naz rone N Expert Optical Service ' J .ity) Chas. Dodhuead ' Optometrist in Charge v Watch, Clock, Jewelry Kepairinj; Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE , For Fine China, Dinncrwarc, Classes, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT COMEDY IN SIMMONS SI'itIN(i.I'Il,l,UU Mattresses --Beauty Rest, 4-0, 4-0, 3-3 $13.50 Deep Sleep, 4-6, 4-0, 3-3 $28.50 Majestic ; ; ; $2i00 $3.00 Allowance will be made for your old mattress regardless of condition on any new mattress in our stock priced at $25.00 or over Elio's Furniture Store Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MOOSE BUILDING XIR AV,,NUE THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Rrand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphoj. plntes, Mnnocalciiim Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Rrand Metals Mercury, Gold. Silver, Lead, Zinc. Cadmium. Bismuth and Antimony. Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur Gem-fill (Iffiu. and V..ik- TO CLOSE MINISTRY Yesterday ' Rev. J. C. Jackson will terminate his ministry In the First United Church and on Monday afternoon, with Mrs. Jackson, will leave Victoria to assume his new pastorate. Dealing with the observance of WUh Clark Gable and Hedy La- Catala 1 LOCALS f M. P. McLeod arrived on t he Ca- Rev. J. C. Jackson About To Leave tala thLs morning from Vancouver. For Victoria His Sermons I . K. Ibstar arrived in Uie city on the Catafa this morning- R. Spooner arrived on the Catala this morning from Vancouver. Miss Frlesen returned home this morning" on the Catala. the Sabbath Mr. Jackson, at the j " Arnett arrived from Vancou-evenlng service yesterday, spoke the Cata,a this morning. Sabbath was made for man and not man lor the Sabbath." By way f . Vancouver H.I this morning, i uuiigcun w uii. bu "4maae a tremendous rnntHhntin . marr as hero and heroine. "Com- Q Then they escape in a; thefoTlSed"00 ? Motoa.i'ed ?e . F O. on the Ca rade X an h ous a venture Soviet to observ, ffom VanfQU some tuuit-i iu nit sti ecu c"v -.oi.o w.v. .....iw.. comcuy, i , ance wouia De a fair and' reason- ver Moth Fume CRYSTALS 1 lb. Tin 50c Moth Proof BAGS Price 50c Ormes lid. Z?ii. Pioneer Druqgtjt& The Keiall Store I'hoiif 41 ft Open Dallj from K .m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays triirn 12 to 2 p.m. n4 7 to I i.ra. HONOR TO WAR DEAD Annual Observance of Decoration Day Here To the plaintive yet inspiring strains of "Boys of the Old Brigade." the band of the Rocky Mountain Rangers, 'under Bandmaster Lt. O. W. SJoqulst, on Sunday led the Decoration Day parade, held annually by Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Ero-iri from the Canadian I.cgion building to the cenotaph where a iwreaui was iuiu uy iuuihvih Brander arrived on the Catala'gent. Mrs. J. A. Teng. Following .h,aU.iH imrn q flrlnt? nartv under lilt uai'u nviw- ---ry g c.f emith nf thn T?nrkv Mountain - j . . . n UgH, w rf uie origin oi ine saooatn was n Wilson sailed on the Prince Rangers, members of the imperial given and then certain authorities, oeorge'for Vancouver on Saturday, order. Daughters of tiy; Empire -medical, social, religious were With Standard Bearer. Women's quoted. The great antiquity of a. c Williams sailed for Vancouver Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion days rest in seven was often over- on tay on the Prince George, under President Mrs. William Roth-looked by the superficial critic, the .n onH thi Panndlan Legion un f???6' fr ften customs for President H. A. Breen. The it HaDDencrf One Niht" this J. Q. Stewart sailed Saturday der nm T A Hin : respondent - Mtai Wrt. Site were FnTrm?, narnra """ ialS " W"'! Sfr,;ct C"- RED LAND - rsrs: - tKsr"" Things 1 1" dUbt that s Mr' Brothcrston arrlved tms Proceeding by cars loaned for the begin to happen after thev k , HSTSS rH.anl?!fS 5 m.r,'nS l" thC dty 011 Ul? 5teamer -aslon. the parade re-formed at 'S"" "SL J t a ver '"-reaching effect and had Fairview cemetery, marenmg 10 me Soldiers' Plot, where a deeply impressive service was conducted by Mrs. J. H. Nordan, First Vice-Regent nf Onppn Marv Chanter in the ab- of the Capitol Tneatre here as the Outstanding roles in support of awe one, declared Mr. Jackson. But sence of Mrs D C Stuart the RM feature picture for the first half the stars are played by Oscar Ho- to quote His observation divorced A. H. Brooks arrived in the city R band accompanylng th'e hymns of this week. molka. Felix Bressart and Eve Ar from the context was not a fair on the Catala this morning from ' Canada! (Tne Last post by His first rollicking comedy since den. and ..reasonable Indication of Vancouver. n,1!?lpr Ranfe. twft mlnutcs sllpr ' hhl 7T "e Sa'd- following. Capt.F.H.Al!wood of the . . the the Sabbath was made for left this ; 7. TC man, ' He may May and a"u ru Phyllis " Marlon R.M.U.-S n addressed iha the raih(.rinr, gathering ir m rilrt JL H !!rlhetJPeLman morning on the Princess Charlotte. words of Wbute and lniplratlon oi lifeltT soird 1 S," Z" ' jr?n"eu- .Quoting the famed -In Handers' the intellectual and who concerned, Betty' and Anna May Rean left rTJn ZZ himself only wth selfish lndulg- for Wrangell this morning on the .TwentyX yeJ " s as0 mi0T encc. Man .as the Son of God, Princess Charlotte. T J" XZ nrcned elevating, needed to com-' a V TT , mune with spiritually - minded Miss B. Orosvenor sailed for Van- Lhiip Ln people in such an atmosphere as couver on the Prince Oeorge on L ?n ?'SL v ot ,n 5ft ' I Nnvi Tn the church and its assoatinm sntnrrfnv . ho e Mn in the Ypres Salient .nrt and Jot- JLOU nil llOVa 10 provided. It was essential, if the ted d0Wtn, the r"S,h OU,Ulne of nI . I finest things of the world were to A. A. Mellin sailed on the Prince . nlTand". Meet LOUIS XUUIO L m lU"? hands the,"v,vt be reached, and the eternal veri- Oeorge Saturday for Vancouver to Jrro.w cn At that time these men tics realized that man makes the join the Air Force. ! Sabbath what Christ meant it to m We h today left thelr Arti-' Sisticd In New York Tor' be. Mrs. K. ishl, arrlvpri cltv homes in Canada to fight for Em-. Hcaveisl.t Tllle llout "Next i . Monday, Ju 23 HOWLING HIT! the Funniest love Comedy sinte"Wnotchkai" ? m v I THE ROMANTIC ROM. FIRE THEY LIT IN "BOOM TOWN" TOWN" IS IS RE REALLY BLAZING NOW! "J GllUcldi w Hk oscAt mix ivi HOMOLKA BRESSART ARDEN Screen pliy by BEN HtCHT and CHARUS ItDCRtR A Mtiro-Goldwyn-Maytr Piduf . Ahn CAPITOL titi.Mi; nonswT i'v and Cartoit Feature a' 7:34 aiv! ' At the morning service the this morning on the Catala from f'rc 8 sac- " 1 1o,,? el September . CAIKO. Junr -3 ' Junior choir sang "Dear Land of Vancouver. ,thcy refa,lzc,d w"e fight-J . i Birth" to the well known "Lon-1 . lnsa"ot " y for ro but even NEW YOUK, June 21: .CPl-Lou folloiln, the B, , donderry Air." while, at the eve- George Pifher arrived In the city ?rcat" h,lngs' .They ,ound. tnpy Nova was signed Saturday to mm? of Damwcus lling fervice. Sergeant Edwarrl on thp Catala this morninor from were iiB'nK a ioe wnose sole 00- j0 ... ,,privu,B,. . t,,. . , fine finn r.nH.rf. rendering of , w- Vancouver. o. Jcct was to obliterate everything hv e...u ' B" .. . Docker gave n ine 1 ask. At the conclusion of (ho morning service the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two doors from Broadcasting Station THE SEAL " QUALITY to GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Soekeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prlnre Rupert Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY . Trail 11 r. I'IKIVIi (JST ' " they held sacred, their way of Ilv- . .wCr. . - jams even , Private Pepper arrived this mom- J"g' their way of worship their' Hundreds oi pwp,- cry a" "spot" In ElhSa."" m- g on the steamer Catala from homes their very souls. It had ln tne D;llly New cl.)fled lco, . cn said times that the real many mnn and ancouver. get eood rcsults ( r . enemy was the Kaiser and the ' n. Mlllpr nrrivpH this mnmin mi 5r0UP of men who ruled Germany I "- r JV-.. the steamer Catala from Vancou ver. been attending school at the Sac red Heart Convent. T. If! Walsh of Wells arrived in the city on the Catala from Vancouver this morning. He leaves on tonight's train to visit Terrac and Prince George beforp rptnrnlnir in Wells. Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Roomi-not Water steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs- C- K- Blark. Proprietress We need your co-operation to give you better serylce. Please put out our milk bottle dally as we need them for tomorrow. Dominion Dairy niONE 10 uun ii, own ui-yciujjt-u mat ine ugni was not against a man or group of men but against a foul thing which Constable Ferguson arrived this was callcd at tnat tlme- 'German I mornhig from Vancouver on the Ku.ltur' a deadly thing, whose sole Catala. ' object was to destroy everything ,that lt could not enslave. These Constable Bruce arrived this men found tnat out antl fought morning on the Catala from Van- harder and even died to save you 1 couver. .and me from that horrible fate. ' Now again Canada and the Em-' Miss J. MCrlmmnn rpfnmrrl iUe pire is engaged In a death stru morning on the Catala nom Van- gIe' more scrlous and more terrible couver (than anything we have ever lmag- . ,lncd, and, I believe, more terrible J. T. nniis?la qi-Hvph i k. n than most of us Imagine evpn nour this morning from Vancouver on These men who dlcd are calling to . . iio fhnf It UV. me uaiaia. tMO "wwvw every man.wo- 1 man and rhIM in rnn t Z W. Clark arrived in the city this ourseIves to the limit if we want to t morning from Vancouver on the 5urvlve- They are shouting to us t Catala, that we have no time to lose. As I f jread it, that is the message these t Miss Suzanne Warde' returned men have for us today and we can- t home this morning on the Catala not afford 10 tum a deaf ear to It. t irom Vancouver wherp she hn Ut,VL a ngni to demand an nnnlpnr.n audience. Thev TVi.. . I.... w are our kith ohh kin and they died in defence of their King and country. 'Greater love hath no man'." " 'If ye break faith with us who die, '"We shall not sleep though poppies grow "'III Fl.1n (We' TPUMol't YES.i We Repnlr Water Tipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 t IE sw . IVIUili I I ' Conclusion Following these stirrlnff mniH n t God Our Help in Ages Past" vas I me xi.M.K. nring Party under Sergeant Smith, gave three volleys ln salute before the decor- ion ot graves with flags and pop- ' pies after which "Reveille" by Bugler Ranee and "God Save the King1' concluded the service, If you want wmetnuT. rtvpr-MseJor it. Hundreds of people gee what they want that way. ctf I UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 1341. TONIRIIT TUESDAY WED. 2 Shows Nightly. 7:00 and n (15 British Move , On In Syria t Cr !) Br T ;-.!-! Special Afternoon Cruise Around the Kinnhans and Rachel Wands BY S.S. "CAMOSUN" SATURDAY, JUNE 28th, 11)11 Leaves C.N.H. Dock 2:00 p.m. Returnlnz 5:09 p.o Afternoon tea served aboard Music enroute by the P' ": Rupert Boys Band EXCURSION FARE $1.00 (plusTa.M Children Half Fare Clean-Up Paint-Up j Make Repairs, Build We can supply all the materials for a new home or for additions to the old one. Call in and talk It oyer Albert & McCaffery, Ltd, 1 I'HONR 1I1INE 116 lift - ' ' . piinHip 111 V. z Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-CondJtloncd Sleeping and Dining Can hlP!ll"c,rL,cavc "'nce Rupert for Vancouver oii Saturday, 4:00 p.m. and Monday at 3:00 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River .. F.r.,f!?11 Information and Reservation, etc I- Call or Write citv Tirwi.- . . "c 2(iQ I'rlnce Rupert. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines tag . - -1 1 1 1 1-1 1 ; 3