DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE P.UPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue . H, F. PULL EN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion . Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion Member of Audit bureau 01 Circulations MEMBEH OF THE C.ANAblAN PKES8 Th Ow4'n Preu ta excliulvely entitled to use tor republication of ill dcapatcties credlt4 to It or to the AMocUited Preee In this paper and .also tn local newt published therein. , . All rlKhti ot republication at special desoatchea therein are also reaerrM Learn to Eat Corn Monday, September 15, 1941 Scrap Your Cooking Utensils That pioneer farmer in England no doubt one whose ancestors stood before Kincr John lfnrho r"Urt.4- ...U 1 .. -J? Watts and Nlckerson fctefeated Co-operatives on Sunday by a scdre ( of Id to 9 In the first df the besti fcttir but of seven game series for ho Tntrmirflntp Baseball League one arid hit twb. Bill wallked bnly two batters. There were five errors for the losers and two for Watts and Nlckerson. Following Is a play by play account: First Inning Watts and Nlckerson Postuk urt first and was put " out on ground first first but but out out Astoria safe on on second on a doubie play. Simund-sen out at first oh double. Second Inning Watts and Nlckerson Arney filed cut. Long out dh a ground ball. Mpntesano also filed out. Co-operatives Hetherington hit a . single. Zbuhi singled. Mentenko filed, but. Sharpe singled, knocking !ln two runs. Davles singled. Sharpe out at home plate. Macdonald . I home two runs. Astoria singled. Si- ututiugvit oa,. un iivviiittii- ton out on ground ball. Third Inninc . ims SJUWH a Ui ineriean-;sano faut at home. Pavlikls hit style a lu sweet com for sale may have laid the foundation clearing all the tiases and was put for rhiiriy ah experiment that some day will result in A out on forced run. still further "mixing up" of the affairs of the two1 Eng- cooperatives Mentenko and lish-speaking nations of which Mr. Churchill spoke oh f u.1 ground bails at first one memorable occasion, says the Victoria Times.,, This ! tT WfS!6 f y neer5 in ?ritain .3S a aZ VVatt, and' SenlBil, hit a innovation calhrig for special comment. Here is a sample: single. Fitch safe on first, Bin out Lorn is a favorite food in America. It is also regar-'on a forced run. Amey filed out. ded as a great delicacy by Anglo-Indians throughout the out on .ground bail, east. The cob is boiled for 15 minutes and served like a4 co-operatives Macdonald and potato in a jacket. The leaves are removed, butter oriyt u0 m .?nr6u"d bal1 nd mnfirni-ino ?c cuvmrl fl-. it- ilHlngstoh filed but. with, pepper and salt. Then, holding it at the ends, you muuie me corn ime a raooit. Eighth ibhlhg Watls and Nlckersbri MbnlpAanh Iflieti tiut. fdtilU flM While the manner of recommended service may fall H hit. Postiik hied out. short of Canadian and American standards, for rnrri nh cooperatives simundsen safe the cob, the description of the technique Of eating is per- rtHf?n 8 maybe Bntairi is going td get something out of the war.tief saff dut on first. 5ri , after all; the privilege of eating sweet corn may not be This llthir n worth a war, but it's worth a lot." the grihd'sb grahd'sUnds vTheh Yoii Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI nLi-kkir Service 24 Hour Service at Regular Ratei Preserving Fruit Peaches and Prunes for preserving how at their peak. Get them NOW at reasonable prices. Complete stock of Fruit Jars and sundries in stock. Don't delay! MUSSAIXEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Make Our Store Tour Shopping Headquarter Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" safe on feet. And this lpnrls nr. Amm-ina 'n f , i. iuia BUnt; filed but. Mentenkd n "i . 1 ""Sfirai umi Sharpe filed out. ba- grdund ball. wa.s the ht. aHth cheeHriK for their own lim. Niniii inning Wattj and Nlckerson Pavlikls . singled. B1U but on first. Fitch hit by pltchel:. Arney filed out. Long singled driving in P'aVlikis for the tenth run. Montesano flied but. Ca-bpeiutiles Macdonald sare on rirst. Kingston struck but. Astoria walked: 'SimundSeh safd dn first: ilelhetlngtori doubled, Macdonald out at hotnfc. Zbura filed out. . J. Q111U. umpired, M. Montesahb handled the bases and D. Mbnte- sartd kept scofs lor tiliu atid Shdwefs; bolls ibi fBji - (11 lo (He VAHIETY STORE Where Your Dimes are Little Dollars 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 120 KEEN RACE LADIES' baggers. CONTINUESj champlohshlp-. The' next game will J i i a w.rfn.'iv nie-ht. I Brooklyn Now Game and a SUNDAY National League Brooklvn 7. Cincinnati 5. Half BM and Postiik composed the Ahead of St. Louis Cardinals battery for Watts and Nlckerson j vthilp Macdonald and Zbura formed rt. LOUIS. seDt. 15: Behind the battery for the losers. BiU allowed teri hits and Mac-dona Id nine. Macdonald walked Yesterday the Dodgers moved on to Cincinnati where they scored a l single victory over the Reds whiles the Cardinals were reducing the' Brooklyn lead to a game and a half by taking a twin bill from the" New York Giants. Carl Hubbell was 16s-1 lng pitcher in the first St. Louis- New York game which resulted in a one to nothing score. 1 Week-end scores In the niajor sinfflpd. Hiniston trinlpd. driviner 'loocmoe i: fnllnws New York 0-5. St. Louis 1-C fse-' Watts and Nlckerson Postuk COnd game 10 innings) safe on hit. Pavlikls out on ground ball. Bill singled. Fitch doubled.' Arney struck dut. Long safe on first. Montessuio out on fly. Co-operatlveS Zbura struck out. Mentehkd filed out. Blng out on ground ball.' ! Fourth Iiinihr ! Walts anti klckersoti Pnnlls In a few days the local Red Cross Society will under- str"ck- ut- burvich filed out and take the collection of aluminum as another part of its stiSSaWes out on work in winning the war. A committee is being formed grourid ba)j Macdotia)d Angled, and plans will be made to have a thorough canvass of the Hingstbn and Astoria filed out. city. It is hoped that every spare aluminum cooking uteh- Fifth inninc sil.will be melted down and used for war purposes. waits and .Nlckerson Pavlikls Just now there is a scarcity of aluminum and the !ife .bV P dlsosdfe oh hlt-person who contributes a saucepan or kettle will be doing Sr out' unesaLfe ,a a great deal toward defeating the enemy. It is a great Sme tr 00. ujjjui iuiuij( iui iiuuwum tu fcurap Liieir um uitfiisusi. Co-operatives Simuhdseh filed and buy new ones to take their place. .out. HetheringWn out on a bunt. Zbura struck but. I Slith inning J WalU and kickersori Long hit ,a single but put out ori second. Montesano safe on a hit. Paulis rlpmnnHinb- SUJC on..nit' uurvicn saie on an aemanaing X ' brrbr fe 6n Mont Philadelphia 1-6, Pittsburg 2-3. Boston 6-3, Chicago 3-10. American League Cleveland 3-5, New York 6-2. Chicago 2-1, Boston 9-5. St. Louis 7-5, Philadelphia 2-1. Detroit 0, Washington 2. . SATURDAY'S SCORES National League ' Brooklyn 1, St. Louis 0. New YOrk 4, Cincinnati 0. Boston 0, Pittsburg 1. Philadelphia 4, Chicago 5. American League Detroit 5, New York 3. Chicago 1. Philadelphia 3. Cleveland 5, Washington 6. St. Louis 2, Boston 7. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE w. l. Pet. Brooklyn 91 50 .645 St. Louis 89 51 .635 Cincinnati 76 63 .547 Pittsburg 77 65 .542' New York 64 74 .464 Chicago 65 77 .458 Boston 58 82 .414 Philadelphia 40 98 .277? AMERICAN LEAGUE j W. L. Pet. 1 New Ybrk 95 49 .660 Boston 77 66 .538 Chicago 73 72 .503' Cleveland '.70 72 .493 Detroit 69 74 .482 St. Louis 63 77 .450 Washington 61 79 .430 Philadelphia 62 81 .4341 BOWLING WINNERS Prize winners for last week at Max's Bowling Alleys were Rose La Belle high with 232 in ladies' five pins and Mr. Alger with 323 in men's five pins. In ten pins Geoff i Wooddall was high with 212. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon tanning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert BOWLING SCOTS ARE Y, CHAMPIONS Schedule For Month of September At no Ume were the Scottish even Is Announced Ten Teams I mildly threatened. Two six-run In-' nines the second and tnira pui Schedule for September In the the outcome beyond any question. Tortioe' Tinwlln? Leaeue Is announ-i Such performances as flfteen- Ibrllllant three hit pitching of 33- Ced as follows: hit pitching oy Hamilton, a iwuitsi m xmm wvatt. Brooklyn seDtember 1&-Annette's vs. Blue run with bases loaded by Slrlanni Dcd"er9 scored a one to nothing ! Birds; Savoy Swingers vs. Rangers; , and generally alr-tlght fielding ac-victorv over St Louis Cardinals on I Lucky Strikes vs. Optimists; Big Counted for the huge balance In Knox Hotel vs. the Scots. If Wemp of the favor siturdav j in the money game of a sisters vs. Stylettes; of unA Win4 tUa eiinnnirT. anv three series anfl mcrcuj rwnrew, H .v --rr--- game their margin of leadership In the1 September 23-Lucky Strikes vs. j pitcher might expect the number thrillhv National League pennant Pioneers: Stylettes vs. Knox Hotel; of hits against him woilld have been race totwo full games. The bald- Big Sisters vs. Optimists; Rangers! greatly reduced. It Just seemed that headed Wvatt fanned nine Cardinal vs. Annette's: Blue Birds vs. Savoy the boys In the field couldn't snag batters and it was his twentieth , Swingers. ' a thing. When they got to bat every -in f th pnnn It was a heart- September 30-Savoy Swingers hit they made seemed labelled for "----'"" " . ... c1f0!- Plrr QUtpre vs An. o CntUch o nv On v In th s xth Knox -sasrsL jsjrz -as r - Monday, September PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS 1? "CHRISTIES" 4 LOGGER&WORK BOOTS Guaranteed the finest built shoes for work or logging. Hand made of the best leathers and lasted to fit the foot right. Priced from $8.00 Sole Agents Family shoe store ltD. The Ilome of Good Shoes BASEBALL .THRILLING Watts St Nlckerson Takes Opener ' Of Intermediate Playoffs By It to 9 Score 'SPORT Inter-Services softba:: 1941 and brings ihp M. C. A.-sponsbred b:i Line-ups were: : Scottish Bailey. Ook M. C. A. Sponsored . . Softball ni, M. McLeod, .... Fiune'v - - l - ' II A - ' Season Comes io ciose naraiiHm iMCLeod' Reconsecration Week SEPTEMBER 10th to 17th, 1941 During urgutl which time the people of CunmUi are to reconsecrate themselves to greater service to their Country, to decorate their homes and communities with jlags and hunting and td conie io a full realization of the significance of the' 'accompanying. pledge, which is to he read at public, meetings and placed in the homes of alt the. people. RECONSECRATION PLEDGE Al this time ol peril for my Country, in this fight against the evil powers which threaten, to engulf the world, conscious of my duty towards Canada and towards my fellow man, I solemnly pledge before Almighty God that I shall do all that lies within my power and deem no sacrifice too great, to bring about victory of ovir arms, that right may triumph, that justice may prevail and that a righteous' peace may reign throughout the world; to this end I reconsecrale myself, with faith, with courage and with the knowledge that, though the path be hard and the day be dark our effort can not fail; SEPTEMBER, 1941. RECONSECRATION WEEK RADIO ADDRESSES Friday,' September i2ih 10.00-10.15 p.m. "Afcririillilrr, Mmpowrr ihj die WAr" Hon. j. G. Cabdinu, il iniiler oj Agriculturt. Saturday, September 13th 10.4511.00 p.m. "Lliibor, Manpower and the Tar" Hon. Nobman McLAitt, Mtnisler of Labour. Sunday, September i4th 10.bO-10.3d p.m. Tlie Armed Forrei" Hon. J. L. Ruston, M inhler of National Defence. Hon. C O. Powr., Minister of Rational Defence for Air. Hon. A. L. MttDdNhb, Mlnitler 6f National Defend for Naval Service.. .Monday, September 15th 8.00-8.45 p.m. "Maney, Manpower arid the Wir" Hon. J. L. Ilsijt, Minister of Finance'. Tuesday, September1 16th 10.30 11.00 p.ni. "Manpower, Tomahpower and the .Var" ItoN. J, T. Tmorson, Minister of National War Senicel. "Today and Tomorrow" Hon. IiN .MAcKtNziF, Minister of I'ensions & National Health Wednesday, September 17th 9.00 9 J0. pan. Concluding Addre jv niciir IIonowable. V. L MiCEkkziE Kinc, Trme Minister of Canada, DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES Hoh. J. T. TIIOItSON, Mlnhter W Air Force-Such. Dupui w !. .... i - t J (U.'Til ,u v he Canadian scouisn aeitaicu mc I Royal Canadian Air Force in a second straight game to gain the tntpr-Kervlces charhDlonshlp. The score of 23 to 5 was a good lndlca-; Patton. Score by Innings Scottish 3 6 6 0 3 j 3 0 , Air Force 0 0 l 0 0 2 ? n . Umpires were Johnny ar-n p- . tloh of the play that wok piace. wimuina 5J TRINIDAD'S COL The cost Of living la ifr.... . creased 34 percent in the tv-Z SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. I'hone 37 p). Box jh KINASE It STREET Prince Rupert