arc continuing to IMPULSION IS DROPPED rCrillilll Will Vl Minlifwl iVorthcrn IrcLtml Hp V:ilrr:i's I'rotcst May 27: Conscription I'QH not be -xtended to Northern "ld. It was officially announced a' Re Minuter Eamonn dc Val- " vestcrday denounced ttlon.s 'nat ' conscription vvnuvt be m: P to Noithcrn Ireland as a Hlt... ru3 attack mi fimrfnmpnLiI h8ht3. N Birthday ly Quietly In p lountry her May 27 " - Q"ce Lr u Mary spent hcr SCVcnty- lhe rUhday quietly yesterday feed . 1 country where she has l Of rf. ",C WUr DCS1"1- 111 c"'s years sne Kccps tltlanw " activities in connection Ito . Redout , W?!Jand aim ls n rr SUlar vlsi ar,a; She only fifteen miles away. Gupjiort of Rashld Alls pro-Nazi admlnls I ration continues to crumble. How ever, fhihVmg wllPgo ' oiiTrTlraT jm long as the Oerman interest arc in control -of the important Mosul oil fields. British planes alaRcd a heavy bombing raid on Mosul yesterday as well as other points. The Germans bombod Hab-banlyah In an ctfdiangc -of air blows I TODAY'S STOCKS ( Court ry 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vaifcouier Big Missouri. .04. Bralorne, 9.75. Cariboo Quartz, 2.2(5. DcnUmia. .01. Fairvlcw. .00. Gold Belt, .22. Ilidley Mascot, .50. MUito, .OlVi. Nobis Five. .OOVi. , t Pacific Nickel. .04. Tend Oriellc, 1.20. PlGiiecr, 2.00. Premier, .00. Prlvatocr. .50. 4 Reeves McDonald, .10,' Reno, .11. Rcllcr Arlington, .01 Sheep Creek. .76. Oils, A. P. Con., .06. . : Calmont, .14. C. & E 1.05. Home, 1.55. Pacalta, .022. Royal Canadian, .07. Okalta, .50 (ask). Mercury, .03. Tralric Royalties, .05, Toronto Aldcrmac, X)82-Bcattic, 1.07. Central Pat., 1.08. Cons. Smelters, 32.00. East Malartic 2.18. Fcrnland, .01V2-Francocur, .35. Gods Lake, .21 Vi. Hardrock. .72. Int. Nickel, 29.75. Kerr Addison, 3.90. Little Long Lac, 1.71. McLcod Cockshutt, 1.50. Madscn Red Lake, .55. MtKcnzle Red Lake, 1.01. Moncta, .40. Noranda, 49.75. intkle Crow, 2.32. Preston East Dome. 2.84. San Antonio, 2.15. Sherritt Gordon, .01. Uchl, .09. Bouscadlllac, .02. Mosher, .04 14. Oklcnd, .04. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 21.00 (bid). WASHINGTON, B.C., May 27: (CP) On the eve of a momentous pronouncement of governmental policy in regard to the European war situation President Franklin 0. Itoosevclt today asked Congress for $3,000,000,000 in appropriations for additional airplanes. A. statement issued today by Stephen P. Early, presidential secretary, indicated that President Itoosevclt would put the Fulled States government on final and decided record in regard to t tic war. "By tomorrow the world will know definitely where the United Stales stands and what its national policy is," Early said in answer lo questions. The speech will probably he the most important the chief executive has ever made. Among other tilings, more full and more effective aid for Great 1 Britain is expected to be demand- ' ed. i The President had been at first ' scheduled to speak for half an hour but the lime has been cx- tended from half to three-quart - I ers of an hour. I The time of the President's 1 speech will be from 6:30 p.m. until I 7:15 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. ADVANCING I INEGYPT ;. Number Of Small Axis Columns Succeed In Crossing Frontier CAIRO, May 27: (CP) A number of small Axis columns have crossed the Egyptian frontier in Uic Salum lcfiionand advanced several miles (o the cast: compelling British forces to give ground, lt was announced today. YANKS HAVE COME OVER Total Of 8100 Americans Arc Now Enlisted In Canada's Active Service Forces OTTAWA. Mav 27: There are s200 Amerl(ns enlisted hi -the Canadian active service iorres, u is announced. Of these 6400 are in the Army and 130Q are In air training. Trie balance are in tne Navy although the official figure in that branch of the service ls not given. FEUDS OF IRAQ Tribesmen of Iraq still cling to many ancient customs, infcludlng the blood feud. i VICTORIA, B.C.j OFFICIAL STORY IS GIVEN OUT Prime Minister Winston Churchill Makes Review Before British Parliament uouay LONDON, May 27: (CP) the war in the House of Commons today, Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced that the , Bismarck had been; sunk in the North Atlantic but isald that the battle for Crete was still "hanging in the balance." 1 The Prime Minister said that in the battle for Crete, the British Mediterranean fleet had suffered the loss of two cruisers and four destroyers. Warshipt lost in the Battle of Crete were cruisers Gloucester and Fiji and destroyers Juno, Kelly. Kashmir and Greyhound. In addition two battleships and several other cruisers were damaged. Mr. Churchill added that rein forcements were being rushed to General B. C. Freybcrg the British commander in Crete.; The Prime Minister predicted that the new Nazi cruiser Prince Eugene, accompanying the Btsmark, would be intercepted Torpedo ulancs from the aircraft carrier Ark Royal, backed by ships of the Atlantic fleet, sent the Bls-mark to the bottom at 11 a.m. today in stem revenge 'for the sinking of II.M.S. Hood. The Bismarck sank with some 1300 men, the German Admiral Guenlher Luetjens and about one-quarter of Germany's known capital ship strength- The British cruiser Dorsetshire rammed home the torpedoes which finished off the Bismarck after she had been shelled into helplessness by British heavy ships and destroy- Thc coup de grace was delivered after the Bismarck was severely damaged by torpedo after t irpedo had been hurled Into her vitals by fleet air arm planes, said the First Lord of the Admiralty, Rt. Hon. A. V. Alexander, in a luncheon .id-dress. It was Just three days after the sinking of the Hood that Royal JJaval units caught up with the Blsmark as she tried to make a French port. She had been deserted by an escorting cruiser the Prince Eugene, but "measures are being taken with respect'' to the latter, an official statement said. LEAVES ONE DEPARTMENT Hon. J. G. Gardiner (lulls National War Services To Devote His Entire Time To Agriculture BRAMPTON, Ontario, May 27: (CP) Hon. James O. Gardiner an nounced, today at a' war auction sale his retirement as minister of (national war services to devote his j entire time to the federal department of agriculture. I Mr. Gardiner for some time has i. . . ... i 4 . Dccn nananng uie ut.-pari.meiu. ui war services in addition to Weather Forecast General Synopsis A rather weak disturbance northwest of the . ... . i i i . , Queen mianotte isianas is moving southeastwards. It has been mostly cloudy and mild on the coast with llcht showers In the north. West Coast of Vancouver Island Light to' moderate northwest winds' hi the north portion and light southwest winds In the south portion. Cloudy, and mild I with light local drizzle. Tomorrow's Tides i 'i ; ; v. and Queen Cliar"- . nupcrt f High .. 2:10 a.m. 20.7 ft. biaiict. -Light to moderate 15:03 p.m. 18.4 ft. J ..rlo if! v mirl ml1,1 Low ... 8:55 ajn. 2.9 ft. I.jT,a . rc 20:50 pxn. 7.7 ft. N0RTI1ERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMblA'S NEWSPAPER fax. Nc 123 PRINCE RUPERT Tb.cTtUESFaY, MAY27,Tu41. PRICE: 5 CENTS. 1 i ismarck Is Sunk Today By British L of Crete ORE NAZI ROOPS IN FIGHT NOW lcr Landings By Air Figures , Losses y Germans And joocKoooooooooooooooaoooa0ooooooooooooDoaaoo0OooaaacKip Latest On War I British J ho to 27 : CP) Rein-' jfirrman aerial borne troops madi a ii w attack west of on the bland of Crete, cn- ;tht penetration of the Bribers' and forcing them toi tart further The weight ofi Lrborap attack, supported by IhnmMii? has been growing hj (jay. a Middle East Com- ir.n .an titicM says, and it J ixc.i cnpobiiblc to stop the :i further troops in this 'nouj-and Ocrmans j!ti i ' in-tr uves m uic Ij!, aKi ii:'in, nve wious- ! oring at sea in at- i, asr.:..:s by boat. u;. .:mn rs that two Uri- tnoui-cster and FIJI : ,, d royn.-i Juno, Kelly, .) u;:o Kashmir - have r ;ir Eastern Mcdltcr- :r. al vessels Drmg . n -nlousiy. Gcr-i i hud much more Ik in regard to un it : rnnc them to (j.) n this area IJid : "ja- ' cousin of the i T 1 ;iun.inder ivToi'ie 61 Ui ' destroyers. mail j had wnc so far U: 1 ,i i lie Axis 'has un- a if the Eastern In: ;r i hr British fleet in n i ? hern all but i -a tiiUnu bombing 1 1 ii ii ' ;o claimed. i Is now piedict-0' ha Uirmanv will ' 0;i: i in of Crete. ? i "-man iransiwri planes 0!' down at Maleml Jii' 'ii tn.v planes have been y -n i'. .rwiierc on Crete, tcrnav ,t was announced by !c Eas' central headquarters G- ui ri !jps had penetrated Ji pfrlti-r lines in an attack i ' our that New Zca- n:it 'ountcr-attarked : 'In in", " is continuing ii 'x-m , Crete. i. I'lric hand to hand !1 around Maleml where Uie '.Vn .iwti War 6 a0OdO00O0oo00000O0Oio000o0ooo0aoooonaoo0aoai0aoo00o00 RATTLE OF CRETE CAIIM Iti-ilUl. l r:.. j- i-.l w. niiici ii4iii;7) uuwiiuu live iri"ji-iaiit:ii German planes at Maleml airdrome near Canea yesterday and destroyed several other Nazi planes, the lloyal Air Force announced. At the same time the Middle East command said that German troops had launched a new attack west of Canca late yesterday which enlarged penetration into Itritish defences and forced the defenders to fall back to positions already prepared in the rear. Greek sources estimated that the Germans have lost rishtecn thousands lives so far in attempting to take Crete. The Nazis have already started erecting anti-aircraft guns on the western end of Crete. ATTACK ON RRITAIN LIGHT LONDON German bombers attacked an East Anslian town last night, killing seven persons and injuring a number of others. Worklngmen's homes were bombed. One German fighter was brought down. ADVANCING SPEECH IS ON BAGDAD IMPORTANT righting Will Continue In Iraq, However, As Long As Nazis Control Oil Fields ANKARA. May 27: British fjtces are continuing their steady advance from Basra towards Bagdad, the capilol or Iraq, and they wcr? reported last night to be World Awaits .Momentous Talk by I'residcul Franklin Koo.evcll I This Evening Royal Navy Gets Revenge For Loss of Hood; Germany's, Navy Pride Sent Down Off France Bulletins COUNT STARTS JUNE 11 The census count In Prince Rupert as well as elsewhere tlnough-out Canada will get under way on June 11, it is announced. WHALING UNDER WAY VICTORIA The whaling season has already started off the Queen Charlotte Islands. Six expeditions have been licensed. There is a greatly increased demand for whale oil. PIERS DESTROYED NEW YORK Two great piers of the Pennsylvania Railroad on the Jersey City side were destroyed by fire today. They contained large supplies for shipment abroad. The fire was two moles from the Statue ot Liberty. SEIZED BY JAPANESE HANOI Ten million dollars wrth of trucks and .other Jtwterr iais made in the United Slates have been seized by the Japanese. BILLY CONN WINS PITTSBURG Billy Conn won by a technical knockout over Buddy Knox of Dayton lii the Eighth round of a one-sided fight last night. Conn meets Joe Louis in June for the world's heavyweight boxing title. FEWER ON RELIEF . VICTORIA Eight thousand fewer families and 5100 less single men were on relief in British Columbia this April than there were a year ago. THREE CANDIDATES EDMONTON There were three candidates in the field yesterday when nominations closed for the Edmonton East federal by-election. Mrs. Cora Casselman, wi-' dow of the dead member, is the Liberal candidate. She is oppos-by New Democracy and People's Party candidates. TOURING INTERIOR VICTORIA Hon. Dr. K.'C. McDonald, minister of agriculture, and J. B. Munro, deputy minister, left Victoria last night for various interior points lo attend Farmers Institute annual meetings. FIRES UNDER CONTROL VICTORIA Forest fires in British Columbia today are small and under control, it is announced. There have been 126 fires so far this year as compared with 41 In a corresponding period last year. NOT EXTENDING CONSCRIPTION LONDON Conscription for military service will not be extended to northern Ireland, it was learned authoritatively Pnmmurnmtinnc VvllllUUlllvuiiuitu Are Broken Off No Explanation Given for Interruption Between Switzerland And Germany ZURICH, Switzerland, May 27. Communications between Zurich and Berlin were broken off yesterday. The reason was not explained. Aerial Torpedoes and Warships Responsible for Her Destruction Fate of Personnel Not Yet Made Known LONDON, May 27. The British Navy avenged itself today for the sinking of H.M.S. Hood last Saturday. Within three days at 11 a.m. (1 a.m. Pacific Standard Time) the great new German battleship Bismarck succumbed. "The Bismark was sunk by our naval forces" was all that a terse announcement by the Admiralty had to say at first. . . Details were not then given al Morgenthau Is With U.S. Navy lahtie. It is not revealed what significance the trip may indicate. APPEAL OF RAIL CHIEF proprlate title, an invitation which! i employees of the Canadian Nation-. al Railways will readily accept. It i has been stated and reiterated that I freely of our services and gener ously of our funds. To say that Canada is a great country, country, a a glorious glorious country, country, Is a not not. though they became available from (other sources. An official announcement from I Berlin confirmed the loss of the Bismark. D. M. B. News Agency said the sinking had occurred four , . t . . , TrMSlirv s-rre- hundred miles west of Brest on the UX.S, texas on pairoi in me .- --- . . ,., , ,rrrA nlanpa laiui acii w y. vi-r v o from II. M. S. Ark Royal and ships 'of the Atlantilc fleet had been responsible for the sinking of the iBlanark. Steps were being taken 'to deal with the Prince Eugene, companion shipof th&, BUmark. The great new BrlUsllbattlefJilp Prince of Wales had also taken nart in the battle. It was learned. Launched by Chancellor Adolf llungerford Issues Message In Sup- himseIf tw0 years ag0 the port i,ort Or f Victory Vctory Loan Loan i"1"" ;Blsmark 792 .feet long and had . ., 'eight 15-lnch, twelve 5.9-inch 27:-S. J. I un-.J MONTREAL, May 4mch four alrcraft gerford, chairman and president, calapultfi she had a per-Canadlan .National Railways, has rf 1300 tQ im men No Issued a message to all employees lmmedlale announcement was made of the system asking them to sup- 1q fate but lt was port Uie forthcoming Victory Loan. d he pcrished. Mr. llungerford, In his appeal,; says: "Canadians are invited to sub scribe to the Victory Loan, an ap-, OFF GUARD we are engaged In a total war. If that means anything It means we' of SUUc CordeU HIU ail ytii wuiijaiiio nn iuuo, b-i WOULD PUT Sees Nazi Trickery In Threats WASHINGTON, D.C., May 27: (CPi Secretary of State Cordell . Germany yesterday to overstate the truth. Canada pro- b to the vides opportunity. A land to live . . from for and to ngm tor. wot everyone self-defence, can give his physical self tout all han give from their resourties to arm those who go into battle against the evil thing that has' arisen to destroy peace and threat-, en freedom. I ' c , , u .... i 1 1 , firn from nr. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D Johnston Co.) Prince Rupertr-Overcast, north vwj erly wind, ,, ...... . four miles per. nour, OUIAHiUUV, wiiit-.w.v, I ti i 4. wnrirf'e v.o rr.n-nt or t iTnnerature. 47: iCUUlUklltU oavui&a aj k. " m uchiriv.vw, -""- . best available investment Cana-lsca smooth. da's Victory Bonds. Hon. J. L. Triple Island Broken clouds. : Ilxlev. minister of finance, has ar- northwest wind, ten miles vJer 1-.,. 'ranged for denominations Annmtniltnnfi as n low tW Knur- llfThlr KWpll find CllOD. as $50 and $100, rising to $500 and $1000. Further, to aid the men f ! modest means, the minister of 'finance has provided for the pur-I chase of bonds by partial pay ments through the banks an In- i 1 1 1nt-i JAI.rriA fst Covin ft I . . i r ..l.4n. l spena 10 save, opena iur vituuijr. Halibut Sales Summary American 119,200 pounds. 10.5c and 8c to 10.9c and 8c. Canadian 27.000 Dounds, 10.7c and 7.5c to life and 7.5c. American Western. 40.000. Storage, 105c and 8c. Be. Rainier, 35,000, Atltn, 10.6c and Hene, 36,000, Booth, 10.9c and 8c. Rainier II. 8.200. Storage, 10.9C and 8c. Canadian Oslo. 13.000. Storage, 11c and 7.5c Viklne I.. 14.000. Pacific, 10.7c and 75c. fluu. , . 'O . ..-- . Langara Island-Broken ciouas, showery, northwest wind, sixteen miles per hour; barometer, :y.eo, temperature, 46; moderate chop. TiniLn Tree Point Broken clouds. light showers, southwest wind, ten miles per hour; barometer. 29.87; temperature, 52; sea smooth. Bull Harbor ciouay. noruiwesi, wind,, five miles per Hour; baro meter. 29.88; temperature, 50; moderate swell. Aiprt Bav Overcast, westerly wind, fifteen miles per hour; baro-Imeter, 29.84; temperature, 50; sea choppy. Esfccvan Cloudy, southeast wina, six miles p?r hour; barometer, 29.84; temperature, 64; light swell. Victoria Clear, souttwest; wina. eighteen miles per hour; barometer, 29.83; temperature, 54; light ripple. Vancouver Cloudy,- easterly wind, ten miles per hour; barometer, 29.86; temperature, 50, Prince George Cloudy, . souui-west wind, two miles per hour; barometer, 29.66. uvi I 'St T 4 n t!! 1 f ft: