I January 27, lftt rmduy T52 DAiLt HEWS" 3x-a--r.'au, PAoie.THRai LOCAL NEWS NOTES rash Mr OldOold, Bulger's, tf. just say-Three Two pieau - Allan Cormack. who Is in charge' Miss Emily Paul came In from naval ship construction work at Butedale Frldav niht ,, e local dry dock, returned to he ture and Is planning to return to y on tne rncca nuu Tw:r- ner nome at Kltlmaat toward the mornuig morning iruiu u win m iy kncouver iconfutns' thr things -hririertd .i. aid about her baby and Pacific We shall print the coiher s letter later. 'ACIFIC MILK irndiated and Vacuum Parked I end of this week. Francis C. Marlow, Atlln hob Armstrong, who arrived last chant, and Mrs. Marlow were nas- I . . ... fi.Hulmnlt nnrl Vina kriH . ... . . k'K iron ' 7. Til tigers aDoara tne Princess Norah L.nHinr a few days wltrv his P.iN . yesterd.iv ritiirnfn u .i Its, Mr and Mrs, Jack Armstrong, trip to Vancouver. on this evening's train to re- be his naval duties at Halifax. ' f Notice is given that eun nw. tlce will be carried out from ttnr. Iraeglnald C Beaumont, cashier rett and Frederick batteries be. the White Pass and Y.tdJOn tween trte hour of 8:30 a.m. and bute at Dawson ana Mrs. oeap, d:to p.m on the 28th 29th and tint were passengers aboard the 30th of January. 1941. rin.CC.S3 uiiw jcpi-ciuajr iciiiituug j.. Irth after a visit In Vancouver. .... Mctlukatla sports executive re-' prci frcn anyone who contem-f t tea arranging basketball games mukc neessary arrangements at i n week before any such Young Men's Benevolent j in, Metlakatla. B.C. COLDS: FIGHT nam MTSTOV miserv wh. J!l feel It-rub on fast-acting Fur the East-Monday, Wednesday, and "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" . COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Sole Distributors McLcod River Hard Coal EDSON, NANA1MO-WELLINGTO.N, BULKLF.Y VALLEY Office and Coal Bunkers Trotler's Dock We bought three brand new heaters Just so you wouldn't freeze We bought three cars to put them in They answer VICKS VAPORUI Lloyd Keays arrived on the Norah yesterday from his naval W Newman, general agent, for duties at Esquimau to nav a visit Union Steamship Co. at Van- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. vcr and former company agent Keays. e will sail by the Camosuil Wed- y on nts return soutn auer udir. a few days here on offlc- budness. "l!uil(l It.C, Payrolls" wice old aby lory HI First a family friend tfells what Puuflc Milk has done for baby Dwell Later the mother writ- ti a letter which more than Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gordon jr or wnttenorse were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yester day returning to the Yukon after a trip to Vancouver. Mail Schedule Friday 9 pjn. From the fast Tuesday, Thursday and j Saturday 11 pjn. .For Vancouver 1 Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday 10:30 pm Friday 9:30 pjn. January 2. 16 and 30 4 p.m. From Vancouver- Sunday pin. Wednesday 10 am. . Friday 10 am . January. 12and 20 ajn For Stewart and Premier Sunday - 7 pjn. Wednesday 2 pjn. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday 11:30 i-ra Thursday . 8 p.m. For Alice Arm, Naa ttlvr and Port Simpson Sunday 7 pjn Phone 58 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' i The cars are painted in two-tone blue Their beauty is equalled in ease If you want safety with comfort Call us at THREE-TWO PLEASE' : RUPERT'S LARGEST TAXI SERVICE f CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains Kave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Vednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-Conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell RW" WlVTiriF i'vriri)ainKr CARP 4a VANCOUVER and RETURN Oft AA Tickets on sale Nov, 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28tb, 1911. $O0UU FJhai return limit March 31st, 1941 For Fuil Information and Reservation, etc . Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd AvenM PhonP. 2C0 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines FIGHTING FOR RIGHT Salvation Army Officer Urges Pres byterian Congregation Not to Lose Sight of Real Christian Values While Oreat Britain was un doubtedly fighting for the right over the forces of evil In this war and must devote Its efforts towards achieving a victory, Adjutant Ivan Halsey, Salvation Army, preaching from the pulpit of First Presbyter- Ian Church yesterday morning, warned against accomplishing a victory in arms but a moral defeat through a falling away from Christ ian precepts and practices. This, unfortunately, Adjutant Halsey declared, has been the result of the war of 1914-18. There had been a loosening up in morals and In family life. There was no right to ask God for a victory if people were not llvlns and doing the right. Christian Uv- Ihg, the speaker asserted, was the backbone of the nation. Ten minutes in prayer a day, he asserted, might do more good than efforts which were being made by many in easier material ways. There was a growing tendency to hold the ma IS NINETY-FOUR YEARS OLD TODAY Many Happy Returns to Mrs. Annie McKay Stephens on Reaching Another Milestone By G. A. HUNTER Old friends will be calling at her home at 432 Fifth Avenue West this afternoon to offer their best wishes for many happy returns to Mrs. Annie McKay Stephens, mother of EX'Mayer M. M. Stephens, on attaining her ninety-fourth birthday. Bright and cheery, physically fit and still enjoying the bestof health, Mrs. Stephens carries her years lightly and may well qualify as Prince Rupert's "grand old lady." Ambitious too, she takes her daily walk every fine day as well as some days that aren't so fine, in fact, she is so energetic that she some times worries the family for fear she might over tax herself. Her son even confides that she still likes to take charge of the family ironine ijob as well as attending to all her own personal tasks. toriai fhino. sfnr cr,in.,o I Mrs- Stephens' life has hot only Whifflets From The Waterfront Jentoft and Otto EUertsen, well known Prince Rupert fishermen, will be ready with a fine new b6at for the. 1941 halibut fishing season well before th&Aprll 1 opening date. Their sturdy new halibut boat- Northern Breeze was launched at the Menchlons Shipyard, Vancou ver, at noon Wednesday, and will be ready to head upcoast In a few days. The Ellertsen brothers, who have been fishing halibut out of Prince Rupert for the past 15 years at least, are proud of their new craft. She is 54 feet in length, beam 14 feet. And she Is powered by a three- cylinder, 65 horsepower Atlas Imperial Marine Diesel. Value of the Northern Breeze is estimated at $20,000. She will be used as a member of the halibut fleet fishing out of Prince Rupert. On her regular fortnightly voyage to Alaska, CPU. steamer Princess IN THE RUPREMF. DOIIRT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ROGER FRANCIS PERRY. Decwed. TAKE NOTICE that OT Order of HU Honour Judge Fisher, looal Judge of the Adjutant Halsey appealed for a B iiiwuesunB ana Dipreme joun oi rutsn Columbia, i better realization in the homes on U1 ne. Dorn " Bracra - AStaTk the part of the parents Of their'1" Lake Slmcoe country Of On- Estate of Roger Fraatfs Perry, formerly Christian duties towards the child-the dauehtfr of. Se!klrk m"1 lnh ren. Was the Bible being given its mm w" m proper place In the home today?' oarry on the Red Rlv- .persona indebted to .the said Estate arc er- ner laul Carne OUl irom ine w "e amount or tneir One vne did uia not noj. need neea to to en go farthPr ianner ttnn man 1 ' n. . . . . IrKfetotednem to me forthwith an all Prince Rupert to see children in 01 "son "y person, having claim, again thi T.id their 'teens wandering thp strpet? ana F0" Churchill In the very early i Estate are rexrutred to iu them with SS . (tv,T "SI-L8 !? nineteenth century, that trio in ..f?. and Showing Signs Of the effects Of I J . P C" ddstrlbuUco will be made having re- alcohol. Here was a sign of lack of nnrpntnl Intprpct ILLEGAL ENTRY NEW YORK Baron Franz vou Werra, German ace, who escaped from a party of Nazi prisoners landed in Canada last week and erossed the line at Ogdensburg, New York, Is being held on. a charge of illegal entry. He is liable Id internment for the duration of the' war. AH seven prisoners who escaped from the party have beeri recaptured. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. 102nd Auxiliary Dance Armories, January 31. .Masonic Telephone Bridge, February 4. Orange tea, February 5. Catholic tea, Mrs. February 6. Hospital Annual Hall, February 7. Mrs. Krikevsky's R. E. Moore's Ball, Moose W.O.T.ML1 tea,; Mfs'."lS. Haugan's February 12. Proceeds War Relief. Presbyterian tea, Mrs. Mitchell's February 13. George Basketball Association Valentine Party February 14. Lutheran Valentine tea, Mefro-p61e Hall, February 14. Cambral Valentine Tea, Legion Hall February 15. Masonic Ball, Friday, February 21. S.O.N. Masquerade February 21. United Tea, Mrs. Clarke McLean's February 27. flovfmmfnt l.ln,tinr At (Wctlon zb) Notice of Application nllrat.lon for a IWr I.1CENTF. NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that on the 10th day of February 1941 nxt the undfrcljtnl IMtnda to apply to th Liquor Control Board for a Uoence In in lh nilv nf Prlnre lnujrt botwwjl 81Ui and SevenUJ Blxew tipoJl wie iaim oiwtxiu-u h , uin.i.un iioi mnA TmrmUr 120) Of LJkto . - - . ' ' Block Tntjr-Uuw (23) In Section Ont (I), Map 5, Tinco itufxtT, bum ftttetratlott DiBU-lct In the Province of iMH.h r.!.),n.h1d for tiu a&lA ot beer fjy "the g-lass or bj the bottle for con- tUmptlOU On pnrillro ui cine- WTlMe. . DATED thU 4th day of January ivii. ROBEItT fXJItTlAND MtJTClI Applicant. Since 1885 when she settled with Bard 7 to such claims of which her famllv in cWhom Is""1 e notified , , . , In the evening Mrs. Halsey tookl""3' Dn a conun- the service In First Presbyterian'"""3.'"1""11,01 wesi- Bne 13 Church which Is out a pastor. temporarily Drarlly with- 0 e w spm many a story or a' ventures of the early days. It Is a pleasure for us to Join with her many other friends In saluting and wishing a happy birthday to! Mrs. Stephens and expressing the! sentiment In confidence that many more may be yet in store. Prince Rupert Rentals Committee Pursuant to Order No. 20. the 'Prince Rupert Rentals Committee. having authority over properties in Prince Rupert is now hearms applications for variations from the maximum rentals In effect on Jan-1 uary 2, 1940. Necessary forms for these appeals may be secured at Room 23, Besner Block, Prince Rupert. B.C. and notices of hearings will be mailed to lessors and lessees' concerned. After January 31, 1941, except In cases of new or special circumstanc es arising after that date, no ap-' peals against the January 2 maxl mum will be considered from land lords In these areas. Any unauthorized increase in rent over that of January 2, 1940 shouldl be reported immediately to this Committee. JUDGE W. E, FISHER. Chairman, Prince Rupert Rental? Committee. Issued under the authority of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board cusiiiO FOR SALE FOR SALE Small bungalo. Apply 409 5th Ave. East. 27) FOR SALE 3-hole Ice cream cab inet with coll for cooler. Valen,-tln Dairy. (24) FOR SALE Billiard table, newly covered and in first class condi tion, also radio. Apply C. H. El kins. (22 FOR KKN1 FOR RENT Large furnished office Including heat and light. Dally News. tf. FOR RENT Room and board. Suitable for one or two men. Phone Black 523. (22) FOR RENT Room and board. Reasonable, for two willing to share room. Blue 398. (24) FOUND FOUND Ladles1 glove. Owner carij News and paying for this ad, DATED at Prince Rupert. BC, the 15th day of January 1941 NORMAN A. WATT. Official Admlnlstr 4or Prince Rupert. B.O Margaret's Clearance SALE Moii., TuesJWed. Dresses 13-42. Regular $7.50 r$95Q $5.00 Dresses 14-44. Regular $10.50 ;00r$1500 $7.50 Dressing Gowns Flannel. Regular $7.95 Qf Blanket-cloth. QC Qff Reg. $9.50 for . . BI;r soc & $.1.00 FREE EXTRA PANTS This Is the opportunity to buy one of the famous House of Hobberlin Suits and get an extra pair of pants absolutely free Ling the Tailor Sixth Street Phone 659 LOOK Bicycles and Wheelgoods of all kinds Repaired. Rubber Footwear, Tires, Etc., vulcanized at GUNN'S Variety Repairs 6th St opp. OK Barber Shop NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Froprletor MA DOME AWAY FROM HbME" Rates 75c 80 Roomx Hot it Cold Watir Prlnci Rupert, B.C. Phnt til r.O. Box 111 Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived In port at 9 o'clock yesterday morning from Vancouver and sailed an hour later for Skagway and other northern points The vessel had on board 55 passengers of whom four disembarked at Prince Rupert, one" going north !from this port. The Princess Noiah is due back here Thursday afternoon southbound. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. Spence, J. Dixon and Verla MacDonald, Prince Rupert; Norman White and H. J. Bowman. Vancouver; J. R. McWilliams. Digby; Mrs. George Little and Miss Mary Olson, Terrace; E. M. Davidson, Aliford Bay. 4 Send In Your News Earlier r 1 Due to changed condition f arising from the handling of late war news, the Dally News finds It necessary to set a 10 a.m. deadline for local news contributions. To insure pub-- licatlon It will be necessary for contributors to have their copy in by that time or earlier If possible, preferably the night before. Otherwise It may nbt be published. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC - Good Light Saves Sight A 1 1 l-l il ' I MjmM HI CO. LIMITED Used Furniture 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, Kitchen Ranges for burning oil, coal or wood, full size Bed complete, Dressr ers, Carpet, size 9x12, Kitchen Cabinet, Chest Draw-1 ers, Singer Sewing Machine, Standard Remington Typewriters, Portable Underwood Typewriter, Easy Chairs, Converto Lounge, Dropside Couch, Office Writing Desks, Boys' Bicycle, Radios, Gateleg Table,-Drop-side Table, Congoleum Rug, 9x12. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE PHONE GREEN 916 MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVENUE Any Old Radio . . . Works Very Much Better When Thoroughly Checked and Reconditioned in a Modern Service Department The cost is lower than ever before because R.C.A. Victor Latest Type Servicing Equipment And Specialized Servicing; Reduces the time required if or a Complete Check-up All Makes Serviced Work Guaranteed Member Associated Radio Technicians of B.C. in Charge MacKenzie's Furniture A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 1911 Patterns Linoleum Just Arrived 400 Sq. Yards Inlaid Linoleum 400 Sq Yards Printed Linoleum 300 'Sq. Yards feltol Sec Us For Your Floor Covering ri 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Kupert B.C. it 1 ' i 0