Tbursda: J4 J M KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Paplta Many Suffer Low BI04H Count And Don't Knew lt Tlx bammf thine HX'Ut low Lluod roiml it that v tan weiirti about aa murh aa ou tin did 'fen limk Ixalthy mid atrang.Wet you ran frl aa if you iixt Irwl in iSnr ieut, diT Unrd a ix-plm. " , low Wood taunt nwu you liaven't gut anuufh r4 Uu-d corpuMk. It U Ibeir vital jut to "fry tif-(ivinc uxyyrn from your lunfi taroutho.ut.yuur body. And juat aa it take liiri'" to rxpbHle raaoline in yiiur ut end make the jwwer to turn the whq-U, $0 you mit have plenty of mttrn la ft. p'-xl the energy In your iwdy and give iuu foUf power, Oct lr. William I'lnk-rilli today. Tke, art world-noted for the. hlp they give. ( Incrtaiinf th number and atrencUi of red tarpOK-lra. Tbeo with your Uood count dp, yoa'l! ffl like boundinc up the atalra aa if you were floating on air. Aak yaur druprlat ..tor Dr. JVilliam 1'jnk 1'iUa todaj . - Announcements All advertisements In this col-, umi) viil be charged for a full ' month at 25c a word. ' , St Peter's Tea, Mr Onixford'& March 8. Varden's entertainment March 11 Anglican mi id Tea' Mrs. Darton's KebeUah Tea and Sale, AcrU "2. Were Married Last Evening Mi Ruby Foyer Becomes Bride Of Staff Sergeant Alfred ltirketls 1 . Of Koyai Canadiau Engineers ( The wedding took, place bwt eye-' ' rring St 'AndreW's 'Cathedral of Ruby, youngest daughter of J. Foyer and the late Mrs. Foyer, and ' Staff-Sergeant Alfred Ricketts, Royal Canadian Engineers, only son of Quartermaster Sergeant and Mrs. 8. L. Ricketts of Esquimau,. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a, floor-length white gown of crepe-de-ch!ne with a crown headpiece of white lace t; match and carried a lovelv ban quet of pink and white carnuUoas and red roses. She was attended by Mrs. Jean Morrell. wearing a floor-l'nruh Ko'wn of blue with a pink lar jacket and a headpiece to match Ilex PO,uquet wsisted of pink :ar-patioits, blue iris and fern. Sweeani W. Morrell E. c. E.. attended the groom. '"EJ" A .wedding jsupper and reception Nav, Auxiliary tea March 8. Lejj lonHall. '"'riir, vr , ..... Presbyterian Tea. Mr .Flaten'i? Third' Avenue, where n i- . ' 1 1 1 rt IN 1 1 llln eirmrinnr wira 'omfvt.nH jvurrii to. a....- n. " f- uui-01-iown truests lncludpd Mr Foyer jand Quarterrhastef Senreant Becond Searchlight Auxiliary Tea letts will mak. Lesion, March IS. jSts Elmo Apartments, Second Av- T. n lenue. Calnonci uaaiew i. ratncK lea, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our kind United Tea March 20th, Mrsiffleods and well wishers fr Jdnd- Larces ly."?3 m"wti dots. o. rung ana ourselves a urine ner long- illness 102nd Auxiliary Tea, Legion, asd refwt passing. Iiorwcuuurai uuuwx, jwareti t.M ftTPVn V1MP. Ilundreas pt peopw try a "spot" in the Daily News classified ol- L O, B. A. Spring Sale, April 23, jumn and get Rood results. tl) U. .I4 1 . J.IU.H Dtpentafce for 3 Cmraiiens nmiSim mm mm BIRTH NOTICE A son has been born in Victoria to Mr. and Mrs. A. C Thody (nee Thelma Edlundi formerly of this city. Basketball DANCE Tonight Scrcnader's Orchestra HOSTON HALL 'll ' igj'"' distilled, 'agd and Wended in'scot- fcgRiP' land . . then shipped direct in the old- 2SllkII. fashioned untippable flagon. Make .this NdJSHBQM. distinctive bottle your guide to a rare old Scotch Whisky VflHV m$3.75 VnKHf M.eDOMALD GREENLEES LIMITED . LEITH, SCOTLAND .... the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government . . bj t. A a.ui, vta vertlsement ! not published or 4iPllfie, u,n ,V,bil - u ssesaesB imneam LOCAL NEWS NOTES 8. O N. Meeting Tonight. '(551; TIW;SIOQW SaD, Tiay night. Pxlaee Rupert Savoys vs. New MeiAaJcafla, Alaska, Tonight. Mts. Russell Cameron is sailing tordght on the Prince Rupert for Vlatoria. Miss Leah Basso-Bert fails tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Try a Dally News Want-Ad. H. Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this raorning to b oa lime. i, Mrs. Jack Joy is sailing tonight j onthe Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. ' Prince Rupert Savoys vs. Jtfew Metiakatla, - Alaska, Tonight. Mr. and Mts. Albert Pickens are sailing, tonight on the Prince Jtu-pert for a trip to Vancouver. CPJt. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, is due ln port at 3:30 this afternoon from' Skagwiy and other Alaska points. and will sail at 5 p.m. for Vancou-! ver .' 1 ix Tim m tkkmi: riiritT or iticiriMi ( oi.i juiia in runittn: 111 tlir ' MiiltrT l llie "Aillltiliistrllan Act" Anet In the Mat I it of the IMiL, ut Jobi l(4-lla, II. ('. on he r.(ti duy of Jauuurv, lit I J TAKE NOTICE that by proer of ilia Honor; W. E. FlsiwT, niatf Hit 2&tb day or February. A. D, J941, I was appointed Administrator. ..vltu Wttl-van-' lyexra, of in ente.tr of John WUaon. rteoeased. and all parties having claim against the) said esate are hereby required to furalRh Eame, prdperly verl-fbrd. to ,ine. on or before the 4th day of April A. P- 1841. and all parties Indebted to the eataie are required to pay tne amount of itneir indabtedness to toe tcmtltwtai. DATED the tUi day of JAireh, A. D 1M1. NORMAN A, WATT OXnclal Administrator. Print Rupert. BjC. V'.rM IIWC-M 'VB FCOUGHS r 1 COLDS k ASIHM, tlONCHIIlS A onJ lit laipjratar jdM L AilaienM Jala 4 jWm NEW ROYAL HOTEL 4. Zarelil Proprietor 'A UOME AWAI rKOM MOMr Ktw 7Sif SO Room Hot & Cold Wfcttr Prlrict Rupert, B.C. rboneZBl r.o. lUx lll PAINTING Decorative Kalsomining Signs Ii)RNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's rbone 46 YES! We Repair Water Pipes, Hoofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swep ?2J50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 THE SEAL 01 QUALITY GdLD SEAL Fancy Red vSockeye pinFseal Finest Pink-Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning rompany with an all the year roun$ payroU In ' - -prtnc Buptrt Cauliflower Fresh O C p white heads. Each Utah Celerf-- Hit aadreejJ;. New Potatoes A tfeat Ottp tp eat. 3 lbs. T I PLaaT.J.. ' u Slow Burning CIGARETTE PAPERS HOMt fMlf MADE ATTENTION Car, Boat and Plant Operators Free showing' of "moving pictures illustrating the operation and lubrication of industrial plants, diesel and automobile engines. Entertaining and instructive. Eagles' Hall, Wx Avenue East, Friday, March 7 . P-n- Sharp Courtesy of Imperial Oil, Limited And Its Dealers EVERYBODY WELCOME Til ,fagf-wiref. Grand Opening Sale Starts Friday March 7 th AT LINZEY AND INGRAM LTD. We have just finished a complete re-arraneement of the entire store Installed new modern 'shelving filled with brand new stock Plainly marked with new price tacs and baskets have arrived for those who prefer to serve themselves. Below Is attractive list of specials good iftitil next Saturday March 15. : j 1000 Cook Books Giveji Away Friday and Saturday Free Baking Powder Samples Orders Taken Evenings Between 7 and 10 p.m. Phones 585-586 for Delivery Next Morning: . 7ea Tenderleaf. RO Packet OAK, We expect a shortage of teas within two months Pork Sausage Swift's Olp Premium. 1-lb. tins - . iQuiek Oats Robin Hood. Large package. 9 Cat 2 for .... White Corn Broder's (in choice. 17-oz. tin 1UV Worcestershire Sauce-Smith's English. -J lOK, f?p V? pt. bottle Sliced. Lb lleini Ketchup Handy size bottle. Cn Each Bunch Carrots A special shipment of large tender carrots. -j ff p XtJV 2 bunches Green Cabbage New Op Arizona. Lb; Strawberry Jam Empress Pure. 4Qp i7C 4-lb. tins Super Suds Deal I large package Super Suds 1 Relish Dish 9f AOU The 2 for Chocolate Bars Rowntrees. Large. Iflp AU" Per bar Pineapple Garden Isle, sliced, large tins,. 25C Peaches Lynn Valley. 17-oz. tins. 25C Salad Dressing Miracle Whip. 4Cp Quart Jar Grern Peepers Large, 'tttn firm. Lb Leeks Fresh green. EJp Bunch Lettuce Large size. n IV Each Texas Grapefruit 20c New Rhuaru-Plcked "jn pound bunches. Each 7c Pork and Beans Bestovall. 16-oz. tins. . Cn 9 Each - MM mmmm - Soda Biscuits Red 4 ftp Arrow. Large pkg. Cut Beans Choice f An quaUty. 17-oz. tin Butter Sweet AC Vl'VD Clover. 3 lbs Devon Bacon Lb Cherub Milk Baby QHp VV pure. Per doz Grapefruit Juice 91 P 50-oz. tins ' Pullets Eggs Fresh. J r vk doz. .: JiUX WAR SAVINGS AND HELP CANADA'S WAR EFFORT FRUITS and VEGETABLES Kept Fresh in Our Cold Storage Room Washed Clean By Vapour Spray Fesh Asparagus J Op Crisp and clean. Lb. New Peas Well filled ffp A' pods. Lb Tomatoes Firm-Ripe -f CJp outdoor. Lb it'. Oranges Juicy navels. QQp Small size. 2 doz. Oranges Juicy navels. 4 ff p Medium size. 2 dozen Daffodils Large ' tOp Order Early Lemons Juicy Sunklst ?n Medium size. Doz ! Anjou Pears Fancy 9 Op Ouk, wrapt. Doz The New Grand Cafe Opening -J Monday March 10, 6 a.m. nrw furniture new fixtures. NEW DISHES NEW EVERYTHING AUractivje Atmosphere Good Cooking Generously Served Reasonable Prices Eat Well and Save SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET If you lose;anything,.advertise for it. E9 D , V. lr- ! T8 i f 4