i ' .- n r r nnnrT UK ID BUNls lVlAUt 1U mime - RuDcr In connection wren wiumuu to ruus mw ir ''fart Mr. Cra'.g, who u,e lucuiireB oi xnis provinse ana ' ar Idea of what the tne nea" 01 comnmiee, long r wx aireaay aouis in uiai I IfF RFTTRR AIWA NT A HE l war business of Brl- uniea lungaom, inaa saw on nis vn hPimr t.h third return "I have never seen better T OF PORT IN WAR EFFORT: General Weygand Is Now In Vichv VICHY, March 6: (CP) General Wjygand, commander of French Iotms in North Africa, arrived by plane this t f f"1.. m m -r TTfioc. Wtml T )......! ! 1 r i aftAl-nnnn frr t h ffrat -moot. iifi vi V'umi-vv y.uio ftiiat i lutniLiai ifi'ii:iri- ----- -- t ,.r nn.I " i ine with Marshal PataAn In six rami vi nout uiiu vyuiiuiiuici; is nmnc V n. T TJt,if j. months. n-v. The government raid On Local Behalf that a. premature announce- ment thrrt Wygand had ar- . , . . rlvsd veafterttav was ne rrwee nupert nainuur oi commerce, at a lanre- d'hMv n h n. Craig, director of extension at Ottawa for the Bri- ana lacn.ues oi mends. made move- CONSULATES ARE CLOSED r the provinces tf the workmanship or hstter production united alatrs invites Italian En- ... , . thin iyv rt TJrltlrVi nAlumkkn vnn Tn I.rvvi. ftitrni And t:: ali rjflEU iaac vuuiuu ' Prince Rupert, he felt, "l wwa waa w snw purcnasmg br building certain t"po abits m uwava wnat cauia d wAattiwuiujc, warcn u: iupi . . 11 i rflrm,. in RrlHh rirtlifrnVila n rr? o 1 TTio TTr "rfpiH .dfnrtMK onvarnimonl frvM m i if wiiH.irn uiiib iif i uui ........ t- - - j hriieve that this nort PHmeirtary acKnowledgments of Detroit and Newark, New J:i.?y; 13? bp building steel cargo astaJtc and service that "f reasons rf na.ttoral policy " ' - . . . .... 0 T4 1 I 1 t. ' 1 run uc iVifrt it.H Mr ontr at'itjH that Hnrin tho tire united states cios? its consul- . UiU' 144L 04IWB 111.4 V TW ItlVll w- - e wif u: d and he would ass past year certain' firms In British aLes a apies ana faiermo. , . . . , .(,. .i rvvi..va- v i u i 1 IT vrnt tin tint. htVp nnvantjiPA nf adav materials in Ontario and haulinc POV 'iA p.r. eaificr, rufecuM Tomorrows T'Ictes t-trwvt-f on1 OilAMii fThar- . High 8:00 am. 172 It. i t ':. - -ijsnx 10 moaeraie . 15.4 ft. - r.inudv and mild with 21:25 p.m. Low . 1:12 ajm. 102 ft. r w .'- 14:45 p.m. 73 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMlsJA'S NEWSPAPER Ztt.. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1941." PRICE: 5 CENTS. aZz 11 i. leven Enemy Ships Are Sunk T . 1 Bulletins NAZI EXPECTATIONS IJEULIN German spokesmen said yesterday they expected Turkey would remain neutral, Greece would collapse and Yugoslavia would join the Axis. Germany will choose her own time and methods to strike at Greece if it is necessary to do so. RENDEL LEAVING SOFIA SOFIA British minister George Rendel expects to leave Sofia nrxt Monday or Tuesday, polish, Belgian and Dutch ministers are also leaving.' The United States minister will look after the interests of these countries. INVASION FROM WITHIN WASHINGTON Martin Dies, chairman of the Senate committee on un-American activities, says he expects Hitle to invade South America from within. "There are already one million Germans in South America on which the Third Reich can depend," Dies says. FURTHER GREEK VICTORIES ATHENS The Greeks claim further victories over the Italians on the Albanian front RUSSIANS MASSING VIENNA Premier Ion Anton-escu left Vienna yesterday on his return to Rumania after conferring with Marshal Goering. German forces are massing, it is re ported, on the Rumanian frnn- GREEKS IN I WAIT FOR i GERMANS i Thousands Of Greek Soldiers And) Workmen Are Reinforcing I Mountain Passes On garian Front Bul- Surprise Off By Near Raid Pulled British Navy Nor way. Coast Two Hundred and Fifteen Prisoners Taken From Vessels I Fish Oil Plant is Destroyed SOFIA, March 6: CP Termin- , , , . , , 'ation of confer-nses inAthent be-1 LONDON, March 6: (CP) British and Norwegian twwn Foreisn secretary Anthony forces sank eleven ships under German command and cap- Edem of Great Britain and Greek tured 225 prisoners 215 Germans and ten Quislings in leaders found thousands of Oreek ellwt.:eQ Vo? TWctr nn Via T.nfnton Tclnndc nff the roMlfTS and workmen reinforcing su,18l i w " fortifications in mountain nasses . from Bulgaria against whlrh beHeved the Germans ar pre parte e to smash at any moment. Eden end General Sir John Dili left Athn la niht after securing Greece's undertaking to make no separate peace with Italy. TALK ON Mrs. DENMARK: Speaker Before Women's Club "A Day in Denmark" was the title of a highly Interesting address giv am - ii j i-j mi ;j i i si u:. i It is Olliciany announceu uuuay. ine raiu iiau as ijlh uujucu me 4 Salvage Of Kvichak Is 4 Not Success astrucuon oi a iisn ou' piani. Sinking of the German shipping and taking of prisoners was all-carried out with considerable success, a communique said. British ships also landed gifts of -food for the Norwegian population and took off Norwegians anxious to fight with British forces. , I The eleven ships sunk included j ten German vessels and one Ger- Attempts of .the Pacific Sal- j man-controlled Norwegian vessel, vage Co. -to refloat the Unttsd The captured vessels had cargoes States Army transport Kvich- ;of foodstuffs and clothing. ak, which went ashcxe several i One German officer and six sea- Gordon Downes Is Interesting weeks ago at the south end men were killed, the raiders them- of Fimayson unannei near. i selves suriermg no casualties. Milbank Sound, have so far J proven unsuccessful and it is reported that the vessel has A ID CllDfl? sunk. The Intention had been, IV 1 VJV1jI If there was success in sal- vasing the ship, to bring her i en Diore vne women . 1 to Prince Rupert dry QOck. Some equispment of the Ar- ir(o,.. vi OFFENSIVE oufApC v.. u awi w ncavy diuws iciivctcu uy unmu monlh ah?4rS nL 01 adeTand industrUwhcwspoke-ijer from th Black s4 Inw.irdr ci8ht3 r member of,thub;e.ln . Jn wrfr!'- riancs i in Prince TluDfrrtifll- kt tharrn -Onatto manufac- y,,- tv,,r if attendance and Mrs. Neal M. Car- I ! : turf Thl. rrrnvlnv, u-n. ortimMv . ".' " " 4 . .u neciion wn uie .vitira. -, i;oasl Coast I. ..i i: l r i j. i.i i a .1 ..l.i i .if in j iivii m v niniim rvfk ymii nmrf nn'ni a t rvr i- i w k. mm vi iFak w which were now under .peuns succwiuuy uie tlsh muu to aaintam a trade IvG I 1 III KH u 1 Lilt" .1 ii i ; i .kiii wuiik wua v rfrnmciwi, tj va in nrawa r.jrm :i ti. -cm ibis there was not fW coj1,TB!,ts wmonatral- ,en,ttyr or ord.r t0 ' "6 abUlty to do business In Prmce should Rupert ln &ettlng toe proaucts cf business at Ot- de OP"1 and cxmipcmive mar- ng more ..his province into Ontario and i shall be my aim to KW- "e was uny vaiue Quebec. Already, as a result of this m.sed, v a vtuo jjicaii.iuii.iTj mat ,.... oil Co vsiauuiinea. irt been in Prince Rupert i:me- atKTO Air- ur"B- . The Premier, said the minister, rear; ago at the time of BritUh Columbia naa been ana himself had felt that Prince -'i v i-; ULiWJUCl lUdV Ul Vl CUfe, AWUb rw,c Mi"tuvs b&wvtw DUStHE?ffi 21110 Lilt" Y Wtlt WL7I IVIIIII British Columbia into with the East -being against this along this line in co-operation with CONFINED Hemisphere WASHINGTON. D.C.. March 6: CP Senate tbaders d?cldTd y?s-tfirday to oppose any British aid Mil ammrtmmb! dmdtrned to con ter was ln the chalr Mrs. Downes was born on the east coast of England and, as a little girl, played on the beaches where the Vikings landed. All her life it had been her hope to visit the land of Denmark and finally In 1936 the it for you," Mr. vlce that counted. "If we ter7iet' M industries of this prov- V"HVl f? lt" Nt opportunity came. Mrs. Downes and To Limit British Aid To Western can do that ln wartime, do you Ince had been extended and new, her children spent three years in Denmark, leaving there early last spring Just five weeks before the Oerman invasion. The speaker described in Informal but delightful manner life in1 ths Dani'h car Y al of r ' -'--ha.'n. ' 4 work. SALARIES toTrench Invasion' Attacks on Eng land Lighter LONDON, March .6 A great day- light offensive by the Royal Air (Force across the English Channel . yesterday caused tremendous dam- . V a ITVavtft'h Intra elrtn nrta rf. riisiiissrii Buiogne being the mst heavuv wt Last night London and the rest Report Cards Also Considered By : 0f England were fairly quiet. There Teachers Meeting Last Ni(fht was another attack on Cardiff by the Luftwaffe but it was not of the In? Prirrv Rupert and District large proportions of Monday and tti e4. . . . . . . 'Teachers' A siacftafVm. teld Its reeu-' TiiPsriav nlchts s af Ottawa." This province province. It would have been even oiof Hanson, the local member. " 1, Among oiner inmgs sne taP mnnhiv nmtta irat evenine. TnHnv Tendon hart it. 500th in the hands ol every pur h Columbia. The aim was c real Ecrrvlce to the war ef- y cing that . the fullest pos was Including shipbuilding. Many plants craig had been ordered to come ln the south had been enlarged here. It might toe slow but there .. . nf .. and expanded and were working wa3 gocd reason to hope for ultl- UI ""cy overtime seven days a week, mabe results. Dak. of policy of British L...t f,, k 0 rt-u om firm t 4.ci,ti itin if fnHA nwl k, a.. i ....-Anni ...... vftuww.ui, w jjj or(icrs amounting u) ?.i,ouj,uuu, the local ore sampling pant wnicn, wa: .to secure business lor i winnnn In BriUsh Col- cin"i ftstflhlishmpnt. (had re. Province, nrovldlnir always1. ui. nwi.n .hats if? ...uj i -innn Kir, TOt,i 4n v . v 1 1 1 1 1 I II L MALVlltC VY VVA4 k. 4 4 - . 1 1 1 it. 1 1 II L iDtlU.UUU 41b. 4VUltibU VU to 112 feett in length were oemg aman shippers in ithis area. An hum oav nlank was to be added this ..ton! 05 werelp,,4K, . nnk a nreaent be- Prince Runert Ghatmber of Com- l British nnlnmhln Inorwfnr i"v" , - - ,. , . . W W4 ttllM AWW'M compatible with good Ilk . . . . . - - oijiiisa joiumuiiis lO nunfunt-lliro inH snrmlv nere Was a itendenev towards ni,i.u 1.1. 0 remote and ton Artehtl urcly as t.hB the -.luiit Z,1. .:. Columbia (wumDia r.oi.W couia """to out .that British as U " not " in Production I'll ai iA -"J rf441VJ. nmiitee had come out lng done. He would say there wasmerce, who said that local people room for' more business in Prince iWere not satisfied tither that all Rupert. He had made notes and ( was being done locally ithat could suggestions would be presented to be done in connection with the competent authorities with a viewer effort. This special visit of 1L. 1.11 i T. 4T1n tw t,n ii ito getting more business ior um mt. Asseisune mia ivu. vi6 part of .the country. appreciated. The support they were Mr Craiir reminded his listeners giving was welcome and local t'oS5 of L Ottawa'peopley on its bringing work for tne .an, - to VW-rrZS trade hureau was C .ra.Uk.e NfonoUaxidiw Jf " columbia -v OI Xtic Dom nta. Th'i" "u 1 . 'ii 'iJ 11 1 rrrt ii iiFii nmi.T. Tiivnrii.i. 11 i,u ' ... "t iur Nomp iimft nut 1 Vfc' t. XlUil. ff vi - I . . 1 Red Cross Society section. The Department Branch is planning to give all pos 5 here for people 5ible aid to the Junior Red Cross Brttlsh much as in Prince Ruoert. Miss Irene Mit 01 WS - f . they wished. "The service. chcu is m . . '. r vnnr own fault , iindpr her endeavours much has a ? Mr.' Assclsllnc ready, beert accomplished by the They . . . . . .. L , i . ... ., .. .. ., ICfJUUtCU (UJ IU1 V1 'UMUb OU.11 'rade index ln which' wasjorders and toe third per capita in vantages were descJibed, advantages t ' f VYTV Stm tihlnn waff momi. wnr hiid-nAct TIip vollrmf of W3J wViinh cnritl4 nrtf. hA TArm It'hAH fo . 1 HimKIa 4..4L. 14 V. 4 1 i 1 . 1 kl. n 4 hnnn riNflKAnn , 1 . 4...H 1 4 1 n .wsah m m r I M m m of '.hose engaged ln the $06,000,000 and $68,000,000 not in- piete survey was being made of c ltL m. i j i t i. .ii i i i 4iv....livo K, . f . m itii.i cm 4. . . . maae rneir oecision aner vi for m mingled ncioii u u,iunaiuiuiiiuwc .iii. The King, Instance, ' - naa ooen wruwucu w auu, . e . e, rv,n tj,,!! ic . . . . . with a laree a'TCnoance ca mem- " v m.aaJ ranrwtari 4n rt ViAtto Hn tro nnlrl csolrt ittini ithof CIlH ciV ... ... .., . i . - UW3 flUd A w. w. ' '- aggres- ed into their lives, there being a common bond of trust. New Metlakada Wins By One affection and Denmark had aa been neexi ln w those tiiuw: post war vears a ln which to live ira M'ltVi with plenty nlontir of nf food f inn Point In Basketball Opener; on the Series Off To Exciting Start lur ninny a year vviieii, in uie nmni evcui ui mc cvuni(,, between. the'New Metlakatla All-Stars and the Prince Rupert Savoys, the local lads lost by a score of 28-27. It yas an exciting and close fought game which kept the shouting fans m turmoil irom start to iin ish. The Savoys got the tip and on McPhefe, Atkinson of the vlsi-itrled for a basket but failed. After rs scored a basket, giving Metla-u penalty sliot, which , was called (Continued oh Page, Twoi the chair. i With th? annual F.er convention In view matters discussed In P-v- resolutlons for tthis gtther- pleasant happy land Qt ta . . Vancouver. The attainment or an, and the comforts . and privileges . of provincial salary scale i i .i i m,. 1 1TTT r f inilT !f 1 t Z 1 ment of such would remove many VFRY I If I pupation, however, had been a very ,1;. it was also felt Liill Lil Villi suffer ,, T severe one with considerable k.. and - - - 1 uuti, st inuiMuuiu oaiau h.uuj t lng on account .... of the unusual , and ablkhod whan the finan- C. Woodward, executive assistant to LONDON, March 6: (CPi The extreme cold. Icial depres"on wais at its worst, Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of muni- government told Parliament today For three months before It occur. a xevision of trse should be con-' tlons and supply, said,-in an address that the British Army , had lwt; red. the inevitability of. invasion by ,.,riwpKl iM3.uch of livtaz I here last night, that Canada has al- only 525 men in the entire cam- the Germans was obvious. Mrs. had mcreased over a ' ready spent as much money in this paign against the Italians In Af-Downes told of her own escape and ot vgry mUch so; war as she did in the entire four rlca and the Middle Eaiit. j that of her family. Finally, they ih& last few years -of the First Great War. From the African frames came , had made their getaway on an Ice- .rwA .n riisrnsdon with re- Canada was now eneaeed ln man- reports of further advances against i breaker to Sweden whence they to schaol report cards. Some ufacturing or was ln the process of i the Italians by British forces. UCreinng Mien muir y mhinn llf. flTOlsf; Tf.ln ' lonrt .nrmrt harfc to Vletoria. t ri. rj,,rr rrrt Mr Mr nrate urate saia saia u-as was ennavounne enaavounnK 10 10 iurmer luxwier pro-i yiv-t v. - , , 4 a nease-jovme aenwora.u; nure. ii , . , ... .viix t , was comfi-acrtu ii - no cxuauiiii-1 ! reached Norway and sailed for Eng T I... 1 1 , a , . 1 1AJ x '' " 1 , 1 I 1 J Ml I mLI. r nArtA. r of uuiuc ui wjuu,!.. . . u.-sv an day -mote minlmr development in uus "M "v". uvmc had to offer. The de- ti. v, There are widespread desentions of ; speaks at another gathering 01 me Wi :fr rtTio, T.te1ta.n W blVmpn'. Canadian Club 01 was not interested in the I ver tZTZZZ iuuimi,ii. . work t 'ram whom purchases a leeting tnat mere w -e l1"". " . "v, , ,.,ki.- ..ixr0-f v,of P,mr mid well be done in Prince by W. R. MCAiee, president 01 tne," jmj. AT WAR IN ' REAL WAY Canada Has Spent as. Much So Far In This Conflict As In All Of Last Making Everything VANCOUVER, " 1 March 6. Col. V.' expressed the opinion that report preparing to manufacture every cairds wijire only needed when j needed war material for Great Bri- special infcrmaiHcn should be given tain except certain types 01 big a parent regarding the pupitfs guns which also would eventually progress or lack of progress; The be made here. recently published forms had given . some grounds for criticism but .whether it was a large amount of criticism from a few Interested persons or whether it was a general feeling of condemnation was; not clear. It was felt that a simp-1 ler form, might be prepared thatl Exchange of views on many other matters provided an interest ing meeting. Society the sum of $154.75., AGREEMENT IS REACHED would meet with more general ap- France And Thailand Seem To Be proval of the parents as well as of the teachers. After all the reports T.acf nicrU in thA WvrtiWtinn Hall Inrnl Knnn fans saw were for the Information of the one of the best basketball games played in Prince Rupert aro L"h?S y te j! ...1. ; 4 ' ... hr ntraninrr """ - Proercssinr Towards Settlement Of Differences TOKYO, March 6: (CI?) France and Thailand; have1 re&cihed an agreement on principal points of a Japanese mediation plan for settling their border dispute, , it was announced today, and it was said The Band Concert by the Rocky '.that the remaining polnts; would Mountain Raneers on Sunday night 'likely be settled within d few'days. netted the Prince Rupert Red Cross i Meantime the ' armistice ' has been extended Indefinitely, Una-.'.