'i t PAQ1 TWO .Jlonday, lm, ' i i i nun hi i ii irr li :l . BUY WITH YOUR EYES OPEN RUNNERS 1 I ceTirCTYTOTKi YhKJU,i mm and CAMPAC To suit every need and style from Infants' to Men's and Ladies' EDITORIAL And Now Russia - - in Composition or crepe soles. Cam pacs are in a class by themselves. Agents for Penman's Hosiery Jack & Jill Shoes Family shoe store ltD. The, Home of Good Shoes The British forces are in possession of Damascus and Beirut eirut, t the principal cities and their main objectives in rsvrm tin. The I hP British KVltlQh are ova also men in in onntvn control nl of Iran h-on and the -w-J4 U1UVI til LUiltlUi VI. 11 III CH i V I tll greater part of East Africa except for a few pockets which can be-readily cleaned up. The situation around the Red Sea .and Suez, for the time being at least, is satisfactory. It forms no basis, however, for over confidence. The victories in that quarter, important as they might have momentarily seemed, were soon overshadowed by more ominous developments such as the lightning pounce of the stealthy Nazi wild cat and the great Russian bear. The choice was evidently,not even left to Russia as to whether she would vield or fiVht. ThP cumstances under which this latest sensational development might help our side, unwillingly rather than willingly and, possibly, but temporarily, but we must not let down nurrruard. until the fifth when Zbura m.nn. aged to sneak home and later made a-hnmc run r"r. ICE FIELD FINE BALL COVERED GAME SEEN American Photographers Have Busy Composite Services Defeats Rocky Day In Jasper Park Mountain Rangers 3 To 2 JASPER PARK, June 23: The Yesterday afternoon at Acropolis Columbia Ice Field area of the Hill a large gathering of fans Canadian Rockies was DhotostraDh- thHiifd n ically conquered over the week-end ball seen In these parts for some when Ivan Dmitri, world's famous color photographer, and his popu- Composite Service team which beat lar photography camera club tour their Jinx by defeating the Rangers recorded this great presentation of in a battle royal 5 to 2. This game nature In black and white and was sparked with long hits, manv color from every possible angle. strikeouts, lots of cheering and The feature of the long day's some Jeering. At any rate it was work was the number of "camera a perfect game from the point of classes" conducted by Dmitri who, view of the spectators, since his arrival, has been untiring Randall pitched the full game In his efforts to help everybody for the Composites, allowing only else get the pictures they want be- six hits, 5 walks and struck out 10 fore he looks after his own in- men. Crolzier, who pitched the first terests. No demand Is made on him five Innings for the Ransers, al- ne wor.t mi ana nis tnougntiui- lowed only 7 hits. 3 walks and ness and co-operation has made a struck out 8 men-. Green finished great Impression on the party. The for Rangers allowing 1 hit, n owner of the most inconspicuous walks, and strurk nut. 3 mpn camera In the crowd gets Just as Ma Randan both madp much personal attention as the three baggers for the Composites one who has the most expensive McAuslnnri knPrt nt ih i. outfit. Dmitri's consideration for hit frr th nonr. h w the "other fellow" has become an three-base hit In left-field, outstanding feature of the trip. , D,, . Qurvich ... Nature was eood to the Dartv tfie trin to the southern section of a v v,-.u4;. i,i. Jasper National Park and provided Uie y. m. C. A. kepi, the score a full day of complete sunshine ch.f Brewster sent out a pack train of saddle horses on the Columbia f, in i :n : , . , When wnen the tne famous lamous Satun saturaay luuity ia ui.iu nun .ill I'liiu 111:1 n inn h iin i n'n nr-'... .-.i . .... ,.. The meky admlsslon tlcket wa uiacier ana tne animals aaaea , o v vvv. plenty of color to the general Dr,y ?c nd , Searchlights wm rained out in first of the f Athabasca. aoasca. Snow onow Dome,. uome,. Kltch held by Mrs. Cameron, who' won th( five pound box of chocolates. The second game between thi was fourth with the Dry Dock leac lnsr 6-2 near near futurp. future. Following " Is the, box score foi , ol "j" .r.nv-ii tun .mug rust pnotograpner iinauy May, m.u.n., c. 4 not rely.' (called It a day a tired but happy Mitzell, R.C.N., lb.,::. ..A Lvents, much more momentous, much more far-reach-ilot of amateur photographers got Finiey, rc.os., cf. .... 4 ing than those which have already occurred are in the!back lnto thelr cars and tucked ln Dn"ip. r.cn., 2b. -. 3 makinu. Midsummer is here nnrl rhnf flm n.o u;..'" 011 arrival at the wel1 coombe. r.c.cs., ss 2 vnta n ,0va " iT "T" r y'w V""" U1K satisfied with the 1 w.,. ... nuiij mic uuxtjicui iicjmspnere usually occur I The next few yeeks, possibly days, will, no doubt, brine' developments that may affect the course of historv for' . We dan hope for the best but we must not wishfully think. Nor should we be too cast down by more dark days which may well come. There is a long road to travel yet. Meantime the situation for us is by no means Halibut Sales American Thor, 40,000, cleared for Seattle. Arrow, 36,000, 10.8c and 9.1c, Storage. J. B.. 17,000, 10.8c and 0.2c, At-vlln. -..Alliance I, 14,500. lie and 9.1c, Storage. j Jane, 17,000,, 11c and1 9.1c, Booth. ; Ideal, 16,500, 11c and 0.1c, Stor-"age. 1 Rainier II, 10,400.. 11c and 8.7c. Royal. .. j uaurornia, 20,000, lie and 9c, .uooin. 'j Glacier, 11.9c and 9c, Atlln. j 31-B-31, 5.500, 10.8c and 9c, At- Jlin. j . Canadian j .P. Doreen, 15,500, 10.8c and 8.5c fPaciflc. ; Oslo, 17,00, 10.9c and 8.4c, Stor age. Strafen, 13,000, 10.6c and 8c Storage. Northern Breeze. 17,500, 10.8c and 8c, Pacific. Blue Boy, 9,000, 10.9c and 9c. Bootlv Dickie Boy, 3,500. 10.6c and 8c, ' Atlln. ' Midway, 6,500, 11c and 8.2c, Storage. , Vera Beatrice, 10.000, 10.8c and 8.1c, Booth. . Clipper II, 16,500, 10.9c and 8c. Royal. FInella, 17,500, 10.6c and 8c, Storage. Bum, 7,000, i'o.Oc and 8.3c, Tugwell II. 600. 10.4c and 8c, oiorage. Bargain, 8,500, 10.7c and B2c, Booth. Osahl II., 500, He and 8.1c, Atlln. , Relief, 8,500, 1 i".2c - and 8 2a Booth. ; : T. Y 1500. 10c and 8c Storage. CLOTHIERS WIN GAME In the Intermediate Rnsphnii League game played on Sunday Watts and Nickerson's defeated On. operatives by a score of 11 to 2 Alex Bill held t.hP ruicn- ,, . , . ener and Wolley Mountains and a p uu 1,1 inp . , ., , , meir glaciers lormea me qrck- .luuiiu iui tiiio UUL4UC cuincia uiuu holding its session three miles, up 01(5 flrst Same the Columbia Glacier. Composites A.B.H. R, Eve- carlysle, R.C.C5., It. 3 long day's work. UJtSSlHtU 1 I FOR SALtt FOR SALE Household furniture. Phone Green 185 days, Red 921 evenings. 133 7th Avenue East. (148) FOR SALE 14 ft. rowboat. Solen- did condition. Apply Box 110, Dally ces Oeddes, R.C.N., rf. 3 Hewitt, R.C.N.3b........:....:....2 Randal R.C.C.S., p.' 3 Totals 8 5 Rangers- ' A.rj.n, R .Dale, cf. '...1. 4 2 q jJ Arcangels, If T 3 Gagne, ss .4 Metcalf lb ;..! "3 .Thomklnson, 2b. , 3 Etson, c l..?i.:...L!2 McAulay, 3b .:-....:.'...l'..:o FOR SALE t-10 cameras, lot of Thnmnsnn rf i , tools. 1 wine tjumn. wash basins. J ' """','v'i 1 laundry tub. beds, springs and Green, p """" " mattresses, chesterfields, at low McAus'land 3b 1 prices. Phone Furniture Co. Black 324. B. C. Cooper, p.h. Totals S:ore by Innings Composites 2 0 Rangers ' o 0 News. (147) rimihipc 1 wu-u, aiC jiUW . i -j championship; v.taiiijJiujiailJJI OI of the one game up on Watts and Nicker-1 Prince Rupert Tennis nihh n-Vior. SOn. .. . ' thpV Hcfpoin aereated . . . Next same' Is schedulpri fnr Fri day night. Watts and Nickerson have nr. ranged for a two-eame sprW Vip tween Terrace Hiirh - O-- "i'U"l Ull July 1. BASEBALL SCORES SATURDAY American League Cleveland 0, Washington 1. Detroit 7. New York 2. Chicago 5,. Philadelphia 11. St. Louis 13, Boston 9. National League New York 0, St. Louis 6. Brooklyn 1, Cincinnati 4. Philadelphia 0, Pittsburgh ' 2. Boston 4, Chicago 3. SUNDAY American League New York 5, Detroit 4. Chicago 10-0, Philadelphia 0-3 Boston 7-3, St. Louis 5-12 Cleveland 0, Washington 0. National League Brooklyn 2-3.Cincl 16 innings). New York 4-3. St. Louis 3-2 Boston 6-3. Chicago 5-2. Pittsburgh 4-4, Philadelphia 1-7 Kongo, 1400, 10.1c and fin flt. aee. Cape Spear. 10 .000. 11.4t nnrl Q Atlln. K, T., 1,800, 10.1c and 8c. Tlnnth WANTED Truck Rupert Bakery. driver. Apply (tf) WANTED 3 to 5 room unfurnished house. Box 111, Dally News. (148) WANTEDHlgh school boy wishes,1 wuik. jor summer months. Ap-ply Box 112, Dally New: (155) WANTED. Experienced girl for housework. Apply Mrs. Robert Gordon. Gordon's Hardware, Mc Bride Street. FOR UEN1 TOR RENT 5 room fnrnUho4 home for rent to careful tenants without children. July and August. 725 5th Avenue West. (146) TENNISFtNjii. Mrs. G. P. Tinker and' Miss Fran- lnompson won the ladles' 332 7th Ave. E., on sewer, near (mey Mrs. Crulckshank schools and dry dock. $2,000 cash, lss Bea""lce Berner on Sat-or terms. Phone Green 922. 'u"lay by scores of 75, 6-2. This match concluded the tournament WANTED WANTED A girl for general housework. Must be able to cook. No children. Apply Box 109 Dally News. (147) THE Shirley Dorcas Society would appreciate cast-off clothes and shoes for re-distribution to Rupert's needy. Kindly leave at Mc-Rae Bros, or write to Shirley Dorcas Society, Shirley, B. C. Telegraph Greek Girl Is Winner Miss Phyllis Marinn; fif Tplp,.n Creek was the winner ,ln the guess- ...0 wic wcigiu oi Hitlers coffin at the Victory Lban duc-out The exact weight was 144 pounds and this was Miss Marion's guess The sum of. $64.57 was raised from the driving of nails Infn tha ri Hn, Half of this went to Miss Marion. The other half goes to the Dally News for fht Qni. lair raid relief fund. ' J.' B. Wilkinson , .,f 1 i Illgh School teaching ,taff leaves on this evening's train for prince George where hp , - ijf a visit before proceeding to Vancouver on vacation. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank,Bldr. Whifflets From The Waterfront The list consisting to large extent Df round trip tourists returning south, there were 208 passangers iboard the steamer Princess Lou-se which was In port from 3:30 un til 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon jouthbound from Skagway to Van-:ouver. Four passengers dlsem-arked from the Princess Louise lere while three went aboard at Ihls port. Union steamer Catala, Capv. F.rn-?st Sheppard, arrived In port at S 'clock this morning from the south jnd sailed at 8 a.m. for Stewart and rther northern points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound. On Saturday seven halibut ves-jels sold catches totalling 321,000 pounds. These were as follows; rant, 40,000 pounds, Whiz, 13c and l2'2c; La Paloma, 20,000 pounds, 13c and 12c; Destiny, 9,j00, Ripley, l3'8c and 12c; Gary Lee, y.OOO, New England, 1234c and 12c; P. c. Herbert, 13,000, San Juan, 127;lC and U'Ac; Lively, 15,500. Boo'.h, 13 '8c ind 12V2c; Bergen, 13,000, New England, 13c and 12c. Thomas Anderson. of the Tucks Inlet reduction plant. inea Dy ine Prince Runeit Rat. urday afternoon on his return to Vancouver after a brief Visit. YiAro The Tucks Inlet plant will not operate this summer and is not expected to be operated again until the herring run next winter. YERi KOLKS, SF.TTLi; DOWN TO HUSINDSS The Victory Bond went over tho top, and The Variety store have what you want at reas- onaDie prices. Call In look around, you at the and Pleased to see VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars' 330 West 3rd Ave. Phone Red 127 P.O. Uox 757 .taHCO Increase for Women Ranges Around Ten Per Cent in All Lines i In connection with negotiations conducted between the canncrr and Native Brotherhood of BrltUh Columbia, Resident Japanese Fisher GYPROC Fireproof WALLBOARD (Made from Gyp m m w w -m m m m -m ' 1. GYPROC Gives You DOUBLE Fire Protection Gyproc Wallboard will not burn, and in addition it acts as a protective shield for any wooden frame it covers thus it actually helps check the spread of fire. Nmm Many ( of tuullfiuurjj arc imj( irrproo. 2. GYPROC has 4 Bevelled Edges And that means that joints may be Tilled flush so your walls and ceilings will lie beautifully smooth, free from unsightly joints. This is why only when you use Gyproc can you decorate your rooms to suit your individual taste. Noiri Hiufi, KiitttitM UfalU and rri'uifi cano obtained with ordinary U'dUlMiurJi. u that your ikuite of flc-urdlir treatment ttmitmd. 3. GYPROC Wallboard Saves You Costly Repairs No warpihK, saKKinK or cracking of walls and ceilings built with Gyproc they!ll be utiod for the lifetime of your home. If you are looking for lasting, permanent beauty in your walls-buy GYl'ROC. Notrj ()rJinir ulHn4ird$ cantwt jMaruntr you K pet manv ntt FREE SAMl'LK and lliuntraieJ UKkln will be mailrd on request Ui Gypruc, 50 Maiilantl Turunto. TO IDENTIFY GENUINE GYPROC 1, LMk fur tlic runic CVFKDC on ih hack of very 2. L4KkfirihCrrn SmHc on hoih title cJfrs. Oypf It M vrvwkr In Cm4 Buy Cannery Workers i To Get More Pay '"To WAR SAVING5 CERTIFICATES sum Rock) 1 G4Mi men's Association and Diitriet No. 1 2 Fishermen's Association her? it (the end of the week the cannm agreed to a raising of wascs of wo men cannery workers by about ten per cent. Can fillers will get M25 Instead of $7.50 per ticket. Ilsh washers will receive 35c tmtead ol 25c and 30c per hour and net women will get $85 Instead of $75 pr month. ' Try a Dally News Want-Ad. Hold Everything with a MODERN KODAK Keep a Snapshot wherever you go.. Keep the happy intimate. scenes of your home, your holidays, your family and friends. Include a snapshot in your let ters They'll be appreciated, always. Baby Brownie d4 ( 610 Brownie Junior fiJO C A lx2'2 Ol.OO tfO.dV nt7Hit S1.75 JISK0l,ak: $10.75 Bullet Kodak- Kodak J2,8t $11.75 C21HI" """" $3.00 "i""1- $12.00 "SV1'"":... $7.35 akS7': $.oo Let Us Show You the New Kodaks USE KODAK FILM FOR BETTER PICTURES Bead "HOW TO MAKK OOOB PICrimES" ?0C ''"''"' '" ' " VV'-'-,1T- " I