand Cliomi-cals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates. Ammonium Sulphate. Superphos-phates, Monocalciutn Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Hrand Metals Mercury, Gold, Silver, Lead. Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth and Antimony. Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works -"- i . . - ... VI".. Trail, B.C. August Furniture Sale Fellol Mats Size 27x54. Sale price, each Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 65c Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish &Cold.Storage PMnc-.Rr (K i The liie vessel vcooci sailed aaucu ai at 11:45 11.13 a.m. u.iil. In Ill)'-' i for Civil Protection Being Organized savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Uo 5 FRASEIt STREET Prince Rupert CHIROPRACTOR Slaiilej W. Colton. U.CJ'h.C. Wallace Block, Phone 640 J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two doors from Broadcasting Station VTf3rTnhiAJi W mm Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving July 8, 19. 29 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations i from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Kuiiert Aernt. Third Ave. THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY j MARRIAGE; lM. Dubeau Elected Chairman and '.Miss Irene Mitchell Becomes Bride I Crocker Secretary at Terrace 1 Of David Mitchell TERRACE, Aug. 11, A meeting The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. arranged by the Village Commlsion- 'Mitchell, Atlin Avenue, was the ) ers to organize a Civilian Protection scene of a pretty wedding at 3j Committee was attended by a num- o'clock Saturday afternoon with Der oi representative cmzens on Rev. A. F. Mac,Sween omciaung, Friday evening In the Municipal when Irene Thornton Mitchell, Office. M. Dubeau was elected younger daughter of Mr. and Mra. cnairman and p. Crocker; secretary, j. R. Mitchell was united in mar Much preliminary work was accom- riage to David Mowbray Mitchell, 1 1 1 j e- ui i i i . a i f T" plished. Committees were formed eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. luiivbiid ivuuvucii ui vuuvuuv. continuation of her weekly voyage' n the work or Civilian Protection. The bride was given In marriage' Atn Kt.pwnrt anrt nthpr nnrfhprn 1 bv her father, while Mrs. E. J. ! -.points and will be back here to- -1 Drt I 'Smith played the wedding march to morrow afternoon southbound. IJjiULCll UVi Id With a total of 242 passengers, M f mostlv round triD tourists, includ and also during the signing of the register. The wedding was performed In front of the fireplace which was banked with greenery and a pro-, States of Ohio and Iowa, C.P.R ' ... ,,,. , fusion of dahlias, sweet peas and steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K, B,M Brasscls r Jam and,phlox In pink and white. The bride Gray, arrived in port at 12:15 this' o-vu" looked charming In an afternoon morning from the south and sailed, , , .. 'dress of dusky rose trimmed" with Mrs- W; Brass received a letter queen's blue, wearing a corsage Of at noon In continuation of her voy- age to Skagway and other Alaska that her 3011 Bil1 arrlved over" Rapture and Johanna Hill rose- nnfnts rh vpm m Hp kv v,or. seas seas ana naa tasen rus tanning DUds. Saturday afternoon returning to Vancouver. Nine passengers left the Princess Louise here while two took passage from this port foptfie north. . DISCOVERS GOLD NUGGET MFLBOURNE, Aug. 11: P While prospecting near IngUwood, Victoria, a miner unearthed a gold nugget weighing 71 ounces at a depth John Boden, arrived In port at 6 weighed 68 ounces leave for a week in Scotland. He ; Georglna Mitchell, niece of the naa tne experience oi Deing lost in: bride, made a sweet little flower a blackout and spent the night In an girl, dressed in pale blue carrying air raid shelter. He is well but a colonial bouqut of sweet peas i hungry for lam and similar dell- and ramntinn cacles which are not easily obtain- j Murlel Vance was tne ed overseas. 'bridesmaid wearing an afternoon of six Inches. When smplteri it iw iW htefnrw dress of turquoise blue with a cor- RAISE RECORD SUM We at nink carnations WINNIPEG, Aug. 11: 0 Mani- Len Mitchell, brother of the toba. raised $55,402,450 in her recent groom, was best man. Victory Loan drive, greatest effort The guests were received by Mrs was $43,000,000. Manitoba's quota See The FORD-BUILT Fighting Machines - In The National Film Hoard's Release "Canada Carries On" "STRATEGY of METALS Being .Shown at the ' CAPITOL THEATRE Aug. lllh, 12th 13th, S. E. PARKER Ltd. Ford Dealers 'J. R. Mitchell, mother, of the bride. wearing a dusky rose lace dress with a corsage of pale yellow rosebuds. The toast to the bride was proposed toy E. J. Smith and responded to suitably by the groom. The bride's table was centred with a thre- tier wedding oake. Mrs. George- Abbott and,Mrs.J. Bt MacKay presided at the urns and' Mrs. C. R. W. Piers and Mrs. Rochester put the ices.. The servi-teurs were Mesdames P. M, Ray, J. W. Scott, G. L. Rorle, T. W, Brown, and Misses Elliott Head, May Jones, Dorothy and Evelyn Mac-donald. Following the reception the bride and groom embark-1 on the honeymoon in Vancouver, there vice-president, will succeed Mr; Ford as general purchasing agent the announcement stated." Both appointments take effect David McK. Ford, newly appoint, ed vice-president of the Canadian National Railways, has spent al most a lifetime training himself 'for his new Job. He Is a native of Scotland and began his railway J career in the .office of the general I goods manager of the (North Bri-itlsh Railway at Glasgow in 1900. He came to Canada and in July of the same year was appointed to the position of thief clerk in the operating and occounting departments of the Halifax and Southwestern Railway In Nova Scotia. In Juiy iaio he was transferred to Quebec as accountant and cashier YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs. Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. k OH Burner, Cleaned 11.59 Chimneys Swept .. fZJSt HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE I'honr Iti-APK 7.1.1 ft.. r-..wl.3iy . ..Jut MUM WE minm AGUN! helps us all stand the of the e pace 8 i Soldiers, sailors, airmen welcome tlie'.r refreshing Wrlgley's Spearmint ftum they know its regufar use helps relieve fatigue and tension. The healthful chewing cools and freshens your mouth and throat, sweetens the breath and aids digestion, tool It's part of the daily routine of keeping fit. Always carry a package or two millions dot CHEW IT WHILE YOU WORK? Ony5. BUY SOME TODAY i mat position until January 1930 when he was appointed general stationery agent, becoming assistant purchasing agent in September of 1932. which position he held until he was appointed assistant to the vice-president of purchases. isiores.and steamships in February iw. tie nas rema ned n this lat ter position until his present ap pointment ROYAL SYMPATHY LONDON, Aug. 11: ) Rev. J. Butterworth, head of Clubland Church, $445,000 youth centre In Camberwell which was destroyed In an air raid, has received a messase of sympathy from Queen Mary. 40 PLANES A WEEK OTTAWA, Aug. 11 ; R More than 1,600 aircraft have been produced in Canada since hostilities began and production now Is about 40 planes a week, but al lenglnes are Imported. MORE SEED NEEDED LONDON. Ave. 11: r.vRa. lng that "without seed we cannot grow crops we so badly need," Agriculture Minister Hudson has urg-Pd U farmers experienced In seed production to grow more seed. X ,. ..; ; ... ..., ;x:; .... . . . - . :, FUN FILM SHOWING Katharine Hepburn in "Philadel phia Story" Current Feature at Capitol Theatre After an absence of more than noart Katharine Henburn re turns to the screen In "Philadelphia Story." hilarious version of her New' ... a. Jtt 'T i 4 1 York hit, whl$i).fsnows in ine uapi-tol Theatre here for the first half of this week. Co-starred with Miss Hepburn are Cary Grant and James Stewart. Miss Hepburn plays the part of a young woman of high society who, having no toleration for human weakness, divorces her first husband. Cary Grant, because he did not measure up to her idea of perfection. Her second choice is a stalwart man of the people, John Howard. Complications arise when Grant turns up for the wedding, bringing with him a reporter from a keyhole magazine In the person, of James Stewart who also falls for Mlis Hepburn. This situation brings about whirlwind comedy as the. three men vie for the girl. There lis a hilarious climax as Miss Hep-i burn's foot slips. I There Is a notable supporting cast including Ruth Hussey, as Stewart's jgirl friend, Roland Young as Miss i Hepburn's Uncle Willie: John Hal j Uday and Mary Nash, as the parents, and Virginia Weldler as the young sister. ROUNDUP OF Moaday,AugUt1 LArl 1111 TODAY- TUESDAY Matinees 2 pm Evenings 7:00 & 9:'25 JAMES STEWART CARY GRANT KATHERINE HEPBURN In the Famous Rroadwi Comedy Hit . DL:i-j i i. sr iiri'iiiiiinHi. I l I m r r -r w w v , uiiiii Story" With IJuth Hussey, Itoland Youn, mi z:3U, 7:30 and 9:55t AI)?)ED Boys' Camp Party Off To Islands imi rrestnlj aiiuwfcui OF METALS" Cartoon "HODEO GOES TO TOUT """c iiA.ui ooys pir.g ta; summer camp at Sarran l& near Massett under arranjeEm' made bv th nniirin.,. council, sailed on tha Car. I . . . uamiuay nigni lor nP 0;j!t j liest Fightinj In History (days after which twentj-sm: I i-fflrl.l will havo n ctm. .' There has been no big develop- charge of Rev. e. E, Brand4 pa ment in the Russian-German war tor or First Baptist Churd a ( although the Reds admit some Mrs. Harry Calderwood Nazi gains. Berlin claims to have consisted of Billy Shedcto Kr, .uauc a. nuavy raio. on Moscow sal- nein urocKiesby, Frank Cjjs urday night, to be about to take Donald Hartwlg, Harry Ca.'dcrra Odessa, to have put out of action Oerrv Woodsidp p.t wnm- i iauway railway company company's s Quebec wueoeci recently w'vj 350,000 v,vw Red jvcu troops, uwps, mak- max- Breen. ih, James jjimes Dugan. uugan. uarni Bame T: steamer Prince Rupert for a iuics. tie was appointed auauor ci " minion ciaimea cruonom ana jacK uaw'Jior U Quebec Quebec lines lines In in Pphrnarv February, mifl 1916. SsOVlet ooviet losses. tosses. Moscow Moscow makes male pa vari- vnri. going eomc nlon albng n as assistants ntdctoni. belnr a iorr0 n,mh.r nr trA werr Ifc O " nv llllliuo . IAJ .. .. . bid them farewell. For travelling He reUlrned 10 Toronto In Septem- ,us counier-ciaims and says the Jean Calderwood and ML IL ...... rnr luiw n i tima nnnnlnlnH nViInf 1 1 11 i IX II .1 V I1 lIViT sr . 1 1 MAIL. rne Driae cnose a tailored suit-of "i''""" t- fwwiw m uicir teal blue with matching accessories Natlonal RaUways and clerk, presl- mechanized and infantry forces to dent's offlce- Canadian N atlonal flate- . and corsage of roses . FORBIDDEN FUEL Mr. ana Mrs. Mitchell will take "uu- , " " "i u vaiajaky, Aug. 11 ? i: i vp residence at Powell River! ment Merchant Marine and In 1922 . have been tremendous. crime to use purple cas . ts inev nave neartv conirratiila. "00''-""1' "'C . r"u v.auu 13 mai auiomobl e in Alhrrt-j Th.M'y. tions and best wishes of many prestdetnt- Upn tormatlon of the Jnree great new offensives are fuel Is almost tax-free to fare1 mends. The, bride, has lived here 7'dUld nauonai au- w.i: unraine, toward for use m farm machlnerv lUtttlunerv c .. ... ' n v ,.. - . .Wav Co n 10?3 Mi PrH .oo MOSCOW and tnunrrl t i i an ii me. ine groom lormerly " v : -"Uoiiiu. , ... taught school In Prince RuDert aPPlrted assistant to the director Another Is that Stalin has lost NEW VICE- PRESIDENT vi un.jiaoi.-a auu stores, Montreal ww piaucs ana anotner that ,and in 1924 became assistant to Nazl forces are 70 miles from the the vice-president of purchases and Black Sea Port of Nicoliev in all stores. He was appointed head- tnere are no details given Just quarters purcnasmg agent In 1932, "e siaiement that all is proceed. and was promoted to the position mS according to plan. of general purchasing agent for the Moscow gives a flat declaration ; ,canadlan National Railways sys- except for some gains In an I). McK. Ford. General Purchasing ,tem in February 1937. unannounced place, the Nazis are Agent, Promoted Edwin A. Bromley, who becomes stopped all along the front and Igeneral purchasing agent for the are. In fact, threatened by Reds w,.,.. Canadian National Railways, .has to their rear in some snou uiu"'. ' AUgUSl U. AH- enpnf nronHz-oll,, 1t V. t I ' ! Tk I. c,M .1,. n...,. ... . n,,n,.m..t r, t, . , j piaunvauy an nis worKing " " me uaitie of Smolensk lJTSl thJ'He the company at Toronto " mv4viai ivauwdva. ui 1 t-i TUTU nn 1 . . i i i . the appointment of D McK. Ford, general purchasing aeent. to the president's office, becoming a sten osrapher In the same office two "Ti Vlce-Prflde"t in years later. In 1922 he became sec iuvilOOM ailU dlUItJS. P.. J. rfttoPlf rx U IJ.... In all history. Drive on Odessa Two German columns converging on Odessa from north and west are; making "very considerable progress," authoritative sources said' here today. One German-drive was reported to be aimed southeast and another almost due east into the Ukraine, apparently In an attempt to pinch off the mammoth granary before the September rains nr,A velop it as a base for winter oper- uuuiis. some sources n i.nnHn said the German drl already crossed the Dneister River out aescnoea Nazi progress elsewhere as slow and uneven. At Moscow the Hed forced by a rising tide of militia, "M iciwrcea toaay to be holding firm alone the central fmn k,. flclals acknowldged that defence lines of north and south flanks were drawn back nearer fcn im.: grad and deeper Into the Ukraine. ngnung continued last night lh the Smolensk salient anri at rial Terskov, south of Kiev, but a new Dame was Intensifying in the Uman area between Kiev and Odessa. Halibut Sales Delight. 20.000 : ''Parrfr: ..J Hazel H., 21.500. and 11c. Don Q., 11.000. Rovfli ii Qi . .. . any lie. The ExDlorr -. law; lor . , . today's sale. Gpntral Hotel Central Hotel Annex ISO Heated Room! not Water steam Bathi ninlnir Room In Connection Mrs. p. E. Hlack, ProprlflrMi Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 J, H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. Tur SEAL oi QUALITY mm mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinkTeal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon cannlnc company with an U th year round payroll la " Prince Rupert