Mir News INTERN.Vr TROUBLE NEW YORK Colum. j- System said Sundav nlgnit ufc u-iiw Jiuuun u """"a 1 uwer lumen mil tn recmv 'he line frnnhio Yesterday's Circulation of the Daily News 2165 Your Inspection is Invited hat cabled advir. fmm Balkan capitals described serious inline in Milan and other northern Italian cities with Italian soldiers fighting on the side of the rebels. A number of Italian army officers and other re-ported dignatqrics of the Fascist party are said to have been arrested by the Italian secret police and German gestapo. Fur-tber German troops are being moved into Italy. Berlin admits that they have arrived in Sicily. GERMANS IN RUMANIA ISTANBUL The number of German troops in Rumania has reached 1G0.000, Iteuters news agency reports. When the number has reached 300,000 the Balkans may look for trouble say Turkish officials- who reiterate that any ' German move against the Balkans will be regarded as a menace to Turkey. R.A.F. ONLY ACTIVITY LONDON-A small number of Royal Air Force bombers operated over Hanover last night, dropping some bombs in industrial areas of the city, the Air Ministry announced. All British planes returned safely. London had its seventh consecutive night free of raids. Sl;ies of Great Britain were still empty of Nail planes throughout Sunday night. Speculation was divided as to whether the reason for the absence of the Nazis was misty weather over their bases or a rest-up prior to a mass attack with all resources against Great Britain. Two Nazi planes were brought down over the week-end, one by anti-aircraft guns and one by an armed trawler over the North Sea. BRITONS WINNING EVERYWHERE CAIRO British general headquarters announced today that twenty-five thousand Italian prisoners had been taken in last week's capture ofTobruk and 1100 in the invasion of Eritera. British forces are closing in on the important rail centre of Agordant and on Barentu, both in Eritrea. Operations are developing satisfactorily in the Derna area of Libya which is the gateway to the mountain plateau towards Bengazi where Marshal Graziani, Italian commander-in-chief may make his last stand. British tanks are already reported to be smashing their way into Derna, next Italian base port on the Mediterranean west of Captured Tobruk. As only a small Italian garrison is believed left at Derna, it should soon fall. Italian forces are withdrawing towards Bengazi. British forces are also thrusting deeper into Italian Somaliland and Ethiopia as well as Libya and Ethiopia. COUNTER-OFFENSIVE FAILS ATHENS The Italian counter-offensive in Albania, in iplte of heavy reinforcements, has met with a disastrous defeat, it is announced by the Greeks in Athens. A particularly heavy Italian reverse occurred in the Tcpelini sector. Numerous Italian dead and wounded were left in the field. The Greeks are also nearing Valona. FIRST AIR RAID ALARM FOR PRINCE 'RUPERT; L0CAC KM. FUNCTIONS IN EFFICIENT WAY, Banshees Sound Sunday Afternoon With "All Clear" Fol lowing an Hour Later 2a0 Workers Turn Out Promptly to Posts Prince Rupert had its first air raid alarm of the war unday afternoon. The banshees sounded at 2:19 p.m. If QTABM 1 .1 v. 1 u n LAST NIGHT Prince Rupert Hut No Serious Damage Was Done Prince Rupert had its most severe st night when a strong southeast (IT nhniil nn Vinno 1 V A ft Tl TYI innn nrnnnnnn innn rnnr n nnnvi x mrvi-n !, f lot olf nfttlfrh fifimP Except for some blown In win dows and signs torn down, there "ra 111,1. in nnmntTA tph in. 1 11 l liitj bttb XJKJ&SJil VHiV YViW v 'ed, Another large window in Chinese premises further down hlf4 A 4.1 l During the helcht of the storn, electric light and power service In lhe business section of the west end wuv 1UL 1L IUUII1C tji nuuia uu, llmkl . . . . . . House and zone headquarters also at the Canadian National general offices, City Hall, Westview School, Booth Memorial School, dry dock, Seal Cove School and Canadian Vol. XXX., No. 22." CARDENA MISHAP he "all c ear ' came about an hour later. .Air ram pro- ,,, B.,m Tlirn. R-rU tn wnnn M-niTiimc r nprnvs rmrsps Tirsr him wnrKHrs aim ,1 .... .1 ? 1.! ..uv.u uw. J O , i t 1 it V 1 IT 1 iMirniQ mnvnn ni pk u rn rnp r iiiisis. in enemv iimues appeared, wo Domos were oroppeu. It the first rehearsal of the k was M w.c ..o. 4w..v.-. w. Vancouver Camosun Over Run power today after . jl.m inbi pieht which necessitated Takes Going north from Vancouver to an accident transfer of rZnas twenty passengers and freight to ol the air I the for areas P,0Jiew5S the steamer Camosun at Port Har-JFSL officials said that the t he Court dy. Company fcCUHUl IKUUijU" p Cardena struck a rock on Thorman- by Island Friday night, -and sprung a leak forward. She wirelessed the owners but continued northward until overtaken by the Camosun. Union Steamships said the Cardena Fisn k rt n not involved In any collision. also lire suo--v - . There were left Vancouver Sat First United Church ana me residence of J. H. Nordan, Fourth Avenue East. In general charge was J. J. Little, w.n.. chief local air raid prowcuuu 1 l w The Cardena urday and reached Port Hardy on Sunday to make the transier. "The Cardena carried eighty pas- sengers wnen sne jcii. vanwuvci but UUll II most of them desembarked at fleer, Fire Chief """pother coast points below Port assistant cmcr piwi... Hardy." Liaison officers were supplied by tho local naval, military ana noyai Canadian Air Force authorities who co-operated In various ways. Others leading In the A.R.P. or- (Continued on Page Two)' , CHICAGO WHEAT CHICAGO, Jan. 27. Wheat was ?8c lower on the Chicago market Saturday, May closing at 85?8c. m VICTORIA, B.C. FORMER U.S. DESTROYERS IN ENGLAND Big Grass Fire Sunday Morning NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Greeks PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1941 On SIIIIIIBJr -t " BBBfcjifaf & Mfc?i'L HK fI " British tars from different ex-U.S, destroyers congratulate each other top, over the sides of their vessels on arrival ai a British port The destroyers are the flotilla of American destroyers recently transferred to Britain. Four of the dest oyers, the leaders In the parade of the first flotilla are shown, bottom, arriving at a British port a? an R.A.F flying boat (circle acts as watchdog. Lieut Orme Stuart of this city took over H.M.S. Bath, one of these vessels. TROUBLE IN ITALY Flames Over Considerable Portion Even London, However. Suggests of C.N.R. Property Near Hotel That Rumors of Internal Strife i Be Treated With Reserve Around 5 o'clock yesterday fire swept through dry grasj ov- BERLIN, January 27: (Canadian Runert the Union .steamer er a considerable area 01 tne uan rress) wiineimsirasse sources aa- Prlnce Rupert air raid protection ' . . Saturdav adla National property to the tear mltted today that German troops Cfcrdena had a Jiushap Saturday organization. gtand to southern ltaly The In aU some 250 volunteers, prev-,and had to turn back to Vancouver j proxlmlty to the garage pf the disclosure was made by a Nazi iously organized and to some ex- from Port Hardy so did not arrive ,prlnce RUpert Hotel garage which spokesman In denying reports of tent trained, took part in the first here Sunday night,. She transfer- for a time was menaced. uprisings In northern Italian cltlej co-ordinated drill. There was a sur- red her passengers, mall and prising degree of promptitude In freight at Port Hardy to the ss. response and a minimum of con- Camousun, leaving Vancouver noon fusion. Certain gaps and def icien- Saturday, which is bringing them I ripe were- duly noted and wui be rcc- 0n to Prince Rupert and otner tlf led before another drill is held. northern points. The Camosun Is Local military authorities who'due here 5:15 tonight jmd wffl f TZe JLZ iTZl other regular .calls of the Cardena. pleased with the showing that had There were various rumors going been made and offered useful sug- the, rounds this morning oncem- n- imnmvpments. Of lnc other steamers so the Dally I't'.NLlUlia 1U1 - w course, xne renearsai - n -- - - , stark reality of an actual air raid Press at Vancouver and received but suggested conceivable posslblll-, the following in reply: tip even here In Prince Rupert far I xhe coastal steamer Cardena re- removed from the present war turned to Vancouver under her own theatres. NEEDS ARE stood. DISCUSSED IN DELICATE POSITION HOME "The fail of Tobruk places us in a delicate position," admits an Italian rdio commentator, "We must fight to victory or be crushed." including Turin and Milan The Wllhelmstrasse spokesman denied that there were any German soldiers in Turin. For some tune It had, been reported that German soldiers were drifting Into Italy. The latest re- port was that they were moving Viscount Halifax Declares United under the guise of Nazi air force States Air Is First Essential of ground crews. -Britain ' Another report from ' Rome at the week-end was that all Italian and German forces were being WASHINGTON, D.C., . Jan. 27: brought under one command. This (CP) -Asked by newspaper men fol- would be due to the failure of the lmvlnsr his arrival in Washlnetoh Italian campaigns In Africa and Saturday what he considered the Albania. i I 3li- nrl I Home X1U1UC officials denied rumors of aWtU-..wu.k lotmg haylng broken out at Ml. tain in the war against Germany. saylng that such reports, em- Vlscount Halifax, the new Brutsn anatlng from Belgrade and else-ambassador to the United States, where in the Balkans, were "en- sald: "mobilization of your great in- tirely ridiculous and absurd." dustrial strength and translating London suggested that the re-that into action In- supplying us ports of Italian uprisings be treat-with the ships and supplies we ed with reserve. In spite of the need." 'German and Italian denials, how In a brief talk with newspaper- tver." the reports persisted. men followine his arrival. Viscount' The Columbia Broadcasting Sys- Hallfax said President Franklin D. tem, In reporting the disorders Roosevelt's action In meeting him from Balkans sources said the up on arrival would be deeply appreel- risings had reached the state of a Hied throuchout the Emrjlre where minor revolution. Italian armed its significance would be under- forces had gone over; to the rebels 'and three generals had been killed Army officers and Fascist officials had been arrested. NEW YORK SILVER, NEW YORK, Jan. 27. New York silver price is unchanged 344c per ounce. ; Top Bulletins ARRIVE IN NEW YORK NEW YORK The British whaler Hektoria arrived in New York today with fifteen merchant marine officers who will man ships recently purchased by Great IRON GUARDS ELIMINATED BUCHAREST Premier Ion An-tonescu today eliminated all Iron Guardists from his cabinet and organized a strong new military movement. The Premier has surrounded himself with generals who helped to quell the abortive 1 1 1 1 1 A rebellious elements. COUNT CSAKY DEAD BUDAPEST Count Istvan Csaky, aged 4G, foreign minister of Hungary during the last two critical years, died Sunday night after a six week's illness. HOPKINS AND WILLKIE LONDON Harry Hopkins, personal envoy of President Roosevelt to England, has been accompanied on a tour of the Dover area by Prime Minister and Mrs. Winston Churchill. Wendell Will-kie reached England Sunday afternoon and lunched for two hours with the Prime Minister today. Willkie will be received by Kins George and will also visit Premier Eamonn de Valera of Eire. SPEED UP PRODUCTION LONDON In order to speed up production to a maximum, all aircraft manufacturing plants in Great Britain have now been placed on a continuous seven-day week basis. EIGHTY-TWO YEARS OLD DOORN, Holland Surrounded by war maps which he constantly studies, Former Emperor Wil-helm of German passed his iglity-second birthday quietly today. Only a few relatives were present. Wilhelm is at liberty to return to the Reich but he chooses to remain at Doom. He is hale and hearty in health. RALSTON HIGHLY PLEASED OTTAWA Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence, following his return from England, sayg he is highly pleased with the bearing, spirit and confidence of the Canadian forces in England naval, military and air. As for the army they are only too anxious to put their training into practice. The navy is carrying on in face of constant danger with expert seamanship, high courage and eternal vigilance. The Royal Canadian .Air Force has also made a fine record in bringing down enemy planes. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS SHANGHAI Peace negotiations bdtwecn French Indo-China and Thailland will commence Wednesday. Meantime hostilities have ceased. tomorrow s tides High 2:06 am. 51.0 it. 13:56 p.m. 22.2 ft. Low 8:05 a.m. 5.7 ft 20:31 pjn. 1.9 ft. PilCE: 5 CENTS. Still Heavy Reinforcements Fail To Halt Hellenese In Albanian Cumpaign Heavy Aerial Fighting Over Week-End Tepelini and Valona Are Now Menaced ATHENS, January 27. As well as scoring decisive victories ... and gaining . further strategic ground in the vi- r m lr t 1 II 1 Tii: ciniiy 01 lepenni irom neaviiy remiurceu liauau aim-, ies, Greek forces are now nearing the important coastal port of Valona and are reported to be within eleven miles of it. Both British and Greek air forces are pounding . , at valona which is in danger of falling to the Greeks. There was fierce dog fighting over the week-end between British and Greek planes on the one hand and Italians on the other, at least six Fascist planes having been shot down. Two Italian planes were brought down over Salonika which the Fascists bombed yesterday causing some damage and casualties. KILLED IN AIR CRASH Another R.C.A.F. Plane Accident I Near Calgary on Saturday I I CALGARY, Jan. 27: (CP) One iron uuara revuiuwun um ..i ;v, ti r.,ji, i. ana -.o w... ujm.u.u ...... ... ... -Was Force killed ancTtwo were Irf- attempt to purge the country of lJuml seriously Saturday when a training machine crashed two miles ; 'west of Currie Barracks airport. The injured included Leading Aircrafts- man E. T. S. Crossley of Nelson. The dead officer was from the East. MURDER IS SUGGESTED Inquest Indicates That Death of Earl of ErroU was Not Due to Accident I NAIROBI, Kenya Colony, Jan. 27: (CP) Evidence at the inquest today of the Earl of Erroll, reported last week to have died after an automobile accident, suggested he was j murdered. A physician testified I that death was due to a revolver shot entering the head behind the left ear. The wound could sparcely have been self-inflicted. The In- ; quest has been adjourned lor two j weeks. The ancient title of tord High i Constable of Scotland, granted In 1314, falls to Lord Erroll's llfteen- year-old daughter with his death, Weather Forecast General Synopsis A deep and extensive storm is centred south of Kodlak Island and the pressure is relatively high over the State of ' Idaho. The weather is unsettled and mild throughout British Columbia with heavy winds on the coast. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Strong southeast winds or gales, unsettled and mild with ralh. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Strong southeast winds or gales shifting to south. Unsettled and mild with rain. New York Stock Market Is Still v Moving Upwards NEW YORK, Jan. 27. Stock sales on the New York exchange Saturday totalled 222.000 shares. Values again moved upward wltlj Industrials closing1 atlzfc.flS, ujj 4;i Tails, 29.63, up .17; Utilities, 20.43, up .13.