i frAQE TWO LADIES -GREPE SOLE SPORT SHOES In white, beige and multi-color with wedge- and spring heels Runners for the whole family at lowest possible prices Penman's Hosiery In all their latest spring shades, just arrived Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes Buy War Sayings Certificates THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCF, RUPERT - I1RIT1SII COLUMHIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue . H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per year.,$5:00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 60c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town- Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year Advertising and Circulation Telephone U8 I ADVERTISING HATES Local Readers,, per line,, per Insertion , .25 Cfasslfied Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 Member of Audit bureau; 01 Circulations MEMBER. OF THE CANADIAN PKKNS AitHS Fff U JcIliTC,y' eni-ltiIil f use- Kr republication of all new TS. bTtrSi.10 in this papr and aUo the i-lgata ol republloatlon at SDeoloJ dBDa.toh8 therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION EDITORIAL Monday, May 12, 1941. Of Value To Prince Rupert Last week we published a story about the completion of the preliminary, development of the Northern Pyrites Mine-on the EcstaTl RiVer and the shipping aWay of the machinery. But for a typographical mix-up the article wouki have mentioned that the sulphur from the mine might be used: in connection with a pulp mill at Prince-Rupert. However, the main idea was that the mine was! pretty sure to be oneratpd snnn nn-1 t.W tVio.vni atipn was a large one, and: would- mean a great deal to! pftr;t machinery installation will take a year or two and employ many men and after' that there would be the shipping of the ore. from Prince Rupert or Port Edward in ships calling fegularly .and carrying it to the smelter at Galveston, unless. a smelter was established locally. This is a property that, will produce ore in quantities soon and the future of Prince Rupert will be vitally affected by it It is about fifty miles from Prince Rupert but the ore must be shinnprl piHiny fmm fVo rinni,c un Irom some other deep sea harbor and the only other liar- .M..uu.v, upuioc nmuui, nine nines irom i rince Wood Shavings Trimming Hate Paris SUII Sets Fashions in JUgjard To Cbapeaux FOR SALU. i i ' 1 1 . i i v v wcu.u wcui.u ui. ui. uie uie a a som som Butedale Butedale "uwrumt:. ioo (122) I day 9V14 is shipped, ahmnaJ onitnna inn f ... 11.. l . . anyone can figure out the number of shins, - that would-be required to handle it. J FOR llftm A Debt Of Honor Many Canadians signed promises to. make reo-ular purchases of war certificates as a means of helping to finance the wr. Spme of the signers have, not met their first payments. If there were very many defaulters it might have a. serious effect on. the conduct of the war Jiappily most people are honorable and meet their pledged engagements. Possibly when thev consider tho ness of the situation those who haye fallen down tern porarily may find it possible to make tfood. Clean-Up Paint-Up Make Repairs, Build W canraupplyaH Uienalrjal for a new home or' for additions to. the old. one; Call in and talk It over Albert 4&r McCaffery, Ltd. r ' DlinVTD lis ruvNK 110 PHONE 117 FOR RENT Furnished bedroom. In private home. Light housekeeping optional. Apply Box 101, Dally News. (tf) SALESMEN WANTED EFFIIEOT Salesman, to call on. rjusiness and professional men .to 'solicit accounts for Canada's largest Government Bonded '.Collection. Agency. Clean remuneraK tive work. Out of town applications Invited. Box 99; Dally. News, (111) PERSONAL CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT. EXAMINATIONS announced for Clerks. Grades 1 1A,. and 2, and Census Clerfcr. Onen to mpn nnH women 18 and over. Shorthand! and typing not required. Appll-l cations to jeach Ottawa by May, ii. Several hundred aproirttments to bemadfc. Our advice has helpy ed. hundreds; get jobs as Clerks, Postmen, Stenos., etc. Information and Booklet free. M, C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest ln!Canada. (tf) WANTED WANTED Clerk for Premier Food Store. Apply J. Klllas, Commo-...doire Cafe. (tf) WAlTJED-HPorter, Central Hotel. . (114) THB DAtLT REWI Mondj MA ' Junior Baseball Gets Under Way Watts & Mrkerson Defeats Japanese Hy Score Of 12 U 4 Wattv & Nlckerson baseball PARIS, May 12: (AP) New Paris team scored, a decisive victory over hats are bursting Into curls. Felt Japanese yesterday by a score of rinelets Strnwhnsif.prj nr organaie streamers -mat lau, into pjayea, wanesaay nigni . u J . "... v. . ,wg vviljr' FOR SALE No. 415 5th Ave. East,1 011e cf the few .solfers who r-ignwoom nouse, two lots. Hot Plux oy ear. ne can pucn one water furnace. Apply R. E. Mor timer, 2nd Ave. .-tf) FOR SALE iNew McClary Range with oil burner and coal gratei:, leather stool, rocking chair. Phone Black 914. (Ill) FOR SALESealed tenders will be .received by the undersigned until Saturday, May 31st, for the purchase of the Benjamin Ferguson cottage, four rooms, full basement, oil furnace and partially furnished, situated on Lots 0 and 10, Block 17, Section 5, 6th enue West. Terms: Strictly cash. Highest or any .tender not nec essarily accepted. Official Admin-, Istrator, Court House, Prince Ru- tf. - J FOR SALE Wash :basin, two. English dinner sets. Remington type-! writers, radios $.9.95; $150- dia-l mono ring, reasonable- offer ac-watches at half price. B. c. Furniture Store. Phone- Black 324. . (tf) HOUSE centrally Uocated or nr f Dry Dock. $800.00 cash. Box 100. uauy iNews. (113) - FOR SALE CO h.n r?:,tDrr,nio-l with two drums In first cln. Rupert.. If between one nnrl fwn tnnonn,! tnnc. nf haPeJ Reasonable. C. W, Swan- vowarf clsion. ic iwiMu vvwi ictW pre- In England last vpar n string nt I bombs fell 40 vards frAm tv,n Oxenham home and the family decided to build "a duc-out.' Thev slept in the dug-out for several nights and all was aulet. So ihev returned to the house and the first night they were back the Nazis came over In the worst raid in weeks. Thai wa? u-hn Oxenham decided to enmP a Canada. Canada At War 25 Years Ago May 12, 1916. Germans oantured about 500 yards of British trenches near. Vermclles on the Western Front. Strang German attacks near Kondoa in East Africa repulsed with heavy losses. Advertise in the Daily News. THE SEAL QUALITY pal "t?r;5-,vt SPSS GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with, an all me year round payroll In I Prince Rupert. VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 & 19 p.o. Box 575 i WOMEN AID (liven Response cur&screw cuns on ine DacK. woou ine learns: shavings fresh from the oarpenter's Watts ii Nlckerson Pavllkls, of e African Union is re- ,-! i, , . . n.-i.. ..... - nfluj tn o tc.nliif fn nrttnfn" , uiock. are curime coviv on aav find rosiuK. ni. Arnev. k.him. uins'. ilCVttU " ill wuiuw. kllu,v bis v" evenine toaues. dlsculsed ns finp Vuckovlch. Gurvloh. Sehprk. 'feathers by coatings of paint and Japanese 8hinya, Honkawa. Ki- gold. nara, Shlkltanl, Tadicehi, Kada- The de ft scissors of girls are turn- waki- MItsukaka, Mukl, Tamatsu ing out these "hlrsute'Vhats. A iirev J- Stewnnt was umpire. felt sailor has three felt curls spaced out across the brim front and felt "corkscrews" falling down from the under brim. A navy blue model Is fenced around with curls for which the brim edge Is slashed at SPORT CHAT close Intervals and rolled up. Long corkscrew curls are fash-', Jcetally bll,JldJp,d ai, PaUte of. ioned of white organdie strips. Six the "J" tho Fir Qrfai ar and "Bombsd cut of England" a of thesB fall fmm th hn.k f Ibakou straw shape In royal blue, I W. William IL J. Oxen-"corkscrewin?" ham' playlng oIf "bv e-ar- has their wav down to ihe wist. Vivid shades like sreen. . S6aSUn n BU violet and blue are among the links . at T0.10".10- .?xenham. u co paint colors going xm wood shav- pfraccs " ' ,, ! ,T , ,T tute the,Blind and hlP jngs, f,or togeUier with dull gold to fashion fsanizatlon open its appeal for toques the size of tea Puns. tuuua- uiu year edition of Uie Cape Times. Makes Them Soldiers Recruits are then required l which subjects them to exactly the : liiiimii" mmmmmm W IE , (Oi l Mill IN PIIUIIATK In tlin Matter if thp "AtlnilnlMrnllnji Alt" Anil In the .Matter of the Estate nf tile OIm-ii, liei-easeil. Intestate TAKE NOTIf:p K.r Honcr. W. E. FMshcr. mode on the 6th dav of Anril A n ioji r ,..... . - ' 1 -" - - 1 " afuiiiiMl i ivuiiuuibvtbhh- oi me estate of Ola uim-u. aectocd, and all parties hav Ing dabna against the mid estate are hereby reaulred tn fnmi.v, eriy verUifd. to aie on or Urfore the JOLh day of May. A. D. 1041. and all parties indebted to the estate are reaulred to nav th a.mmm r - - ' J .... in acbtednewi to me forthwith. .f Ule 3(th day W April, A. D. 1941. HEItnEUT P. OLASSEY Official Admin livtratpr, Atltn, B.C. ame discipline as soldiers Ini fact friwiw tv. t-. . . ;l TJIK HlTKKMK COI HT OH IIKITJSII (OI IMIIU IN I'ltOIUTK tOiln tlir Mallrr of I lir u.ilmlnlJraMnn take 'the oath of obedience under r'" the I1.V.lnU Union's ...LI..I. Military AV. . Services .... code i lh, .Ma,r r',nhV ...... btai nf Kn..tr TAKE NOTICE that by ordr ot Ills Honcr. W. E. Ftaner. miuir on the Oth day of April. A- D. 1941, I wm appointed AdmlnLstnvtor of the estate of Knute Otsen. dooea&ra, end &U porUc having claims against tlx- said estate are .herfrby recriUreil to furnish earn, prop-lerty veriflfld, to me on or before the ,30th day. cX. May, A. D. 1941. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay Ah omouitt of their Indebtedness to mo forthwith. Dated the 30th day 'of April, A. D. 1041 HERBERT P. OLASSEY OfllclaJ. Atfnlrklstrator. Prince Itupert. B.C. FRESH Dairy Products We have thirty-six cows in town and can.supply you with fresh, milk dally. Our barn is located at Eleventh Avenue East. Visitors Welcome. Dominion Dairy PIIONK 10 Monaseal iw.i ,:j iiiukcs uieuil nuiuicia. msa into 14 j TT1jj I in nsicuii" uiu (wuiiifii ui noum pivvuicm rn- . IM A ICO If A Afrlca 110 -push, their voluntary commands in ,a " , UN ArlViivrl serv,Qefi' viS;A.;W.S:)' ram 6a(-.Staiot Prctc 000 upj ioo,poo momibers, on- Northern N;i u. " jU "r '(Jen. Smuts' Call For 100,000 lie- army would have a pool from I I : ... !! t' . 1.. ... V. I 1. .(nmn. 1 .. Ml.i 1 crillls 1 ur .auxiliary wnn n .wuiuii wuuwu, mm, u iiiiub ,ui-, I.OVIwi . f H, ..l.l.l i ' o Hy,Cf.,. ise uituviii iui uic vwiciui services. "-''Ai'tj "Mako it jour objective to have j,, all d J 15,000. cheerfuli efficient and lilah. .. . uu' " t. : OTTAWA, uhwa.uj May 12: . iCP How.jy ly trained trained women, women, prepared prepared and and ,inu JL. . Cr models are having their brims cllo- 12 to-4 in the Junior League. Alex ped and curled up like a baby's Bill .of Watts & Nlckerson made aiP16 women of South. Africa are ready to go anywhere on aotlvo by Amerirm fro'llnu railing hump home run. nin -Tha -The nvf' next game rom u!l1l.1i wilMw rallying to. -Hie empires neeus m service,' " lie advised, i urar) m nnH Rrwdflr.nllv t'o the many services ocn.m in i tne war euort Mrs. iwrs. Smuts, Qiuuus, wjfe wjie oi of the me Prime rrune " Ministor; is an aoUvo -member and ... '''Voi'i'lm! hT Rtin, tllbUU-JlUI UV LMlMMIEimi UU L11H III IIIH .linttbC ... "HL feminine services, in a Union-wide ah"" a,i,i;- r-ti i i r iitf nnniir miT pnn si ni PrtonArt Primp MlnktPr Jin rhrktHn ' ouyuawu in, ihf SI Pr me Minister Jan Christian a masg meetlng of, g, Afrlcan . u, Smuts I, sued a call or "100,000 , , rii.ipn.x dtlzens. m,Cnpc iii..iiiio Tawjl. i.nojn "'nn e mnrn. on JAKF. women women to to work work for for victory" victory" and and .... .... " T Honcr. uo.cr. w w .insult, l;,,ai,r"T'Ir. 'virJ e f Kr we Bet iiiuj uie army ana ay ... .a. , . j y of Anrii a a recruiting In the voluntary and aJS',0 aJr for0 Wje , Ulc official, auxi iary rvhc Is putting .i aenm, wl b TS"" thousands of South African women i , . , W -fiim n into uniform. 'w h.aVC wouie.on' dVty ovt -T'r o In factories and -v making ..... and inend- Not uniy nave women . s auxiitarv , . soui. ci.v .. m services been offtelallv recocnized 'ng paracnuuifi dui also in our air- priM indM j I since the outbreak of war but dram", dming our transports and ; ; South Africa has severai Hums- r con( ;tal command, Ditftd the au- ands ands of or women wonren engaged engaged In In the the ?ndml hxve harf ?nanv many..wOr '"j' JMi Women's Auxiliary Air Force and men arc nl l( Sn u ur a ....tit . into nta the tnc rirln firing -line llne and and fk'ht this' the Women's Auxiliary Armv Ser- nh- tl-ls vjces 1 war to a finish, as well," n jjtxiui uiuit-ii -.uiiiniaiia re- , wvnt ,w,uivm.jt ,tu ceives their applications directly. ,a,sn owe much of their eiflclency In addition, the voluntary service? -o lie of.Jady Duncan, wifo Tf ,.,. luiuugu though his ins physical pnysicai handicap nanaxap to isi""-" must sjiuw rtiow proof pruui 01 beg Deing UsritTlundrS'ol T;,h hiirh hi- anif ta-. i, tiJtrained for at nf tho .l- .... - "7 -.iioou; uenersuiv in me low hus. I"14 v-ca uaiiiyurL ur clerical. what they want that way. (tf) Tnmnlfl rrtlfore ftnnpnrln it.Vtnf nl mlt opplfeittons from their own aso the honorary commander-ln- . . T 1 m nlitnf. juuiawra. 11 ac:epea, ieminine tlllc- trainees receive their notice to1 Stxonr jOrcanizallon I1l1"ia7l0fl? Chief of servfc, .and liaison of- 7n ;rz9vjrjT of wuior y -ta ci. "en ?erT7lS-SS B- wertlmuller of the permanent He has his own SDecial caddv. trained to face the club behind (the iall on long slots. After that he's on his own, and can whip out (drives that average 175 yards. Oxenham is good with long Irons, too, and when he gets within pitching distance of the green, his caddy walks over to the hole and Itruldfts him hv vnW Thnt'c. ,v.,. nrnni-m ,1N TIIH H:.KM,: . .M KT ,,, ,4 SAVoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. riione 37 I'.O.ftjjSH PHASER STREET Prince Uupert Steamers Lcav- pi.. r For Var.:uv CATALA EVERY TIISD.1I, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thnrt pm. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. .Monday la Oueen Charlotte Islands Service Leave Prince Rupert .May C, 17 and 27-10 p.m Tickets and I!esmatioiu from PRANK J, SKINNER, ft' Rupert Asent Third Art Phone 568 ASTOUNDING!! DIFFERENT! Just out! With, this mvulutionaxy flat paint It 1 possible tor. the first time to apply an oil paint OVER KALSOMINE OYER WALLPAPER OVER: WALLHOARI) OVER NEW PLASTER, ET( IN, f)SE. COAT (except where surface Is very bad seaor, i.nefiesttary. ..Two.siies No. 180 (quart) J QQ No. 575 Quart SCRmmAHLE 92M p,nt $1J.0 (21 Colors) iy. Pin 1 AskUs Eor Color Clwr.t No Oblicat'0"1 now No $3.00 (8 .Colors and White) Monajite! "The" modern gloss finish for all Interior work. There 1 nn. ollusr iulsh like Munamel niu,tlie market. It 's nniqjuo! HEATPROOF ACID. PROOF ALKALI PROOF ALCOHOL PROOF 60c GORDON & ANDERSON