PAOS FOTO SHE DaTLT RETn73 Saturday COMES FROM SEA Moch of th? magnesium used to airplane i otained from ocean water tllssiFIE FOR SALE FOR SALE- Taro dte. to good Ume. condition. Phone Red 835. (45) FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet. medicine cabinet, good condition. Apply 1432 Sixth Avenue East FOR SALE Five-room boose, ful-j FOR SALE Dining and b?droom suites, frigldaire. library table and chairs. Phone Green 835 tjf tings, 260 windows basins with fittings: soil pipe and large stock pipes. Phone Black 324 Furniture. FOR SALE A few bundles Indies of of newspapers News. cheap. Cold Storage and Seal Cove Air Base. Reward. Phone Daily News. LOST During Y.M.C.A. dance Feb. 18, hostess's punse, money, Nikko flashlight. Oyster Bar meal ticket, treasured letters. 'Reward, Phone 231. (44) FOUND FOUND Black female puppy with LOCALS A Cash for old gold. Bulger's. See Gordon, & Anderson for Feb ruary furniture specials 10 down ; balance over 12 months. , Tonight train, due to arrive ifrom the east at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on Mr. aud Mrs. A. K. Madison and Mrs. Orie Belt, from Ketchikan, were passengers un last nights train for Eldorado. Kansas. ly modem, and furniture. Ap-i Stanley Dahl having enlisted pointment by Phone Green 445. 'for active sen-ice, arrived in the 44 city on Thursday night's train from Terrace, is sailing this af ternoon on the Venture for Van couver. ""'" 121' I Dr. R. Garner and Miss Florence SNAP FOR CASH Twin cylinder ' Ericfcson R. N after 'conducting Fairbanks Morse 20 h.p. dieselja provincial tuberculosis clinic at engine complete with compres- Ocean Falls, are leaving the paper sor engine, compressor und tank, ' town tonight by the Princess nroceUor and shaft and fuel i Louise on their return to an tanks, an in good cor.dWon. $650. Apply Box 210 Daily News '47 FOR SALE Large sck ck of of doo.- door In all sizes with complete fit' couver. Earlier in the week they had been at Prince Rupert. i ' 1 V . I WV, eTV Apply DaiJy! l en' jO HOUSE FOR SALE $1000 cash; $1290 terms. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East 45 ' FOR KENT WORKING MAN has housekeeping apartment to share with one or more persons who are permanently employed in city. Apply Box 211. Daily News. 48) WANTED WANTED Janitor for business building, part time. $30 month- BOARDERS WANTE7J Mrs. E. Jackson, 851 Ninth Ave. West; ' Phone Green 5SG. V.AKhWGI Look for this cress on every Aspiria tablet. If you don't it. It isn't Aspirin. Harold Gray, general storekeeper and postmaster at Aiyansh, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon following a business trip to Vancouver and proceeded by the evening train to Terrace whence he will proceed overland to Aly- lansh. Major Dingley. assistant provost marshal for the western military commend, and Mrs. Dingley ar-r rived in the citv on the Princess WANTED Nightwatchman for Louise yesterday afternoon. Major Prince Rupert Hotel. Dingley is here for a brief visit WANTED Magazines for distribution among troops. Phone 231 YALCJL for collection. 144) WANTED Capable housekeeper for small family. Sleep in. Good wages. Phone Red 879. 44 WANTED Capable young woman, experienced preferred, fjr boarding house. Must be neat and fast worker. Apply Box 204, Dally News. LOST on official duties. Miss Jean Cameron, who has bfen on a vacation trip to Vancouver, came north to Ocean Falls on the Princess Louise on Thurs day and will spend a week visiting there with her sister. Mrs. Mcrley Patterson, 'before returning home. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. A. K. art; L. C. Charaberlin, city; T. L. Roiston and N. T. Carson, "Vancou ver; H. Gray and Major and Mrs. T. Dingley, Victoria; J. Widsten. Ocean Falls; J. Korpan, city; M. Rieard, Ottawa; M. Fontaine. Koral I. Kelly, Vancouver. SALMON PACK RECORD British Columbia's 1941 canned salmon pack of 2,350,000 48-pound four white feet. Phone Red 623. CMMin ' inm recoraV PERSONAL j! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk., Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Six Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M. C. C. Schools, Ltd, Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. ejtraSv o$ YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER-garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg. Man. ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING " DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt In uU charge. As Charlie has many yean' experience in the trade lie knows Iiow to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 619 Suits Pressed by letam While You Wait. tfhhcuhcetnehtJ All advertisements In this -column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Oddfellows' Fortnightly Scotch Danre. Feb. 21. Admission 50c. Re freshments. Vardens play, Feb, 27. Welsh Tea, Mrs. Armstrong 5th East. Feb, 23. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Oddfel lows' Hall, March 2. Anglican Jumble Sale, March 12, S.O.N. Dance March 13. St. Patrick Tea. Catholic Hall, March 17, Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Lakle's, March 19. Little Norway Munthe's. March 19, Tea, Mrs. S.O.N, Dance March 27. LOB A. Spring Sale, April 8. St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 23 ACTION IS DEMANDED Ladies' Orange Seeks Better Pre tertion for Civilians From Japs. The following letter has been sent by the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association here to Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence: " Within a few short weeks the tragic events in the Pacific have changed the status of Prince Rupert from a city of comparative safety to one that can be considered in imminent danger. As the possibility of an actual emergency increases we are forced to request that you, as Minister of National Defence, take Immediate action to safeguard the lives of our civilians. "As you probably know we are situated on an island connected to the mainland by a railroad bridge. As Japanese cannery work ers and fishermen have made the district in the vicinity of this bridge their homes for many sum mers and know of its vital import- I ance to Prince Rupert, its chances ! of remaining intact for evacua tion purposes are practically nil You must readily see. then, that if we cannot get away from the Isl and, we must have some means of protection on it. In view of these facts we do not think that we are asking overly much when we demand that we have suitable air raid shelters. Visitors to our city from war zones in England have repeatedly told us that with very little cost and labor we could have excellent air raid shelters ouilt into some of our many rocky cliffs. One of our schools is especially In need of a shelter as it is Just a stone's throw from our local dry dock, which can certainly be termed a military objective. "We do not think we are asking overly much either when we ask that our A. R. P. be given a little encouragement from our federal government They are doing a splendid work amid trying condi tions. Our sirens, while they can be heard on a quiet 8unday af ternoon fairly well, would stand no chance of being heard in a home with windows closed and a radio playing. "Again we do not think we are asking overly much when we demand that enemy aliens be removed Immediately from our coast before we are faced with real dis aster. " We also note that our men In uniform have been equipped with gas masks. If it has been deemed necessary to issue gas masks to our forces, why not to our civil ians? "We think we are really entitled j to these few demands and request , Immediate action. If they are lg- I nored we will be forced to comej to the conclusion that you are Indifferent ax tn our snfelv MadlSOn, Wllh evprv snMMrvitlrtn th-if ' trt.un t t it i o. ' , LOST-Sum of money between I "" '"' ," olcw" immediate action will be taken wc remain. WHERE LUCK GROWS A farm in the Panama Canal Zone is devoted to raising four leaf clovers. ix inn M ritrrwr. mi kt or imiuxii com miiia ix i-itoiim: jln (tic HaOrr iM the .VlmlnMratlon Art" and In thr Mattfr of the tXaU'i.f lUrnlil KrneHTrtT, nthfrSise fcoown llartlil onoii and llandd antfin, IlM-wed. TAKE HOTICE that by Order of 111 Honor Judge Fisher. Judge ct the Supraius Court of BrKUsh Columbia, I was on the 29th day ot Jaatury AX). 1842 sppcriiMed AdmlntetrBtor at the Enute of Har&ld Kornr-lliu Srendacn. othera-lce known t lUratd Bvinion, and tUroid Bvunxon. t reaped, fonner-iT erf the City of Prtovce Rupert, who died on or a tout ute ztrji oar or OotoW ;M1. All pentrjeu tndctAed to the luud fteat are rwfulrtd to pay the amount ox their IndenutSneM to jne forthwith and all peraona having claim agalimt the aald Estate are rxjultrtl to file Mum wilti me properlr verified on or More th 15th day of March 1942 ftUtag which distribution wui be made having regard only to auoh claim of when i shall nave been nouned. DATED at Prince Rupert, BjC. Ui... 10th day of February 1B42. NPRILAN A. WATT OrOdal Administrator Pill ire Rupert. B.C IN THt M IMU.Mi: ( Ot KT UV ItKITIMI I.l IIH IV I'HOIllTK n thr Mallrr of I lie "Administration Art" and In thr Maiirr of ttir EUt of luba ItaiM l'rar lUrnA TAKE KOTICK tJt bT OrW of Ilia Honor, W. E. Flaher. mlr eti the 28Ui dny of January, A. D. 1042, I w ap-point! Ewntfxir of Uve Ute of John David PraMr. dceal. and all parties raving ciauna agatnat ve aaia lHAir ut faerrtjy required to furauh aame. properly verified, to ave on or before Uie ecund day of UtrOx, AD. 18i2, and all tnrthft taOfbU4 to the etttote are riulntt to pay the mdouiU of their Indebtedr) to tne forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. thla 30th day ot January: A D. 1043. MELVIN MeKAY STEVENS Prince Rupert, B.C Executor Sunday Concert For Victory Loan Talent of Royal Canadian Torre to Be Featured To- morrow Nlfht. Air In support of the Victory Loan campaign another concert will be held tomorrow night hi the Capitol Theatre featuring talent of the Royal Canadian Air Force with some augmentation. There will also be an address by Capt Mars-den of the Royal Canadian Engineers and an appropriate moving picture film. Funeral Notice -A V An emergent communication of Tslmpsean Lodge No. 58, A. F. & A. M. will be held in the Masonic Temple on Sunday. February 22, 1942, at 2 o'clock pjn. for the pur pose of conducting a funeral ser vice for our late brother. James McN. Munnis. Tyee and sojourning brethren are requested to attend. A service will also be held at 2:30 pjn. at the B. C. Undertakers Chapel. W. D. VANCE, Secretary. Funeral Notice Attention Oddfellows The funeral of the late Brother Mu'nnU will be held at 2:30 pm. Sunday afternoon from the eha-pel of the B. C Undertakers Members please attend. Funeral Notice Members of the Canadian Legion. B JL8L . are requested to attend the funeral of our late comrade. James Munnis, from the B. C. Undertaking Parlors. Sunday, 2:30 pin. "Lest We Forget" CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT The, City will receive bids till 5 pms Monday, February 23. 1942. for the sale of property formerly known as the Dyer Oarage, situate j on lots 1 and 2. block 2. section 1. .The highest or any tender not necessarily accepts j Dated this 20ih day of Frbru- ' ary. 1942, CITY CLERK sBHlliHiHfeH i. Burnaby Rosery j Company R.R. No. 2, New Westminster Offer Jof Sale Through Their Agent, MRS. SMITH FLOWER SHOP Hrookxbank Klk Third Ave. Rose Rushes Perennials Ornamentals, etc. Mrs. Smith has price and samples. All orders individually mossed and tagged. ORDER NOW! STANLEY W.COLTON D.O, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallar Rloclc Phone 610 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bot 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert I X a m YOUR BEST UgoACk co . KILVYA OFFICIAL DEAD -- NAIROBI. Keny Feb 21 ' Sir William Lead, member of the legislative council of Tanganyika and leader of the unofficial mem bers of the legislative assembly. died here. DRESSMAKER Mrs. NakaUnl Ladles' and Children's Alterations Phone Rlk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satuf action Guaranteed Cleaning and Presainr TWO COTTAfJES FOK SALE. Larue Public Hal! lor Kent. CENTRAL HOTEL J. Bouzek, TAILOR LA I) IKS' and CENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave, two doors from Broadcasting Station All Canadian Union Amalgamated Huilriing Workers of Canada Prince Kupe rt, H.C Unit No. 1 M E E T I N G S Every fourth Sunday, 2:J0 p.m, of Each Month. METROPOLE HALL Phone Red IC9 P.O. Rot 57 CHURCH NO ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH i Corner Sth and 9th Arm. East Rev. J. II. Myrwant. l'Ur. Ite. 1177 lit Ate W Mrs. I Peness. Or a nut Mum B"" Miss Alma Dybhavn. 8 s SUNDAY. lEimrAUY 11 00 a jn Divine Service in Norwegian 12 15 pm Sunday School All present : 7 JO pjn Lenten 8ervicits in Ktigush You are invited to worship Ood and li ' Importance oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor o 0 o o o o Special offer In . . . MEN'S SUITS Our t'.xlra Pair of I'ant, frre rontinue until further notice. M. T. LEE - Tailor f.O. Ro 975 Phone fir. ;. Start the Year Rltht lly .! Saving Our V COUPONS $ '1 for LSeful ;! I; Household Items. Call in and let us explain l 'I this plan to you. I : MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Hav More I" ! CenU" . P.O. nor 575 Phones 18, 19 w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.w.v.v It -j: For Quick, Safe and Comfortable T Wl SEE" PHONE 235 9 DAY AND NIGHT w ww WWW WWUWlMJWUVrVUWWVWUWWVWUWWWWWVVvv- Pasteurized M3 VALENTIN WJ PHONE Ct Wanted - Raw Furs i i J i a itii i i i i tn a ' v.v.v.v.v.v Trappers! Drlnn vour furx to me. Prlco have one ud 15'; Tha same buyers from Cow B.iy will pay 30 more for goods if ljri there and venx wril art a iuare deal. When shaping furs we wire monev on receipt of goods GOLDJSLOOM "The Old Reliable- laiKiaiBiaivjBiaitiiauaj IIICnLST MARSH rnicrs ta Representinjr-IIUDSON'S HAV CO.MP Ship to J, E. ORMIiri.M Coir liar frlncr- Uunett, nC ft wV PAY HOTEL -AIIOMEAW11 HOME Rated. ?$,.. 50 Rooms nw'V; SAVE GAS SAYEB TUNE-UP for peak motor Do not race or motor needlessly. idle Align wheels . . Equalise hrnKcs-- Keep tires chJ-JJ around for cqua and check air regularly. Rupert Motott HiONi; mii Dhtributon ,., f r (I riir.r 1 i:.MI Ittil r' vij ii.. u.-'inf 1'IIMSi: l!f"