PAGE POUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Rascnicnt Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Haggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND MERCHANT IgCT 1 Cut Rate Shoe Store Official Outfilters to "M' Lords" and "M Ladies" SCHOOL SHOES Exclusive Agents For Wrajffjc Slioc Co. Classmate and Shu-Conomy Shoes Large Selection ROYS' and YOUTHS' SCHOOL OXFORDS ROYS and YOUTHS' SCHOOL ROOTS MISSES' OXFORDS TIES AND STRAIN ROYS' and GIRLS' RURRER OVERSHOES (iUM ROOTS CREPES DRESS SHOES Prices You Can Afford Cut Rate Shoe Store At Last A Complete Portable Radio XCAMc&t. DUO A Powerful New Kadio That Can be Enjoyed Wherever You Co . . . Completely Self Contained Weight, including batteries, 14 3-4 lbs. Runs on AC or DC house current or batteries G Tubes Highly Sensitive Long Wave and Short Wave Built-in Antenna MODERN COMPACT DURABLE - See this New RCA Victor Creation at Price 59.50 Complete Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m. P.S.T. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m. P.S.T. calling at Ocean Falls. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m.P.S.T. Air-Conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars !w!!---w!mm! For full information, reservations, etc.. call or write City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave. Thone 260, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines It's interesting tn Un. . i. i rx .. ii ., , , w.icii xt'uuinK me uaiiv News i that the people of the whole district are doing the ami IMPRESSIVE SERVICE 'r AC TVn (Continued irom rage One) had taken place,' Justice and hu H1!IMltflrlin nrxrlrnn tin . ' hh .,,, of.u.t , i.f x,.u.. 'ew Anaesthetic JIade Available in th M.t i- tured too much thought. Success jhad been measured too much on the basis of possession of the world's goods. Too little apprecia tion had been felt of the coimtry that gave living, liberty and free dom. The speaker urged more Prince Prince Runert. Rupert n-avi uu.iciciiv-c auueicuce w w principles piiutipics ui OI presented nresented thp the the help and stay of the past ! Civilization at Stake j Rev. J. A. Donnell thought it difficult for people to appreciate Just I what was at stake in this war since I they had not experienced what it was to be without j other traditional privileges eees of of which which I iney wouia De aepnvea snouia cm- llizatlon be shaken by a cataclysm ! such as British defeat and the un-! leashing upon all the world of the (forces of destruction. It was well that Canadians should today pledge I themselves to make every effort to j remove that threat. A year ago the British position appeared desper-jate. Today the prospect was much ! better and Britons could rededicate- themselves to their cause with greater hope a double dedication to the cause !of winning the war and to the mak ing Canadians imbued with Christianity and humility worhy of victory and deliverance. (ho H l-i t tiftln 1 ; i . 1 . ii , f, 1 .. "6"" "lwc fcuuB" "ine vanaaa j flPl'V SATlll'nw vir.irr n.,... -Mann grow weary in the struggle, nor careless, nor indifferent, nor irritable, nor Impatient, but steady, and watcniui, alert at all times and ready for any sacrifice which might be asked. Let us be worthy of those who have borne and are hparin. 'the heat and burden of the day. The tunnel may be long, dark and tortuous but we see the light beyond. Our purpose today is the re-consecration of ourselves to the ! task that lies befnrp n Mr Blackaby quoted aDDronriatelv ! from Owen Seaman's "Pro Patria." 1 from Kipling and from Abraham Lincoln. i j Prince Rupert's Pledge i j The culminating feature of the' service was the passing of a recon-isccration resolution with upraised jarms by the congregation, on mo-I tion of Rev. Father W. F. Lantagne . j and Acting City Commissioner F. N. Good, pledging the citizens of Prince Rupert to whole-hearted co operation In prosecution of the war, expressing grateful admiration for the men of the armed forces, pride in their accomplishments, reverent appreciation to those who had made the supreme sacrifice and reconsecration to those prin-, ciples which by d'ivlne providence1 had been the help and stay of the past. . Capt. J. E. Whittles, area chaplain, gave-the reconsecration pray-' er. Musical features of the program included selections by the Canadian Scottish Pipe Band and solo "Land of Hope and Olory" by Len Cripps, The hymn of the day was "O God 8teamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARD EN A EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving September 20 and 30, October 11 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rnpfrl tfnt. Thld Ave. Phone 5fi8 THE DAILY NEWS Monday, September 15 Room Of HOSPITAL Service To Be In Operating Local Institution and closed with 2 ,.m..;:: " ... ........IMu , the motherland there tn fnii Save t.hP Kino--i hos- iJJ; , "Z T."J f0r lthe rs me n-y, the The' chairman thanked all those ' - M v - v w w wv-v.'AW.m .1 army and the air force had lived who had taken part in the service up 10 me gionous iraamons of Brl- including tne military representa-tain. Harder was the task of long tives and citizens. waiting, carrying on. "We must not - HOCKEY AT SMITHERS Webber Cup For Interior Championship To He Competition Again uoa and Pll'.rr 970 Cooper. Terrace, B.C. Junior In jpital board, at its regular month- thusiast and very interested in iy meeting,, decided to order at a amateur hockey, presented a cost of $93.73 the tanks which will spiendid sterling silver cup for compieie ine outfit and mae me competition by Junior hockey operation of the equipment pos- teams m the cariboo and north-slble- crn areas. This cup was presented freedom ind ' luiimuw-c ... m nonor or jrrecJ m. wells, the Iafter the lnstallatlon of the equlp" well known mining man of Wells (iiieiu ana me nnance cumnmi.e who has done much for min. will arrange the scale of fees. lng development in the north and it was hoped by Mr. Webber that NEWSPRINT EXPORT competition for the cup might de- i-cwap-mi, paper naa l-uhu piat- Velop a te.m that would be out among all Canadian exports to In- standlng in British Columbia and dla- perhaps go beyond that field. C.N.R. TRAINS (Daylight Saving Time) For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and r 1 11 in v.x r n m Mr. DonneJl exhorted From thp FaiZ! I The first year of competition ;the cup was won by Quesnel as the Smithers team was not able to get into competition owing to I the break-up of winder weather earlier than was expected. 1 Last winter the Smithers Jun- Tuesdays, Thursdays and lors were bent on winning thecov- Saturdays 12 midnight eted trophy and. after intensive . training by their coach, Cecil Union steamer Catala, Capt. Steele, the poDular picture theatre Ernest Shermard. nrrivpri in nnrf man and othloto nf Smlihrc v, , . - - f - - . . . wiuiv.ii.ig! uic ine cnairman, u. k. fa. Biac.Kaby, at 6 o'clock this morning from the team travelled to Prince George in his opening remarks, recalled south and sailed at 9 a.m. for where it had no difficulty in dis-how Canada two years ago had . Stewart and other northern posing of the much touted Ques- ner piace oi nonor oesme tne i points wnence she will return t Moinenana voluntarily, as a free here tomorrow afternoon south- land independent sister nation, ibound. ; ti.mikk s.m: x?sxo iu . " ' ooaiea -enaers win be received by , Choosing honor, daring , loss. One . the Dtrlot Forester. Prince Rupert. jyear ago the Nazi beast had struck Our Help in Ages Past" Accom- f c" "a coi t,h aaui and trampled down nation after panist was Charles P. Balagno. rtle t'iSsW xaowS: 711 " Don't you wish we could shorten the war?" He: 'WcII, in a way we can, you know." She; "Hut, George, we're not trained to do anything ..." He: "Training doesn't mailer for what I'm thinking about. I was wondering whether we couldn't put more of our income into War Savings She: "And why not? We might have to go without one or two pet luxuries-hut wouldn't it he worth it to bring hack peace again?" He: 44And won't wc be glad of the money and the interest it will have carncd-in a world without war restrictions!" TAe help orevery CSnndtan i, nndtd for Victory. In these dayt of Mir the thounhtleu ,elfi,h $pender it a traitor to our umr effort A reduction in perianal tpendine " note a vital neceitity to re. Heve the pre,,t,re for good,, to etuible more and more labour and material, to he diverted to winning the uar. The all-out effort I-110; Canada mu,t make, demand, thi, telf-denial of each of u. SPEHd LESS - TO BUy MORE WAR SAVINGS TIFI GATES Inel Juniors, defeating them decis ively in two straight games, and ibrlngins the Webber Cup back to Smithers where it was put on dis-! clav for some time. The cup has again been put on display in the WiUUUW Ul i-. Jl. XVCllllCjr. The Smithers Juniors will be .greatly handicapped this winter I In ttielr efforts to hold this cup A new gas anaesthea service is SMITHERS Sent. 15: - H. C. " "' . ..1U" f! 1 about to be mad available as a wkw ..ii i,nm.,n inS.,r!.nW.",os' en-cuve piayers in im part of the operating room faci- man visited vai,ie" Smithers 5""i"-ia and auu Hazel-,meant,me- but, thcr,e ls als ,a u. --. new c coming along and Smi- uun ui nie x-rince nuycii. wen- rorontiv Ho wns nrpnm- ... . -j i t n arc 10 rt wrr Arrii 0 pit rrswr rw r eral Hospital. Before leaving panIed by . Smllh of!' Dr. rr W W. T T. Keren Kergin . ...u- .. .,!-. this -.iiBOOa j nocey material. nnripiit 1 of - vvwhwww behaviour which had been equipment. Friday St the Kamloops who covers terri- V, . I tory frequently. Two years ago MARRIED IN BELLEVILLE Nuptials of Miss Elizabeth May Rrockway and Lieut. Allan Davies BELLEVILLE, Ont., Sept. 15: The marriage took place at Christ Church here today of Miss Elizabeth May Brockway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Brockway, and Lieut. Allan Morton Davies, son of Allan M. Davies of Prince Ru pert. Lieut. Davies is with the Canadian Postal Corps. Both Lieut, and Mrs. Davis are; former residents of Prince Rupert and have many friends among the . . n . . .. 1 1 HI It At t mbm of sruc. have been killed and wounded. Five (5) yeara win be allowed fcr.TrouoIe ls centred particularly Further pif'-ou-i-rs of he chW For- t,yT Vi.-:' - 11 T3 n . v , . , . in Herzogovina and thousands are re ported to have been killed in Forester, PriiKe Ruptat. b. c. fUDg 1 battles between patriots and Nazis Several were killed and wounded in the explosion of a bomb in the Zagreb post office. Prepare for Fall and Winter Men's Suits remodelled Into Ladlcs Alterations, Repairing, Cleansing and Trcssing "Quick Service" -eaturing Frccdman and Gabbcs, Samuel Hart Ltd. Ladles and Genu Suits and Topcoats to measure DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe I'lionc 307 Box 725 CAP1T01 "MOO! PlAYiE Tzr.Q TODAY and TUESDAY Continuous from 1 pjn Complete Shows Start 1:00, 3:01, 5:02, 7 03 . 04 Their Latest LaUgh P owe! MYRNA oy - in - " LOVE CRAZY " With Gail Patrick At 1:21, 3:22, 5:23, 7:24, 9; ADDED Fitzpatrick Travel & Cartoon COMING WED. & TIIIKS "MAN HUNT" yuuiiB people who win oner mcjr hearty congratulations and best For Every wisnes. . Class or TROUBLE IN YUGOSLAVIA ZAGREB. Yugoslavia. Sept. 15: nation and then had sprung upon The proceedings opened with "O Tt"- the KM.miuun. rtoaii. Tn.eure ,ar widespread anti-Axis tmmmrM mmmxm inn "Ilulld B.C. Payrolls- Cooking jr I 1 "I am very plcarri n, ,a) pj. clfic Milk is thorourhiy if;; known to my wife family an. myself and chosen for r, fica taste and creamy substance My wife uses it for every claj of cooking and housckecpir.; food Ingredient posslbh- ar.j has done so for years From the letter of Mr A T PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum racked Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY -'HONE 657 MARGARKT DIXON A.T.C.M Voice Culture Piano and Throry Resident Studio 41- 6th E. Phone Rlark7I9 COAL! COAL! TAe fre&test Victory Mature won-Was storhf from tne sun The coal business Isn't a matter of guess wprlf with us We know good coai when we buy it .and you will know godd coal when you try It. We buy the best the mines product It'i properly graded cfote it comes to us and properly schcened and' weighed before it comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 NIONE 65- Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'Mih- Rupert C(); Llfj. rll,,h Columbia