4 PAQK TWO thi Erne? Kiffi MEN'S SOLID LEATHER Work Boots In Crepe, Panco and Oak Tanned Soles. Priced f rom $2.95 T0 7.50 DAILY EDITION Our Stock of SHOE FINDINGS Including Polishes, Laces, Arch Supports, Corn Pads, Shoe Trees, Etc., is the Largest in the City SOLE AGENTS FOR- JACK AND JILL SHOES Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per year, $5.00; Half Year. $2.50: One Month. I 60c: One Week. 12c, Out of Town Subscribers by Mail. $3.00 a Year Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 , ADVERTISING UATfcS Local Readers, per line, per Insertion .25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion JD2 Member of Audit bureau ot Circulations MEMBER OP THE (UNAblAN rKEs TSs. Otr.nito Pm It curosrrerjr cotlSn to use Tor rfputlScxUoa of 13 cm , to8!!a.oa tottcrtoU4 AaeocUM Ptms In UUs paper M also A tUbza ot reputiiaitJOD ot dnnaci-jfs therein tre tlao rwMTed EDITORIAL Follow' The' Torch Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. raoxE 631 time e oeueve mat the American nation will steadily increase its support to the allied cause until it eventually goes all out against Hitler. We have no idea that we shall loe this Avar. We believe we shall win and probably wkhin'a year from now. All we suggest is that the sinking of the Hood will prove to be one of the strongest arguments in favor of United States help to Britain. Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand, large stocks ot coal to suit every requirement All our coal Is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line-of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Island are not kiln dried and hav all of the natural oils sq necessary to long life and durability SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME PHONG 652 Spinach Spooky About Weddings wears out B. C. Lieutenant Governor Is In Toronto Today OTTAWA. May 27:-On his way bock to Victoria after a trip to Ottawa. Lieutenant Governor E. W. Hamber of British Columbia is in Toronto today. Mr. Hantber declined to state whether his business in Ottawa had been in connection with the appointment of his successor. United States Fleet Moving Into Atlantic WASHINGTON. D. C, May 27: Jing arrived from the north on the Tuesday. Mav 27. 1341 eay I PROTECT PEACOCKS Killing a peacock is punishable by seven years' imprjonment in some provinces of India. one-inch boom chains; 2 bath tubs; 10 wash basins, just like new at half price.. Phone Bik. 324. B. C Furniture tf POSITION WANTED DESIRES Good Position-Have Al references and bonded for last 14 years. For ' further -information Phone Green 970. (i22 LOST I LAD IKS gold wrist watch. Mono-; grammed. Keepsake. Reward I Phone Blue 338. i23 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD ANT) ROOM-Close in. Gentlemen only Phoni. m 965. FOR KENl tf FOR RENT Small furnished house Apply Co-Op Store. . 125 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert 'CARDINALS Usually Brides 1 WIN AGAIN He,P BuLR,ngs rv sniUrh t wwldlnc be- St. Lo"'s GoinS Stronj In Na cause "greens are food for pixies , and forest sprites make mischief at League With' Brooklyn Dodjenr TVo-a nil -Half Gunn Behind. weddings." i This is one of many bridal sup-! CHICAGO, May 27: tCP St. jerstitions and stones gathered by Louis Card&ials, continuing tfielr i Claudia de Lys. who U compiling an long winning streak, edged out jencyclopedia of folk-tore. wth a 12; to 11 victory over Ohl- i The wedSing ring she says, 1 tile" caga1 Cub in eleven innihstf yes j symbol of eternity a circle. The terday. T?hV runner-up Brooklyn diamond was first used in the be- Dodgers won over the Phillies and trothal ring because its mysterious are now- two-an-a-half- games b-sparkle was thought to be the fire hind the Cardinals. The Cincinnati of love. Also the diamond never Reds, now leading, the semd dMfl skm and not far betew the OM-mgo Cubs, defeated PiUsburg Pirates in a nigrk same In the only America League game yesterday the Detroit Tigers hM on to Child plaee toy batting the league-feadK Ctevelftnd In-Jilm. Yscterday Big League scores: . National League I 9c Louis 12, Chtcao 11 (11 Inning). BrooMwn 6. Philadelphia 4. , Pittsburg 3. Cihcinnatt 7. I American League ' DeteoK. 5. Cleveland 3. j The league standings to dftte: ; National Leafue ' W St Louis .. Brooklyn New York Chicago CtoefonMi PiUaburg Boston Philadelphia American Cleveland Chicago Detroit Units of the United States fleet .New York are being transferred from the, Boston Pacific area to the Atlantic, it has; Philadelphia become known. Washington u John Thompson of Stewart is paying a brief visit to the city, hav 'St. Louis W. it .... 27 as 18 16 17 12 11 10 League 28 21 - 19 19 16 1 12 L 9 12 IS. 1 at ae a 34 13 13 IS 19 16 19 34 24 PU. -7ff Ml .471 .4SO .490 .36 3i .618 .514 jsm .472 .333 Go To Ball Game? First Read Thi id Don't Embarrass Your Boy Friend By Calling U A TouehdoW Prince Ruoert has sent a torch to Groat Rritain nrnm- tftev L Lr?- ff'ffl wiH w k!.. ' ' " I :,:-!.:. a." -n j.i . ... .. - .-i- -- mmm B VX K3 H HI . . .. W i wt. xug tuuL ivijt; win uo ner parx in proviaing uie smews oi s IHIIR'IPIB DawoaJI if yo can talk base-war for the present vear. Next week canvassers will be pjfftlwuii ijif your escort, especfany if out takin applications for Victory bonds designed to pro- TO he is a real baseball fan. says -com-vide the money with which to pay for the building of ships, mCtW Si t(!Tfn uu xui .iib ut ui me jrcvjrrc in iji Hum . .ii.-vi-uiiM uuk won i maxe the and foMhe Canadian arm v, naw and air force. for sale-Bedding out plantigrade. You can pick up a sorting . ... . rri - t r!pfinVinitea A If hu! OewA - i nis weeK all those who have monev in savings banks Wilding. ?m baseball terms by and current accounts are asked to consider carefully how mucn mey can possibly devote to purchase of bonds. On these bonds the government will pay twice as much interest as the banks are paying and, if it becomes necessary to raise money at any time, the bonds can be sold on the market or used as bank collateral. Most people will be anxious to help the cause in such an easy way. They will buy to the limit Some few witt! try to una excuses wny they should keep the money in the bank. Sinking Of H.M.S. Hood - While the sinking of the battle cruiser Hood will prove to be a loss to the British naw the sinking of the vessel in waters contingent to the American continent is likely to help arouse the American npnnlo of the present situation. If Germans can send their war-: ships into American waters in such a timp n; this wVinf may- mey not do if their present opposition is absent - We are not that suggesting there will come a unen mere will be no European opposition to Germany. FOR SALE 2 bath tubs, 4 wash basins, just like new, 3 wing pumps, 2 pipe vises. .saws, 2 anchors. 1 pipe cutter, 3 Pe vies at very low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C. Furniture Co. ' Uf nines. U26 listening to fans around you. or by reaamg we soorts pages. If you must be an atteniion-zet- 5 crosscut ter 117 to aome "ay otter than u uij-rcuiig anen subjects into the j Daseoau taiK, by Jumping up from your seat at the lightest excuse, by waving furiously at a friend a hundred seas awar. or bv wearing w. FOR SALE 6 roomed house, 133, lovely, mile-wide picture hat. 7th Ave. EL Phone Red 921. eve-' The woman vrHn ht. fvvi U22) .attenUon at baseball games follows FOR SALE-8 feet 2-Inch brass tail aZZ " w Umc-hnu i.u i , . . . aresses sensibly and makes her es- is auo DUSn- rrt Kl, ;.., .... ., . . I ing in Derfect condition; complete 7. wv s ne set of of tans laps and and di. dies. Bs U.S.S.: 15 M 9 y to have such an en-. joyawe companion. 1 MAIL US YOUR FILMS TODAY Any size ro developed and printed 25c Special "Decko-Arr prints Reprints twelve for 35c STEFFEXS-COLMER PHOTO CO. P.O. Box 220 Vancouver B.C. THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PLNK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed ky the only salmea canning company with an aU the year round pajroD In Prince Rupert 'bridesmaids, but nobody seen to, Imindi I ! Abot76 per cent get engagement rings. The engagement ring in't necessarily expensive. A survey of Jewelers shows that about half of tinnai UU11.1I ' About 'S Per Cent Get Enrasenient all engagement rings are priced at .fa I mt Bines These iays -aero" w wirss. umjn wrec ur nre ytn ; do the Jewelers find a bridegroom willing and able to buy a JKWfldO I elaborately NEW YORK, Ma 27: CP -Sen- ring, (with diamu: timenuu June FOOTBALL TONIGHT R-M.K.S ti tv. weddings are likely, Wedding bands; too, are sentl- and wedd:. , to be a bit more expensive than the mental once again after about ten ed at ir casual kind, what with lacy veils years of seventy in styling. New 1 styles and and diamond rings and multiple ones, made of gold or platinum, are t with the X JOS. SJAraAM V SONS L!MOTD . Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 416 VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden. rresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Iteas-onable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones IS ti 19 p.o. Box 515 IIOZL u azi. aoa. t CIS. Seagram's Famous Brands iutuni -Y.O.- 0 Sweep Second Type At "Mickey Mouse" Lapel The At Lad" tUtUMI KIHG-JPUir $2.25 S2.95 S2.95 of The liuc. Plain water is plain-spoken when it is mixed with whisky. Only the smootliest, kindest whiskies dare submit themselves to the challenge of the water test. Every drop of Seawam's is distilled. ared and blended to meet this one all-searching test. Seagram Whiskies demand nothing more than plain or sparkling water to rive vou a trtilv i-ifl..r .i i i ' iciiguum unnw. uicuirs "01D RTE" JJ.H nmmw flm; This adrertlsement Is not published or dispuyeo bv the Liquor Control Board or by of British Columbia NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold W afsr Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 156 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldr. Wrist Watches S4.95 Sweep Second Type C C fjfi At The "Malnliner" Chrome The "Mainliner" Gold $6.50 S7.95 The At :be Govercntt INGERSOLL - Famous Time Pieces - Serviceable Attractive and Fully Guaranteed The At Ensicn" Pocket Watches Maple Leaf 2,50 At The "M L." lite "Pendant lure Radio- Minia- Ussle"- "Mickey Mouse Chrome The "Kelton Escorf The "Kelton Dean" At S2.95 S5.95 $4.95 $4.95 $6.95 $8.95 Everyone of every age needs a serviceable, depi -liable Watch INGERSOLL supplies that necu Now Sold in Prince Rupert at