pXaz fnxa June SEW SMAKT I0NG WEARING Leather Jackets pjgtC.V- , . Shades: fawn ana ureen. Full lining wion 9... Horschide tireen, Blue and Black. Full lining . , PonyHorwf . ER DEATH WAS SHOCK Li) PasUtiR Of Mrs. E. N. VaI- iditinr At Home On Fifth Avrnue East 811.00 Made of tine, flDcteJ hides. Pleated back, 0 M ca zipper pockets, rilk lined. Dlack only : V J.'jfcMlU BOYS LEATHER JACKETS-r-Plgtex, In a smart full ..,:;;!', mcdel, lined S7.50 Watts & Nickerson Succtssors to Bryant Co. Ltd. Open Until 10 p.m, Saturdays en In her home on Fifth Avenue Cast. During the evening she had been entertaining friends and it was shortly alter they departed mat she expired without warning at 12:30 ajn. The family will have the deep sympathy of all In their sad bereavement. Born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, If.. KnLnMn. Un A llu.fi trf fx L:5 ame witn tragic suaaen- ,whle m Port Arthur. Ontario, be- ii aidnht Saturday to Mrs. fore comng to Prince Rupert tMcr uon Valentine, wife of;,,, thrty years ago Except for aWjpnune ana a wen tuiuwu a snort whlle at AUford Bay many .!gr.iy esteemed pioneer wo-1 years ago, Mrs. Valentine had Nf-n 'St her passing came as isince made her home in Prince- .d ..hock to her many .Rupert. She was active In First 1 ---v riCAwrKiiitii viiutbii miu uiun She had, apparently, !0 the Eastern Star,, having been nrmal health Until thelmntmn nt HplUt; Phnntpr In 192B Kf.-. :tie was suddenly strlck-j NIrs Valentine leaves to mourn 1R0PRACT0R, lulej W. Colton, D.C.Pb.C. Libre Block, Phone 610 !her loss her husband, one son, James, in New York, and daughter, Helen, at home. There is a brother, William Main, in Vancouver, and two sisters Mrs. Stuart Dun can of Winnipeg and Mrs. R. D. Morgan of Santa. Monica. I The funeral will takeplace Wednesday afternoon. i MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Have You Sfen the New fi.wystkri. i.TVINfi ROOM FURNITURE lUie compact unit. No coils to pop up, no webbing to sag, no to break. It Is sanitary, no space ior oiri ui Iari.-.gs : :ect and the open bottom makes cleaning easy. Sold exclusive-J a this city by us. riiONK m ionnacona Insulating Boards r'iU.NE 051 WALLBOARDS Pehave on hand large stocks of' coal to suit every requirement. wour coal Is carefully screened ana vizy. v...r--ine of building. Our shingles are from of .umber for every type he Queen Charlotte Jslands, they are not k in dried and have of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. i PHONE pnnvp Rupert And Wear a 652 Buy Victory Bonds VICTORY BOND TORCH This Space Donated by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. British ClmW I lAPAl WPWC MHTFCl i " 3fe?(, t .H. Hutchinson superin tendent of the Young Men's Christ ian Association, arrived In tne city Crowded with Alaska tourists, CPU. steamer Princess Charlotte, W. B. Allan, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Nakusp and father of Mrs. Richmond Mortimer or this city, wrote a lyric of a Victory Loan campaign song which was sent out to various units for use In publicity and public spcak-lne. The poem was entitled "Can ada Calling" and was dedicated to Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain. On the way south after her voyage of the season to Alaska, C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Nell McLean, arrived In port at 9. o'clock this morning from Skagway and other northern points, sailing at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean m .1.1 X V -VBB Falls, Powell River and Vancouver.; The vessel has a capacity Hit of passengers. ...... P. O. Daniels arrived In the flty - Mrs. Mcawam amvcu truiu , Saturday on the Cardena from Bay on the Cardena Saturday ai- Klemtu. .wrnoon. . a t. ottwba in th' J. McLean arnvea m me v.vjr city from Campiwll Rlvr on the Saturday afternoon, on the Cardena , Cardena. .from Port Edward. i Mr. and Mrs. M. Cain arrived in Baseball. Sunday, two games, 2 the cltv Saturday afternoon from-p-m. and 6:30 pm. Ketchlkarj va Vancouver on the Cardena. j Prince Rupert. Lieut. U. 3. Oordon arrived this Sergeant A. P. Cade arrled home- morning In the city from Vancou- this morning on the Princess cnar- - ver on the Princess Charlotte. (ioiie irom luriuumi m , j t tr r-orcnn nt.itrn. MIrs I. M. Love, United Church-' aim null i. ti. - . . ed to . the dty on the Princess Char- missionary, arrived In the city this lotte this morning from Toronto, morning on. uic ruin. . Clem PhllllDson returned home We Dav cash for mechanics tools.'' this morning on the Catala from mustcal instruments, furniture, etc..) Vancouver. etc. Ello's, Moose uuuaing, imru Avenue, Captain Taf fe arrived in the city Saturday afternoon on the Cardena ,,... m,n,,. sailed by the " 1 and from: Victoria Nelson Bros. whMle. Ftahwta Ltd Ltd Princess Louise on his return south. Catala last night from on the jan-l Laidle eral couver, being here on lnsPectl;)n anage8r of w, . Ma,kln Co., sail-, .. ..... ,.t dav afternoon on his return to Van- ..Am?rose ?:T"T rB un 'couver after spending" a few days tne Native tirouieriu"u u. ... . , Colmbla, after a visit to the city in here on company business. j connection with salmon price ne- pnp: nMn-.! gotlatlons. left yesterday on M, re- nM T National ' turn to Port Simpson Q O. A A. Going Slowly Olof urday afternoon on his return to Vancouver after a brief business visit here. i &v, k o - Railways, returning south after . .... i. . Ihavlna made the round trip to Al- Hunter Sails Uiis uiurmwm' - vi.tnria.aska, is a passenger aboard the D ?n L ZLZ SSSlpriSe RupeS today going through to Vancouver. and district conventions as official Holocra (a frnm thp local ClUb. He IS the Princess Louise Saturday after noon bound from Ketchikan to Re-1 !ln charge of Satvatlon Army -rkl InomnlnVtYlAnf at Ketchikan, has been transferred UUCllipiUJUlCUL to Regina for service among tnej i l' military forces there. Major and .ReglSuatlOn Fernle to Ketchikan, Hanson. M.P. for Skeena. Capt. William Palmer, arrived ln'arrived In the city on Saturday . i ft 1-1-.. 1. 4lt -MSwitW t I 1 k I A. 1 ft 111 I L rT n k r ii m k i mik iiiiii iiime iiuiiiini im r c m in i ri im 11 mm t s; i i. uk surance Act is rather, slow. Employers are urged to see that the registration is completed at once. FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral of the late Mrs. Annie M. Valentine will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at First Presbyterian Church. Announcements All advertisements in, this col-umn will be charged for a full month'at 25c a word. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Evltt's June 26. strawDerrv rea. tutneran uircie. At Fridaynight's meeting of the' June 28. hospital board a tax bill for $310.49,1 covering the Overlook Street parcel Catholic Tea, Mrs. Brass, June 28. of 10.6 acres which the hospital pur- chased years ago from the Grand) Dominion Day Dance, Moose nan. Trunk Pacific Development Co. with Football Association, oi,Qincrn.n.!ahostltalslte.l i i rrtu H.nMA.(if nAA frrt f? V T? A TTviircinn rri Torrnno was reccivcu, mc piujr w, -v. . - vv, tax sale this year. THe board took juiy tirst. no action as It was decided last year to permit the property to re- vert for taxes. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. O. Hutchinson, J. II. Wi!lan, . Bell. J. Nlven, J. L. Luty, H. S. Wnttuse. J. E. Merchant. L. C. C. Dominion Dav Celebration and Dance at Port Esslngton, July 5. Rebekah Canteen Fund Tea Mrs J. E. Boddle, July 10th. Navy Tea, October 18. Midsummer Dance, Oddfellows' Hall July 8, benefit Odd. fllrti7s' Wnr fYinMnopnt. Fiinrl Mllro mens, n. juuiuwii, cicohiss1's Orchestra. Alirord uay. Royal Lloyd Wader, A. K. McDonald, D. Thomev. T. Pougard, Stewart; Fred Roma, Hill Herman, J. Slatta, Lee Foon, T. Nada, K. t'ernento, cltv: R. W. -Stark, Winnipeg; Peggy Archer, Victoria; L. A. C. Hens, All- ford Bay. Central D. Gundy, Wllmen Bestre, S. We-ton, H. Paulson, Arlld Rlsl, city;. Pat McCrary, Dawson, Y. T,; L. Sloane, Vancouver: Robert II. Bate.?, Exeter, N.H.,; C. Smith, Montreal, Q. Sirl- rlk, Stewart. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Want a cooler, more satisfying smoke? Then take an old timer's tip. Corral a . packaoe of Ogden's and roll your own way to happiness. For Ogden's is not just another tobacco. Ifs a distinctive blend of choicer, riper tobaccos developed for flavour through a quarter of a century of catering to men who know. Always roll 'em with Ogden's I Only tht beit cigtrtttt paptrt "Vogue" or "Chanttcler" are good enough for Ogdtn't LOAN ENDS i WITH BANG urday night and the enthusiasm City o Pound Keeper.was fullyBJusUfled slnCe ,t not only C.N.R. days From the East Trains Tuesdays, Thursday's and Saturday - 11 p.m. A "spot" costs yju only half a dollar. Try it In the Dally News classified column. (tf) Special Dance At the Blue Wings Cabaret WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 Entertainment arid Music by Pop and Olive Starts at 9 p.m. to ? Everybody Welcome Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed P II ONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 57S Man in the Moon "K"v- T . . . riTV rl? PP1KTF niipvnT 1 : , . . beinz accompanied by his daugn- v', I I Russia trustee; uermany ana ter. Audrey who wUl spend the' & Til Prince Rupert BeaU AH Records what happened. summer around Powell River. i , r With Total Of 5i.iuu j 7 'e , m m T- , Italy is trusting Germany and her Adjutant and Mrs. N. Belkovich f""f,,Kpf- U,-J ? The Wlctory Loan 1941 cam- tUrn will come sooner or latef un- and three children were here aboard imPa on ana ar ter Juiy . ,ju. lgn dosed with enthusiasm gat-1 less she is saved by the British. Japan is too full of guile to trust TL,, rJ anybody but unless she changes her total of $421,100 m hrP,Hn breaking - thP tne re re-, ' . . . it in the neck Kd be- cord of 941X350 in the 1919 Vic- OT'tawfflget tory Loan drive here. mK set in on last minute subscriptions. The modern girl may not be good Members of the Victory Loan com-.ai auumg urn sue yci mittee themselves had a competl- ing. Hon, running up to $1000 in Indi- vldual cases. Private Murphy grabbed hold of A last minute drive on the air . a young recruit who was ust going fifteen subscriptions to the new Medical Officer, and resulted i Mki iifii In i i i see Vnnponver. salllne at 10 a.m. for lnc his first visit here since the I totalling $3000. I hissed: "For heaven's sake, Skagway and other northern points I recent session of Parliament. It Is understood that subscrip- away from that doctor." whence she will return here soutn- Mr. Hanson has been advised tlons will still ce received mis bound on Saturday afternoon. The j that registration of small em ploy-, week ......I UrA ah n few lfv.nl nn Mpriffprs. api ers iiviIop under t the H n TTnsmnlrtvmanf Unemployment Tn In - I vcaoci uau vt " r o keep "Why?" asked the recruit. "I want ' to go, sick." I "Run for your life," said Murphy, "for last night It happens 1 ran into la cow on me old motorcycle. Ud I walks the M.O., looks at the cow, For the East 'sez: 'This cow has a broken leg,' Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- then draws his revolver and shoots u p.uuv ucaui Alien lie buiuo( iwio u mi. 'and sez: 'Well, and is there any-1 (thing the matter with you7'" 1 7 7 orrai a loaa of Ogden's! OGDEN FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Thomas Ross, M.P. for East Hamilton, was a week-end visitor in Prince Rupert. He arrived by .Thursday night's train and sailed Saturday afternoon on the Plrnce George for Vancouver in the course ,of a trip to the Pacific Coast. "Build B.C. Payrolls" Every Pound Saved I Counts "Pacific Milk Is economical," to repeat from Mrs. G. D.'s letter.' Prospectors find this true. Having to pack on their back for miles into the hills every pound saved counts. Because Pacific goes further and supplies every" purpose of milk and cream we know prospectors who will pack no other. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed ' uiwiiniisjaxao When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable E PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates BuckerfielcTs POULTRY & DAIRY FEEDS Arc Now Obtainable at Reasonable Prices I RAILWAY I LINES I l TRAVTk From SUNRISE COMPANY LTD. Prince Rupert B.C., Phone 26 and 27 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT June 11th, 14th, 21st, 28th, July 5th, 12th, 16th, 10th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway -June 6th, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, July 7th, II, 14th Direct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. , COATES, General Afent. Prince Rupert, B.C. it ,'l 4 5 . '8