NEXT MAILS For South Prince George....... Friday, ? a.m, ==] THE DAILY N From South Camosun......... vray oo Princess Royal........ Frid "Ys can Prince Rupert... .Saturday, 10 a. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist eects ~ _eees = - — ————$ ——$$________ - : = ee ee = Oh ae {l, NO. 127 ® PRINCE Rupert, B.C., THURSDAY, May 30, 1912. PRIcE Five Cents CAMERON BAY CASE WILL GO TO PRIVY COUNC SECRET BURIAL OF THE LATE ST eee APPE ALS TO THE curroms OREASE ANOTHER CENERAL ELECTION — | Meeting Scheduled for Last Night) Returns for Month of May Will REV. CLARENCE ¥. T. RICHESON vere" "" "se" PRIVY COUNCIL ee. PREDICTED WITHIN A YEAR ck of a quorum last night} Ottawa, May 30,—The = cus-| dis meeting of the Park Cormmis-} —_—_ toms returns for the month of —— pasTOR-MURDERER'’S REMAINS TAKEN FROM PRISON WHERE) sion had to be postponed until|/@. T. P. to Take the Decision of; May will reach a total sum of| TORONTO PAPER THINKS FEDERAL ELECTION LIKELY BE- HE WAS ELECTROCUTED AND INTERRED PRIVATELY—- next Wednesday Two of the Railway Commissioners re, over $9,000,000, which will be| FORE 12 MONTHS HAVE PASSED AND QUOTES REPUT- : ‘ : j : : AUTOPSY HELD PROVED NORMAL MENTAL CONDITION. | commission members had to at-} Cameron Bay to the Highest) $2,500,000 greater than the same| ABLE AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF THE ASSERTION. jtend a Finanee committee meet- Tribunal. }mouth last year. At the present enemas Boston, Mass., May 29.—With It was the understanding pre- ling of the City Council. Next —_— rate of progress the revenue for Toronto, May 30.—The Toron- Bs attorney William A. Morse,| Vieus to the execution that the} Wednesday the city engineer will Special to Daily News. ) the fiscal year from customs re- to Star says: ‘Is there to be an- ENGLISH ROSE CLUB cston Douglass Riche-|20dy of the former minister] present a report on the cross- Ottawa, May $0.—The G. T. P.\ceipts alone will be well aver other general election in Canada Miss Livings+« would be taken to his boyhood] sectioning of the area proposed| Railway will appeal the decision} $100,000,000, e ; 7 New Football Team Getting Ready n and reporters present, fun-J1 ii, in Virginia for burial, but | t ) be laid out for a recreation} of the Board of Railway Commis- ; hi before a twelve month has passed| to Give Callies Flodden Field. ral services over the body of circumstances arose which pre-| park, and the commission will|sioners ordering the opening of Among the passengers Sailing} around? In the opinion of some : » Clarence V, T. Richeson were English Roses are to bloom on vented the plan from being car-|consider ways and means, ete.|Cameron Bay to the Privy Couu-|for the south on the Chelohsin political observers, the answer held in Warren Avenue re ried out. ii cia hihi cil. The board recently imposed] were: R, L. Barber, J. C. Erasch,| jg syeg?” the football ground of Prince hureh Rev. Herbert,.©,.. 700n- was announced t the- This week ¢ Sloan|a penalty of $100 a day for non-|C, Mumford, W. A. Johnson, L. O. ; a s p The se F } Ch attended’ suotibegn, : th il . announc d that Riche Special! rhis week at oan) pe al ; # a ; ue ' . It then quotes from a publica- Rupert. The Rosé Football Club wh son's body would be buried in or! & Company, Ltd., knitted silk ties} compliance with the order, the; Miller, Mrs. Annie Wilson and mas lt shed las h d , later in the ’s ’ ; tion of John 8. Ewart of Ottawa,| 785 !aunc led last night and is the death cell and ta near Boston, the exaet place be-|and washable chamoisuede| penalty to continue until the bay) children, M. A. McLeod and Rey. am de elencinian dessa , Pet hak tie” ania one English leiate ‘ rig | . . ¢ or ore ow x » . ype rr enre > us death chamber, offic jated at thi ing kept seeret until the driver of] gloves, 50c. See our window. was opened, 1A. E. Price and wife. which after reviewing the forth-j| Cl glis jual scene of the tragedy. the hearse was informed where coming Dominion parliamentary} members. All who have the de- Larlier in the day Dr. George he was to take it . nt te r . a program, concludes with the pre-|sire and power to uphold the h. McGrath, medical examiner diction that parliament will be| prowess of Old England in the of Suffolk County, performed (he A REST FOR HER dissolved with an election shortly] football arena in Prince Rupert autopsy required by law in the | afterward. may join, Those who desire to vose of executed murderers and ’ The St roes on: “The speech|do so may communicate with J. : |*Sleeping Girl’ Given a Two tar g t i that Richeson's brain few days ago at the National] Day-Bell, phone Black 170. Eng- et ‘ : Year Term. a : : ws normal, Douglas Rieheson Pas oe 9 Club of the Hon. T, W. White, in|lish born or Anglo-Canadians are Chicago, brother of the dead f ; ; which in general terms he out-|equally welcome as members of ; a Montreal, May 30 The sleep- shes ; was undecided regarding ; ' ined an imperial scheme, is re-|the team, which has for its n rl, who proved so much o : | disposition of the remains, B 6 wi rOv garded by some observers as a/principal rival the far famed the matter will be settled to-|a mystery to Montreal doctors, os preliminary, The result of the|Caledonian Football Club. ow, it is expected, at a con-|today was sentenced to a_ two Provincial elections in Quebec ———_______— — the office of Attorney/year term for theft. Major J. E. Mills, District Commanding Officer, Will Watch the and of the approaching contest} Sold in bulk by quart or pint, iam A. Morse, whe was — oe in Saskatchewan may influence| delicious, refreshing hot weather cheson’s counsel. Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. Boys Show Their Mettle in Military Efficiency Tonight the government's decision, ee ice cream at ee ---Regiment is in Good Shape and Promises PREMIER HOTEL LIVERPOOL TO to Make the Bast Showing ‘Yet PASSENGERS ONLY ONE OTHER eRe FE) PRINCE RUPERT) 7 cee atanaiou TO BEFEWER SUCH DRY DOCK | r district officer commanding mil—| i “ er ‘ wi a ; ai ia district No, 44, will inspect) j as oe if a Prompt Action of Hotel Staff and| First Deep Sea Vessel to Bring) })) i: Ruperts ow regiment i Reductions in Regulations Carry;}W. T. Donnelly, Designer of Soa id Fire Brigade Prevented Serious British Shipments Direct tO} jo...) (ipey's Rifles, a regiment of ® | ing Capacity of Several Well-| Prince Rupert’s Great Marine } ; Confagration — Kitchen and, This Port Is the Harrison Boat) i eiiy might well be} a 5 a 3 | known U.S. Vessels Plying in Feature, Declares There Exists ' Fi Dining Room Scorched a Bit. Director, Due About June 15th. proud f | and Out of Rupert. but One Like It in Western i * ‘ Re ae Phe inspection wi take place] t —_ ; World. ’ . | * | Another outbreak of fire was sound for Vancouvel and al the armory on Second avenue, | Rs new inspection certificates} —— ; : swiftly quelled last night Phe| Prince Rupert with heavy SMp-!7 14 qrill and parade will be held | recently issued the passenger} All preliminary work for the i ; eak took place in the Pre-|ments of freight, the Harrison) | in. Sjacious area now ayail- learrying capacities of some of|ne w G. T. P. dry dock and ship- , able on Second avenue opposite r Hotel, near the gas stove in| liner Director from ili ist ' te the steamers plying in Alaska| building plant, to be built at kitchen Catching dry wood,| Glasgow and Antwerp Is steam | + A RS SS aE ae a ees A ee he ES Jae eae: armory. lwatar ‘pe ores @ Le eC art, as *e ; - the flame spread swiftly and|ing up the west coast of South HS RRotenent Helene fineteGlanEd lwaters were ~ greatly reduced, | Prine Rupert, ha been com ' idly bla i the wall, spread-| America and will arrive here aie ? { ht nspection | The following figures show the} pleted, and now the designers and ; ] Nackened e i spreat it CE aale . . , shape and onight s Inspectlo ‘ ° ’ * | 5 + the dining room about June 10, according to ad a iin to b \ itisfactors old and new capacities: City of|contractors are’ preparing to a 5 i , é yj is certain 0 ( i salistact a Me ‘ . bac i he fire brigade was called and! vices received at the olliees Of) Almost p to its. full Seattle, cut from 419 rd 1183! jaunch the big task, which will cake si 0 eecall- : Spokane, 273 to 30; Jefferson, ft irrived. meanwhile the! Balfour-Guthrie a: | strength and th the newly Perro ‘ a a Nortt , ae oe) take several years to complete. th the hotel hose reels| agents for the ne Phe Dire squipped drum and bugie banda, 300 to 219; i orthwestern, 576 Whi: ows + tie ee E did excellent work and} t be the firs the deep} Sau PI a ail arisinh Xs make a to 239, No reason for the redue- 1 irm 0 16:8 nown the f 1 h A itt At hters makit 1 com a "ahh tite “1 | \ pas { tion was annuonced but it is} contractor who built the G. T. P. ( re » Check LLIC) Ss ls ‘ WAIAAS ’ xvod showing, the es eve e . 3 th { n from the red) mere call at Prinee Rupert, and] © i} . ; he reg nt thought to come from the far|docks and also made the exten- he ( ( o al call ¢ f a history: of: regimen = ae ae gade put the Premier out} w nark a new era in the his- Earl Grey's Rifles are today in reaching ree of the ee sions to the C. P. R. and outer strat , | ship . : lisaster al inquiry. s ) ’ danger, but quite a@ Liltle dan tory of British Columbia Ht} the happy position of being able i ey . " me fi gun Ose. A ‘ idocks at Victoria, B. C., has been ige Was done the apartments af-| ping activity to look forward to the early es-| ce rete ee ee oe a ceil a large portion of the { by 4 -¢ : —-———--—— ties 3 . ations were reserved months ago|“* a large |{ ) l ed by water and smoke. tablisbment for them on Acropo- } j ae : sa WILLIAM MAKES ADMISSION oct ; » drill. hall many tourists will probably be| work, and will place a_ large s io i fine new ar i RICH GOLD STRIKE err : fe ‘ th icious parade disappointed in seeing the nor-|gang of workmen on the grounds ne rmory, Wl spi ous pari ; te Member from Skeena Interviewed) eee sa fepitt i erected at thern “wonderland” on the pal- | immediately. rare ae grounds laid oO and ere ‘ 2 is fie bas Nae ‘ Sir William Mackenzie Buys An- on Sale of Government Lots. |) expense of the Dominion atial steamer, W. T. Donnelly, the designer other Klondyke. ee ra government, which has made a Sos ~~ of the plant, says that the only he Victoria, May 21.—Mr. Wil-}o at appropriation for this CALLIES FOOTBALL CLUB [equal of this undertaking in the loronto, May 29.—Rich pros-|!iam Manson, who represents purpose, ‘To the energy of the — western world is the United A Skeena in the Provincial legisla- | pegin an popular commanding Tonight’s Match Postponed in| States Dewey dry dock at Manila. becls of guid, copper and coal on River, near the Alberta} ture, has been here for the past) in, er, Captain Alfred Stork, Zarl oundary, have’ been bought by| few days as a lay delegate to the ves s owe much of their efli- Sir William Mackenzie from ©,| Methodist conference, He says) cieney and many privileges whieh J. W. Roehfort It is another|that the railway has now oe will be theirs in the future. Gap- Klondyke completed to a point 160 miles} fain Stork has ever had the pros- east of Prince Nee Considet perity and e ficieney of the regi- able numbers of settlers are BO- | Favor of Earl Grey’s Drill. |The new dock will have a lifting capacity of 20,000 tons, and will Owing to the Earl Grey Rilles|be constructed as three separate jhaving their annual inspection} docks for the present which ean }tonight and very likely using the} readily be converted into one dock ground, it has been decided that} whenever the occasion arises. there be no practice tonight, but Prince Rupert 5 per cent, three jit is expected there will be @a|year notes have been placed pri- mateh with the Baptist Brother-| vately in London, Eng., at 99%; Prince Rupert itself is getting Lieutenant 8. P. MeMordie, who hood on Saturday. The latter|/this is considered a good price Jalong pretty well, although there) ia necently achieved his full CAPTAIN ALFRED STORK . team is not satisfied with the) under the present market condi- : | ment at heart, ng sD and the landscape 5 be Amongst the noteworthy meni- dotted with farms. bers of the regiment today are Special! This week at Sloan « Company, Ltd,, knitted silk ties and washable chamoisuede|#!!'"s \ ne gloves, 50c. See our window. — = ll a certe amount of agi- Fert ye ae at linen 1 ‘ c s : last resull and expects to put it|tions——Canadian Finance, jis still a certain ame 9 ag ; | certificate of efficiency at the} ‘To whose eontinual energy and zeal Earl Grey's Rifles owe much |. Ra te ‘t pt anadis f ltation to have the government) i conege, and as color| lofi chain all over the Callies this time. It Se ' ! i PEO he , o ir regimetnt MHereney lay. : f their regimetnal esiciency toda} has been said that there are al Made from fresh, pure, rich sell the land which it owns in the chant! Gonraek. Taek: who Serres, 4 BASEBAL! SCORES Hownaite. The government owned soprakannan Kar] Grey's Rifles ai - en nt wee l a : = , — | Jot of challenges awaiting the|eream—ice cream at Keeley’s lu | local improvement of His Majesty} marked eflliciency im al branches|ranks, as well as many of the| Callies. Send them all in early, Pharmacy. land pays | the coronation ete t liaxes, but does not pay the gen- George V. of training and some smart | best young athletes of Prince|/{he secretary will arrange the ae eral rate, lhe regiment is displaying}marksmen are included in its} Rupert, matches. Gui De Pi Bane American. | if it were in private hands, 7 a -|} Brotherhood or any other club Detroit 7, St. Louis 5. leavs Mr. Manson, “the rise in : invited, oS ol eo SIR WILFRID GIVEN A BRILLIANT RECEPTION =» sme srr 1-5, Chicago 2- ernment, but on the Philadelphia 7, New York 4 lihe town would be getting the {5b RS: Addition to Building of Cold Stor- Coast. eee in the meantime. Van- Special to Daily News. defeat of last September andj tions of great triumph to Seqnibiy age Company at Seal Cove, Sacramento 4, Portland 2, } covver, Province, Montreal, May 30.—Surrounded} gaining daily in prestige and} Practi¢ally all of the last Libera ——a nent Vernon 5, Oakland 3. OO Jey'’s.{by Liberal feaders from practic-| power. Passing lightly over the} cabinel were in attendance, and} Baslcag the a rb onnennn Los Angeles 2, San Francisco 4. Delicious ice cream al Keeley 8. ally every province of the Do-| Liberal defeats since Conserva-|nearly six hundred others were {plant erected at Seal Love ant the ; , inion, Sir Wilfrid Laurier at a|tive regime, he entered upon its|present, No-one failed to hear} big cannery and fertilizer plant Poone P PODOCOOOLOET: oe , * last rht} eareer al Ottawa, interpreting re-| Sir Wilfrid’s address. His voice }under construction on Tuck's} one : ibanquet to his honor last night) career ¢ . : Oe a An | f the Liberal party as|cent Liberal successes at Quebec} was full and clear and never/Inlet, there is to be commenced} spoke 9 el MAE Pees mer ; , r f ‘ing y . shortly by Mr. G, H. Collins a set g srior y Or gia ta. sas certain indica-| wavered during the long oration, ' ’ Mr, G, HH, PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AG running superior to the ecrushingj and Alberta ey cod curine“shelle: heatilw dane | var ~ |} ber framed and two storeys high, Much brushing of buttons going on in barra ke in pret Repeals Reciprocity Law. | By the Chelohsin, W, A R by| his department will be used in| aration for Karl Grey's inspection tonight, al ses : | le ft for Hamburg, Arkansas, with} (he development of the cod ecur-| Government wharf has evidently gone in for a little oo@ | Washington, May 30, The FREE! FREE! FREE! j the body of his wife, who died On) jng industry which is expected . Strike of its own. cade $| United States Senate today re- . rp ay 24th in Hazelton, i ney speedily to outrival even the New- Premier Hotel staff ready to challenge the red di vil briga le aled the Canadian reciprocity A big beautiful 88 key |! assistant engineer fol “ foundland enterprise in this line, With the hose reel any old day, \ liaw and imposed a tax of $2 per electric player piano, worth oika Trunk at Hasellan, . am Be City Clerk Woods announces that vote on the Money bythe lton on print paper entering the $1,200 given away to the they formerly resided in Prince The | Camosun will arrive with ow . my Will be taken on Friday, June 14th, 1 sl leountry by way of Ganada, pool players in the Base- 3) Rupert, mail tonight, COL,-SERGT, GEO, LEEK Merely Mabel gs it's ’ m that does it, and sie» ment pool room, Empress Sai eee) aA ok ae i iS be LB TR Who represented Earl Grey's Ri- yi ays it’s the uniform (tha atonal p ’ I oing to be on Second avenue tonight to see those dear, dat | pantorium Pioneer Cleaners Theatre building. 3} If you want a choice steak Lime Juice at 350, 50c and 70c fles at the Coronation of ling soldier boys, rain or shine, | Phone 4. call at the Royal Cafe, tf |the bottle, See Stalker & Wells, His Majesty George V,