Be r let:-. if CUP: kkin D. Roosevelt will important radio address at 7 p.m. Pacific Day Time Thursday. It is .- will discuss possible of he incident In-1 'i : .submarine attack s s Orc"r, ixM.bly answer- th;- HDD of whether the et) c r j i, Holns into an c.) v, h Germany. p 1EMIER DKREAi (lane H 't:)i, N :iiipiii -v, pn Uc: IS HOME iuie Kliie Back Following ' mtreal and proceed-ew hours later. jfuW Open Up ng Areas T'W Or In.!.. ,,',n vnnscrva-T ., inn ,mi'"s.scd With N1 Following Trip .&.. """uia 3- .. Ult.,rs SUaOvora.. k. u. j, ltl nn,,v;lf,"''."'.l.n?.UOmln- . .. "wiciaiion, fol- r .' " .ine mlnng dls- northwest of O'.s thnf tK w vuc ii'tiprni REDS FIGHT FIERCELY MOSCOW, Sept. 8: (CD The Red Army, lashing back with fierce counter - attacks before Leningrad and on the central front, reported that hard-riding Cossacks had captured a staff headquarters far behind the German lines and listed a general among mounting Nail casualties. At one point, a communique said, ; a sharp attack had routed an en- I tire German battalion which left ! twelve hundred men on the battlefield. Despite adverse weather conditions, partlculary . in the north, the communique declared that the entire front from the Baltic to the Black Sea remained nrtlvf Trip to Britain sources reported Sunday that Len- lngrad defences had been penc- Sept. 8. Prime 4rfj in.f nnp noint. The to William Lyon Mackenzie second clty of nussia has been .jrr:r0 to uanaaa yesteraay under powerfui blows from bomb- wmg nis visu to cng- ers m the alr and hcavy artillery 'assault. Nevertheless, the Russians ws -ud the British govern- j contmue to inflict heavy losses! a ! lost hope of an im- ,both on oerman troops and equip-' s French relations and ment ThUvnadi ShUld All' along the front between 'lhKy'chy- . Russia and Germany there is King was back v. n :.k5nac erc h and blWer flgntlns. (irea. n "2 have been effective Soviet counter- ..." r-"'"" ". attacks around Kiev and oaessa. diXrf If6 01 th! The Nazis have launched a heavy dan r en ot the present aUack a,ong the Ih Dneiper t; nnl WOrld River. The Russo-German war has h2 .".T now entered its twelfth week and broadcast about the the Germans have n0t yet taken :. . .... one of their major objectives. """wr wiiuea iaic , SUBMARINE CAPTURED Believed That Submersible Taken In Atlantic May Be That Which Attacked Greer LONDON, Sept. 8: A German submarine has been captured In the Atlantic, damaged by aerial attacks which forced It to the surface, It was announced today. The u-boat lay in the (rale-tossed sea while British planes open un these : kon irimr.i i.ndi itritish war- Proper transom-, .i. ... anH I ""'I's iinivcu. . Pomlses that he ! There was speculation that it me fnrtVil I ' i. p.,i.- -'"'wiiiuig; miEiit be me same suunianc LI1P nnri- - to .serve them, which attafcked the United States destroyer Greer last week. STARTED BY NAZIS 'Department Of Navy Insists Ger man Vessel Attacked Greer I WASHINGTON, Sept. 8: The ! United States Department of ;Navy insists that the Initial at Third Tanker "NEW YORK. Sept. 8: P) The Sydney, Australia, radio. in a broadcast picked up here today, said that a third Am- J4 erlcan tanker, carrying oil to Russia from the United States, arrived today In Via- dlvostok. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. JoruisiiOil Co.) Van:ouvcr Grandvicw, MV. Bralorne, 11:50 (bid). Cariboo Quartz, 2.25. Hedley Mascot, .46. Pend Oreille, 1.65. Pioneer, 2.40. Premier, .80. Privateer, .48 (ask). ; Reno," .10V4. Sheep Creek, s05. Oils Calmont, .25 (ask). C. & E 1.34. ' Home, 2.53. Royal Canadian fiVA. Toronto v , Beat tie, 1,07. Central Pat., 1.80. Cons. Smelters, 39.00 (bid). Hardrock, .83. Kerr Addison, 4.45. Little Long Lac, 1.97 (bid). McLeod Cockshutt, 2,15. Madsen Red Lake, .71. McKenzic Red Lake, 1.05. Moneta, .392. Pickle Crow, 2.93. Preston East Dome, 3.25. San Antonio, 2.37. Sherritt Gordon, .87. Malartlc Gold, 2.30. i tack in the incident Involving a' M37l inmprtn nttnrlc on thp Ameri- rnn rirstxnvpr (Ireer waa bv the I German u-boat. F t- ivicrq Weather Forecast p. Rupert and Queen Char-i; Tomorrow' sT ides :mds Light westerly winds, (Pacific Standard Time) ... . ioudy and becoming gen-i'.'a', High 3:11 ajn. 19.8 ft. mild with wlde-,, cloudy, tjart 15:26 p.m. 20.1 ft. iered light showers Low 9:22 ajn. 52 ft. 21:50 p.m. 4.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' XX N' 210' - , PRIN(K RUPERT. B.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 11)11. " "inwcamr I War New-Frcnch Situation Is Bad rHjaoDOODuooooaooaonoDDoaooooooaoticiocHiv BLITZ BRING RESUMED LONDON Nazi dive bombers, on the anniversary of the big; an tiuille a year ago when 18S German planes were brought down in a single day, returned in considerable numbers t0 the attack on Great Britain last night. The r: ids were quite widespread including north, northeast and southeast England, east Anglia and northeast Scotland. Villages were machine-gunned and there were some casualties and damage (i HUMAN WINTER CAMPAIGN LONDON llritish military observers believe Germany will es:a a new campaign during the coming winter through southwestern Kussia towards the .Middle East and across Libya into Egypt AID TO RUSSIA UNLIMITED LONDON Sir Kingsley Wood, member of the war cabinet, said Saturday that there would be no limit to the amount of aid given by Great Britain to Kussia in her fight against Ger man' We must do everything in our power to supply not only outsfho but our Russian allies," he declared. BROUGHT DOWN OVER OSLO OSLO A four-molorcd American-built Flying Fortress bomber was reported to have been brought down last night over Oslo It was suggested that the Nazis, by issuing the report, mijht be fishing for Information. ITALIAN, PORT ATTACKED HOME Waves of German planes attacked Palermo last Koine had one of its infrequent air raid alarms but no tni;ht planes appeared and no bombs were dropped. PRESIDENT LENINGRAD TO SPEAK. HOLDS . - . - OUT Ttlt Expected to Say Whether Fighting In Outer Defences Going "All Out" Into War viet Counler-Atl.vks Widespread IjpnfGTON. Sept. 8: Presl-' ARMY TRAINING STAFF CHISHOLM BALL LAWSON Bulletins "PEACE BY VICTORY" I TOKYO "Japan will be com-( pelled to seek a durable peace by victory on account of un-I satisfactory relations with the United Slates," said a govern ment spokesman. The incident the United Slates destroyer has not helped the situation as far as the United States is FRENCH CHIEF OF STAFF VICHY General Henri Dentz, repatriated from Syria by the British, has been appointed the new chief of general staff for France under the reorganization of the Department of Defence by Vice-Premier Jean Darlan. NO NATION SAFE WASHINGTON Speaking in connection with the 119th anniversary of Brazilian Independence, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a message directed towards the South American Republic, said that no nation in the world was safe today against aggression and unjustifiable attack. CONVOYS IN MEDITERRANEAN ANKARA Aegean Sea fishermen report sighting convoys and sailing vessels and small steamers having reached the Greek Island of Samos in the Eastern Mediterranean. LAVAL FEELING BETTER MARSEILLES Former Premier Pierre Laval, shot recently by a would-be assassin, was sufficiently recovered yesterday to be able to get up and visit in another room Marcel Dcat, who was shot at the same time. I Pa t till I o Is Coming North VICTORIA, Sept. 8: -Premier T. D. Pattullo will make a radio address on September 30, the night of nomination day. The Premier Villi leave September 15 for a trip to Queen Charlotte Islands. SPARLING BELL The Canadian Army-in-Trainlng is building to the army plan which was bom in the wake of the German blltzkreigs last year and which necessitated complete reorganization oi tactical training. Above are the two officers largely responsible for putting the long range program of training troops for the new warfare into effect, Major-Gen. H. D . G. Crerafr, D.S.O., and Brigadier Kenneth Stuart, D.S.O., M.C., the Chief and Vice Chief of the General Staff." Above are the staff officers of the Dircitor t- iJning who are adding knowledge of the new tactics and weapons to the Canadian sold -er's naturjl shock troop propensities. Centre, Col. J 'KrWrwstrrt, MtJ.Dfrpctorof Training, "and-'itffT tifrtgritfldbrj Gi B.-'ChisholmrMiOffLtiCorspen ' cer Ball, Lt.-Col. II. A. Sparling and Major A. A. Bell. NAZI SUBS BEING HIT !Two Sunk In British Single Night Destroyer By LONDON, Sept. 8: First Lord of the Admiralty announces the sinking of two German submarines tack tack In a single night by a British destroyer. Rt. Hon. A. V. Alexander, the First Lord, says Britain has not yet won the Battle of the Atlanta but is doing much better than formerly. Higher Prices Of Gas Sought Service Station Operators Found Themselves Hit By Curtailment And Rationing VANCOUVER, Sept. 8: On account of the shrinkage of business owing to voluntary curtailment of consumption and rationing, service station operators are peti tioning for higher prices and will ask consumers to support their J request. County Court Cases Called This Morning Light Docket Set By Judge Fisher for Month of September The County Court is not very busy ' this month. Judge Fisher set cases thh morning as follows: , Edward Petterson vs. Patricia (Mrs. C. P. Hay). W. O. Fulton for the plaintiff and Brown & Harvey for the defence. Struck off the list. Chcsley Herrett vs. David A. WiV Sutter. Appeal withdrawn. The King, acting on the Information of J. H. McLeod vs. L. M. Ase-mlssen. An appeal set for September 22. There were also three People of Occupied Country Are Getting Almost Out of Hand Vichy No Longer Tries to Hide Gravity of Strife May be Plot, it is Said, To Force Nazis Troops to Withdraw From Eastern Front VICHY, September 8: (CP) More than one hundred Jews and two prominent French lawyers, one of them minister of justice in the old republic, were reported today to have been seized as hostages by German occupation authorities in Paris because of attacks on members of the uerman army. The arrested included Pierre Masse. REICH IS Bad Week-End r.crlin Has Worst Kaid as Britain's Planes Attack Widely LONDON. Sept. 8. Royal Air Force attacks have snarled Ger former minister of justice, who Is a Jew, and Theodore Valense, former . , Vichy no longer tries to hide the H T A KM H IT gravity f the strife in the occupied liriivl I 111 zone or the fact that reprisals are making things worse. Royal Air Force Is Doing mous Damage Enor- Vichy spokesmen charge that the outbreaks, particularly the shootings in Paris, are part of a com-"munist plot aimed at forcing Ger-many to withdraw troops from ths eastern front. 'W1LLKIE I r vm war man communications from Nor- UrgCs Determination And Force To way to t ranee, snipping nas Deeni so disrupted that traffic has to be . moved by railways which are also I Maintain Freedom Of Seas naving a ouiicuit ume. ,. uu Wil,kle urges pMdent Franklin has been done to military damage ;D Roosevelt to meel the challenge and industrial objectives. :of the ffeedom of the seas After extensive attacks during I "determination and force," a the week-end from Norway to course which Willkie feels would France, the Royal Air Force staged have the support of the vast maj-a heavy raid on Berlin last night ority 0f right-thinking Americans, and early this morning. The at- on on the the Reich Reich capital capital lasted lasted I i for several hours. Twenty British iatOIial , if lllCOITlC planes were brought down, Berlin claimed. Large fires, visible from Ml fn!)fn Mil Ml the English coast, were left burn-1 Vl VallaUtt Illuming In occupied France. I l i rni y One year from the night of the AlieaQ 1 111S I GOl Germans' first mass attack on Lon- I don , hundreds of planes of the Rojr-y 8:-The national OTTAWA, Sept. Air Force rode in moonlight ov-' . , a ..... . a. er Europe and bombed Berlin from SdhU uWn. - ov last- of Prosperity, eon-The Air Ministry , t said m it was ,h the up.seventeen heaviest raid ever made on the Ger- any ctearettes flve per. man capital. ;f ' The Berlin raiders were but part ,of hundreds of planes striking at Tiri w rYTTT 1TV other points in Germany and the ; yU II I K I 1 1 1 II Nazi-held continent during the. wnicn untoia tons oi oomDS werei dropped. son, otnerwise Known as uon wii-((conrc it son, Brown & Harvey for plamtiir. r Stood over to next court. Samuel Haudenschild vs. Rudolph NEW CHURCH The Air Ministry said that the. it . . , , for $8,000 onnn Lutherans Let Contract Berlin attacks found lakes to the to M,lchcU Curr,e west of Berlin shining in bright! nu,ldie moonlight and crews returning from ; the German capital said that many big fires burst out around the main railway station. ! Contract for the new St. Paul's Lutheran Church at the southwest corner of Fifth Avenue and Mc- nrlHa Rfrnof Vine hppn nwnrrfpH t.rt The sky over the French coast was , fa & Curri the contract ' 1 " . . , figure being about $8,000. The con- wwuHumiutcuvuu.u. struction work is about to com- DiacK smoKe. . j u , A t.. . incline atiu id itvfvu bu liavc u Admission of the Intensity of the fintshed this fall raid on Berlin came from the Ger- mans themselves who acknowledged twenty-seven fatalities and property damage while the Nazi press raged against the attack, Kamloops Railway Conductor Killed Fell Simpson Slipped Under His Train And KAMLOOPS, Sept. 8: George II. Simpson, for many years a con ductor on the Canadian Pacific. 10.7c Railway running out of Kamloops-, was killed Saturday one mile from Kamloops when he slipped and fell under a train, HALIBUT SALES Summary lAmerlcan 62,000 pounds, 12.2c and 11c and 12.4c and 11c. Canadian 134,000 pounds,-12c and 10.5c to 12.8c and 11c. Explorer, 40,000, Atlin, 12.4c and 11c. Mermaid, 22,000, Storage, 12.2c and 11c. Canadian ' Sea Ranger, 40,000, Booth, 12.7c and lie. Strafen, 13,000, Booth, 12.8c and 11c. Embla, 13,000, Storage, 12.5c and Svoldbard, 20,000, Storage, 12c and 10.5c. Tramp. 14,000, Royal. 12.7c and lie v.-: 4 V we - "y Y . ' v. 1 4 1