ft PAOE BIX 3 DAY Worn Friday, Saturday en's SALE rases $ 1 S5 AND : ONLY 100 DRESSES ASSORTED SIZES 75 NEW SPRING PRINTS never before shown and 25 other dresses all from higher price ranges. At these sensationally I low prices you can afford to buy several for your spring ward-robe. J, Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ij THIRD "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" AVE. Next to Heilbioner's PHONE BLUE 907 ! THINK THIS OVER j! I If the Nazis or Japs ever occupied Canada t do you imagine you'd be given the honour J and privilege of buying any kind of Bonds? You would not! Then go all out to defeat the enemy with your money and I Buy the new I VICTORY BONDS 1 Albert & Mc'affery Ltd. PHONES 116 OR li: SS Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" every Friday. 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct "PRINCESS NORAH" Feb. 12th. 23rd, March 5th. 16th, 26th. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Feb. 8th, 19th, March 1st, 12th, 22nd. Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services FrnTPcrmLvTickets and Reservations from W W. L. I COATLS, GENERAL AGENT, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ! ' f Victory Loan Campaign Come On Prince Rupert $600,000 FROM 1800 SUBSCRIBERS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. nitlTlSH COLUMBIA 3 For 48 hours during which violent North At!a . srms rr ached a rn.ghtv pc.ik of intensity, live Canadian destroyers fought grim battles with -he elements. Damage mfUcted on these Ii.CH. ships during convoy escort duty presented graphic evidence of their terrific pounding. In one destroyer, the captain reported, the seas caused havoc on the quarterdeck-similar to the quarter-deck shown here. Repairing damage at this point during the storms' height. Sub.-LleoL Stuart O. Moore- of Vancouver, was injured. He has been mentioned in dispatches for his gallantry and reso usefulness. A petty officer is seen here emerging from the tiller flat, the ship's aftermost coupartm ent. The great sea rising up astern might easily sweep Inboard, burying the quarterdeck under tons f rushing water-Official R.C.N. Photo. Waterfront Whiffs Herring Run Continues at Laredo Inlet Few Spring Salmon Yet Uncertainty as to Coast Steamship Services. The run of h I sZ 2K . . - n 7 v . "r "icuu iiuub uii ine and let loose, the lower boat picking them up after they have drifted through. Little. Haugland ii Kerr. Terrace sawmill operators, also have a new power boat under construction for use in connection with log and pole operations m the lakes near Terrace. Canada at War 25 Years Ago cSt Ludst OI rnncess KOVal Island and has been nrn- By the Canadian Press viding an adequate supply of fish for Nelson Bros Fish ' Feb 2L ,9l7New BrtUh bakeries Ltd. cannery on the ocean dock here which is nack-,ade or.dcr. "tnded examination ior .Britain which this rnnst hoc rona t' TV, i . u. . . r . ,. . are now nearing the soawnlng pe-. , Nekhl In the Sinai Pnin.uia riod and fishing will probably be- erUln.., atir K , oraerea closed within th nATt -- 'nuu- two or three weeks n,,r.L f td'as to amship services to pS'iS' LT"1: sr.-prince rupert me wesL roajtt nr vini-nnv.. t. uui- land was ordered closed. 'far afield. C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, lng the corning summer. The uncertainty is. of course, due to war conditions ",on and !nfl sDeclal dema demand Native fishermen ar Tatrhin the odd spring salmon these Tday, , ,f , T1 appears to dtt' in ways around Port SlmpS, and J f other A!"U whlch tor manJr points " nearby However J ' "CTer. . .7 . ' years has been such of the. Jl"' sucn an an msutu- lnsuti.. noni. r,,T, as yet out and only a few X AS .',natter f lMi Un' IoS to M U have so far shown on the "i vJLu lV ,n have' retail market discouraged. The ships mnn ,i..v,., na more " """J ainacuve other trantnnrt offering at this time of year and tZ there is always popular demand for it. to important carry out at The Department of Transnort ., announces the establishment of a having hvin Sk. the biggest feP? winter's , ?"at activ- hC U new flasn,n8 red "etylene light on the southern .extremity of ity on record at his fish packing Hammer (White Cliff) Island In and smoking plant on fhe govern- Arthur Passage. The light is au-ment wharf, there being a healthy tomatlcaUy flashed at short in-demand for everything he can tervals. It is a lantern on a pole produce. The result Is that a at an elevation of fourteen feet, crew of twelve or fifteen is being The light is unwatched. A dry-kept busy all the time. The pop-,lng reef extends about seven hun-ular Unes now are shrimps, kip- dred feet southeasterly from the pers and fresh cod fillets. Some nght. ui uie proaucu are Koine auite John Hagen, sawmill operator at Vanarsdol, Just east of Terrace, building a new boat for hand' , f111"1' arrivl n ling of logs on the Skeena River. ,k u "'"""'"He does considerable logging up-from the south, sailing at 10 p.m.,rlVM' from Usk and has to bring on her return to Vancouver. For the logs through Kltselas Canyon the past three weeks the Princess t0 the miU at Vanarsdol. The Hag. Louise has been operating on ,,m( ,ather and son havc had the local run between here and i u j ...L i wuuis uuu catu unc is an , Vancouver in , place . of the Prin- imDrovement: on the 1at. Th nrc cess Adelaide which will be back craft is of the sniff type but J fU "?eXt week' The "3" than any yet used and will .Princess Louise Is to go on the be porcred with a V8 engine. Vancouver-Victoria local run now. . During high water It Is planned Summer Service Uncertain 'and amtfher below. Log rafU will There. is still nothing but un- be broujht down to the canyon DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SIIIPRUILDLRS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Urass Castlncs Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MININO MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardcna every Friday 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Leaving Feb. 10 Iilandi and 24. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Acent Third Ave. - Phone SCS EXTRA MARCH OF TIME presents "SAILORS WITH U.r,$ CAPITOL A FAMOUS FIAYIII tMIAtlf SOUTH SEA Cm. "UNUSUAL OCCfPATloxy -SADDLE SILLY ETON HEAD S ,)ElI) 1 LINCOLN. En I OTTtrrV A Of P Edward Ljrtteiu.i. a-. "Aloma" 1 Co ml nr. Here at Fir I of Week, Starring Jon Hall and Dorothy Lamour. Aloma of the South Seas." technicolor story of a tropical paradise island, the exciting high spot of which is a movie duplication of the historic disaster of Krakatoa in 1963 when a volcanic eruption Mew up an entire large .:.ind, is the feature oieture for xt Monday and Tuesday at the Capitol Theatre Jon Hall and Dorothy Lamout head the cast On a Tahlttan-lype Island. Jon Hall, educated son of a native chief, batik for the girl he loves but Philip Reed. Jon's envious cousin, is also in love with the :same girl, the glamorous Dorothy 1 Lamour. In addition to this. Philip resent the power and fortune of the chief's heir Against a background of South Sea native ' life and superstition, the two men fight it out Lynn Overman. Katherine De-,Mlllev FrtU Lelber and Dona (Drake round out the cast. i The New TIIE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY. rEDn'AI?Y CANADIAN DESTROYER BATTERED BY DECEMBER RALES Expert OPTICAL SERVICE ENDING TONIGHT Complete Shows at 7:03 and 9 30 CIIAS. DODLMEAD HOW (iREEN WAS MY VALLEY" Optomttrlst in Charge -at 7 30 and 9 57 Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving BEGINS MONDAY Thriller of the South Seas! Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China. Dinncrware, Glasses, Barrage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER, AtOMA ; JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT & SOOTH S(Efi$ KIM: ftCHNtCOl0R at l 40 S 40 5 40 7 40. 9 40 . 'MMe2aS CANADA'S SECOND VICTORY LOW pre" VARIETY PROGRAM CAIUTOL THEATRE Sunday, 9 p.m. Oaneral Adm No Children A Loses si each participate u. ) sale at Ortnr , j WONDER BRA with the Diagonal Slashes It fits every fiiurt UP beta me the new Dlafoiul Slathes open or do U meet figure trqulremrcU and permit the brrnt U adjutt Itself romfortiHj In the cup. Tearo ni while. Site it to II. Annette Ladies' Wear When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable, Dependable 122. PHONE 1 3 :.Hour Service at Regular Rates FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE 3- Plece Chesterfield Suite reg. $145. Sale price 4- Plcce Bedroom Suite- -Sale price 4-Plece Bedroom Suite .Sale price 4-Plece Bedroom Suite-Sale price w .4iucnjouiie eaie price- nMrlliW Awning RuOxia-'salc prtr Bettet Qual tjr Seamless AxmiwMbg, Bxl0Salo pr "r Sua Z?" AXmlMl Bet Better Quality v Seamless Axmlnster Rug, e'Q-xO'-Sale pr BUY NOWSAVE MONEY AT Elio's Furniture C Store THIRD AVENUE nn. If you lose anything, advertiso for iu 1 III.! ;n.ix 7IM ;&3 111.00 ;1U.00