PAQE TWO U A DTT LEADS THE WAY Authentic Naval, Air Force and Military Dress .Shoes, unequalled in quality and priced right. We invite your inspection. .. (f'i'BPIIl. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes BuyWar Savings Certificates EDITORIALS A Real Service Before hearing W. Lloyd Craig, director of extension for the British Columbia Department of Trade andilndusV try at Ottawa, give his address at last night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, it is possible that local business men were not fully aware of the importance of ihe work that the department is carrying out at the federal capital and the gratifying results that are already being obtained in bringing business to this province. It was particularly satisfactory to hear that, due largely to pressure which had been brought to, bear by Premier Pattullo and Mr. Asselstine, the minister" of-trade and industry, and with the co-operation of the local .member, Olof Hanson, special efforts are being made to have fuller advantage taken of Prince Rupert's ability to con-tribute to the war effort in an industrial way. Actuated by the desire to be of real service and ,nnt mere)y to capture business, Prince' Rupert people do riot wish to have more business than can be efficierftly carried aut here. They will not be content, however, until they are satisfied that the facilities of this place are beintr nut to iuu use at a ume wnen it is essential Unit all the resourcesl of the country should be employed towards the winning! oi me war. No secret was made by either Mr. Asselstine or Mr, Craig last night of their feeling that Prince Rupert today is not doing all that its facilities are capable of performing. SPECIAL VALUES Sheddon's Grocery 500 5th Avenue East Phone 581 MARCH 5th to MARCH lMh Syeet Corn Choice. OOp Sugar-Granulated. n IC-oi. tin. 2 for io lbs. for VVL Peas Size 4. MUk-Evaporated. OPn itor 3 tins for Nabob Spinach 9Qf Butter First fi- f A '2's.2 for OU, grade. 3 lbs, for ?" Nabob Tea (? Corn Beef-ElRancho. Aln .Per lb U1' Per tin -iC MWs Dated jCoffe JQp Royal City Pumpkin- OCp Lb- Fancy quality, 2V2. 2 Amonla Anclkor 4 ff p Lynn Valley Peju-hes brand. 2 qt bottles 2 Uns UQ iiUh Tomato Juk- OOp Canada Corn Starch- -f A 20-oz. tin iOV' lG-oz.pkt. California Seedless 9Rf Campbell's Tomato Qp fUkln&2 lbs. 'vV Soup-Per tin v A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A O00I) PLACE TO BUY TRADE-IN FURNITURE 5-piece Chesterfield Suite, splendid condition 8-piece Dining Room Suite1 Dresser, 1 Vanity 2 Bedsteads Act Quickly T""c 775 327 3rd Avenue If you lose anything, advertise for it. Basketball Buzz h would snap out .of H, and be able to help his boys take their sons paid admission to the games. This money is sadly needed by the Association since it has liad bad breaks with the weather etc. all season and is behind financially. An entertaining feature of last night's game was the rabid fan who just couldn't stand it any longer and rushed referee Atbn- soni of New Mfctukatla. A licht strangle hold was. broken and the fan returned to his seat much satisfied. If you want sometnuui, adver-Use for It. Hundreds of people get what they want that way. Itf) BASKETBALL EXHIBITION HALL TONIC.HT 7 i.m. Jr, Ieatue playoffs M( ClymoiU vs. I'raser SL 8 p.m. Rocky Mountain Karigers vs. Booth Memorial High School 9 n.m. Prince Rupert Savoys New Metlakatla ALASKA panre Tonif ht Boston Hall Serenader's 'Orchestra OHED FOtt KEN! ROOM AND BOARD Box 77, Dally News. (571 WAREHOUSE for rent. Phone 237 or 238. 58)j WANTED ' WANTED fit 2 liuJtf houskfp-ing rooms. Box '16, Dally Kews. I&C) WANTED 1, 2 jot .light housekeeping- room or rooms. Box 76, Dally News: if WANTED 2 furnished or unfulV hished roonis.: Box 80, Dally News. WANT to buy an Outboard, 157) 46 hi". also a yiumpirig 'outfit V2 oi; h.p. ssulUbl or place; mining. Both must be in poo condition. W. Lane. Terrace; B.C:' (55). MALE JfE LP WANTED SALESMEN (3) Jo represent natpm al distributor of new,lrad Urau lator plan .that - guarantees in creased business to all classes of mercnanis. unusual earomrs on advanced commission and repeat j business arran&emf nt. Universal i Sales, 55 York, '.Toronto. (55) ' THX DAILY IfEWS A very sad Scotch lad walked, jmtla the lead off - the floor in the person of our until the third quarter. Houston Angus McPheie when, he gathered and Domlnato played very nice himself together and headed forjjall. Up to the half both team the dressing room after last night's played at a steady par and the hectic Struggle V the Exhibition ia-are at the breather was 15-11 Building. Mac has been suffering with Influenza for the last three days and only yesterday returned work at the drydock in the hope NEW METLAKATLA WINS by one poiyr (Continued from Page One) for the visitors. In the third quarter the locals came out with mucn vigor ana four baskets in swift succession by MePhee, Lindsay, and Beynon put Rupert In the lead. At the end of first Important game of the seatha third ouorter Rupert son. instead Angle jusi amni nave it in hkn. Thai old perm had been working overtime, had worn him down until he had to be relieved by blSev Domlnato, the first time In a long while. 1 Tonight Domlnato will start at centre with Jim Currie taking Ills post at euard. Jim -did ndt get into last night's jgame but will see action tonight. Thrs will be Jim's first big game this year. He was south when Petersburg played here before Christmas. Jim will team up with Bobbie Houston wlio lined up with him 'In many' intermediate games before ; either of them Uinmd senior. Sonny Beynon and, Hejgc Holke- stad did not click as jthey .usually do In last night's game. Heige was playing off his game due to a shoulder injury sustained to the games , at Ocean Falls where he held a 0 foot throe Inrh rheck to a standstill. Another bis crowd Is expected tonight Last night about 350 per led by. 25-21. The last quarter started slowly with both teams working hard and, at three minute to play the visitors led by 28-25. By clever passing and nice ball-handling the Metlakatla. boys tried to liold Prince Rupert down. Just n few seconds before the whisUe Lindsay for Rupert broke through and passed to Beynon who scored but the final score was 28-27 fiw tlie visitors. Atkinson and E. Hudson played well for the visitors. One of the features of the game' was Ihe one- handed shots of Harris. 'Johnny Comadina handled the whistle In his usual capable way. New Metlakalla Hayward; R. Atkinson, 11; E. Hudson. 11; M. Hudson, 2; Reese; Harris, 4; total, 28. Savoys MePhee. 4; Campbell; Beynon, 6; Houston, 2; Domlnato, 5; Holkesiad; Morgan, .6; Lindsay, 4; total, 27. The preliminary game between Old MetlakaUa and the Co-op, re inforced by two of the IDgh School stars, Alex Bill and Oliver Santur-bane, gave the fans their money's worth. There was plenty of action and MetlakaUa led all the way. At the half the score was 24-22 and at the final whistle it was 47-42. Metlakatla A. Leighton, 6; Pre-vost, 12; W. Leighton; Haldane; Auckland, 15; H. Leighton. 9; Nel son,. 5 ; Robinson ; total. '47. Co-op r- Bill: Santurbane, 12; VHf. !5; Bremner. 5; Qrlmble, 10; Macdonald: Dal7"ll; Marl.amv totLj?. IB mm wimi IU tJ,rUMn( h not pMA,t i 01 AtpUfU Liquet CMitiel Batii m ky J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid?. Fresh Iocal Haw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 CHIROPRACTOR SUnlej W. Colton, D.C Ph.C. Vcllar lllofk. Phone 644 Used Furniture Good she Chlfonier, 5 drawers. Ivory finish and mirror, Bedroom Dresser Jvory finish. Gate le Table, walnut finish, 4 niaijsRane jn wfrite enamel for burning, roal or wood 1. ',"tlc Bed cable spring knd felt ma Kress Linoleum-Bug, size Cx9, Axminsler Bug, 9x10'$ TCiifhen Table, 8-piere Dining Room Suite, Chesterfield ' Suite Range fitted wiUi an oil burner, Quebec heater, Air Tight Heater, Perfeetioji room Ueater, B.C. Camp Stove, Tire Basket, Fireplace' Screeu, Coleman Lamp, Sad Irons, Clothes Wringers, Stove Shield, large size steel Crib, Prams, Convertable Carnage AlOOSE BUILDING ELICTS Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. u&ed rurnituie Department - TH1KD AVENUE t x ti 4lwna1y 1nAPAf In urn H . W. Lloyd Craig, director or ex- jus iai was oi T . Tin KU0 'tntenn , . .1,. ntuv. rniiimhi!) ne- connection with the effort touanze . wn 1 partment of Trade and Industry at the resources of British Columbia A rlt - v,v'n guawa. wa the speaker o- more especially In connection Nell M. Carter, nresl- and and m. m, 'Tv .t .he regular weekly luncheon the war. Dr. Rotary Club. dent, was In the chair and there xor An, whldTthey'kepT of the Prlnre Rupert MrtfBicop "OX ' toil ml tf tlfU UtBf iiol that Utut titt mtihrm ! el c;u.(f. iwi. dancer Without those whiskers smooth Gillette sir. you get Made of glass-hard steel, Blue Gillette Blades take a keen edge that stands up for one qukk, easy shave after another. Men in Uniform Need Blades Send the Best See Special "Service Package" of 50 Blue Gillette Blades Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVKKSIDKS BLOCK Srrond St Plume Green 416 FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 4 pjn. BOAT W.S.I TltOTIKK'S DOCK llleli Quality latest Patterns All British Woollens JUST ARRIVED Come in and choose the cloth for your spring suit Ling the Tailor Sixth, Street Phone C55 FOR ACID INDIGESTION We Recommend BISMA REX 4 ozs. 75c " 16 ozs. $1.75 Lend Your Money io Canada Buy yar BavinKR Ccrtiflcalcs Ormes Ltd. Ztfut Pion t er Drutig tets 1b Kexall Store rbonei II 0 Open Dally from g u. till II pm. Muodajrt tD HMilda from IZ U t P " J to I UNION STEAMSHIPS itol Bteamers'Iav Prine e Runert for Vancouver JS.S. C&JAiA EyERY TUES. TJS.S. CARDENA fl DAVf;3i.B. J0:30 p.m. ' Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.rn. Due yanrouyrr, Mn0 ... ; .. v. . ...... iavr ' Mueen cnarioue islands Service-- .(fortmguuy itupet March 3, 17 and 3110 p.m. It, m.. i r,vi,l c at Off'Ct Further Information niari1lTi nisArvatlona and TicK ... . . . B1 A , FRANK I. SKINNMt Prints Riipert Agent. Third Ave. tui. Ji .i.' . . i.a... :..t.. i:r ihflW 1 that the people 6HrTr;whQe district arc doing"1 f