The Daily News Ce ——————————— ——— — eo Da hs Nay ee . ‘ Re a SSS It Takes a Bold Man to Walk Deliberately Under a Ladder —Drawn for the Daily News by “Hop” Lers See a De Yi g WHAT KIND OF ; / OW How AN INSPIRATION], | Yi!" | q AF MORTAR-FYING THe BOSS INSISTS ON MORE OF THOSE- SUPERSTITIOUS , STcRiES—AND ITS UP TO ME TO WRITE, EM — DAW GONE IT, ’ IM THE — ORIGINAL 4 ae ‘ ee Basen PRG ae: DS Ry] 5 a Se Ree ae 62] BA Wea a a eRe 2 Raita | By a apes a ~ H ay of ’ ! i ee ee i The News” Classified Ad | 43 Lots. Bik. gee Price. Cash. Balance. | Ss S Ss. 42-43 16 1 $13,000 $4,000 1, 2 and 3 years i CREE ITTF OPERA HOUSE : end ses} 19 26 1 $5,500 $2,000 1, 2 and 3 years i () e | eeee joeee “SORA 8.9 26 | $20,000 $8,000 1, 2 and@# years _—— ne ent or or aC sertion== ‘ a ‘ os t. 24 8 1 $6,500 $2,000 1, 2 and 3 years ne ree POR RENT.. “= Bee Ae, StS, CUO 94,000... 1,2 and 3 years it —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— Apoming- house, Frasers: 30 17 1 $6,000 $2,000 { and 2 years l? pists, iret Aye. ALSO a8 Er ~h 2-rooin cottage, Park Ave, tur 4fa¢2. 47 6 $6,500 $4,000 6, 12 and 18 months i V d e 1] Coat etenar SN pia z 7-8 30 8 $900 $400 6 and 12 months $$$ | pr rr miirmrermrermermrermermncrmermre mn cg | au evil e Bakery, with brick oven; 3rd Ave 20.2%. .80 8 $900 $400 6 and 12 months j 1 i‘ Section Five. 1.2 12 7 $3,000 $1,000 6, 12 and 18 months L S F CA H 1 Wanted t Friday and Saturday reat a Neree 9 26 7 $450 $250 6 and 12 months + | May 34at and Tune {at Section Six. ye * . ‘ -« ; 2 5 1% ‘ a : 4-room cottage, 7tt e 19 wo v $1,600 $600 6, 12 ind 18 m nth WANTED Good Jathe hand; no other need | —— eee rate ee te ee Te, —s . _- OO 2 oc i cotians’ 6th ave Tf Interested Gall or Write Sobek Cold Storage Plant, Seal Cove. 0 ( R T YOU Entire Change of Program GEO LEEK 618 3rd i 25-42 e > ; Wipiidinedlans WANT girl attending school to hel ind | THOMAS McCLYMONT ‘ ‘ baby from’ 4 10 $. State what ‘expected. | ( U 0 New Songs New Dances English Capital Available for Im=-| Address X 15, News New Pictures > . 523 3rd Ave. provements but Not for Real). as ———— - eet a Estate Loans and Similar In- I Have Some Ready —_—_—__—_—_—XK =| vestments. Miscellaneous Did you ever say in passing a rich | Dramatic Sketch om = —= 0) 0 a a ——-- = pa eh | man’s home, ‘‘He made his money |! “Th ” M f S Zz me yor ta sake easy, he was here in the e R ] ue oney or onaps . Winnipeg, May 28.—R._ T. ADVERTISER seks situation as house. | ’ s oe C ene cA Ps GEO ) TIT The Home Furnisher B)nitey nas returned atier a three] RMnce”™ ihn ties, Bal’ sie! RARLY DAYS” Go vee ae eine in Real Estate. THIRD AVE. months’ visit to England and the} yo more veded at Goose way until] DON’T ENVY HIM, BUT IMITATE Him 1h °° '!'S" Ripon ves LMRAEAt Ar ee x - 9 Phone 20 P.O, Box 1502 continent Speaking: of financial “further, "notice. » the Granby “ans | ce hoy DEeeNve ss rAS ew met Fave Ae A a Ds Talis ‘ ‘ GAIUS <** % s dated M., S. & P. Co, - oi a ¢ ‘ ear rata i matters in England, Mr. Riley See scar : ; iis tana . | Phe Thiet. .-W. R.<“Whitley You to y MARRY—Why o? 2 —_— stated that while it was not dif- Introduction ‘Club © tends to happiness } Ty :} anh Muents Offer . a 0} ,, s P y ‘ s aly R * 3 0 Snows vac “ve 1 You Save Dollars in all purchases from us, where ficult to secure money on public] private: highest character. it you wish) One of the old and great financiers of | a Aer ee aes 7:30 and 9 o' Clock David H. Hays first class, dependable service send 10 the East in addressing a class of | improvements, there was a grow- cents for full particulars. State age. ‘ : op ve I Mrs. Wilson, Box 1776, Vancouver,| Young men said: ‘‘The opportunities B.C | Quality to the economical buyer Corner Second Ave. and Second Street IS THE POINT of tomorrow will be far greater than’ in the past, fortunes will be made j i e. . - siing difficulty in securing it for ; iti : iv Prices: Entire downstairs = | real estate loans and_= similar i —— SSS SS 25 cts.; bale y 15 cts Pi =lclasses of investment. 7 with greater certainty and rapidity | ii see balcony ‘see We Have the = | “There is a feeling over there,” Insurance 1 owing to modern methods, especially | Children 10c. Park eT , | those points in the west geographic- | >= ° said Mr, Riley, (‘that we are not ¥ ally situated to handle the commerce | - Following Cheap =| paying so much as we ought for] OUR Companies arc noted for prompt and just of the world,’’ | ’ ; lements. W ite kr 1 | f NEW HOME FOR PRINCE Bl our money. ‘The reason for this| Ieee ant tach hodiS and ieeoraiee ce | | aed Bic Properties For = | is that Canada has been Getting | qpmimmsrmirmsemeresrmsrmermsrmarmcemsdp | Penrhyn Castle, North Wales, to Sale Exclusively =|money very freely and there is a For Rent | | Be Put in Order for Him. ; WICKER CHAIRS @ | feeling against it. There is| AE: FSET | | —-— Section 6. plenty of money for high siaenl€ tear sr trate | London, May 28 There is a] Lot 28.29, Block {, $2,000 = securities, but they will have to[rwo room cabin for rent. Apply Suther-|Where the Wes. Meets the East}! ‘elihood that the Prince of {-3 cash, bal. 6 and 1 = x undergo a Closer scrutiny than Jand, 7th ave, and McBride. eee’ ep’ sine ; yr at vales will have a home of his Siction 7 ‘ , » pas There is alF RENT—4- ® | ieee : own in his ov wrineipalitiy, The ” alta: dp pre Phere 486 loot Phone 313. aes SOP Bmore Situated on the west coast of Vancou- | us a Sat ae Meee Lot 15.16-17-18, Block 29, $9 peculiar situation existing in ver Island at the heagi of Alberni recent death of the Dowager } { h, | and 1 i‘ Wn ols Acar o e . FOR LEASE—Mclnty. Hall; well heated s i] enr makes yOSssible Cach, i-3 Casi, Va 0 alt For This Week $7 50 and $7 00 Values Pingel aa garding Reels and lighted, J. i. ROGERS, Phone 116, Canal where the great ships of the| | dy an aie + : ¢ ‘ E aoe ee , . 1 } se - t fs hee ve we nee FURNISHED HOUSE TO _RENT—Apply| Pacific will bump noses with the | og Pa ae ee ate a git aoa ( se ) $400 , = 1a le yor f : Investmen Dr. ; Clayton's office, Empress | Iron Horse of the great trans- a } n ne,| Lots 18-19-20, Block 20, o ; \ : must be either of gilt edged se- ‘ ain tinnnital ralledada. Of Olan: each; 1-3 cash, bal 6 and 12 Wicker Rockers, only without arms, regular 4 ] }curities or else of highly specu- tere mtrermtrmmrmarmerrmearmarmeet | MAK Athawrd hinds caren Lots 4-2, Block 16, $900 pair; value $5.50. Special this week......... ; lative. [ believe that there will For Sale L manding position not eq- Close In {-3 cash, bal. 6 and ft: | be for a long time all the money i ualled by any other sea- : Lots 12-413, Bloc Kk {8 $950 pair; _SEE WINDOWS FOR DISPLAY— We want for safe business ener Semi morenrrsnererarensimearmaretonesrenemat | port on the Pacific Lots 14, 15, 16, block 28, section 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and the ses prises, but the English .° "ket is FOR SALE—Monarch range, nearly new. For | Coast. There can 5, $800 each; good terms Lot 32, Block 3, $450; 1-3 casi acca beginning to be careful and to] particulars phone 335 126-tf be but one -_——-—~ bal, 6 and 12. Bi|make pretty close scrutiny of POR SALE- Two 9x10 logging engines, ALBERNI COLLART & REYNCLDS , & ( ee Wilton, Axminster, Brussels and Tap- g everything it takes up.” wis rc del Ada tH °R. “Ganningoans § ompan ek CARPET SQUARE estries in latest designs and colorings } erica ed & Son, Ltd., Pom Licainaton, B, C.| a Phone 381 amuel Harrison ' p y pe | 90-ff Brokers and Financial Agents ai : MILLION DOLLAR DAM FOR SALE—Horses and harness, ete, Ap-| Lots are seliing today from $150 to ; . 3 Second Ave. Prince Rupert oa | tl ply Bainter & Sloan. Phone 387, } : i oo to purchase Penrhyn Castle for e 190-tr $475 in ‘‘Rosslyn’’ the new addition itn Pia’ Raaitk: a benia: An il Reet So ee Ce ; , | Marvelous Irrigation Project by Bt Pre FURNITURE for sale, Borden and Taylor| to Alberni, These lots are sold on} gijinence. | les f he e e Cc. P. R. in Calgary District. atpaat ar Mewtn ay eminence, two miles from the " TONIGHT’S DANCE | a ; oe . oer ee ne the easy payment plan; their future} tow nof Bangor, in North Wales. f versl @s (os : ; *| is sure and certain, and their owners|/It is a very imposing affair with a °| According to a statement of or a high Norman tower and turrets, t | HELD IN THE RINK Mr. A. 8. Dawson, chief engineer | Wanted Houses { | will be astonished at rapid advapce, sia Gibekine ta Yuitubie Wea {tn thed Fairbanks-Morse 2 h. p. {a80- Se ’ } ~ erior 18 Otable for 5 ps... = m “ fe oe un The up-to-date House Decora-| of the department of natural re- tt rs tt rr ee a —— old furniture, sculptured chimney| line Engine, In use for a short ¥ 4 ‘ : ol, ta s. ag jen cet tors of Prince Rupert | sources of the Canadian Pacific] WANTED— Large store with good show , ‘ : pieces, oak carvings and panel.|time during which it has Bl Id my windows in best business locality. Will} —For further information address— | ;_,, Ther al a bedstead} good satisfaction. Will be 80 ‘ [ Si W og? Bachelors Mean to Make a Merry) Hailway, Calgary, contracts haye| ie4se on good but not exorbitant terms, res PS is hh ala oc ; A Daily News. : re ign riting.. Gathering of It to Drive Dull) been let for a million dollar work Box 217, News OfMice. i F k A Elli constructed entirely of slate|¢heap. Apply Box ally + 4 § Z . ¢ ie P. H ° ; Care Away—Arrangements for) 6. the irrigation block. This in-|#™ + ran ° IS | whieh is exquisitely tooled and | aper- anging | Bright Assembly. cludes a concrete aqueduct to Business Chances Real Estate Agent finished, Tl took 14 years to} | MIGHT STATE - Our Specialties With music and the merriment|°@*! Balf a million, other con- { | Prince Rupert - - - B.c,| build the castle and it cost $2,- 1 Have Sume Good Buys ee aos ie UGK daha tem ht ths eens ‘lerete structures to Cost $300,000, | Orme memrermermerermereth 900,000. Lots 19 and 20, block 4 “ $x . ae y Bachelors) and thirty steel bridges to cost| WANTED — Rest . ree Overlook street. $550 each, of of 1 srt are planning : pe, : f — Restaurant outfit, espectall ; erlook 4 a WE ba oytciecaer™ «9 ales IMi- # Prince muna. are planning to/,, hundred thousand. The| Tange, also bedding and cheap furniture Best meal in town at Savoy. cash, bal. 6 and 12 months. Hee: lave a g ar rive , : out ten rooms. P. O. bo ; My 3 ATK AUB: Has : oF : re ar ‘and ie aqueduct is the first of its design 9-tf OPPORTUNITIES — ns | 10/17, bik, 15, sec. % 6th oa wt 2nd Street Phone 156 Green| ©'''> & (reat. is some ite! to be constructed. It will bele 9 te an Pe $1600; $600 cash, bal. 1 year * | time since a dance was held in « ; ; ° Lots 11-12, Block 24, Section 8, “Ve — | sie Rupert, and there are | 107220 feet long, with a maximum ] $1,475 8 per cent. i welt tio iecetiny cent ry| Height of 55 feet, and will irri- Lost and Found tit 46. Bindk 4 Gaction & H. DOLALAS ace 17 WANTED ready to trip it onee the musie vara Sua gs ee PL pokes i : $650, e 313 Fulton St. ooo i oe7 ; oO 1e Canadian Pacifie block, kA Riock 27. Sec Br E — ae WANTED—Second hand tent, about 14x| 5@rts up. Also there are mas-|myg eontract -is awarded the}|!OQUND—A watch. Owner can have same moh ¥ 4 } K 27, Bection 8,.9600, XCUrsiOns inh 16, Apply 700 McBride St., or Pp. o.{SiVe masculine arms equally|Grant-Smith Company & Me by proving property and paying for this Lots 14-15, Block 34, Section 8, bai box 115, ready to do their duty in the D m * m z hi las Oe Ale! BWR NE, $800, Mesa F Few Ma mazy glamor of the waltz. There- na aha BBCOUNORs === Lot 38, Block 31, Section 8, $375. en or a d Applications ‘will received T | / s ; ; ; enders » received by the P ; s in the Auditorium, whieh has} 1 8 will be rece ‘ Lots 10-14, Block 23, Section 5, iV HELP WANTED. fore, tonight's ~bachelor dance ce TENDERS WANTED. Lot 3, Block 10, Section 8, $400. ° * a promises to be a merry one and I" j phot 4 Lot 18, Block 22, Section 6, Hah he popular, The dance will be held]| THE WEATHER. | 81,250, en Imi e Days Only | by the undersigned up to 5 p. m — caf fr hike : z * | been gotlen res Ris enh jundersigned up to 5 p. m., Tues-| go a5, , June 4th for the positions of| fen n ready with a special Vor twenty-four hours ending|day, June 4th. for the delivery of I re eB 3——— SOLID TRAINS —-——3 Bul | . ' , 2 “AE ‘ o , ’ iO o ais ~ “errs a : Pe ty stenographer (male or female po ish Bid the floor ; for the o6CA-)|5 a, m., May 30th: Barometer,! about 1,000 tons of cast iron n hey 7, Block 17, Section 5, daily from Vancouver Quarter section best part of Bu for the city hall, pound keeper|*!0": 4@ music is by Gray’s or-}) 3,042; maximum temperature, | pipe from the Government wharf mt } or Seattle Kiey Valley, near Round Lake. 1 janit chestra, As usual with dances}58: mini te srature. 4f Lot 19, Block 23, Section 5, with K1e) y; , r and janitor. nee ; 58; minimum temperature, 45, to localities as stated in speci- a I , io Uae ely acdmatar, Call at of toward summer the atmosphere SSPE ‘-room house, $1,800, Low round trip rates to all points in} Good sail an i Applicants for gaan position to | fications, copies of which may be] pai ces to Rent Listings Wanted | Canada and the United States, Call] rie, for particulars and price ) state salary required, Laan aind siACe ‘Spy agli }Obtained from the City Engineer.| / , &DTCO) and let us tell you all about it : 4 ERNEST A, WOODS, ” ‘ vening dress 18 not) accompanied by Mrs. Price, sailed] ‘The lowest of any tender not J h D bh : City Clerk, essential, but at pleasure. for the south on the Chelohsin.| peeessarily accepted. oO n y avn R 9 St hi ‘ 4 Rreeeerren srr reer , ee er Speciai! This week at Sloan! Tenders to be marked “Pipe Phone 384 319 Third Ave. ogers e€ams ip Strictly fresh Eggs for sale,| Stalker & Wells cater to your|& Company, Ltd., knitted silk ties | Delivery.” . A enc Ltd 745 Fifth avenue, corner of aX mabey me want " see you.}and washable chamoisuede} ERNEST A. WOODS, Take home a quart of ice cream g y G. R. Naden Co., jor street, } jrocers to the people. tf gloves, 50c. See our window. | Miia lables oka aq 26 Cres 1 } ity erk.|]when you go. See Keeley, PHONE 116 SECOND AVENUE of rigorous formality will be re- lev. A. BE. Price DE ariGanest —_—_——