h : 4 PAQ2 EES Expert Oplical Service FOR MERIT miH MEOiit iho nizn iwiioed DE WAR'S OLD SCOTCH WHISKY DUntUO. IUNDED 1X0 V I0IUED IK SCTLANO ""-sL rjDEWAR This advertisement ii not published or displayed bv the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Cuarje , Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Kngravini; VISIT OUR IIASE.MBXT STOKE For Fine China, IHnncrware, Classes, Haggagc and Novelties Max jkt:u:k Heilbroner - DIAMOND MERCHANT She Doesn't Live I VANDERHOOF There Any More I A special meeting of the Vander who stood for "liberty, equally and the activities of the branch. fra-emity" in the Fren h Republic, has not only been dropped from French coins and rtamps. but ruioT mitftt lttve nnh1!1 hnilriinm , . , hoof are in Vancouver attending figures in every city hall and public build ing in France and Mrs. H. W. Stokes of Vander- oi uanaoa Mrs A. A ' . aken th: '. :i?ctin? clothing to be sent to !e in the bombed out areas of : Tiaac! walks. Union steamer Camosun, Capt James Watt, is due in port at 3 p. m. todav fmm Vinrttir.. wi. it,. Every ooeration requires money to pay for it and I was glad ty see Rev. and Mrs. Huh Herblaon the Dominion government face the issue bodtlr in the recent budset Our government lias aiwav ben r .'?r'- sesons of the British rmh., to co-operate with th oumoi wrsnai retain iui rrnin - , , r "T Domtnten nd enecial!v s., nf of th the nntrrjst outcast Varinnn w Hit uiuira vnurcn . . . . " Position Clear iiic we war iartea. we re a: a p mi-gvwi'f'.ee apceryn5 the nrj,"i:if' of the budgetary proraLs o' the Hutrhinson has un- Donilnrm oTeTment in their re- task at Vanderhoof latlon to provincial finance. Itfthe Iriht of event le-vt into the nreaent situation I fee ihj' r.s i r. Osion has aanmed the P"" f e province T shmld :. ..r-a:i-hip of a eeamittee In nT 0,vn 1" "f-' t!v " -.-v,: which wiU put. on- a 510 .ec"" .v.t-vith- r. a .rs to encourage the sale of tM"'" that ,h" " 'rsr r ar sav Jigs certificati which I hve oursued ovr thv v-a-- hahe"n wholly conrtstent ai6 wi'h '.'p.-.--; Averill has been given the ti'ni,' Intent and purmw has by the B-rd of ViDase not rvas been fo Internreted -md --ir.prs of Vanderhoof to 'ndc' has been challer.eed It "lit usual spring improve- tne desiruhlp in th-" wihii" work on the vttta;e side- '"tret that everyone should be latiy nied of h fnc' h'w- ever they may be construed The Oayapie Grain Co. of Van- W!n th rv-"inior rntcr''' ihp drrhoof has shipped a earknd of inpom- tx field follotrtng tiie last cats to TranaalUe. war. it was obvious that in the course "f timr complications bc- i. B. Feeney. manager of the tween the Do trillion and the prov-Vanderboof branch of the Cana- ince? were certain to arise With dn Bnk c CooMnerce. "wflj be the piM1n? vears the fitn'icn ,ra leaving rjortly to take uo a com- ver Nv"-nlne more acute and I Linton in the Royal Canadian Air advised the Bennett uovenimpir Force. Whiff lets From The Waterfront ' Captain J. D. Watson has just ar-i rived from the Naas with the snag , scow Essmgton and is proceeding to i the Skeena River for the season. ! C. P P.. steamer Princess Ade-:iaide. Cape Henry Anderson, Is due In port at 3 o'ctosk this afternoon from the south and will sail ,at 10 pjn. on her return to Van-,'touvcr and waypoints. and suheouentlv the Kin 5"vitm-ment. that, if any increase were made Jn the Dominion inp.vne -ax ' without conference and dis-u -'-n with our OTOvtnce. having regard to our mutual interests, our ovrrn-ment would be com pel' ed f make pubHc n'otst. As a matter of f-t. sinpc then no increases were made until thf War present Federal administration Li t year when this Increase wa m.ide I wrote to Prime Minister M c'cn-7ie Kirvr that p-f crHjrv? rfi- d no oh'ection whatever to its :m-norition a a war measure At the w tine it wa necrY t . o!:,t our thit Jt was bound to afitrt the income tav field which had been w- 'us'velv from 1876 t3 1918. Mnv times I have discard the nrobi- "ith mv poileeues ,in v. e have fullv realbed that th? nublic Queen Charlotte Islands and will h'ben most anxlmi,t thit thrrc sail at 10 o'clock tomorrow night ,ncIe colkctlne thnr' ty Of tnoome tax. on her rolurr. c.tv, .u. .wwHAAA uu( MAC amc route. When Vou Want a Reliable. Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ni irkir w )ervice t Hour Sertire at Recular Rate Trains leave I'rince Rupert for the East Monday. Wednesday. Friday. 6 p.m. Air-Coiiditioneq Sieepine anci Dinme Cars 1 , Steamers leave I'rince Rupert for Vancouver on Thursday and Saturdays II 38 p.m. callinr. at Ocean Fall and , roitll River For Fuii ir.f. rmition and Reservation etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 518 3rd Avenue I hne 260 - Prince Rupert. Asents for Trans-Canada Air 1 1.. As our position in the income tax field benrs a very different rtla-tionshin to our whole economv in comparison. with. many of tiie other pi-winces. It has been and u a very difficult matter to work out a for-raub'. of general application which would be fair to all. We have been desirous of finding a formula whereby in co-operafion with the Dominion we wouft share in the Income tax field with the opportunity foe expanding tevenues at the nrovlnce.developed. Th Slrol: recommendation wa nn solution as it knocked us out of the field entirely and left us no opportunity to exnand our services with developlnz conditions Invited to Conference At ne conference in Ottawa in January las' I invited the Dominion t so ahead with their war j mraurp proposal and we voi.id rrtW to orient ourselves to the pe- !t nation. LtHMt before the Dominion-Pro-vrui Covttrn . in j9narv our ecvernment many times discussed various, formulae as to how we tonki eo-onerate to best advantage wtH tn TVttitrrion gove-nment. 8-eHflrlhT we dieiMced the oeg-tfnz of our Income tax receipts to THE DA.rLT Kr "J Prince Rupert's Member Issues Statement Following Conference Premier I'aftullo Says He Is Prepared i Co-Operate Fully With Federal Government for Period of the War His Stand Made Clear Firs Rritish Columbia preiwrw! to jk? its from income tax for duration of th war: It is gratifying thereore. hat under the new budgetary propo.'-.ils baUis to the Dominion treasury ed to peg oar receipt from Income inr r muhmk. Ux for the duration and when the New Proposals surrenders its right to levy 1 .come ' war is over we will be prepared to ... onri hrr the with with t rrrm "i nk, m thu ux up a ba quire analysis ana are ; . , . . . , .num u to be be agreed agreed. I make this i A i rin rv r" I HI it state- AI UtiaWa WVer rinanCial IViaUerS -rtaTrease meat now W ttal U pwpte nay nnrt I 1 lhn I 1 I ! MIP n financial aid to our wa effort. wearij iuw... will haw to Very soon the People of Canada i White the taxpayer pernor, tajeTtbL wUl be to. will be aaked burdensome than under the lm- tory war i A Honorary Chair-position man of the Committee In British of two taxes, Columbia. I appear to our people-to 3 The proooals are of a co-oper- aUve character tn be in effect suaocxiue uu during the war only or my be extent possible I sincerely hope -n , snnable notice. that D C. may lead all Canada in Second After the war this province will CO-oiratc 4. We clo not surrender our right to per capita subscription with the Dominion and share income tax on a basis to be income tax out leave me .irrreerl unnn ' muT to adJusld at tn ron- ' elusion of the war In tha light or Thml ' V ti, The npht i. of r r I. n C. to i lew income tax :s not conditions then existing surTMKierra out i. iru mi or aa- GREAT TANK IIOSriTAI. SOMEWHERE IN ENOLAND. May 16: CP In a factory which formerly turned out luxury motor-cars iutrd after the war. " seem, of tfte province at a n will in all nrobaoility be toona thousands of workmen work night These points aritfnc out of his given amount and turning over to desirable to continue the service of and day repairing and overhauling conference with Hon. John Hart the Dominion all the exeos of this sln-le clle-tin authority after light tanks and Bren gun carrier of and federal authorttie at o?iv wmr ny WIHCn Britain s mecnantzea army amount for the duration of the war. were ouutnea Dy premier t. u. rat- . , , .. ... . . . , , , . Tills also meant, of course, the ' peg B tullo wbn he returned from his ?lng of recent visit to the national capital. PHiltures. On the subiect of his conference he issued the following statement: "The whole Question todav k nro- . .. duction and more production of war 0mmion- om provm Wl1 epsentiah as rapidly as posslb'e md ale more effectively to co-.,oer-more men t use them Br.Liin ate b farther substir.Ua: rntrl- ;UUU1 m we wnaaan Kea needs aid in men and materials j Cross Society was held on Tuesday and we should go all out to provide PARIS. May 16: 'CP --Marianne jof this week to consider a number both, to serve anywhere thn will the floppy-capped G:e:.an bd of important matters concerning best ensure the winning of the war Ur or to participate with the I torn- DOG CLEARS SEWKRS inion in the income Ux field, there- 1VXTE. N.S.W.. Mav 16: CP by at once not only loses a larve Scampering through 300-foot c-measure of it' autonomy but with tions of sewers with a rope on his it nrwri'nensurate opportunity for collar and a pail at the other e.id development in accordance with of the rope, to be drawn through er MST TIM I s i i snotty - j t Feature at TYIUJNt CO.MIN( si (rrer Rrtnt c Who Tallttd T, Mexican Sp:ir Approxiij t-:i loca' requirements the pipes, a fox-terrier is on Uie conecrlpli A? a war measure we are ,;repar- wcrks staff of this Australian town, war tndu DOLLAR DAY Saturday at Fraser and Payne's See Windows For Numerous Other Items of Outstanding Value FLANNELETTE IJINKirTS Full double bed size flannelette sheets. Green, rose, mi iivc. blue. gold, plaids. Fast colors, whipped ends ready for use. Dollar Day. each sheet si.oots,'- si.oo TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS Turk sh towels iu every sac. color and quality that a manufactured. On special Sale Dollar Day. Run of the mnl Cir-ect from the "factory to you. Priced in groups. Group HI. 3 for Sl.OO S1.007"- S1.00G?r'- 81.00 washing rui.vrs ..pw season s washing prints, all new patterns. 36' wid f t fi rs. A bia variety to choose from. o-j nn Dollar Day. 5 yards for t?l.UU UM)IES' ALL SATIN NIGHT GOWNS Shat's tea rose and white. Sizes small, medium, lar-c rt? I styles. Regular value K.93. Dollar Day. each As S1.98 CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOCKS ci!k nnd Ksic and all silk in a variety 0f new spring shades Sizes5to82. Dollar Day. 5 pairs for tvlUU I)PwPEP.Y and CURTAIN FABRICS 500 yards Marquisette, assorted patterns. chamaaiie ihadc. 42" wide. On sale Dollar Day at less than cost' Patterns suitable for every room in the house. CI HA Doilar Day Special, 5 yards for vl UU SILK CURTAIN NETS a pieces, assorted patterns. English nets, values up to 6c yd. Dollar Day. 3 yds for NOTTINGHAM FILET NETS A.-sortcd patterns in cream shade only. 36 ' wide. rvra good value Dollar Day. 4 yards for SILK DRAPERY DAMASKS 40" wide all silk drapery damask, six shades to choose from. Dollar Day. special yard Sl.OO Sl.OO 89c LADIES UNDERWEAR Princess slips made from an assortment of hie1' grade materials, various styles and trims, assorted shades. " Regular selling price $1.50 each. q Dollar Day, each OoC PILLOW CASES Full stze linen finished pUlow cases, ready for Q4 fn use. good quality'. Dollar Day. 5 cases for v A.UU BED COMFORTERS Full stee cotton filled comforters, assorted chintz coverings. An excellent buy. nn mm At Dollar Day price, each . v.D iTifi'iimrii HI n4S; , POWER! "THE MhRk! OF ZORR With UM, (miix,,,1 .Marth ot To "i fJ "Mt The Mi nth" 3 Stores Close at fi O'clock tunh ii ! PRINCESS SLIPS i Good quality satins, white and tea row. . juxt finishes. Q1 flfi Dollar Day, each 01yU PANTIES I Sjitin and satin stripes in amortcd stvi itt, Small, medium, large stee. Regular price 70s ilUv Q j VA each Dolter Day. 3 pairs for 5 BRIEF PANTIES M Rayon silk knit, heavy weight, lastex Ir Uf nxse and white, excellent wearing garment Oi Am Dollar Day. 2 pairs for " ". i HOSIERY " j Campus stockings, all wool cashmere, a' arted tops, sizes 6 to 10' j. SI flfl Dtjllar Day Special. 3 pairs for t31,UV 'ilk ANKLE SOCKS Ladies' all wool, in various aliades, all py, , s?? 8, to 10'7. SI A, 00 Dollar Day. 3 pairs for 7 LADIES RAYON SILK HOSE Extra fine knit, mock fashioned, all new popular shades, rtngless. Dollar Day. 3 pan BEDSPREADS 500 spreads, assorted colored stripes and : fast colors, nicely finished and wear gua;. two sizes. 72"x 90" and 80"x 100". Dollar Day. each CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Size 80"x I00" aiwnrteri rtKitrruc full dimh:? si.oo S1.98 various colors, well finished. C9 Q5 Dollar Day, each CHENILLE BATHROOM SETS Bath mat and toilet seat cover in assoru j shade. Dollar Day. set t . . TABLE CLOTHS colors, size 52"x52". good heavv quality Cl fl(l Dollar Day, 2 for SCHOOL GIRLS' CA.MrUS HOSE Kno Viioh nnrtlin lu -v i . - Y-iri green. Sizes 8s. 9, 9a. 10. Ql OUJ Dollar Day. S pairs for GLASS OR TEA TOWELS Linen finished, good large size, blue and red check, ready for use. Dollar Day, 6 for v -a S1.00J