kjti Destroyed In Two-nay Attacks 0 HTTP IN ATTACK ' loNDOX, June 23: (CP) ' in offensive sweep over ( Htm France for the seventh day, tlie Royal Air Irtsiie -(rtportfil the destruction of h more German fishier la today bringing the total lit M three clays to suly- tUi nisht BrilMi bombers thfir twelfth straight ussault on Germany proper. fn; the hie naval base or liranhavfii and oilier tar- liiaCS. June 21. Fifty-eight a o day.- was Ihe bag of, i) ii-Force planes ngntmgi 'ift.:"3h Channel and Ger- 'r'-:;-d France against the, farce On Saturday the Ladc;,:oyrtJ twenty-eight Ger- 'ws-itr.i yesterday account- j li The cost to me n-, ns1, ) r:ancs each day Our- seven days ninety-eight piUmr. have been brougntj :r:'i 1c; of nineteen British l-d Ait Force delivered an- 1': '.(ick tin; afternoon hrtJe no Nazi aircraft dared Ittovtr Great Britain by day. pjRojai Air Force attacks; ' delivered for .the eleventh! ave n!3ht Saturday on thp; KGtrman industrial centres of m ind Durscldorf. the Chan- i pnrli of Dunkerque and Bou- I'M over enemy airdromes in ; 'km France The Germans I more active in bombing Great n Saturday night, centering j i uth coast town. Four Oer--pWj were brought down ov-W'-ala during the night. sdonhat its first alarm since, 15 early today but no planes pwd and there was no gunfire. p dear coming soon after. EMORIAL ON OCEAN Held Wln'ttd Slates Submarine Sinking PTBMOUTU New Hampshire. IJ : -Memorial services were - 8ea 'wenty-elght miles I yesterday for the tlilrty-Hen uhn in the le 0-0 which sank In a ,e last Friday. Secretary of : "Tjf Prank Knox was among I. - 1. part in ine servi.-. Ut nri --I ;.-,.llnili lib.. T oa,Ke vyraw" I,. abilllflnnl ,Ht,rK WllO .n sent down four hundred riMv ;"""8 mat an. uiosc ""4a Perished, father Forecast I hi-ii.i 1 n.mnii m, f "lands Llht south S? and mlld wilh C' "8ht rain, RATTLE LINE ALL THE WAY FROM ARCTIC TO RLACK SEA-SOVIET FORCES RESISTING STUBBORNLY UKRAINE ARREARS ' IMMEDIATE OBJECTIVE Germany's invasion of Russia is taking place by land, sea and air along a 2000 mile front from the Arctic Ocean to the Hlack Sea. The Nazis appear to he centering the attack from East Prussia into the Baltic States and from Rumania into Bessarabia with wheat fields of Ukraine and oil fields beyond as the immediate objective.. Strong Russian resistence is evidently being met although how effective it will be and where the battles may localize arc points that arc as yet obscure. Millions of fighting men with heavy mcchanzied forces are poised for action on either side. Air raids in the Ukraine and Russian occupied Roland have commenced. Such cities as Kiev, Scbastapol and Rrcst-Litovsk have been hit. Adolf Hitler on Sunday ordered the march of the Nazi armies into Russia and the invasion commenced at 1 a.m. Hitler, in his proclamation, said he had had enough of Russia's violations of his frontier and he was commending-the fate of Germany to the Army. "Together with the Finns, the Germans are standing from Narvik to the Carpathians," Hitler declared. , It was not until an hour after the invasion commenced that thc'German ambassador to Moscow officially notified the Russian foreign office that Germany was in a state of war with Russia. Hitler, in a typical tirade, declared the march-in as the greatest in history. He charged that a secret understanding had all along existed between Russia and Great Rritain and that Russia had attempted to stab Germany in the back through Rulgaria. He had long irked under Soviet entry of the Baltic States and Rcssarabia. It was promptly denied in London that there was any secret agreement with Russia, a British spokesman saying that it had been impossible to negotiate with Russia since Soviet foreign policy had been based on the agreement between Germany and Russia made just before the outbreak of tlie war in .1939. . Russian Ambassador Ivan Maisky in London had a long conversation yesterday with Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and emerged smiling broadly. ,,,,,,, 4 ff r i Foreign Commissar V. M. Molotoff of Russia, in a statement at Moscow yesterday, said that the German invasion of Russia was unparalleled in the history of civilized nations. In violation completely of the German-Russian friendship pact, "wanton, barbaric attack." Molotoff an-nouueed t was a on the Moscow radio that German planes had bombed Kiev, (lie Russian Ukraine capital, following Hitlers declaration of war on the Soviet. It Was the first reported action of the new COnfGerman troops have made small gains in former Lithuania and Roland but at great cost, the y.iUhii hich command said today. German, air it K on ail iU.cs of Kiev and Scbastapol cost the Nazis sixty-five planes, a communique-said. United Stales Admits Great Britain Is Now Air Master In Europe T xmnw Tune 23. United States air observers . he scries of crippling blows dealt by sam,r a : Force to Naz military targets ana air ? force K iy have vl won von w Great wi Britain "complete supremacy" in the air over LIBRAKY . Another war in progress i eathcr forr Ai SI Tomorrow's Tides 1 4.V. prince o..rr ""f1",, and a. M YVk " n mmm High 0:41 am 20.4 ft 13:34 p.m. 185 ft. I finds Low 7:23 ajn. 3.1 ft, L 1 l,m! ioca i ram. 19:21 pjn. 7.7 ft. f'Nn 146. V itler Attacks Russia NoirrrtKRN anh central buitisb comjmkia'8 newspaper PRINCE RUPERT; B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1941. Without Warning; Blows .F. Superior BAG From Land OF NAZIS IS TAKEN .-If!.. t.'.i.l,l 1'n.mv Sea And Sky REDS HOLD ON GRlMLY Germans Advance Slow and Costly After Crossing Red Frontier MOSCOW. nne 23: (CP) The Red Army, $ivinif way slowly to the first Nail onrush, moved vast masses of men and cutis (ulo the fight today and., called, tens, of thousands more to arms against Russia's, erstwhile non -aggression pact partner. The Army high, command ald, in its first .communique since the dawn attack Sunday, that the Germans .were fought, to a standstill up 19 noon Sunday but by nightfall they had made penetrations of six to ten miles, principally into Lithuania and a,sec.Uon of Poland now'part of ihVStVwf. The German radio reported today that Nazi, forces had crossed the Prut River between Rumania, .and Russia and were continuing their, advance after Germany artillery and the luftwaffe lisd smashed the Soviet border BOMBER CONTRACTS OTTAWA Contract" for con;-structlon of latest type bombers involving more than $25,000,009 outlay , is announced by Munitions Minister Howe. US COMING tHOOOOaHXCKHCHKHKKHHKHOOOOWH000 TO PACIFIC Premier Mackenzie King To Inspect Defences On This Coast I OTTAWA, June 23: Prime Min- will leave Ottawa tomorrow for the (Pacific Coast to make an Inspection of defence, establishments-army, navy and air. Ills first stop will be at Calgary June 27. With the commencement of the new' phase of warfare between Germany and Russia, Premier King sounded a new call to arms for Canadians. Hitler's invasion of Russia, declared Premier Kin?, removed the I inatlon. "Everyone who .engages Hitler aids our cause .willingly or unwillingly," Mr. King declared. Bulletins GO EASY ON PORK OITAWA Canadians were States defence and security. The PRICE: FIVE CHMTS Great Britain To Aid Russia; Announcement Is Made By Churchill 'Any Man or State Who Fights Nazisim Will Have Our Aid; Any Man or State Who Marches With Hitler is Our Foe," He Declares LONDON, June 23. Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced to the world at 11 o'clock Sunday morning the decision of the British government in regard hn nnlifv fnllnwinir t.hp German invasion nf Russia which SiStf dTHdd as a typically perfidious move carried out wiin tne same scrupulous lecnnique wnicn naa cnaracter-lzed all his previous moves. The , , ' , , . . policy of His Majesty's government fid' twenty-eight German planes Churhchill declared, a policy in ad . lbee" ught down 7er which he hoped the great Domin- renfh Tn's as a b" 'Binning. Henceforth the ions would concur in due course growing Power of the Iteyal Air Force, with would be the resolve to destroy the "bloodthirsty guttersnipe" Hit-; u.m.tcu wu, car ler arid every vestlger of the Nazi machine. Never would Great Britain par- ried out wfth. telling effect. "Any man or state who fights .tyranny. If Hitler imagined that hia attack on Russia would result in division of aid or slackening of effort ley or negotiate with Hitler or any among the democracies he was of his gang. Britain would con-: woef uilv mistaken. On the con- i itniio t r tifTMT rn lonn nn con nn a .t. . asked today by the Canadian I " ,irary. me democracies wouia Df Dacon Board to eat less pork ' irm lfl! u"1 "'"f, help (more strengthened, more fortified. during the next three months so as to leave ample supplies shipment to Britain. for wu.u uc hku vi iimu o 6-1 m tneir Tesoive to ngnt on until gtesslon. all mankind was freed from his 'Wa-rlcTrf -,1,111 ltiv. mi. nlrl 4r.Mn fwl ! HiMpr'a finp TnnMvo In nic aftaplr CONDEMNED BV UN1TEO STATES Churchill. "Any man or . state !on Russia, Churchill said, was to , WASHINGTON United States today- 'condemned 'Germany's "treacherous attack" on Russia and declared "any rallying f forces opposing Hitlcrism" would rebound to the benefit of United which marches with Hitler Is pur t destroy Soviet power befp KjX roe: n louows'tnat We snail give.orougiu me iuu sirengm 01 nis whatevr help we can to Russia army and air force Into the attack and the Russian people and we upon the British Isles which he shall call upon those people who knew he must conquer and which are our allies to do the same." Al- conquest he hoped to accomplish ready the British Government had before this year, ends and before statement was made by Under (offered the Russian government the full strength of the United , Secretary of State Sumner Welles 'any teclhical or economic assist-. States- could Intervene. "Russia's after conference with President ance which was in its power tojdanger is our danger," declared : Roosevelt. Jgive. Germany would continue to Churchill "and the danger of the bombed by day and by night western hemisphere. Let us learn . VICTORY LOAN OTTAWA Victory Loan subscriptions closed Saturday at $806 831,000. British Columbia and Yukon subscribed $82,000,000 and Vancouver passed its $15,000,000 objective. War News jPUSH ACROSS SYRIA VICHY Allied motorized units, which pushed 150 miles across the desert,, have reached the outskirts of the important French garrison, town of Palmyra in the heart of the Syrian Desert, the French reported today. ETHIOPIAN CAMPAIGN CAIRO The British Middle East command announced that British fprces had taken 8000 prisoners including eleven generals in the capture of Jimma, southwestern Ethiopia; Linc-Ups In New War-Germany and Russia Great Britain announces policy of assisting Russia in any way possible since Russia is now an enemy of Germany. "Any man or state which fights Naziism will have our aid," says Prime Minister Winston Churchill. "Any man or state whicli inarches with Hitler is our foe. United States appears divided on question of extension of "lease-lend" measure to Russia. It Is President Franklin D. Roosevelt's prerogative to extend the measure if he So decides. Italy follows the lead of Germany in declaring war on Russia. japan adopts a policy of "watchful waiting" at least for the time being. A Tok) o spokesman says there will be no decision for two weeks at least. Finland announces a policy of neutrality although Hitler claimed her co-operation in the war against Russia. Finland protests , to Moscow at alleged air attack by the Soviet on her cities and shipping in the Baltic. Sweden announces policy of neutrality. All Swedish shipping has been called back Into port. ' Turkey announces a policy of neutrality as between Germany and Russia although there arc signs of closer Turkish tie's with Germany. Rumania is fighting actively with Germany against Russia. 0 o with all British power and with 1 the lessons of what has occurred 'increased Intensity and with sharp-'before, redouble our efforts and lening doses month by month. strike with united strength while j Saturday, the Prime Minister life and power remain." SHIP BUILDERS IN ; BRITISH COLUMBIA URGED TO SPEED UP i i : Adoption of Daylight Saving in This Province Strongly Advocated by Head of Boat Construction MONTREAL, June 23. In a telegram to Hon. T. D. Pattullo, Prime Minister of British Columbia, and the mayors of Vancouver, North Vancouver New Westminster, Prince Rupert, Victoria and Esquimalt, II. R. Mac-Millan, president of Wartime Shipping Limited, appeals to the civilian population and particularly those m the shipbuilding industry to increased efforts to provide ships for the Paph munlctnaHtv in establish dav support of Great Britain. The tele gram says: "The British Admiralty announc 'ed last Friday that 1,500,000 gross .tons, equal to over 2,500,000 tons lost during March, April and May by enemy .action. This terrific total is made up of an average dally loss loss of three ships equal in size to largest freighters now being con structed in Canada. "Wliile such losses continue freighters of the type built in British Columbia become increasingly Canada's most Important munitions production without which food and other munitions cannot reach tlie British population and the fighting front and without which Britain itself cannot survive. Any sacrifice thai can be made by the civilian popuratlon that can hasten delivery of freighters becomes not a sacrifice but essential civilian contribution to strengthen Britain's resistance and hasten victory. Such a civilian contribuUon under present war circumstances is a pat riotic obligation. light saving. It Is estimated in the shipbuilding program now under way In British Columbia daylight saving for eight months each year deadweight cargo carrying capa-March to October inclusive city, of British and Allied shipping !would increase working daylight time in the shipyards by one and one quarter million hours. This additional working time is sufficient to construct two additional 9,300 ton freighters. Such Increase In working daylight hours is too important to be wasted. Therefore, as president of Wartime Merchant Shipping Limited which carries thev responsibility of pressing forward Canada's shipbuilding program I strongly Impress on you and the officials and citizens of your community that you immediately set aside minor obstructions and Yion-war thinking and adopt daylight saving under the powers which I am informed you possess to take this productive action. I would appreciate your leadership and support in bringing about now this Important civilian contribution to "Existing legislation enables increasing our strength." 111'! HI 1 .Mi m 'li I