fowling Leagues Meetiu? of men's flve-plif at Max's Bowline. Al-evs Seajue Wednesday, Sept. 10, 8 p.m. Enter your name or team Iflore that lime. I MSt FLOW OF BREN GUNS INCREASES B 1:1 The qre&test Victory Mature won-i Was stornf I Jim 4 J i . 68. from tne sunf t.' Rons- September 8, 1941 THE DAILY NEWS i ji ' v girl worker in the Canadian Bren gun plant mak-i spectlon of flare-guards. Many women are today wn key jobs of highly technical nature in this mod-:h :i- gun plant, which Is turning out an ever-Increasing weapons for the British Forces. IHOTEL ARRIVALS i herd- bander, J. Stoppard, All- C. ttjyr IpajO H Ma S' Dai;. -.Ly&r. B, Prince Rupert B; c A. McKenzle, Mrs. K Davis. E. King, M. M and Mrv L. Dennlson. A E MacMillan, Cas ilat:h and W. G, Swan, M and Mrs. T. Wilkes: v Markle; C. H. B.C.; Joe Nud and -n?. Kelowna; J. K. k:on R. P. Fryell, O. R. n field. Anderson, Stop- Central II. W. Timms, Terrace; John H. ' - - - wv.t, ... A.VW..iU(Z 1 and J. F. Johnson, Usk; C. Fensbm, j T. Lee; G. Brukson, W. Petrie, Stew-j art; V. SlmDSon, H.M.C.S. Grizzjy; , Harold Enocksen. Canada At War 25 Years Ago j September 8, 1916 Rumanians captured Orsovo on the Danube. ! Heavy British shellfire between Ar ras and Lys, near Armentieres. French made further gains in Ver-mandoylllers area on Somme front. British carried out trench ralds.near Lille, Ginchy and Richebourg. Classified ads. get results. Phone When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI nLirMC rf Service mINC J 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO UUY FALL BEDDING Buty Rest Mattress $12.50 Kupertia Mattress, S.F. S29.50 Slumber King Mattress ' $28.50 Ku!ar Spring I illcdMattress $20.00 f.l ,r s t0 choose From, All Sizes. We positively do not Trade In Used Mattresses Phne '"5 327 2nl Avenue COAL! COAL! The coal business isn't a matter 6f guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy It .and you will know good coal when you try It. We buy the best the mines produce. It's properly graded before it comes to us and properly scheened and welghe'd before It comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. r"UNE 651 PHONE 652 Radian National Railways Stl'ainnro , I ii. .! -r. ; ""-'ivi iTiiicc Kuncrt ior Vancouver Thursday at n:i5 ,,.nif pStTt cal,in(, at ()fean Fans ami "wen River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m. P.S.T. calling at Ocean Falls. Trai,,s ,cavc i'nncc Rupert for the East Miiday, Wednesday and Friday at G:00 p.m.P.S.T. Air-Londitioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Thone ZG0, Prince Rupert Agents for TransrCanada .Air Lines LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Cash for old gold, Bulger's REGISTRATION' OF VOTERS ADybhavn & Hanson's office, 215 3rd Avenue, will be open evenings between 8 and 10 o'clock for registering. (214) Major M. H. Jackson of Vancou ver, senior chaplain for military District No. 11, after having spent the past few days here, Is leaving on this evening's train for Kamloops and Vernon. B. L. Tingley, formerly of this city, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon going through from Skagway to 2 Mrs G, A. Low of Dfebv Island sailed Saturday night on the Prlncs Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wright and daughter, Audrey, of Atlin were passengers aboard the Princess Louise going through to Vancouver en-route to Nova Scotia for a visit. During Mr. Wright's brief stay here he was busy greeting numerous old friends. Harold Crompton arrived In the city on the Catala this morning from Vancouver to relieve as local I agent for the Union Steamship Co. ' while Frank Skinner takes his an nual vacation. Mr. Crompton Is a purser from southern . runs oi the company. Mr. Skinner sails tomorrow afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. Steamship Sailings (Daylight Saving Times) For Vancouver Monday S.S. Prince Rupert 4 p.m. Tuesday-S-S. Catala .... 1:30 p.m. Wednesday S.S. Princess Alice - P-nv Friday S.S. Prince Adelaide '. 2 p.m, S5 Cardena 10:30 p.m Saturday SS. Prince George 5 p.m S.S. Princess Louise p.m From Vancouver Sunday S.S. Catala p m. Monday S.S. Princess Alice a-rn. Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert 11 ani. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide a-m S.S. Prince George 11 am S.S. Cardena p.m. For Stewart and Premier Sunday S.S. Catala 8 pm. Friday S.S. Prince George 1 pm. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. Saturday S. S. Prince George 12 noon For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday S.S. Catala 8 p.m. From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson- Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. For Ocean Falls , Monday S.S. Prince Rupert 4 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince George .'. - 5 p.m, From Ocean Falls 'i Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert 11 a.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide .'. a.m. S.S. Prince George 11 a.m. S.S Cardena pm. For Queen Charlotte Islands- August 30 S.S. Camosun 10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands August 29 S.S. Camosun - a.m. For Alaska Monday S.S. Princess Alice a.m. Wednesday S.S Prince Rupert 3 p.m. From Alaska-Monday- -S.S. Prince Rupert ... 10 a.m. Wednesday- -S.S. Princess Alice P.m. "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy sailed Saturday" Night on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to judge W. E. Fisher, after a flvef turned to the week. .V. the city at f the end of NOTICE After this date, Sept. 6, Mrs. W. Hayhurst and baby of Kitwanga arrived on last night's train for a visit with Dean and Mrs. J. D. Gibson. I J. H. Bulger of this city has; been 'elected to the council of the Brl-1 tlsh1 Columbia Optometrlc Association: of which Knox It. Hambly of Vancouver is president, Irvine P. Blyth of Vancouver vice-president, and Wlllson E. Knowlton of Vancouver, secretary-treasurer. Dar Sharp, who has been visit lng here for the past four months with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Foote, leaves by this ev ening's train on his return to his home in Calgary. Miss Ellen Moore sailed Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver. R. C. St. Clair, district forester, sailed Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Ocean Falls on official duties. FireWofflan Wins Bravery Medal Former Ballet Dancer Gets British Empire Decoration LONDON, Sept. 8: (CP) Twenty-year-old Joan Winifred Hobson, who gave up her ballet-dancing to join the Women's Auxiliary Fire Service has been awarded the British Empire Medal for bravery during one of London's heaviest air raids. Joan, youngest member of the A.F.S. unit which she serves, was off duty and alone in the watch room of her station when a call for fire-pumps came in. She grabbed a tin hat and respirator and ran to the street. Despite the blackness of the night, she was able to commandeer two automobile's, one of them carrying a naval officer at whom Joan threw orders right and left. The girl loaded both cars with hose and directed them to the fire. She dragged the hose to the roof of a tall building rocked by explosions and for four hours fought the flames raging next door. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Red Cross Tea, Sept, Thompson. Presbyterian September 18. Sept. 27. Legion Rooms. 11, Mrs. Sid Tea, the Manse, 2nd Searchlight Aux Dance, mouries, September 19. Ar- HospitarAuxillary Rummage Sale, September 20'. United Church Tea, Mrs. M. F. Nickerson. Atlin Avtf, Sept. 25. " i 1 Queen Mary Refugee Club Tea, Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2. Ijovelty dance Oddfellows' Hall. Friday, Oct. 3 Orange Sale, November 5. WEDDING IS Pce Rupert BEAUTIFULshown Visitor & Miss Helen Doctor Charming Bride Friday Evening length veil trimmed with gardenias and orange blossoms, was attended by Miss Faith Klngi who looked lovely in a gown of peach taffeta trimmed with blue. The bride's bouquet consisted of pink roses, and the bridesmaid carried fragrant sweet peas. The rooms were tastefully decorated with pink and white streamers and a large white wedding bell. There Tasty refreshments were served! about 10 o'clock. 'Serviteurs werei Miss Ruth Scherk, Mrs. Frank Hoeft.l Mrs. R. Wood, and Mrs. A. Hale. The guests Included Dean J. B. uiuouu. ivm. tiiiu WHS. w. wain, jvir. and Mrs. J. E. Marchlldon, Mr. and Mrs. F Hoeft, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mln-tenko, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Speers, Mrs. R Wood', Mrs A. Haig, "Misses Ruth Scherk, Annie Mintenko. Dor-1 FOR SALfci FOR SALE 10 used coal ranges in good condition, 20 sprlngfield mattresses in all sizes at $16.50, 24 chesterfields in the latest styles. Household doors, water boilers, 8 unpalnted chest and drawers at low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE Ducklings, young fries, chickens, hens, turkeys and geese. Llvewelght, F.O.B. Apply Mrs. B. Rotschy, Telkwa, B.C. (211) FOR SALE Carpenter tools, Room 35, Alder Block. (210) . FOR SALE Remington typewriter.' Phone Red 528. (211) FOR SALE Zenith washer. Excellent condition. Phone Black 914.! (215)1 FOR SALE Car. 1936 Graham at new floats. Apply Box 145, Dally News. (215) NOTICE OUR dally delivery will be made commencing Sunday, Sept. 7 between 12 and 6 p.m. Instead of 6 to 12 p.m. Be sure and leave bottles out. Dominion Dairy, Phone 10. WANTED WANTED Man Valentin Dairy. for dairy work, (210) WANTED IMMEDIATELY House or apartment by Dry Dock worker. Phone Green 607 or write P. O. Box 1365. (213) WANTED Day messenger boy. Ap ply Orme's Drug Store. (tf) WANTED Experienced woman or girl for housework. Day or month. Phone 640. (215) CLOSING September 13, applica tions will be received from men suitably qualified, for the position of driver fireman. Apply Fire Chief. Prince Rupert Fire LOST Light of Moon A very pretty wedding was sol-i showfng the city of Prince Ru-! emnizea at me nome oi very itev- weeks' motor tour through various) to ? " narts nf tn southern intprmr tp. - 'rntnpr unusual Rnnrtav mmhi Dcan Friday r...-" ""VI.." officiating. 8 o'ciocKraaayt.; . evening when Miss Helen Marie aDOU 0 ock tne tram arrived Doctor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I bringing Hon. J. Allison Glen, mem-! W. Wain of this city, became the J ber for Marquette, Manitoba and' w-l9 I 1 r r 1941, I will not be responsible for S " ihlgLS??SekT of the House of Commons.) ert Marchlldon, of the 9th Fortress . . . i - -u. a i- in ,a any debts contracted my name H. Comer. William Cain, who came to the city to attend the marriage this morning of .his son, Signalman Joseph Cam to Miss Helen Smith of Calgary, Is leaving by this evening's A Can. Legion, B.E.S.L. executive train on his return to Calgary. . . . . . ' : i i. a r II. I .11 meeung lumgnt. M.unui.y meeting Wednesday. j Attention Lady Bowlers? Meeting ladfes' bowling league Tuesday at 8 pjn. (Signals of this city. I The bride, who made a beautiful picture in a gown or white marquisette and a frothy three-quarter naj intw ujr viui xiauouu jvi.xr, I who drove him around for an hour and showed him the city by moon-1 light. The visitor was much Impress-' ed by the bigness of the country,' ih)Q Koinir M fire irin rt f Via. Tin 1 ciflc Coast. A "spot" costs you only half a dollar. Try It In the Dally News The groom and the groomsman, classified column. (tf) Signalman Clarence Lovin, IqoVpH I very smart in their military unl-j ; forms. 'othy Didorak, Faith King and Sig- After the ceremony, a reception jnalman Lovin and Corp Bob Town-was held at the home of the bride's send. parents at 1144 Ninth Ave. East.. Mr. and Mrs. Marchlldon left on the Prince Rupert Saturday for a honeymoon In the south and will later take up residence in Victoria. was a profusion of flowers In every ' The young couple are well known in room. Jthe city arrd will be greatly missed Following the cutting of the, by their numerous frlend3. The wedding cake, Dean Gibson pro- happy couple leave Prince Rupert Dosed a toast to the bride; which j with the best wishes of all for their was aptly resrjonded to by the j future happiness, groom. Corp Bob Townsend pra- Dosed a toast to the charming bridesmaid, to which the best man made a suitable response. BUILD A HOME Life This Notic. The City of Prince Rupert is of- j fering for sale lot 42, block 22, sec-jtion 5. Send your offer to the undersigned if interested on or before September 12 City Clerk, City Hall; Prince Rupert. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Aug. 19 and 30, September 9 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Avf. Pbone 5G8 USED FURNITURE 2 Kitchen Tables Each $1.00 4 Reconditioned Sewing Machines Each $15.00 6 Reconditioned Ranges From $27.50 ' 6 Beds Complete From $12.00 Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m, to 5:30 p.m. Get Prices of' Materials From Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay in a stock of coal now for the winter PnONE 116 PHONE 117 FOR THE WORKING MAN Thermos Super Vacuum 'BottI At Thermos Refill At .Thermos Corks . At...... Vacuum ftottlcs At Metal LiinchKit At Ft:!... 50c t0 3.00 Rcgistfatiori arid Pass Holders- At $1.50 $1.10 5cand10c 50c 85c 10c Ormeslld. TZfte Pioneer Druqgists The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 1 iri nm Nil Ai