EDITORIAL Tomorrow sT ides 1 XT K J AT iffnwav neeueu nuw . . . WW High 0:09 aan. 19.5 It. 11:59 pjn. 23.0 ft. 11any una ween uvicuaw iiunonv Uimonn. rpnrn. Low 5:55 am. 7.0 It. 18:44 p.m. 1.3 It. f nirni nt rVio' immpfHntp rmilrl NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Idtui v uutiuni vx nic xi.irtBArtIl XI 1L; il- ti j i ""-"e ---vwv, i.vj x ail L'cUlJvS. VOL. XXXI. NO. 11. PRINCE RUPERTBLC.: jyEDNESDAYrJANUARY"l47llr PRICE: FIVE CENTS We should like tA highway put through, but! re is one much moA it matter iust now nnrl iat is the hiehwav cort cattle with AlneV-j K,r To Be Removed L . w V . WY Japanese ray ot rnnce uupert ai,. approximate y five ijiinuu uuiittia. ib buuiu uc quicKiy li tne con- . 1 . i I nfill" ! - tr r i.1 nere is ouu oi uiu proposals: nut to work on t ip. nh T- 1 T rl r n r n a r- a u n Establish camps all along I supplied. Possibly some bf mi in inii't- in i 1 1 1 1 1 I J 1 1 1 I i I I f ... it T worn move rapuuy. Why this highway rather i the other. It would serve not only Prince Runert r. a SO JVGlPniKan.. 1'prprs llirrr . unonn WVonrll nnA tKa anu in iact tne wno p. rr i ri 1 1 1 1 i n ill :i rii'i iiiirn li'nn ill 1 1 T : I nu mm v 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 ; v . i ; ki sii i iniiriir !ii"iiiurim t f nil -n u n a. i in Tii" What is needed is rapid v cn inrn sprvirn a must . . . - .1 11. 1 11 L ! . . , . ....v. ill I 1 1 ;i I ii mim 1 1 1 1 1 rill inin r m liiii ' I 1'" -.....v vwv JVL nilU U Li 111 be of much value for after-war v - r- " Jil 1 i . iinrn m nnrrnnr rnn wn tn- - " l If Prince Rupert is to become a base for Pacific sup-as has been generally rumored for m a n v months St, some such move as that cessarv. The cost will bp ctuirfyi; uvur any inner transportation scheme. KVIV0RS ECOVF.RING But Four of Those Lost In bhip Torpedoed Off Nova Scotia Were Chinese A CANADIAN ATLANTIC by an .enemy submarine 160 . n9W A 1 -KT n A I 1 la n i ranvn Arnr. a rnasr. making recovery from the 1IOI1Q BVnai AHAAfl cmi f f ftxnrl in lifeboats after the ship was to the bottom. Practically all uia miuwi'h cuecis, most oj in the way of frozen ears fingers and swollen feet. I and the latest count indl-nlnety rescued which would ninety-one lost. Liiiv'uiip ucr.Min.t w t k 11111 -tf v - - " ' A 1 t i 5 me sniD. lifeboats, many by drowning. four were Chinese. jiiiHn t 1.. h mnoc 1 vmtb F.fK IIP 0NLIGHTS were out last night checking the observance of the newly luigatea blackout regulations II 111 nilcMAe nenm 1 onn HnniH and in the residential sec- They will be out again to- ind In use at residences. Those Seemed were notified in these Mby the wardens. It Is also ted out again that it is not outside when nobody Js at le In residences. j tan uh rRiiniiv ennn inawnn a is to have nil llohts Insfnntlv er control should there be an Wiraid alarm either precaution 4ui unmineni aanger. i i , .. . 1 1 t t . . the route and keep them the camns micrht bo nnnr- t'li r ii T T ny mnn r f-u " than the loncrer routo. to nr snuthnne Aioc-i- o . ii Mnr nu.a.i ii .1 iiriiiriiii mnorio nf- n ninn t 1 f " - V-1 VV It i O action so that the new route immof hfnht Tf ..v.v.w. XV IC 1 V IV, 1 .1 ... . - ,in ut ou VUIIUC&lL'll . rn hnnri n nil L. n I : ..... 'W v VI 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 sprviVp wViPrpnsj a Viin-Vi. vtii vyuiiiiMUia. l 1 1 r : tvnnHAm VVllUllli suggested will be absolutely pnmnnmtivoif v D,r,n COL. KNOX SUSPICIOUS Does Not Believe Stories of Internal Unrest and "Terrible Situation" in Germany. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14: CP-Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox said today that he believed stories of internal unrest in Germany were spurious and deliberately spread to take the edge of America's war effort. ' "Almost every one of the stories about a terrible situation in Germany originates in territory controlled by Germany. This alone should arouse suspicion," Col. Knox said. STATUS IS UNCHANGED Eire Not Helping Anybody In War Will Fight Aggressor DUBLIN, Jan. 14: Eire's status of neutrality In the war will remain unchanged, announces Pre mier Eamonn de Valcra. Nothing will be done to disturb it such as the granting of sites for bases. Eire will defend Itself from any aggression, whoever the aggressor may be. Council At Pt. Simpson Joseph Offutt Chief There tor Year Others in Charge of Village Affairs. Joseph Offutt has been elected chief councillor of the village of Port Simpson for the coming year. Other councillors are. Aiirca Price, Phillip J. Green, Elijah Pollard, William R. Simpson, John Sankev. Mark Green. Jacob Mor rison, Stephen Morrison, Samuel Hughes, John C. Tait and Henry Helln. The village constables for the year are Phillip Green Jr., Fred Campbell, Charles Sankev and Joshua Thlt, JAPANESE TO INVADE AUSTRALIA Possible MaJor Stand May Be Made There Progress of Far East War WAVEI.L IN ACTION Cencial Sir Archibald Wavell, commander-in-chief iof the new Allied Far East command, has arrived in the East Indies and already has launched a series of dynamic counter blows against Japanese invasion forces, military dispatches said to-day. Dutch troops were reported moving Into action on the border of the Kingdom of Sara wak wheic Japanese troops have seized the capital of Kuching and most of the northern territory. Simultaneously Netherlands planes bombed Japanese-occupied Tarakan Island and a Japanese base in southern Philippines. Official announcement at Ilangoon says "further antiaircraft reinforcements have m arrived in Burma and more are I on the way." WASHINGTON. D.C., Jan. 14: Oi The Japanese thrust into the Celebes Indicates that Tokyo -.war lords may be aiming at an early invasion of Australia as the next objective. Some Washington observers envisage the grim possibility that the united nations may be forced back to Australia before a major counter-offensive could be launched. A British military expert in London declares the loss of all Borneo and 'the" Celebes4 Is likely "unless heavy aerial and naval reinforcements for their defence soon arrive. The Japanese staged their heaviest daylight air attack on Singapore yesterday but the enemy planes were driven off with heavy losses to themselves while the base suffered but slight damage. In addition to attacking Singa pore proper, Japanese bomoers today smashed at British troops at tempting to hold a new defence line 150 miles up the Malay Penin sula after abandoning Kuala Lum pur In a retreat described as car ried out in good order and rela tively few casualties. The withdrawal irom Kuala Lumpur took nine hours and was accompanied by remarkably few casualties. The Japanese are al ready hammering at the new British defence line 150 miles north of Singapore. British Malayan troops, leaving a trail of destruction In their wake, are continuing their withdrawal to the narrowest point of the Malay Peninsula, thus gradually shortening the line for a more effective stand. At Seremben the width of the peninsula is 120 miles. Sixty miles below Seremben the peninsula norrows down to eighty miles In width. Demolition operations of the Royal Canadian Engineers are slowing up the Japanese advance. Fresh British regulars and Australians are reported to have been landed in Malaya. Royal Air Force planes operating from Burma arc continuing effective raids on bases of the Japanese In Thailand, railway lines, oil depots and other objectives being hit. Within three days, It is predict ed in some quarters, the Allies will have air superiority over Malay. In the Philippine theatre today a Tokyo press dispatch claimed that Japanese troops had won control" bfjlhc? 'gateway to Batan Peninsula. Five Japanese warships, and five transport vessels have been struck by British and American bombers during the past forty-eight hours and ten enemy planes have been brought down. Earl Batt returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from( a trip to Vancouver. president Of Norway Here During Spring I An Important v I s 1 1 o r to Prince Rupert during the coming spring, probably In May will be President J. C. Hambro of the Norwegian Storthing (parliament. Pres- ldent Hambro now living In New York following the Nazi nrrr.unat.lnn nf his homplnnri will be here in the course of a tour of Canada. CABINET CHANGES Lord Beaverbrook Is Expected to Remain in United States. LONDON, Jan. 14: 0,-Changes tne camnet were described as imminent today in parliamentary circles with .some informants say- iHS tnat a new minister of supply might be appointed not because of any dissatisfaction with Lord Bea verbrook but because he is expected to remain In Washington to help co-ordinate Allied supply problems. The changes may be announced even before the return of Prime Minister Winston Churchill from the United Statesi and Canada. ASSISTANCE TO AIRCRAFT reople of Coast Asked To Give Help Speedily In Forced Landings VICTORIA, Jan. 14: Air Commodore L. F. Stevenson, officer commanding, Western Air Command, asks the people of the coast to give every assistance possible In the event of forced landings which, with greater numbers of aircraft now operating along th coast, will become more frequent. Communities and individ uals are requested to dispatch boats to the assistance of aircraft without delay when such assistance is needed. AMENDMENT IS BEATEN C, F. Conscription Amendment Defeated 26 to 11 VICTORIA, Jan. 14: The coali tion government was sustained bj a vote of 26 to 14 in the first division of the new legislature. A C.C.F. amendment calling for conscription of wealth, natural resources and manpower was rejected. Herbert Gargrave, C.C.F member for Mackenzie, criticised the handling of the A. R. P. willTnow fate soon Japan Willing to Send Information via Red Cross Regarding Hong Kong Prisoners. OTTAWA. Jan. 14: The federal government hopes to soon receive word as to the fate of Canadians in the British garrison at Hong Kong. The Japanese government expresses willingness to transmit information regarding prisoners through the International Red Cross. Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena. arrived in the city on last night's train from Smlthers and will sail on the Prince George tomorrow night for Vancouver enroute to Ottawa to attend the session of parliament. New Federal Regulations In Regard To Enemy Aliens Are Announced At Ottawa Today AXISSTAND BEING MADE nrilish 'Makc Contact Wllh Enem On Gulf of Cirte CAIRO, Jan. 14: An unexpected stand is being made by Axis forces on the Gulf of Cirte, south of Agedabia, the British havin made contact with them. It was a Scottish regiment from Transvaal which captured Salum near the Egyptian frontier, it is announced, and Is now in occupancy there. The British comimand today re- J'! C" tivlty on the Libyan front but announced British advance forces were increasing pressure on the main body of Axis forces south of El Agheila. WORST IS NOW OVER So Says Iningrad Radio As Siege Is Lifted Reds Gaining Everywhere WHOLE FRONT MnniLFT' - t MOSCOW, Jan. 14: Q A military writer in Izvestia said today that the Russian capture of Gorokhovo near Moshaisk had eliminated "the last zone of positional warfare on the Moscow front" and the whole front was now in motion. He said the Germans had maintained a stable line until the fall of Gorokhovo but now the German wing had collapsed. The Red Army was pressing the Germans on the central Moshaisk front. MOSCOW, Jan, 14: "The worst Is now over," said the Leningrad adio in speaking on the relief of he long Nazi siege which Is now being lifted with the defeat of the Nazi assailants. The railway from Tikvln to Leningrad is now open again. Two more important cities west if Moscow, Including . the railway centre of Kerov, have been recaptured. The Russians are now conducting an effective attack against the enemy in the Far North. To the south in the Crimea, where the weather is less severe, the Germans are making their best show at resistance although they are also falling back there. URUGUAY AND U.S. Lease-Lend Agreement Is Signed Up With South American Republic WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 14: Uruguay has signed a lease-lend agreement with the United States providing for a supply of military equipment to an amount of some $17,000,000 to $20,000,000 per year, U.S. Legation Is Occupied Japanese Take Over At Bangkok-Minister and Staff Confined BANKOK, Jan. 14: Japanese have occupied the United States legation In Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. The minister, Willis R. Peck, and his staff have been confined. Whole Idea Is to Guarantee Just Treatment While Safeguarding, Canada's National Interest Details of Program. OTTAWA, Jan. 14: (CP)-Japanese and enemy aliens of whatever origin except those holding police permits to remain are; to be removed from defense areas )f British Columbia, it was announced today. Civilian :orps of Canadian Japanese will be organized to provide Dpportunities for service by those Japanese who have expressed desire to assist in Canada's war effort. . These measures are announced by an inter-de partmental committee which has been considering the Japanese problem for several days. They are designed, an announcement said, to guarantee Just treatment to Japanese while safeguarding Canada's national Interest. The prograni includes thfe following steps: All Japanese fishing operations on the Pacific Coast are prohib ited and the fleet of 1100 vessels immobilized pending negotiations for transfer to Canadian operators. For the duration of the war sale of gasoline and explosives to persons of Japanese racial origin will be controlled by the Royal Cana dian Mounted Police Japanese nationals will be for bidden to possess or use short wave radio receiving sets, radio trans mitters and cameras. A civilian corpy of Canadian Japanese will be. organized At a date to be fixed all enemy aliens of whatever racial origin, except those holding Royal Cana dlan Mounted Police permits, will be required to move from 'pro tected areas" on the Pacific Coast and accommodation will be provided by the federal government where necessary. MAY BREAK WITH AXIS Nineteen Nations May Rupture Relations at Rio Conference RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan. 14: Nineteen Pan-American nations, at a "Good Neighbor" conference, to open here Thursday, may break off simultaneously with the Axis powers. Argentina and Chili are believed to be the only nations that would not favor a rupture. TODAY'S STOCKS (OourUey 8. D. Johnston Co.). Vancouver Grandview -- .18 Bralorne 8.60 Cariboo Quartz 1.70 Hedley Mascot 34 Pend Oreille 1.65 Pioneer 2.00 Premier 58 Privateer t 42 Reno .15 Sheep Creek 80 Oils Calmont 16 C. & E. 1.15 Home 2.60 Royal Canadian 04 Toronto .Beattle 90 Central Patricia 1.20 Consolidated Smelters 38.50 Hardrock .48 Kerr Addison 3.95 Little Long Lac 1.20 McLeod Cockshutt 1.61 Madsen Red Lake ' .49 McKenzie Red Lake 93 Moneta 24Vfc Pickle Crow 2.26 Preston East Dome 3.00 San Antonio 1.92, Sherrltt Gordon .97 C.N.R. steamer Prince George, capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived in port at 11:30 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Ketchikan and Stew' art whence she is due back here tomorrow nigm soutnbound. BATTLE OF ATLANTIC IMPORTANT Cannot Expect To Clear Japan From Pacific All At Once NEW YORK, Jan. 14:-Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox said here that distance, time and wide distribution have been factors against the Allies in the Pacific. It could not have been expected that Japan would be cleared all at once from the sea. The Battle of the Atlantic was still the most important issue in the war. FRICTION SPREADING Protest Made at Gestapo Perse-Men cuting German U-Boat LONDON, Jan. 14: Friction is reported to be spreading from army to navy. Admiral Dernets, commander-in-chief of German submarines, has objected to Admiral Raeder at the persecution of submarine men by the Gestapo. Dernets also charges Raeder with exaggerating losses inflicted upon enemy shipping and the number of German submarines building. PENSIONS INCREASED Premier Hart Asks Ottawa For Better Consideration of Aged VICTORIA, Jan. 14: Premier John Hart announces that he has asked the federal government to Increase old age pensions to $30 per month and make them payable at the age of 65. At present the pensions are $20 and are not payable before 70 years. Burnaby Man Is Presumed Dead Robert Cooper McLarty Has Been Lost At Sea, Parents Advised VANCOUVER, Jan. 14: The parents of Robert Cooper McLarty of Burnaby have been advised that he Is presumed dead, his ship having been missing since June. Why Seattle Has Blackout Barrage Balloon Got Away And Hit Main Power Line SEATTLE, Jan. HJ-eattle was blacked out for a while from light supply line Monday as a result of a barrage balloon hitting a main power line.