1 luai rone t Expert Optical Service BAND IS ON TOUR Rocky Mountain Rangers Masieal Organization Visiting Namver Of Interior Points To carry out a tour of the Kamloops and North Okanagan area in support of the Victory Loan campaign, the Rocky Mountain Rangers band left on last evening's train for the interior. The itenerary of the banc s .p is as follows Leave Prisee R. ... C ..- Chas. Dodimead Opletnttrbt in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE For Fine China, Dinnerware. (Masses, Daggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER - DIAMOND MERCHANT dun National, a: 6 pjn. on Monday. May 2 Arrive Prince George at 4:5 pjn. on Tuesday. May 27. and remain there until 5:0 pjn. on i Thursday. (The longisfa stay at 1 Prince George is required because .train service on the Red Pass- Prince Rupert line is on a triweekly basis). Arrive Kamloops at 10:44 pjn. on Friday. May 30 to take part in :he RjTersid? Park patriotic service on Sunday. June 1. Leave Kamfcops at 5:15 sjb. on Mocday. June 2. Arrive Kelowna at 10:40 ajn. Monday : K 5 ; 7T. - T.. r- T 'df' r',- B OYS bcres a spomag offer to put up to your Dad and trn chancw to one hell accent it and Pritr.' n,n u,. - . brand new CCJSL Bicjxk rigbt away. Tbm k a real good proposition lor both you and ;vr Dad became it will be the means for jour Dad to encourage you to udy hard and to pass and it will make you really w ant to study. Gtt a CCM. Caulogue as soon as you can and, after looking it etr and deciding which model you want, proposition your Dad hie the boy in the picture. Be sure you go to a CCM. dealer as be is authorbed to operate this sporting offer. Then, too, a COL is the make of hicyde every boy and girl wants because they arc so smooth rKHflg and easy to pedal- They last much longer, too, because of the great accuracy used in the machininj; and fitting of the fast-movrng parts -the front boh, the main sprocket-hanrcr and the CC3L Coaster Brake. S In die catalogue you will find illustrated several models from which to choose, from the sturdy CC3L deUverr to the beautiful bgbtweight road racer. AH COL Models have tubular steel frames! rustless steel spokes, bright parts chromium-plated over COL 20-vcar mckH and Dunlop Tires. Boys, try this on your Dad and here's good luck! CCM f CCM. Bicycles Arc Sold Ily McRae Bros. Ltd. 'Sold tin the usual Monthly Election Of Government Supporter ADELAIDE. South Australia. May 27: CP The election of the government candidate. Dr. GrenfeU Price, to Boothby seat in the Australian -House of Represents tires has been confirmed after a by-rlecUm which attracted nationwide interest brcauae it determined whether or not the government ftould retain a majority in the House. w w FUNERAL HELD TODAY The funeral of the late Gerald Alfred Johansen. nsbennan of n-.any years standing here, who died Sunday, took place this afternoon from chapel of B. C. Undertakes to Fairriew Cemetery. Rev. 3 H. Myrwang. pastor of St Paul's Lutheran Church, officiated and Mrs. Myrwang presided at the organ to accompany the hymns. ore date is still to be .settled'. Arrive Vernon at 6:90 pn on Monday or Tuesday. , Leave Vernon at 6:35 pa. on Tuesday or Wednesday, Juae 3 or L Arrive Kamloops at 10:30 pun on Jane 3 or i. The schedule is tentative insofar as the Okanagan tour is concerned. Then is no information as to hoar keg the band wouki remain in Kamloops after its return from The Okararir. and before its depart ' - is 5Vi-.i2 a: Pt:.tc? CCM. snoMo nOKTKUl Boil f tinfawj wrri mt mad tmwlr MuhMii 1 nj iMatfc ui tti fin. CCJC COASTU IIAKI A impraJ bnkt hf CCM, f,ur irard dwl-KM, yii3 r in iimt imrt " T J.1. Btalt mi idMr MtM w l.mUuJ cue tmt am mi tUr HANCU mi CC U !!. r- fmt mm rmmt pmj,' mm ,mmm. far- m. mm ml CcAfSrBaawa: CCM. Bicycles acccssorics and Repair Parts are on Sale at Gordon's Hardware THl dailt !nrt Tasaia.. Q. c. CITY iWOULD BAR iPREMIER I aks! JAPANESE CONTEST from a short trip to Vaneoawr. Ac-. J oomnaaied by their smaQ daughter, I . 1 1 rv rj . . . ...... ... If U r ' L. I- TT -. 1 In fit After Alfetiri- Heather thev had left on the ua- yaeen iwiwiit i ianmru - -- - k -,.c snndaT. 1 Exrtade Them I rom inaamrj . i5 I , The Ladies- Auxiliary to the Un-i ited Church held a busmea meet- Q-UEKN CHARLOTTE. May f: ins; recently in the church. Reno- a faceting of ftsbennen held on rating of the Manse adjfrent to Thursday last at Queen Charlotte the church is being canted out ctty protested the influx 'of Jap-prlor to the arrival of the newly ap- anete in the fishing Industry. A pointed minister The house was resolution as follows was passed: inspected and found to be badly -Whereas a large number of in need of repair and papering It JftpJUc&e fjanermen has come to was decided to engage A. Roberts to rsirinti Tdanrii ind do the necessary repairs to the walls ,0 m and ceilino and to mm a oee woo iwen adjacent to the aforesaid the painting and kalsaraming. The jslands fof halibut: setting of the date for the bee was . . . u, w "And whereas we are led to be , ,. ,. . n. ,w, left unttl t the next meeting of the JanM, Auxiliary. To raise funds lor uus - M's M. 1L Mclean and sons of wmi runaer lower tne earn- Bdward sailed thk afU-rnoon ta5x of the white and Indtan fi h-he CaUla for a vtsH to Vancou- crnM" perhaps force them to - abandon the fishing Industry alto- . , aether: I r T. AofriewharU of aserort is :ris a brief business vWt to the He arrived on the Catala to-' v. from the north and wtB return - Stewart on the Prince Rupert to-r rrow afternoon. qchooI To Be Closed Kin;'s r.irlhrtar Will l OWrved In Tim Provinee On Jnne 9 VirrORU. Mv 27: AD schools "ill be rkwpd on June 9 in observance of the Knvss Birthday. Dr. i" J W:ll;s -uTv-intendent of edu- ti"n. announrJ yesterday. TOO LTH TO CLASMFT day work. Chris' MiM Bakery CIGARETTE PAPERS CHIROPRACTOR Uule W. Ollvo. VJXThJL. WalUre Block, Phone (11 YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs. Woodwork, Stoves Co minted. Etc Oil Burners Cleaned L Chimneys Swept ItM HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phane RMCK '.li Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY -rttttSEOl Therrfore be It resolved that this meetUTc coxnsBunieate with demand immediate attention to tie en"ment rf rrnilations which will preserve the fisher of Canada for Canadian people: "And further be It reraived that this meettm -"h?n sutgeat that Wnees hn issued for all bran-h- of fksherW and that he efitsa'-! Bonces be limited to British stV jet who are actively encaged In U- fbhfn? mduivry and thus that no Japan- be permitted to fish r t ttl on or around the Queen Charlotte Islands. IS THt orrRCMC rot KT lr l(BITIM rou mbia in mourn: In llw UIIr ml lb. Mm; m4 Jha WHfcui Mrklnl't. Iinn. Ulr f thr 111, mt rnMT Kaprrl. ISrtll-h (IvmMs. mhm 4hr4 mm iHmaWr lt. ParmtrBt 'o the OfvriMon ol S- 3 of te Tni. Aet of Um Pronncr Bnh win? fellow for ncot Ox oo uw sa av ot Aani 125 ,W1 ay (fr(aetit m EmouW of ttie Vtt of te iMe Mux VriUiun SitKialeT. r u ecotimM trt lfctn FroteK Ummrnt out of the S;p-rtm Owl Zivti OolumMK. rvl 'iwt til petwem UxleMc to tbe tmid mtr mnilnd to pay the amount ttxr indeevmuw to me bmawtth m pmoam ha nn elabas again be said Mi ai fqutrrd ta the thn prtfxzl' Tenfted Hh am oo or before June isti 1M1 tmUiat. which dhvtr'bu- Job i!mJ1 be aaaaV imwmm naara only , to daima wtucfa are la my hand. Dmia u Prince Rupert B C. aula 7th ST oT VUt A. D. 141. CUFTOftD OILKER By bat SoUrHnr. Ertrm & Harrey. ETjTT Block. Prince Baprt B c Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 1S Heated Rooms Het Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C- C Blatk, Proprtetrrts Make Our Stare Tour Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed POOXE SU Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OP FTXE POODS first Aid Competition There at Week-End James Dickson chief inspector of for British Columbia; Charles Graham, inspector of mines at Prince Rupert, and O. G. Edward-son of Victoria, provincial jc-retary of the St. John's Ambulance Association, arrived in the city on the Ca-tala today after having been at Premier in connection with the annual competition of the Portland Canal First Aid and Mine Safety Association. Mr. Dickson u going through to Victoria on the Catala. Mr. Graham and Mr. Edwardson " carpenters win soon ar- disembarked here. The latter will work and material the ladies served ZTJSl altcW re at Skidegate U bsiW aflah to Hueltoo othr h,- tion at Second Beach on Mar 2 a7 and later to be employed Urior poinU on Wednesday even as cannery workers: ing J tram Mrs. Andrew Christensen was Ana wnereas ue greaier nom- it was tn uus compeuiion at hMiw t tK Rut Bee Club last ber of resident fishermen who have Premier that the Prince Ruuert Mr and Mrs. Mike Anderson had forced to go Into halibut fishing, competition was that for . uets I mm queen cnanoue. savie-te and SUdeaate Mts-don Mr. .:nd in the near futare. fishermen as a serious threat to i CI." I Featui JAiiLs, sinr.vT IEV LAM ten In their "COME LIVE WITH ME" With IAN rr Add- ? TTte IUtlJe ( c Cartii an() COMING WEDXFMm ,' ON THE ST.V r 1 miNCE KI PI.RT UTU,! lllLATKE Prr t "THE I'HI M SECRETARY Directed 5 Thursday Tea was served at the fished in the aforesaid waters for team won the novice even; and miner ovcrc dainty table decorated with spring the test thirty years are the pso- came a close second in the .senior, underground :. flowers. Members of the club in- neers who have developed the The local team made the trip north ing gas masks dude Mesdames Christensen. Harry ooouaercial fishing industry and on the service boat F. H. Phippen, miners' equipr. Beaven Emihr So. B. A. Monro, have estabbshed their homes and returning home at 10:15 Sunday out George Chasteney. Gordon Jottf fe. communities on the aforesaid isl- oight. WeM Enttru cj Bd Oien. Bert Robert. Gor?e Pitt arid -""I firm txjlief and faitn The judges were H Lane. S. Resd.' The local te. Turner and Oscar Hill. Ue fisheries wiM belong to o. G Edwardson. E. T. Applewhalte. .-recorded a hea me peopte 01 uanaoa ano mat toe or W. S. Kergin, Dr. Cook and premier, the Mrs. Len Loneacre was hostess security of the aforesaid nsner- James Dickson with Charles Gra-recenUy at a tea in honor of the aen will be safeguarded according ham as timekeeper. wives of employee? of the Pacific to our democratic way of life: The local novice team consist! Mills cama H?r guests mended "And whereas in the past six of Gordon Blank, eaotain. H. Wal- M-ssdames Georze 31omgren James seasons the white fishermen and lace. Hugh Mackenaie. N. S. K. Carstaira. George Fife. G. Wilcox, the Indian fishermen have found It Brewer and S A. Cheeseman. W Nyblom. Oscar Hill Assisting difficult to earn an adequate living The Prince Rupert senior team in serving was Mrs. Longacre's In an already overaowded and comprised Thorndyke Graham, mother. Mrs. Overington o.' Van- overfished industry: Captain. Gordon Blank, H. Wallace. eouver. who is making her borne -.And whereas the salmon catches Hugh Mackenaie and S. A. Cheese- w:th her daughter. harp fallen off fifty percent and "- the fishermen have, therefore, been The third event in the Stewnrt rec- , appreciated Tr-ducted on a tou- A spler.di: dered the meir.r teams tn the rr. winners beine prises preser.K -Speeehes much given by the tui anahrsed the -o- giving - due as well lunior eriUdsm. Th- : ::- honwwarming party in their dog fishing, clam darning or to T in which Premier Vas first and attested the v - 1 home hut week. There were find Dart-time emnkmnent in the Stewart second. knowtednof fir logging industry, or even to b Contents at Premier easary tn mer. redmeed to dependence on rehef : The contest were held at Pm- waBxs of life F A .derson who is a sueeeafl troDer. wnerejls jm, meeting views mtae 00 S""1 afiernoon and their ef torts be leavinx for the iisning tnta aHditlonal influx of Japanese eompeung learns were enwrea oy and save nves Premier. Big Missouri and Stew- that neat v.. an already overcrowed industry m Tnp Mnee Ropert would aim marked the first oeratton xinee Uon. Anart tv- Anvox cloaed in 1J5 that a team were cash nri- outside of the PorUand Canal dss-trirt had taken nart tn the romoe-Utton at Premier. The eomnetiUnns openH with the Junior bovs' event whsrfa the duly authorised authorities to won PremhT Stewart Ing second. Then the novice event w pt4 in which Prince Ruoert mm the second. After a mine rescue team gave an Thu a ! C MA Bcl r b f.!:s Gcvcrnstr eertir: Memheni r team aeknow!-ure of swjree' at Premier instruction of to Thdrri-' tSMitain murh t: AmclsUne Curt with Premier eommg Uaarwt.-fVii supervising Ui of the tao tea jr. exhibition of it work, the enior event for the Department of Mines XJOHOOK Ma Cud wa held This was very rVw- purpose of Cna hr contested and was watched wtth is reconnaissai: Interest by large crowd. Premier machines have - C team took first olace In cap- troU they "ha . ture the troohy Prince Ruper t-e- ciromcs dock tne a ven- .-:se sfc;pp.r.g U A nc-v: .Va was r.:e res: ci a 'Ites enez X sf B: When You H'ant a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable Iff PHONE 11 !l Hour Service at Rerular Rate Trams leave Prince Rupert for the East Slonday, Wednesday, Friday, S n-m. A.r-C.-d.tn'-j Sleeping ari V-X 4 C Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouvi Thursday and Saturdays 11:30 p.m. callln- at Ocean 1 PoweU River i pr on 'at" an" For Full Information and Reservation, etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 5tS 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert, Arenls for Trans-Canada Aft LWrt Is