.lore Friday. September 5, 1941. THIS DAILY KEWfl . New Gulls' Eggs For Hen Product Utter Get Scarce In Old England and Others Are Triced High L'iNDCN, Sept. 5: Q Britons in .v dc eating gulls' eggs in place or hi : -' eggs in 1942. Plans are under w.iv to collect thousands of them next year to replace steadily dwindle :. supplies of ordinary eggs. F-.n mid-April to mid-June this . he laying season 15,000 eggs ollectrd at Ptos Dinam, Lord !,:.. Mi-i't-ifime'-vihire estate. t i . li$2.30 $3.50 Tlui dvcrtiicmtM It AM publiihtd of diipUytd br ike Liquef Conlrd Band at by t)i GorruMrH of Bihiik Columbia BUILD A HOME Like This They were marketed locally or given away. In London they were scarce. In pre-war days they used to be imported and sold for three cents each. This summer prives have ranged from 55 cents each early in the season to 16 cents later. West End restaurant serve gulls' eggs as a delicacy in season. They are served hard-boiled and gourmets enjoy their flavor. TODAY'S STOCKS (Court! S. D. Johnaton Oo) Vancouver Grandview, .14V. Bralorne, 11.35. Cariboo Quartz, 2.25. Hedjey Mascot, .46. Pend Oreille, 1.65. Pioneer, 2.40. Premier. .87. Privateer, .47. Reno, .11. Sheep Creek, .95. Oils Calmont, .25 (ask). C & E.. 1.30. Home. 2.40. Roynl Canadian, .05 USED FURNITURE ' ' m"oleum Rugs 9x12. Each K vnen TablesEach 4 ft.'':-' iditioned Sewing Machines Each 11 ft'onciinnnprt Rnntrfvs Ifrnm (ask). Toronto Beattie 1.11. Central Pat., 1.80. C ins. Smelters, 39.50.. Hardrock. .85. Kerr Addison, 4.55. Little Long Lac, 2.03. McLecd Oockshutt, 223. Madsen Red Lake, .63. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.07. Moneta, .37. Pickle Crow, 2.D0. Preston East Dome, 3.25. San Antonio. 2.40. fiherrltt Gordon. .86. Get Prices of Materials From Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. j Importers of Cement, Lumber and til Kinds of RUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay in a stock of coal now for the winter I PHONE 11C 1'IIONE 117 I COAL! COAL! The yre&test Vtctory Yd tare won- Was storm? from tAe tun! PHONE G51 The coa! business Isn't a matter of guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy It .and you will know good coal when you try It. We buy the best the mines produce. It's properly graded before it comes to us and properly scheened and weighed before It comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. I'll ONE Im . ' ,11,1,11111 I When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ni iNkic Se rvice Zi Hour Service at Regular Rate 327 SG.00 $1.00 $15.00 $27.50 firds Complete From $12.00 Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8;30 a.m. td 5:30 p.m. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO I1UY CASH AND CARRY SALE lj Ui'ds Complete-Simmons- bedstead, Simmons felt mattress, Simmons cable spring. All sizes. Regular price OQfi $&VOV 50 $29.50. Cash and Carry Sale rione 775 3rd Avenue LOCAL NEWS NOTES Miss Rose Bell sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. ' C.C.F. Rooms 2nd Ave., open for registration of voters Saturday 6th, 2:30-10 p.m., evenings Monday to Friday, 7-10. (209) Arnold Flaten, manager of the local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, has been on a trip to Queen Charlotte City and other-Island points during the week. Mrs. H. S, Meadows, who has been visiting for the past couple of months in Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mrs. A. T. Parkin returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a six weeks' visit inj Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Little, who have been on' a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glass and this morning. Mrs.- R. G. Large returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. Provincial Constable and Mrs. L. F. Requa of Stewart are passengers aboard the Prince Rupert today returning north after a trip to Vancouver. trip to Vancouver. Kenneth Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Lee, who has been in Chicago, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this, morning. D city on morning a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the, Princess Adelaide this morning, Mrs A Brown, who has been Red Cross Tea, Sept. 11, Mrs. Bid Thompson. Presbyterian September 18. Tea, the Manse, 2nd Searchlight Aux Dance. mourles, September 19. A Lutheran Tea and Homecooklng, 2 to 6. Metropole, Saturday, Sept. 8. Ar- Hospital Auxiliary rtummage Sale, September 20. . United Church Tea, Mrs. M. F. Nickerson, Atlln Ave., Sept. 25. Queen Mary Refugee Club Tea, Sept. 27. Legion Rooms. Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2. Orange Sale, November 5. St, Peter's Fall Sale, Nov.. 20. (2Q7) Joseph Naylor Jr., after spend ing the summer here, sailed by the Prince George last night for 1 , . Mrs. Ruth McCallum and.daugh- ter sailed on toe prince George last night for Vancouver. . Mrs, John McLeod Is leaving on this evening's train, for a visit to her home at Dunster near George Storey is sailing tonight on the Cardena for a trip to Miss Margaret Dodimead, after.1 a month's visit nere wun ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles podi- mead, sailed, on the Prince George last night lor Victoria to attend Provincial formal "School. family, who have been visiting in on their return to Vancouver. the south, returned home from! . Vancouver on the Prince Rupert; Mrs. G. Nicholson, wife of Major Nicholson of the Canadian Scottish, sails this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Stewart where Major Nicholson is at present on a recruiting mission. Miss Rose M. Davies O. B. E. leaves on this evening's train for a trio to Wilmington, Delaware. On the way back she will visit Montreal to attend session of the Dominion Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church. Harry Zeffert, well known Stew-i art merchant. Is a passenger on J in view of the Labor Day holiday, the Prince Rupert today returning j there was no meeting of the Prince north after a two weeks' business! Rupert Ministerial Association, orr dlnarlly scheduled for the first Monday of the month. It Is unlikely there will be a meeting this month but regular monthly sessions will be resumed In October. I Miss Pulmira Astorl, who has returned to, the 'been on a holiday trio to Van- the Prince Rupert this. 'couver and elsewhere in the south, from Vancouver. j returned to the city on the Prin Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Warren returned to the city on the Prince cess Adelaide this morning, Rupert this morning irem a inptDeen on a trip to Vancouver and to Vancouver. "Seattle, returned to the city from i the south on the Princess Adelaide Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson ar- this morning. rived in the city on last night's I train from Lake Kathlyn and will , Mrs., Glen Lundqulst arrived in be "here for a few days. .the city on the Princess' Adelaide from Seattle this morning to pay , Lieut. Col. S. D. Johnston M. C, a three weeks' visit with her par- V. D., local area commanaani, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. sailed on the Prince George last Bajagno, Fifth Avenue West. Mrs. night for a trip to Vancouver and .Lundqulst Js the former Miss Marie Victoria on leave. 'Balagno and was married during the summer in Seattle. . i it Mrs. Joseph Siaggara reiurneaj to the city on the Princess Adelaide this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Tnrk itnsklns returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide this morning from a trip to Vancouver. William Ranee, who has been on c:n:i'a:;i:EBriiwaiTjisi;ji,i;aJ!::i JONES' FAMILY MARKET Phone 957 Phone 957 Saturday Specials DEEP visit to the city, will sail' paying a pRim RJQ RQU by the caraena omsiii. return to Vancouver. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Per' lb. rPOT ROAST- Per lb I SHOULDER STEAK- 2 lbs RUMP ROAST Per lb T-IJONE Per lb. VEAL Another Chance For Rhymesters Toronto Poetry Grpup Extends Contest Closing Day till September If X TORONTO. Sept. 5: V Mrs. C. 25c 15c ROLLED SHOULDER VEAL OC A 14 v FILLET of VEAL Per lb SHOULDER of VEAL Per lb LAMB SHOULDER LAMB Per lb LEG Of LAMB Per lb ROLLED SHOULDER LAMB Per lb POULTRY CHICKEN Fresh killed Per lb FOWL Fresh killed. Per lb. W. King, president of the poetry, group, Toronto Branch of the Can- j adiah Authors' Association has an-1 nounced the closing date for the Dominion-wide poetry competition for the anthology, "Yoices of Victory" has been extended from September i to midnight (post markings) September 10. The work is to contain the best recent popms of Canada's leading poets; four cash prizes and 20 honorable mentions to appear in the volume. SINEWfl OF MIGRATION Since Confederation Canada has spent more than $60,000,000 on the encouragement and control of F. R. Hanna of Wales Island, who has been In the city for the. past couple of days, will sail tonight on the Cardena for Van-, couver to snend the winter. iVll. (1I1U IVQ. it Jt VWU, W 1U t have been spending the past week, Mark G M,Kay af Kltselas is a or so here and at Stewart, sailed vlsttDr in the city today. He ar-, by the Prince George last night .rived from interim- nr. W night's train and will be returning nome this evening. 30c 18c 25c 35c rus!if.o FOR SAL. FOR SALE! 10 used coal ranges In cood condition. 20 SDrlnefield ALL Enamel oil range complete, 28c cooler, odd dressers, kitchen table, heater and chairs. Red 332. (208 ) FOR SALE Full size violin, Strad-Ivarius model, practically new, complete with case and bow. Cost $50.00. Will sell for $20.00. Phone Red 605. (209) Mrs. Charles E. Starr, who has i for SALE Carpenter tools, Room 35c 30c 35, Alder Block. (210) HOUSES FOR SALE 7 Rooms 4 bedrooms, fully mod ern, centrally located, splendid condition, garden, 2 fireplaces. $3500. Real value. 6 Rooms 3 bedrooms. 8th Ave. W. $2100 terms. $1900 cash. 4 Rooms 2 bedrooms, garden, 7th Ave. W. $1600 terms. 5 Rooms Concrete basement, furnace, 2 lots. 7th Ave. E. $2300 terms. 3 Rooms Fully modern and basement, splendid condition, automatic furnace, electric range. 6th Ave. W. $1950 cash. Rooms New roof and founda tions. 2 lots. Furniture and good radio. Near Ridley Home. $800. G. P. TINKER CO. LTD. FOR RKN1 FOR RENT Very comtortaDie hpdroom. newlv decorated, 646 Taylor St. Phone Green 830. NOTICE WANTED (2oai OUR daily delivery will be late UwV i c.Jm, H3rt 7 Vio. 25 c 25c Commencing ouimuj, vjvv. . tween 12 and 6 p.m. instead of 6 to 12 p.m. Dominion Dairy, Phone 10. . to RENT Furnished house. Take over any time. Apply box Dally News. . 207) WANTED Reliable party to oper ate restaurant near Dry dock. For further particulars writ Box 1432. .. J208) WANTED Furnished house or apartment) by newly married couple. Phone i evenings Red 241 ask for Clifford Taylor. (209) WANTED IMMEDIATELY House or apartment by Dry dock wni-kpr. Phone Green 607 or writ P. O. Box 1365. (213) I WANTED Man for dairy work, Vnlpntln DalrV. (210) LOST LOST Pair of green love-birds Finder Dlease notify Mrs. P I Winiham. PhonB Red 803. (207 No matter how much you rinse your white wash needs blue to prevent clothes from turning yellow They will turn yellow with repeated washings unless you remember to add a twUh or two of Blue to the last rinse. That's the one way to keep your white clothes really WHITE. ARGENTINA'S WINDFALL ILLEGAL MINING WASHINGTON, Sept. 5: 0) ! LISBON, Sept, 5: P Illicit Cutting off of supply sources in ; trading in wolfram and tin, lm-Europe because of the war has portant war materials, has devel-opened up markets In the United oped in Portugal, where hundreds States for South American cheese, of men and women are-illegally Argentine Is now shipping 15,000,-000 pounds a year to the U. S. mattresses in all sizes at $16.50, 24 FIRST OLD AGE chesterfields in the latest styles. Legislation respecting Old Age Household doors, water boilers, 8; Pensions, was first adopted by the unpainted chest and drawers at-,Dominlon government in 1927 low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C. Furniture Co. FOR THE W Ai Vaeuum Bottles At Metal Lunch Kit At Pocket Purses-From .... The Recall Store washing and sorting the pre from soil near the Spanish border. ART AND ANTIQUES There are 37 museum and art galleries in Canada which employ full-time staff. MAN Thermos Super Vacuum Botllc 4 At . Thermos Refill At . . . .Thermos Corks 4 J. .... 31.10 5c and 10c ; 50c 85c 50cto3.00 Registration and Pass Holders At . Ormes ll "Tti JPioneer Drttqgists Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. S,undy and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m, 7 to 9 p.m. 10c Phones 81 & 82 and Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia t K. -' 4 1 . v 0 4 t 'V 9 " m ...V 1 1