Expert Optical Service CONCERT IS ENJOYABLE 'Another".. Large Audience Charmed j Iy Kocky Mountain Hangers ; ' Band Last Night The. Capitol Theatre was com-1 fortauly filled last night for an-: owicr? line ounaay nigm concert by the Rocky Mountain Rangers Band, ,A new and diversified program was presented and again this fine, musical organization had food opportunity to display its fine talent. All numbers met with Good response. The band was, as usual, conducted by L'?ut. O. J. SJoquLst, director of muic for the regiment. ' J. S. Wilson acted as announcer. " The "program w. ; as follows: Professional March, "The Silver Trumpets" (Vlvlanl). .Overture, "Poet and rcasant" (Suppc). Idyll, "The Forge In the Forest" (Reeves). Selection, "Gems from the Fain-aus Operas" (Sullivan). Characteristic. "The . Parade of the Tin Soldiers" (Jessel). ' Cornet solo, "Prayer" (Tosti), tance Corporal Alex Day. Sclcfctidn, "Chu-Chln Chow" tNortonK Galop."Rost Horn" (Kocnig). Danse Egyptienne, "Oriental Witchery" (Anson). Fantasia,- "Popular College Songs" (Rollinson). Descriptive, "Grand Military Tattoo" (Sara) Selection. "Irish Airs" (Beyer). "Land of Hope and Glory." Awarded two First Prizes . a I, British Empire Hrcwirs' Exposition . . . London Knpltiml. 1936. Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Cliarce Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR HASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, liuggagc and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELEK DIAMOND MERCHANT LAWN BOWLING SEASON OPENS President's Rink Defeated Vice-President's Yesterday Yesterday with weather conditions perfect and wil almost a full turn-out of Its members, 'the Cana dian National Recreation Lawn Bowling Club opened its season' witn President versui Vlce-Presi- INTOXICATED Inhalation of gasoline fumes reacts in some people the same as alcoholic beverages. Contrpl Board or by the Government of BriSh Columbia Donnacona insulating Boards WALLBOARDS tie ol lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from all of the natural olU so necessary to long life and durability! SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME , Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. ii i dent game. t : F. S. Walton, president of the club, !n declaring the green open, welcomed the new members and hoped everyone would have a very enjoyable time on the jreen. G. P .Tinker, the vice-president, spoke aiong similar lines. Ther wre five rinks rlaying in trn franc, the resident's rink coming cuf winner, having the ihi?het number of points for the day. I The honors for the day went to the rink consisting of George Fraser. J. Jude. W. Murray, and skipped bv R. M. Wimlow. They defeated h'rir opponents by a ,corc of 29 to 10. A local firm on Saturday was given a five dollar bill in appearance just like a Canadian bill but it was a note Issued by the Mexican state of Sonora. As the Mexican dollar is worth only 24 cents in Canada the note is worth $1.20.. Tho e takin? money should wateh out for these almost 'worthless notes. Whifflets From The Waterfront ix 1 Tommy Fraser's fine new 23-foot streamline cruiser was delivered last week from .the builder, Ed. vVahl, Disby Island, to' the floats rf the Print-e Rupert Rowing Si Yacht Club where It was a centre of Interested inspection by the waterfront visitors yesterday. The Ford V-8 engine is already in the vessel ready for installation. Tommy expeott to get going in about a months time. Dr. R, G. Large's fine new power 7 boat is nearing completion at the Suehiro boat yard in Cow Bay and by May 24 is expected to be ready for use. It will be the largest and most commodious of the local pleasure fleet. It is being named Soogwills after a well known coast Indian chief of an earlier day. Delayed again by having had heavy freights for waypoihts. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived in port at 4 o'clock this morning from the south and sailed at 8 a.m. for Stewart and other northern points whence &he will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound. GREAT LOVE STORY HERE Romance of Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton Picturized by Laurence Olivier and Vicien Leigh One of the most stirring love stories of all time, the romance of Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton, is filmed on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here during the first half of this week in "That Lady Hamilton" -with Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier in the stellar roles. Briefly, the story concerns the career of Lady Emma Hamilton and her rise to prominence in Neapolitan; society. She is sent to Naples on a visit under a deal between her fiance and his ' uncle When she realizes the real purpose of the visit she capitalizes on it by becoming a channel of communication between the Queen of Uaples and the British minister as-well as being the means of doing great service to Nelson. Settings are elaborate and in full keeping with'the story. Vivien Leigh is, of course, the fascinating Lady Hamilton. Laurence Olivier is seen in the role of Lord Nelson. Alan Mowbrav is Lord Hamilton. Gladys Cooper is Lady Nelson and Henry Wilcoxson has the part of Captain Hardy. NAZI PLASTIC TYPE Germany ha developed a process by which newspapers and magazines may be printed with . type from a resinous plastic. IN THE SI riMIKMK ('OUST OF IHIITISII ! (OI I MHIA IN ritoitm: In Die Matter or I lie -Adniliilstrallun il In the Mailer l the Estate Of I'eter Keeker. Deceased TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge Fisher. locaj Jud?e of the Supreme Oourt of British Columbia u,?,' " ,the 25th dy April A. D. 181 appointed Administrator with the WW annexed of the Estate of Peter Becker, frrmerly of Uie Settlement of Clements, British Columbia. De- ;, ; "'ea " or about the 15th ?iyJ? 938- All persona Indebted to tihe said Estate are required to pay forthwith and all persons having claims V";" vnjJCTiy verincd on !M! ""tr hlch distribution will be S '.only.o such claim, nf ' ?al1 been notified. 9fffd Prlnc BuPert. B. c. this 20th day pf April 191 NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Trlnce Rupert, B. C. Central Hotel Central Hold Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water . Steam Baths Oining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll. Proprietor "A IOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Kates 75c upp , 50 Rooms Hot ti Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. .J?hune,281 p.q. nox m, That Hamilton Woman "I knew her when she was a nobody. I watched her use every trick to get ahead . . until she scandalized the world by enslaving its greatest hero!" That Hamilton Woman "I tried to resist her for I knew how unscrupulous she was. I was one of many men she cast aside when Nelson's infatuation for her shook all liuropcl" That Hamilton Woman You'll be amazed at her and you'll agree that no one but Vivien Leigh has the fire to portray her.. that no one but Laurence Olivier could be her perfect lover! ALEXANDER KORDA presents Viuizn Jlaunetcz LEIGH - OLIVIER ADDED CARTOON "WESTERN DAZE" "MIRACLE of HYDRO" HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. Henderson, W. B. Wllsher, J. O'Connor, Private and Mrs. Chesncy and C. H. Vatcher, Vancouver; W. W. BeamanJ. H. Jefferies and L Rudolph, city; Mark P. Rukln, Georgetown; D. B. Quayle, Nanal-mo; Corporal Thomey and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lee, Prince Rupert; M. S. BvChanan. B. N. Richards, R. M. 'strange, S. H. MrGuiie, B, Hudson and T. A. Rea, Vancouver; H. Mander, M. Mumrhrey.J. D. M;Nle, J. N. Van Alstlne.jJ. R. Gould, Sergeant Tuttlewell. Allford Bay. Savoy Mr. and Mrj. A. Hayes, Prince George; S. fculawinsiki, Kwlnltsa; Jack Bennet, ' Porcher Island. Royal P. Hudema, W. Herman, M. C. Little and G, Dunkerley, city; Graham Re'd, Georgetown; T. McGaw, Vancouver. ' Central Mr and Mrg. p. Ros,si, II. B. Trowbridge. D. NItkerwon. J. O'Neal, I. K. Grenuh and Mrs. R. M. Bustney. city; J. Hatton and G. Orlffln. Premier: Joe Stenak M Harris. Terrace; P. PUshka, GOOD OLD IIOMMtS Hominc pigeons were used expensively by both sides during the First Great War. HUGS IN MILLIONS Iran Perrta) scU millions of dollars worth of rugs to North Amerlra annually. IN THE MTKK.ME CUt'ltT Ol' IWllls I I'tM.t'MHIA IN I'ltdllAlE In the Mailer of I lie "AilmliiMrallon Act" And I" the Mailer nf the IXale or VIIII;im, Kenneilv, icceiiel, liilrvtule TAKE NOTICE Hurt by order of Ills Honor. W. E. Pfciher. made on the 0th day of April. A. D. 191. J wias appointed Admin Islrait.w of the estate of William Kmwcrty, demuM-d. erd all fwrtU having claim agah)a$ the asld esUte are hereby required to furnish snme. prop-Tty vertfkd, to me on or before the 30t,h day rt My. A. D. 1941. and all parties indebted to the este are required to pay the mm cunt of their ln-Ubtedn-s to me forthwith. DATED orll 30. A. D. 191. HERDBflT P. OLAS3EV Of lrtal . Admtatotmtor. Prince Rupert, B.C. IN HIE Sl l-KEME t Ol III 111' IHtlTlsll , (Oi l . Mill IN I'lilllll l E In the Mailer or the MilmliiMrullon I Act" 1 Ami In the Mailer of the EMate ut -lie .IiiIiiisoii, lirVraseil Inteslale TAKE NOTICE Uht by ordr of lit ' Honor. W. E PWier. undo on Uw ll)Ui ttay ol April. A. D. 191. I mm p. poliitd vdJtitnUtraitor of the oUt of Joe Johnson, dorfwfted. alul all partle f having clalnifi wgaitnat tlie said ctU! are hereby rulrcd to furnWi same ' ,PJMrly verified, to me on or before I the 23rd day of May. A. D. 101. and all rmrtiw liiftatitswi tn t M.t.t or I required to pay tc amount of thou jlndebtninem to me forthwith. .DATED at Prince Ruirt. B. C. this "u )f oi April, a. u. lull. NORMAN A. WATT Official AdmlnlMtrator Prince, Rupcii. U. C in the si ritr.ME rontr or mtmsii COI.r.MlllA IN' I'KOIIATE III the Matter of the "Ailiiilnlstrutliiii . Act" n.i '", ''T. yl,,,rr t the IMiite of rlmrles "llllani ItroHii, DecriiKed, Intestate I TAKE NOTICE tiiat jj order of IIU lloncr. W. E Plrtier. nde on the 6th day of April. A. D. 1941, I was appointed Adminlatj-ft'or 0f the eate of Chwler. WlUlam Drown, decw-d. and all parties having clalmn airalimt Uio said, wlatc are hereby required Ut furntah une, ,th, y o' My. AD. 101, and all 1 wWttK! amount of their In. idcbtednew t me forthwith. " im the 30Ul tey w Apr11- A- D- HERBERT P. OIjASSEY Official Administrator, Atlln, D.C ' Ladies' and Children's DRESSMAKING AND REMODELLING Reasonable price, good work 1'hone Blue DIG 203 3rd Ave. KIMIKO UYEDE MAIL US YOUR FILMS TODAY Any size roll developed and prlntcd25c - Special "Derko-Art" prints-Reprints twelve for 35c STEFIENS-COLMER PHOTO CO. P.O. Box 220 Vancouver B.C. A. MacKenzie Furniture A (H)OII I'LACK TO BUY HAMMOCKS--Ready to hang In place. Differ, n colors. Each LAWN KU(JS -From, each I'llONE 775 I Kan r V. I LI I i-r P v P I 1 0 L 1 1 r i VtfW i-!l t lit When Vou Want a Reliable, Comfortable. Dependable PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Regular Kates Trains leave Prince Kupcrt for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dlnm ' Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Thursday and Saturdays 11:30 p.m. callins at Ocean Hls Powell River For Full Information and Reservat...!, u or write UITY TICKirr Oi l ICE, 528 mi .i' Phone 2G0 Prince Rupert. Agents for Trans-Canada Air W THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMKI .r-k. ...... tt fTl; Ii LUflll'ANY Op CANADA, lAMi"" Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Braiul Chemicals and Cliemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphal'- Su'"1 phalcs, Monocalcltim Pliosphatc , Producers and Kcfincrs of TADANAC JJranu MCta'S ... mlllH Mercury, Gold, Silver, Lead. Zinc, Cadmium. ! m""' oll nnil SulP'", rinn,. 1 (ttl 1 .11- , . ..ii.iwi ami trfrrKS