MEN'S Work Boots We carry a f aJl range of Hifc Arch, Greii, Valentine and Pioneer working boots in various weights and designs, Leather and Panco Soles. Priced up from-- $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PEI5CE ECPEET - EEI71SB COLUMBIA PsfcSiii4 Erery AJtexfian, Escept BnaJlajr, bj Piixxx Expert Dafl j Ke wt, UrrA'jti, Third Ateoae tt P. PULLBf Kanagtrig-Etator AUVEKTISL'NG EATtS Cmtltk4 A4erflsaeoU, per -srwd. per intertion Airerthisr DrraliUon Telephone Mm&W f Al41t fcortxu l CtrrKUtiom KJDIBCB or THE CISIVUS MlTA Workers Have No Fear it 55 X!2 C?,lfa Turn to rxJurrrtJf zaxU,1 tu u ! rtps2iekoa cf t3 tn tacvzM nerA iofiattt tJm&jA tie is tte er k&s cte) ia rair cc rwtiDoaaoa eam amis u Ucoiajr. January 27, 1H1 Speakinjr at Vancouver recently Sir Walter Citrine. one of the British Trade Union leaders, dbettaeinjf the war! pnrjarauojiF, j rejMirww u nave Ktio inai umtwi worK- era i3a4 oo fear that ueir hard won rights hberties and riandard will be kw in the struggle. Labor had awentisd to the Mann of arbitrary ixwrer in the rrorernment and (jodbout's Opinion - - - ' Pramier Godbout of Quelle went into the recent in-tor-provincial conference at Ottawa more as an onlooker than as a participant, he told the British United Press. He made it clear that he had not intended to take part in the dlscuKKlonR. He believed that reforms should comd about slowly. In conversation with Norman McLeod he is re-blurted to have said. "If this plan is passed as it now stands. the premiers will be always after the federal government lor more money, 'i neir debts will be almost as high as they are now in two to five years time." A Way Of Life . Former Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy in his evi dence before the foreign relations committee, spoke of what he thought was bestior the United States with no thought whatever of what might be good or bad for their neighbors. That is the spirit that has brought on the present war It is the Nazi formula. "We are the chosen people. Nothing' else masters" When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 1 3 21 Hour Service at Recolar Katea PUCK LEAD Tertmt MijAe Leafi Are Sw r4sUt Ab-&4 aa K- I tiuaiil Leant Hit DETROIT, temiy 27 Ivwd; ap a araw wife dse l&aaucaJ OwiK at Boatnn Baonm CaTiadVesc Aeuricans Leaf fecae d Wmpi here It aftja adel a a reaaV ad ndd their asar-0B T leaaenfeia Id lbe Xattoaa? Hockey Leaeae to chw pqaats irfiu aver Detract mim cms Bed Wings aossf BMta IBnoH who nasaer-ap1 apol SkuA. Uk The an if once acaai tied for A? a tjnti of a 1 VSCSOfT tWiY Hawta of SmMbi pkx Umber f e-et1 were Sxiarday 2: Taetetta. 2 2: Dries, fl BMBM. C: Aserieaaw, L Sew York Eaaaers. - GHt.i IS M t2 to ante: 5 2 9 09 41 M 70 59 3 7 14 CI a2 27 5 11 05 7t 1C 70 23 24 2 17 S4 197 H HOOP TEAM RETURNING Lcal EaUceler Leire Keltblkan Tttk Marniaf m Re-tern U Prinre Kpert Ilarlos bii delayed by Honar a-ealber. the Prince Kopert Hih Sebw4 baJcrtbaJJ team, tolknrins iU aek-ead rkft to Ketehftaa. did. not tet away frosj the Aiaxta pwt aboard the schooner Panaa onti! 11 o'efrjek this xoomtot; so ahotild be bosae Kne time darts? the oisbt.! The mesace aososaelne the tant deparfaire for home did not dteetoee the nmeS the tecood eine Sat- la' the" first game K the bv&etbtll seritg at Ketchikan Friday nicbt. Ketchikan defeated Prinee Rpert by a mre rf 5C lo 23 the temporary sacrifice of working utandard became itR9fTl!imult -wrasconiidem the porernment would nrf imlu-ialftria . power against the will of the people. Vire tnentlohed this becatwe we had not noticed any reference to it in the Federationwt Iok a little further fato Citrine's apeech a reported in the Vancouver morning paper: "It vould," he laid, "be a strange thing if we in Great Britain built up an oligarchy in the process of fighting the dictatorship countries. I personally gee no danger of that, or two reamm: the trade union movement hais comnlete confidence in the government, and is vigilant against arbitrary ue of extraordinary government powers to destroy trade unionism." "Nor was it correct to picture Britain as a cockpit where? employers and employees are at war with each otherthat wa a distorted picture. For in Britain the collective bargaining principle was today more highly developed than in any other country. He was confident, how-fever, that in German a large section of the workers be-Jieved in trade unionism but were suppraed by the government. 'When Hitler sustains some major defeat in the field you will see Nazi Germany start to crack from top to bottom." Koueh wyace north on the schooner Persia aad Uhc affeeted 3vc ananty of their piy agate the strta Kayhi atKreation. In the last naarter of the first game Ket-crHkart made nd leas than twenty-foar points. The kK2h were siren a fine .e-ception at Ketchikan. Met by band and cheer leaders, they were also rimi th run of the school Steamship Sailing: For Yantcirrei Tuesday Catala 1:20 pre Tbtlriday 8S. Prince Rupert Friday &. Prln. 11:30 pjn Adelaide 10 pjn St. Cardena .. 10:20 pjn January 2. 16 and JOSS. Prince North 5 pm From Vancouver Sunday u Catala pjn WetL &S Pr. Rupert 10 ajn. SS Prln. Adelaide 4 pjn. 8$. Cardena pjn. January 12 and 18 ajn. For Stewart and Premier i Sunday a. Catala 8 pjn Wednesday SB. Prince Rupert .3 pjn. From Stewart and Premier Tue8day6s. Catala .11:30 a jr. Thursday SB. Pr. Rupert 8 pm. For Alice Arm, Naas Riter and Port Simpson Sunday m. catala 8 pjn. From Alice Arm, Nam Rlrer and Port Simpson Tuesday es. Catala . 11:30 am For Ocean Falls Thursday B&. Prince Fupert 11:30 pjn. Friday S3 Prln. Adelaide 10 p m From Ocean Falls-Wednesday 88 Prinee Rupert i0 ajn. Friday Ss. Pr. Adelaide . 4 p m. . Cardena p.m. For Queen Charlotte Islanilt-U January 6 and 20 88. Casslar 10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands January 5 and 19 8S. Casslar ajn. For Alaska-Wednesday BB. Prince Rupert a..... 3 p m. January 12 and 20 fi8. Princess Norah '...... ajn. from Alaska JTEZ CATLT AX. I . 1 - - - ! toe rtrvcx wmrj - j fKH Pat 1 km stc: ynrauf Bwat .3. s WBBaa. F X Oecid H. T. Lock &'wwi Water. C Loo. Eepwlt llereiiea' nfieviac the aH dear, a of the ARP. wwfcera m heal lbe Ooart Boose The officer an reported a lying decree at pranptilnae arrival of the AJiJ vorfcen at 4mkt' posts after the tiring at the aiw an aisoA 1M per avt Only a very few ed between the alarm and the tars-J etafm- torn-oat The findtKs at the refereec tr-d in detail u the aeetiat. vere meuned bo in the ebserratiim f Cot S D. Johnstao MjC, VX), area eoBunander, who eapreased ptemsre at the atMaetory atooalac wfateh had bees made in the flrat exer-citet and anred afi eo-operattea' poaatbie liosa the mnttary aohorl-Uea. Certain cans had been abown1 "htrfj eotttd be readily dosed no. Ool. Jnnstion reeomntended an fm- i proTeaeat hi the alarm, there bar-; tag been general report of wt aearinc the banaheea. There ttxtM. be ezeenttre heads at eaeh arexl OoL Jahmttm also obserred Uiat there had been no medical men at the Tartoe stations. Later it was. explained tha t the decton had I ftthered In a body at the bospHal. ready to proceed on eaB. with Dr. TODAY'S, STOCKS a, m Bnbnt. MM I Bease Qaara. ML dtatiriuiiiHMr of J J Lsttie. reswru were rwrd Iraso Use Rfen Xev Trt: lint it L. Btjvji Wcdrirv. L JMm i&dDntli. OhkI Ilic: IJcaL Frd Fairer. BvAfe UaMW Site: Ufeat W S. HwupiW. Otf Hill: Lieat. Bwatt. rimlui 2Ca- ttHMl Otnenl Offleea. The MallOB. eoaiBf dhwt water ' Ihe mmutr. and toe Caandtan n OMd StKane 0o oandM Mn-: punamkf, Sd not mrt at ! 1 A. P ML TVmS .niifi, iwl Stat vSuSmtaT1 GadfeUbiL JWW la. Kerr LsttJc Urn 1?- 1M. Uted n lnnsMI, til. Madcen Seal Laae. Jl. VIcKeaate Bed Laic. lit. ICsaeia. -Veranda. JsS4. Piekle Canr, 1AC Prestea But Dane. 3JtT San Anlonto. 2.45. SberrtU Oordon. M. Uefal. J5. Bomradulae. Jt. Maer Oklend. B7 Smelters Gold. 01 Vi. Dominion Bridce. 2g& BOWLING .iSgtSi" Headier, at Lky StxiW BlJlTfLZ """ ' ln er-ni oi 81t-ers. Annettes vs "Hm aeuad air attack. Coi Johnsum kh noM rTlettM www ima uj- uifBUUT TKMiia FWhrnsrr I I k... l. j. . "e wmu wuii. uj uu ana ma- AnnstiM rut. ideraWe responsibiliUes would fall aroy fiwinaers vi uk woreers. .Ranfers vs Bfe; Stoera. in eonoectton with the rehearEal February 11 Knox 1L,-1 there was as intereatine demon- Ranters. Savoy SiW r A n,. ttrationoa the Cowt IkitMe smunds asters. Locfcr sanvTT nJa,: of the ropinc off of a deeontamlna- Styiettes vs Amettes Mm area wnere a Dorno was pre- February 18-Annetts vs. wad iutc mn anjpp-a, Tae.Dirds. Big Si-itr r oeeonianunatton squads, undT Dr. Rangers vs Tezi carter, toot but eieren nin-.6ti1kes vs utea from the time of learine; their homes to go to the Prince R'jpert uimihuuu OUUVD lit! don their clothing and reach the I ene of the bombm. A tract had! been provided by L. B. Lsmbry. oanager of Phflpott-ETltt LUL Sea Cadets and Boy Scouts auuU -d as runntrj and messengers. Tradesmen's handy rear-door de-nyery van8 prored efficacious ior ambulance purposes. M TlfZ BUPBM OOtTKT OP BRITISH OOUmBIA IK WiOBATE IN THK MATTER OP TUT ADMINISTRATION ACT" AKD tS THE SCATTER OP THE ESTATE OP DAVID ALtejr. Ir-d TAKE NOTICE tim bx Order of Hto ucoour judg PrtMT. Ixraj Judjje of Uie ftcrnirf- Ootin or Erttua CUumi. : m co st UOi day Januur A J) 1S4I ft0pcfitti AdmlnteUator of U of DiKt AJkn. renwrty of u Sm(iit cf IlnW. Srttfch C&tuitbU Dmea4. -who Ojul on or About xh 3lt Say of 6ncm)T JJW. All pr-ntit tn-to pay th jiq of ttirtr tndrbtd- lonm u uk SvrUMUi and an luting ditm bSiTj4 bm m4 EtaU-ar mroJrM to 111 tbrtn wtm m ro- irtr irlfil oa Wrjr. Ok- 30U1 day April AJJ. mi iMfr trtKrh dfartri- rjuuon win t msd (urlo rjird cnly to cueh rtJtw rjf wtilch 1 shall hat. DATED ut Prim ttupMt. BC, tb 15th rtay of Jantury IMI. KOKUAM WATT. Official AdmiDtotttor, - - PrIIV BXKUTt, BC. f:OVl:SJIENT MQIOR ACT" (0cUoa 2) KOTICZ .OP APPLICATION POrt A CtX'B UCENCB tiuir i Urtl7 fitm that on U 101 day yttnlirj 1941 ntt. th undtnlnd BEX EOWIJUa CMJB IJMtTHJ latftuu to the Llq- utJC Cualrol frrd far Club tcoce la "t cf weiWi lu3 00 the NopUj-wSt1 rwrutjti of th Third ll'- U th Bnwr BVx t U njr-nrr of Third Avui nd Third e.rt lands (KMTlhrd S IjU 23 nd ?4. Diode 20. &Alon 1. Mar S23 In ttw Cltt of Priaoe Rupvt, Prtivr Runprt Lad-1 HrsMntlon OtetrM HI the Prorlnr of ErltUh Culumbu. to mUUe focS roemher of Uw aald Club to lp on th prnnlwa a rMrmfiai quantity of Ikiuor for pentoosl carrfurrUrxi oa tbf prVmlw, in anorjrdsro iriUi Ui pro Ttolona of the 'OoTernment liquor AtA" and, the RrgiiUUona proraibgaMd there-uaW. DATED thuj 8U1 day of itmiary 194f BEX BOWUNO CI.UB LIMITED ' Bj Oeo. PrlzzeU, Prt4ldLt. i Knox Saroy S1ners Stylet tes Blw-Hotrl Lockv Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher AAA. Certificate PHONE RKD XH TRAPPERS Don't ell your fur on the watrrfront. Brinr them up town to me. Ill make the buyers pay 2t more. I hare a bit contract (0 fllL GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank Bldf. FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 4:31 pjn. BOAT W.8.L. TROTIER'S DOCK IKEEPINGUP WIN STREAK 'Spokane fcwuWrt Are Sow BM J i Lifi Bit Leap i Pine omk iiy Leee IBOWLING j SteHaes v I vs BteeMnL; . Knox Hotel 1 MMIatfJazrui- Letter Box ANGLO-Kf r Tn Daily Sej Ai ; . Uce .tln at n: fa; tlJ" fair-SEind. c KeH" in defei?n 27 iCaaa- cf that tje--- aMer fk-eaxac bera h- ttMfa- aenaatjanal win- new entirely Tro- - last tdam ww a wan aeo there w sumsht nctary when they defeat- peal for atatbkxa . . cd Fartand aactarc two to one a Utot of "Ana K after harm? d:feaud Seattls 01- bos had anxuu fs C to 1 on 8aurday. This lauer ima was th pwut the Bmhers seaintj in farat aaUm for oar ra a a BMirln of ssMsipniuH trHMH better feehn of the Vm r liant. aoMOC BrW-h tc j Vancjasnr Is seie point ahead d ibonor and icapeu ;thhrd paf Seattle Oryaspies who saMrs. niioj, are one point aaove the cellar- ajj pxru of Crea: L ' dwetnac Portland BsekapMC. 'have fought, auf'tre; The leasar ttsndaar t dale: ta. This ako anol ft X 11 18 68 37 ooi- Smpu-r wh ar IS 4 H M TS M ant 12 S 14 K M 21 Thn aaJn A s. ' v. PorUand 14 12 71 T U nSessary and jr help roenoat wrtiir elraier.ti which m : up the lie tha: B: .. v ! SCHEDUL&sM?'ifi;. tantalitiiig uJc ::. Ha. 2 Q 8 ti Caaoscrs Pro- When wr eraa ci p va aney uaz runf rfrmirf 9 the Brr.i - pare w. Taaers. Rtnaey Dir-kj fa. orerartcaaws will smr Fmakar. Woooju n. Skaao. shoaM not coniL. Feb. S Ssoaw n Evening Fm- Bg shared by Ger " pire. Woonlas ra Q S.. Rtehey mon Brnwh I Dinks vs. Oaextsara. Peoples ore We are A vs. Toners. Franas vs. ABry Cat, ftialish-apealcn Pe. 12 Q S. rjroeery vs Alley r, Cats. Onenosfi I vs. Peoples Store. . Toflert vs. Franks. Xlnkey Dinks va ataao, Woonja vs Evening enlnx Empfrr t, H ; Bsaph. S Crnrery vs P-o.v.- Feh. It Rtnkey Dinks vs. Pen- Wocfila. Afley Cat.' plea. Franks vs. KvenJns Bmpire. Vareh 12 Woor.-i- iSkxna va AHey Cats. Coaattees vs. Toilers Va Cam-is Wounjas. ToUrrs vs. Q. S. Orwery. Sheno. Emtio? P-r-Feb. 26 Oocotaern vs. Franks. Cats. Rinkty D.:.i Tasters vs Alley Cats. Woolas cerr makey Dtnks Q. 8 Grocery vs March Er r Evenint Empire. Peipies vs. Skjno Cbamoaers Q O- Msirch 5 Toikrs vs Siomo. Er- Alier Cats W ..- -- k bei- 12ols1.20. 25ols2.30. 4Ool$3.40 . xmr 1 1 --ill Ail "JUST THAT MUCH BETTER" Sf Th. tf'vffi' fr .fftt i not cabid o, t, ;L.yed by Control Board or by the Government of BriUxh C: "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. Obtainable at STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. RUPERT BUTCHERS BULKLEY MARKET Also served at the Boston and Commodore Cafe Smoked and Cured Fish available at the above StoresPacked By Canadian FishCold Storage Prinre Rupert jrj British Columbia When Your Thought Turn Toward COAL ECONOMY ASK CnNTKAL-FOlt 651 or 652 That's the quickest way of connecting up with the best coal propositions In this-town. The quality coal we sell will warm Its way Into your Jl . In ourcoAlyouU find ihem 'That will maw . j 1 your nornr ir-a 1 tki-h . iiiaja 3, Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE C51 C52