PAOZjTHRn fle Prince Rupert Littlo Theatre A iV few ieV tickets. UCKlHSJSllll still' left leu Ph Presents at the Capitol Theatre, PRIVATE SECRETARY for this "Blitz" of laughter . Mm v. 8fh - ' " " " - -1 - '"" ' " E. L. Yeo, ordnance officer! --- mrT X T IT Capt. Heran Ladies Is Success1 n Mflropnle Hall Friday , r.n. Hrnwd i entertained them occasionally with musical numoers. Mrs. Chris Johnson was general Iconvener of the affair. Mrs. Peter L. Peterson looked 'after the home cooking, table. Mrs. J. Ivarson, Mrs; N. Amouth were in charge of the kitchen. Mrs. Li. FptM-snn' nnrt' Mn KnA ' - u. iivudUlU Jr. were servlteurs of the tea tables. rt w- i L MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. Dressers min-or. finished A GOOD I'LCK TO BUY With four drawers. Large swinging Walnut $22.50 PIIONK 7V3 Moth Fume CRYSTALS 1 lb. Tin 50c Moth Proof BAGS Price-- - 50c Ormes Ltd. 3V Pioneer r"Zff'3t Fhon" " " the Kexall store Open Dwlly from n. till 10 jn. Sundays and Uolidayt from 12 to a p.m. n 7 to I f-n. H you lose anything, advertise for it. LANDINGS DECREASE Halibut Fares Here In April Some Half Million Pounds Less 000 pounds. Than Year Ago Hll!) Friday aiternoon 1221. Mrs. A, Antonsen was the win- Apm year .u"."u Thi. hail was nrr w ih th nvi mv,- .u-ipounas as compared wun z.ozi.vuu - ----- ...... .. v. " -J. U1C :J 41uinuci, ... ,, . i.l . .1 I . . . . I Vr.lmrl0 In a en m A mnn Vl , 1 n iifiin Kp;irm:i iirrn nami a aaua uwuiiuii ill lljc senile iiiuiibii i i, aiiu y.w. . . H..., uviu6 u vane. j jci . ion Ull iuai- last , j c i r ine occasion. Airs, ingvaia Kenness had charge ' 6 ",aic"i'vl" Ontario j ji Mynvang, wife of the of the. raffling of a donated- glass p,ieQ uures- me mencan' ianu" . .. thn mnnv ladles lamps coffee fiffr mnWr T A Tr ings lima iui ior uus uas nuru npm ttiuui-u amuuiiwu ui m i - " i.l afternoon and the winner with number 316. Sport Shirts r.::k $1.65 By Forsyth m the popular hins Cream, :i buie pastel.'!. T0 $2.50 Fine Gabardines, regular col lar. Tan, green and blue. 83.50 .h zipper or crew neck. In long-wearing Terry cloth S1.00 and S1.25 2 Boys' Numbers win open neck ..VT.". Rayon and Terry Plain shades and 85c S1.00 and 95c Vatts & Nickerson Open Until 10 pm, Saturdays BIRTH NOTICE A babv Girl was born May 25 BLACKHEADS Don't Miuxt lUrkheadi dluol them. Get two ounree of peroxlnt powder from n drsr .tor. and apply gentle with wet, hot cloth over LLchheads. They dltolv and 'ti.appear if this safe timp1 mettwM'- Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Missionary tea, Mrs Duncan McRae's, June 4. Strawberry Tea. St. Peter's Evening Branch. Mrs; Thomas, June 5. Parent Teachers' Tea. June 8. Queen Mary tea, Legion Hall, June 14 for soldiers' graves. 102nd Auxiliary Tea, Canadian Leg ion, June 19. ' United Church Tea Mrs. Young June 19. 1 1 ijoy ocuui, ltd. June 21. For Vancouver O. C Mrs. J. Clark Anglican Tea, Mrs, Evltt's June 26 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAKDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands SrrTIre Leave Prince Rupert May C, 17 and 2710 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 We need your co-operation to give you better service. Please put out our milk bottles daily as wc need them for tomorrow. Dominion Dairy PHONE 10 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Ralph Johnson left on night's train for Toronto. Used' Furniture bought for cash Elio's, Moose j Miss Anna Peterson was in! or or sold sold on on commission: commission: E rcM by 'he ladles of the'eharge of a bean guessing contest Hallbut landings at the port of Bunding, Third Avenue IV Sen.;)' Clude at the the correct-number of beans was'prlme RuDert for the month of ' ruJ... riomnnn Iiwii w a .. ' Alvrll ims VlU voir tntolllvi. "J"1111 1 070 flftfl . pounds "" last year WM in April r enti. , tnntoht: nn orir, nn nn v,!,. ms rpturn return to iu the uiu . IOU1I vvyubsv v wnue me uanaaian lului wut , tic nft n the Prince Rupert General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd wolie mee Mary Briddent. "The Private Secretary" Capitol Theatre, May 23. Catholic tea, Mrs. Blaln's, May 29. Battle of Jutland Tea May 31, Canadian CihuS4,ndl?s ?rl" !taln. Hill 60 Dance, June 0. cTcu"ibd ' AND INGRAM LTD. Money-Savers MONTH-END Wagstaffe's Jams Strawberry. Raspberry. Just arrived. 2)C Devon Bacon V2-lb. packets Pure Lard Silverleaf. last! Calling all Oddfellows and Re bekahs, to bring all their friends v.o wit Hinv. show on Friday. (tl) 17c 1-lb. packets. 9C it 1U1 Bartlett Pears Aylmer. 17-oz. tins. While 9?p Sausaee Swift's Premium. Regular tins. 2uC Tomato Juice Clark's. Fancy quality. 23 C Turkey and Ham Spreads- Chicken and Ham Spreads Clart's. 25C 6 una Crab Apple Jelly Aylmer pure. 39( 4-lD. uns Mnrarniii and Cheese - bby,s:,. llC io-oz. ims Lettuce Large, firm ftp neaas. iacu - Bunch Beets Nice -t Cp tops, i ior New Peas Well 9?IP , o IU. V niiea poos. . Bananas Ripe and 9Qp miii. mj - Canteloupes Nice size. Each Oranccs New Valencia's Large size. 29 C uozen PAINTING Decorative Kalsomlnlng LOHNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 46 , tu 0 May 30, 8 pm. Oddfellows' Hail) (126) L slmpsoni Massett can- 1O25.500 pounds as compared with A J Psails' by the camo- the conference, 'l'u'uuv . brief visit to the city on business. Insnector Ernest Gammon, pro vincial police, returned to the city on Satuday night's night's train train following following into into th the inspection nspectlon ASSEMBLY OF CHURCH S. workers. Revs. M. B .Davidson D.D., Gait, Ont; H; B. ;Ketchen D.D., Hamilton, Ont ; A1-' lan S. Reld D.D., Montreal; J. B:, ! Skene. Vancouver.. J. M. Macgllll-i vray D.D., Sarnla, Ont.; Alexander Ferguson, Ottawa; W. M. Mackay, Weston, Ont., and H. M. paulln DJ?., Windsor, Ont. ; Among the fraternal delegates to 'the Assembly this year is Rev. Dr. J. Addison Jones of Poughkc'psie, n v.. renresentlns the western sec tion of the Alliance or Keiormea Churches. Mission Sessions The public is allowed to attend the evening meetings. ..Tiiursaaj June 5 will be devoted to Home Mis sions and the following speakers nrp exnected: Rev. Dr. Allan S Reld, Montreal, Synodical Mission ary ior ine synuu ui iviuncaj-. Ottawa; Rev. David-. A. smun, van-Sunerintendent of Chinese work throughout Canada, and Miss Mary Todd, Deaconess, Willowdale, Atla., one of the W. M. i TMrfnv pvpnine June 5 will be Pnrplen Mission nleht and the fol inorinir Fnrelen Missionaries, will ' ri rMkn1 nrin-i"riAll .Pact spean: miv iou.uci mi.vv., N. from the Bhil Field, India; Dr. iG. Gushue-Taylor F.R.C.S., from Formosa, Superintendent of the Happy Mount Leprosy Colony, and Rev. E. H. Johnson from The Assembly will continue for more than a week. mm TORCH IN EDMONTON Siib. UeuU Jack McRae Wires To of. Military District No. 11. whoj has been here for several days ori official business, sailed by the? Catala this afternoon lor Yorki ' 'Island. His Father, D. C. McRae, Here ' Mrs. Teressa Cordell, who arrived I D. C. McRae of this city was'in the city on the Prince, aeorgei In receipt this morning of a tele- Saturday night from Ketchikan, I ' now t c Jackson pastor oii""" " . "-"-"-ct- !. . " . lM' J..u ' Jack McRae; who- Is flying across ttln to Boston, New York and else-' Warrant Officer Thomas E. Watts I "rsl """7 nf Vhl WBek !Canada with the- Torch; of Freedom 'where In the East. j mro WnfQ nnrt twfl swns left . aim bus. wv last -...nlnn'o fro In fnr Trpnton. ,7 tI ,Mnai nVU in connection with the Victory. . . t .Hr.In.nnr1 Ul' kliC HUI ! 0 B M " 1, nnvpr. Air. jacKson was Lmiw - . , . f lio a new chrEe ; a. Victo West X Rocky Mountains. Unfavorable weather prevented at River district on duties. ; of General Body Meeting June 4 plane today. land waypoints. Mrs. Mrs. Jesse Jesse Bridden unaaen oi of Massett, iviasseu.i i or tne past monin wm B. uy , neraJ assembJ he Camosun tonight on her return Presbyterian Church in Can to the Queen Charlotte Islands. . , viptirla church. wireless station staff sails Island wmiam Barclay 0f Central Church, tonight on the Camosun for Dead Hamllto conduct the open.-. Tree Point, Queen Charlotte Isl-, d lect, . nnrts. tn rel eve the ODerator at ?. . .- .u .t.,o' 7il Z 7 u i I Nominations mane y. me pu.rn, wlu is Bv8 rochvtPriP.. follow: Inn fr MW 1 lams u-111 be ac- y- . companled by his son, Donald. LINZEY thp hnmhpr whlr.h started out from victoria making tho flight yester day, from Letbbridge to- caigary twenty-eight stops are to TORONTO. - May 27: (CP)- Eight . .- ..r -.. who has been visiting in the city trans-Canada flight i. . . n n :i v; f-. iiwr ii i n iiii u in.Lv.u m.ja. ai&wu - it. - L vlU .t.lll e-n 1 hw , u ' w Whifflets From The Waterfront the torch and Its escort covering nest Sheppard, returned Co port at Vin n-vrtlnn rJ h tHn hv. rnr. t10rt nrw-ivi tnav frnm .Qfinnr. -re torch was to be. flown from and other northern points and a two weeks' trip Peace several Aominauons "V." . Calzarv to Edmonton in another sailed at 1:30 pjn. for Vancouver Fish landings at the Boston pier for April this year amounted to. the heavv total of 26.674.000 Reach ten mousana people with pounds, according to word, received 4. " "want aa." m ie uauy PewS. nere. June Toronto, on Wednesday, J. R. MAVllllams of the Digby P ,retlrln(r moderator. P.ev. Dr. . . . IMHaannBMM Alberta First Grade QQp Royal City Cut Green Beans-Butter 3 lbs 7t7.Vf Choice quality. 9?p . 2 tins - UO V Milk-Evaporated. Malkinfr Best Diced Boels-3 tlns : Choice quality. tltlS '- MalKin's Bilue Label Qflc ? " U I V Tea Per lb; Aylmer Choice: Quality Toma- . toes 16-oz, tins. if f Royal City Red Plum -f Qp Each .M Choice Jelly 2' tins ; - " - Magic Baking Powder OQp j v Royal City Peas Size 5. 12-oz. tin. Each j Fancy quality. 25 C Ubby's Tomato. J.uice- 2 tlns Gentle Press. OC 14-oz. tins. 3 fdr V ' Black Label Pineapple A Op Sliced, choice quality -iq Apples Yellow Newr 9p " ' . tons, Fancy. 6 lbs. forVv Unsweetened Grapefruit u Juice T , j 50-oztin, 2f Nalley's Sandwich 9.1 ( Each Spread 8-oz. jar ...V Ajliner Soups Tomato, Oxydol Washing Powder-Vegetable, Celery. toS0 Largesize. 9Qn V OKf 3 tins Each Sheddon's Grocery 500 5th Avenue East Phone 581 Clean-Up Paint-Up Make Repairs, Build We can supply all the materials for a new home or for additions to the old one. Call in and talk it over Albert & McCaffery, Ltd PHONE 117 PHONE 111 FS LWIkVAH 1 , IS ooz. ) I mm 25 oz. m 1M$2.30 53.50 I WEr ISat Mt Bn Mian WUVP"iry i fA.DISTIURy CO. LTD. fKii .dvcrtticmeM U io publiitJ of di.plyJ by tdt LIquo Control BofJ or ky A Govtrnmtnt of Bi'rtiili Columbia AT THE VARIETY STORE They are selling small tools Including Chisels Screwdrivers, Files, Tack Hammers, Hack Saws, Blades, Screws, Rivets, Tacks, Bolts, Curtain Rods, Curtain Rings, Hinges, Brackets, Padlock, and other shelf hardware lines. Call at the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Phone Red 120 P.O.Box 757 330 3rd Ave. West Just Completed! New Ice Storage Method Ensuring only low temperature ice throughout tlu? fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature- Dry Ice Now on Sale by. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage m mm In I rfl British ColnmlU VVo Uiui 1 -.