1 ' : m r av EYES liemeM lit Ximbves F Eft-rue fmsew aW Nr-est is f-Wrsx Wanted-Raw Furs raojrr m y EYES Eipert Optied Serrice, Witch. Clock, Jewekry Repzinaz. Hz ad Ea?rzviBs -j CHAS DODIMEAD Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIA3I0N D MERCHANT Visit Oar B&rtzatnt Store for Fiae Own?, Glasirare 2Ad Nordties SPECIAL 1 Tin HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAIO RepT&entinz HUDSON'S BAY C03IPANT This is he Time of Year When QUALITY I COAL 3Iakes a Difference to Yoar Comfort OnmM 'frith us as to the best kind to ne for your Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. TEOSt 11' Ml 31. Toolh Powder with Sodaium Perborate 1 10 oz. Tumbler V" both for 37c Ormes ltd. TZfm Pioneer Driuzffjts lie Besall Store Phones SI ft R Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 pja. Sundays and Ilolldays from 12 to 2 p-m. and , 7 to pja. I SMOKERS a BAND MEET j Interest Max DOwg jcaarsrf rs tfer raaks of the TB-fr tfeate hare btB Jffied br OBJ hi 3M9 fam Ml z are BBT 1SJT!LH- irtitl ttsiie. ismht fMsts of Czajaia sal u Mas twta- .i auBEt year the Tux-Vrtateiemt. Ho Cent. kx. Zatemian i .it Caeaaitse J K Oraf. Soer aad L. H. Keasey torrSB- itt the Tanoas air- fwirVraa Gray -s-sa enUiaaaa- ier ta? cocrrtng year. It tbe Bttemlm to wt 'tateimz icW be met&tA br han- gei at the Hadsoa Hotel asd ft is .i hja ii-ie km oe a X3az aUesdaace both at the bawjeet aad the euttizg which win f oOox Han in tbe'Hoon Ptrrt it f irj Irs: frirnf1 A teg lirrrel to the' TjyiirtTwn 'er the so. 3tirt4i dux vT aasefEnss sad. . - mks us -rasas vm use " " " Hit -bw t iff "jtfee Qsees Caasfeifce S3aad aad , 1 '"V "i a i aaa tftmj y nexseil. j -ante Us? vesse cux roe sirrrs ls TrtV Gasda says tfee Or xss tfcey i-ir besa srosse rftcestJr. :Work Committee received ihj jcaeasase ahe ferrfnwnateiy got the f-vorkers in the Prorineial Red Cross Trarehoase in Tancosrer to The 5iihT ntrfrw rn,. inaelr VrJii ni -rs ber of Cossseree vUl hotd its m-jhand aad that day foar large eases ere suopea east tor OTerseaa. Ic- leisded in these case vere: 650 pairs two-iray mitts. V pairs half- QitU, 2J4 pairs rtn mitta. 150 pairs vho mittens. 12 nairs of gkttesJGM stogie -srtslleU. nairs I - . mrrt Tbe eo&est iap of the year bit efc-proctectors 'e incroded to ,oa 6a tarda zooming the tempra- wl of these articles was 9 ' ' iciu. AiC (GAY COMEDY j IS PICTURED jpfli jeai. Greer Girscn as6 Laxresre wnn r Last veet the 2r.:jt Cotaraitaf ' orariy au tuiD!ea&aiit a it har! k- !e to the fact that huze ouati-I ll4w a U l M . a . V Uflu ... A a dming the past fear day, when ihe Umperature vas aroand zero alth a irfnd bkrsing. PLUGGED NOSTRILS KEPT CLEAR .iOwr b MM 99 4 4mUiU T-T Phones IS ft 13 P.O. Box 575 ABSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable Gilt and Household Premiums are absolutely free to you when you save our Cash Coupons glren for purchases of 25 centa or more. It la too good to pass up. Come In and lt tis explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEMS ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollar Hare More Cents" Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mr5. C. E. Black, Proprietress "ties are bang handed out at eastern Canadian ports br the Ca nadian Red Cross Society to men' en tne Brtttah Nary who arriTe in , desperate need of clothing. wool has been rushed to the B.I C branches. Instructions are in: "Mie Red Cm VrtMtinr W-uv -t ' I ' vw. A urge erery woman to consult her j local Red Croes branch and to jwork arith an the strength and i might at her command. Not? Is jthe time to knit these mitts not jnext week or the week after, but i today." jays Mrs. Campbell. No- 'iional Work Chairman! Nursery Stock FREE 40-page catalogue 32 colored illustration. Full of valuable information. Complete list of plant for the home. Latest plant noveltlei. SEND FOR YOUR COPY NOW Valuable Free Premiums With Every Purchase EDDIE'S NURSERIES Sardis, B.C. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.OPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 1( Bcxd Cart Tnle mi rrt jntire" xi Cap Thcilrr i? - fe 3r ml "are feapr be noo- tf not Ssmt ec C.N.R. Ouos ijc 1 a;r- -gucr M :&e TartT lor She tffJ haif aewrrfthfMjafw-. ja cmsmm x Oftrfcc braid Cr-ei rsi Bsfaad as ibc pennu of tk fir WTrtrTV Edna Saj Oiirer has a ! iS2a i cpc asagaces ifte nrnva: cfeaiacter rate aa a ench- ot 'Jij Saai. basa piS r ok! dvnecr. Mta Ganan i de- " luayj. jve ica rtTr aamii mox are xaorcca u -la zad Hopp papfr - iSu&ran- Ann BstnttiaRi. Xanha ;Hum and BrelBcr AaaeL Otacn ir. --he east SiciaeV Ueirale Oooprr, Bruce Leaver. Fneda Xaeaoon. Ka-!rea Modiey. Ednanf AaMer and E E Cre. 40t3 13tz.l" Trains j Fcr tbe Eart 1 Monday. Wetiseaiavr aad Frl- daj-j e pja. ooBcm ia the Bear fatsre aad Use 'Oiiteaiu of the Czs&Uza Red Cross! Frem the East zaeca&eix are bvOf prictking So; Seftr . rteerred aa argent call Tsesdajf Thursday and oocaarB. iraa ilra. wu&n CaaobelL Tor. 1 The baad has SBed ia at raany Xatteoal Red Craos Cbair- sapaat oxaatocs in the torn oc me wocnea a work Oca-', tfe3rtoi fee tte it has teen ia suttee, tor aa staay voaBea aists rtnrt ajsyrt to th eoEseaoflty. Ii rifW s t&e nets of this pro-hat arrays rehed a&aast entirely ,rkxx eosJd saahe. and for the nz poo its m zi&mitx lor fl- -reeks to knit these to preJer-nanee fcWxnfa bein rery 5rate-! to ererything eise. aa gJoTes of S hjTe aade ca& 4ton2tfeai.to help ' for the ooid -sinter Trather 3 tnya5c"l i . . When Ura. H. A. Hamsden. pro-r.r.- SMITHERS cml ehairmac of the Women s War Saturday 11 pis THf nrrtsH COLUMN CKSTIU.UT ca its. c Tlw ike n MtrJ&Metitt&tjti W A Um, CWol E4 r tJ MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local nepreMntatire Prince Rupert PHONE GREEN 116 THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert TOXIC HT TXTS. aad MXD. T:M and 9:tS reatare StarU 71 aad J O BE WISE- 1 ftkllrlMl CHIPS' WIPE y f' IS IN love wit REBECCA'S HUSBANO ScssdaJpn? Tet. kol &xMd! Crw ssd 1 Kioev ka 11 tkoBU. -TTe art kwiair D tkf? pt 'iT UUEEJ(CE GREER OLIVIER GARSON cf Zeir vcrjr irf xa price fine PREJUDICE WATT IXUO CM MY DLTvU mnrti rminru in 4- "TASSLXCi And CAKTOOX CAPITOi " 1 Sare Titot and Montr t tit Uandr Book f Thrill Tickt", JOHN GURVICH, Contractor wishes to Announce the Founding of the Sea Cove Trucking tad Transportation Co, And for Your Sen-ice Offers 4 DUMP TRUCKS TO 4-YARI) CAPACITY AND 2 LARGE COVERED VANS Small jobs are our business but t bigger the job the better we like it For Any Type of Truck Hauling by Hour or Cuntrd Phone THREE-TWO Plea Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILYERSIOES BLOCK Second St. Pnone Green 416 Fresh Local IUw ted Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN lAW rnnsi w UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accommodatxa TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT . CQfi flfl FtomPort Simpson $3175 VUUiUU (Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply to Va . tjtc from intermediate points.) (Five vear nf aca anil tTn4 m1-l Il.lt tr - -bv wmmv fcnvkicr iviv Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1940 to Febrnary Zt, U1 Good to return up to March 31, 1941 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar Vor8 S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 tun. Thursdf A S- CARDENA iJvery Friday 10:30 tun. Mondiri P1fVot a v. DAH..i . to BiiU rvcaciTauons irom Prince Rupert Ajent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. rhone5 uonvenienu riease Purchase Tickets at Office THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING t,u.urAi x ur' UAiS ADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chcmi-cals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, SuperphM-p hates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Hrand Metals Mercury, Cold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth and Antimony, Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur i General Office and Works Trail. Bj I The Daily News is a member of th Canadian Daj Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of J Audit Bureau of Circulations Tf nnlv naner non- of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membersM . ft fci UiliS,